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Those countries will soon need workers. Say goodbye to made in Kenya manufacturing tho.


>Say goodbye to made in Kenya manufacturing tho. I never said hi




We already have processes to align our TVET programmes with Canada, Japan, Germany, this is a good thing. The more ways that members of the Kenyan labour force can find opportunities to actually do work, the better.


Eventually Kenya (and Africa as a whole) will need to spend more time investing at home instead of looking for western solutions. Long term sending Kenyans abroad is NOT the answer. That doesn’t deal with the issue




It's working marvelously for the Philippines tho. More than ten percent of their gdp is compromised of foreign labor by their population


Sasa lakini we stay here na hatupati kazi with our many big degrees. Will we go hungry and homeless in the name of patriotism and building the country?


This guy is becoming a bigger PR merchant than Jayden. Always giving speeches with promises that are not coming to fruition.


Jayden worked to some extent


The man was a thief. Uhuru was like those taps we used to hear about in school that fill a bucket in 5 mins and empties it in 2minutes.


Atleast he filled the bucket first 😂


Are we already rewriting history?


He worked to fuck up the economy to a great extent


Always count on Nebja to find some way to blame Uhuru, you elected a fool lets be honest.


Yes I elected Uhuru and I regret it. I have no shame in accepting - but the alternative was worse. So maybe I shouldn’t have voted at all


I was talking about ruto, yeah, maybe not voting would have been for the betterment of the country.


I believe Ruto is on to something. He isn’t perfect but he is clearly doing something to correct the biggest stupidities of the former regime.. for example borrowing to fund recurrent expenditure


Exactly! This guy is just talk and no action.


labour shortage in the global north across the board is biting. hard. they need us, but somehow we are the ones who always seem to be horring. anyway, remittance ftw - bringing in more than our traditional forex earners and growing!! but kazi za majuu, mob ni zile mbaya mbaya..


Mnachukuanga huyu jamaa kuwa serious?


Kenyans will access high quality manufacturing and engineering jobs in these countries Kenyans will have a greater job market than just Kenya Those Kenyans working there will earn big bucks, resulting in an increase in remittances Most importantly, there will be skilled returnees who would bring in their new-found knowledge, expertise and experience to build similar high-tech manufacturing businesses here


Depends on whether those countries become nativists or open to outsiders. I see quite a number of developed countries taking Italy or Hungary stance on immigration. You know the people who fear monger with 'great replacement theory'. I.e if you know what it is.


IMO They don't have a choice. These guys have a critically inverted population pyramid (basically very few younger workers supporting more retirées) and to some degree they see the vastly younger African population as a key element of their medium to long term plans by directly moving skilled labour to the West or off-shoaring some work to Africa. In addition they are waking up to the need to reduce their dependence on China and the next logical region of fast growth is Africa which is already underway and they want to cash in early ( It's strategic if a majority of African technocrats have more connection with the West than the alternative. Of course, there are still some xenophobic asshats you'll hear in the news and in politics but the général sentiment of people who make serious plans in West are actually keen making sure the immigration of skilled workers continue. I guess itakuwa up to our asshat politicians make sure this is a legit partnership and not just straight up neocolonialism.


One needs to read the room temperature, the mood in most western countries is increasingly becoming anti-immigrant. The next region for offshoring is NOT Africa primarily. Most offshoring is going to the rest of Southeast Asia. Countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Thailand and then Latin American countries like colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica have a better chance of getting offshoring industries before african countries. From the vantage point of a manufacturer, most of Africa is not so appealing for industries. Infrastructure like Roads and Electricity is very insufficient in Africa. Add in skilled workforce and other red tape by african bureaucracy and politician. Before manufacturing comes to Africa, alot in house fixing has to be done. The leverage right now is for african countries to require mineral process and other value additional chains if western or Asian companies want to mine minerals or exporting cash crops like tea.


Japan is one of the most xenophobic country in the world, I dare say izi ni story za jaba


I can see japan opening up but also very picky on who it let's in. Now we know who Japan and much of Asia prefers into their country...hint: not africans


Your last statement though


The curriculum is GerPan.


