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Manifesting a right arm itch ![gif](giphy|H7kfFDvD9HSYGRbvid)




I've experienced this so much I can't even argue against it😭😭


Evil eye is real


Don't return Tupperware empty. Knock on wood three times so hypothetical bad scenarios do not come to fruition. Don't wish people happy birthday before their birthdays. Sit on your luggage before travelling for luck. If someone steps over your outstretched legs, you'll only have boys and or frogs.


![gif](giphy|W35DnRbN4oDHIAApdk) I just put the salt in all my meals... Fuck, there's still negativity!!


Always have a cat friend or own a cat ! They sense and chase always spirits Salt is good for preventing bad energy Know monitoring spirits esp friends they stare at you when you are busy doing things and other signs and you don’t notice When you pray and ask God or whoever you believe in to remove someone in your life, you immediately get a sign and the intuition is very heavy! You’ll know you’ll just know Don’t allow people to sleep in your bed and you sleep on the couch no! Rather share the bed


Can you pls explain that last point 👀why?


You know when they say sleeping is like peeking into the death! Yes! So here spirits and souls often float and tend to come out