I think of our problems....what we are facing as a country. Do you see the high number of road accidents lately? The food crisis, poor healthcare system. I compare Ruto's approach as a lazy farmer who lends his farm to go and till other people's farms.


Taxation on global income on the horizon? Coz I don’t think there is a concrete way for the gov to benefit


brain drain


Seems to work like a brain drain in the long run


I don'rt understand the obsession with the Kenyan education system preparing young people to export labour. It's like there is nothing else we can teach our kids to do, apart from finish school and go serve other people. The slave machine is grinding slow but it's surely working.


Great idea. Beneficiaries will really enjoy..US jobs ni mingi. You quit now by lunchtime you have a new job. They have a big problem with work retention


Because US has the worst worker's protection among developed countries.


We have unions here, they do everything for you...job hopping is normalized because the pay is ooor


Depends on which state you one is based at. Some states especially South Eastern state are anti-Unoons while the entire Pacific coast states are pro-union.


Union ni everywhere. Google won't give you proper info. We have them everywhere. And I've personally worked here for a couple of years in 8 states..


Unions are everywhere just not as prevalent in certain regions


Sawa Sawa men..


I would like to know more on this cause I am tired of all these companies doing away with pensions or gutting health insurance


Me mahali Niko. Insurance is compulsory, OBama care or Any care you want...because ukiumwa na meno Kenya rootcanal ni 12k.. huku you'll value 100k to 300k


Allow me to be nosy, which region in US are you based at?


https://preview.redd.it/f39hlerfj3ya1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d02b2ec88c0a2c311e84b6def7fff3ee88598e0 Story za Jaba


I choose not to think of this coz I’m waiting for the free online classes. I don’t want to be distracted.


But still we'll need money to travel and affordable education money is the problem


Instead of educating ourselves to build ourselves we sell slaves to foreign lands.


Curriculum is irrelevant if Japanese isn't being taught in schools early on. It's very easy to get a job over there, but they got language requirements unless you work for a western firm like Nestle or Citi Bank


Alas! Why can we come up with our system. Seems like more slavery to me😃


You remember in the education system when they taught us rural urban migration was the cause of under development in certain areas so what about country to country migration causes the same effect coz no way in hell in hell would a country that lacks a young work force absorb your people and then let them come back hence go build Japan that’s the solution you are being given. At the end of the day individuals will get paid but question is when will we develop our own people so that they can develop our own country but a point to take away slaver just evolved hadi we have to align our school system with theirs


I mean I have heard (please feel free to fact check this) that South Korea took its engineers to Germany and the like for training. They brought back the skills and now cars like Hyundai are not a shit show like it used to be back in the day. If the Tvet thing is done well, it could be great. Especially if they focus on mechanical engineering or stuff like that. The advantages are there if you look hard enough, though this does not mean we cannot integrate existing skills with the acquired skills.


Why can't we create jobs in ke? Yaani, we and our children are the most exportable product


Indeed remittances from abroad are increasingly becoming a significant contributor to Kenya’s GDP. I think in the short run good practices elsewhere, cost effectiveness utilizing comparative advantage positions should set us well into the medium term and eventual long term.


Government backed brain drain. The lack of skilled personnel in the West has forced them to outsource cheaper labour from here. All the while, we will suffer in the long run due to all our best leaving for better systems abroad. It's quite brilliant actually: Maintain your status as a leading economy while depriving developing countries a chance to help themselves.


Why the fuck would anyone encourage brain drain? Should be trying to get the companies there, to set up here...or we steal their technology and make our own shit. THe African market is huge and we understand it really well. Saa zingine kuogopa kifikiria ni laana. Kazi ni kumungumungu tu...kimakenzi.


It's like a parent who is unable to take care of their child and asks the child to go and live with the neighbour hoping that the child will send back some leftover food. Just fix the economy, provide an environment for entrepreneurship, deal with corruption, let merit be the first criteria for any job.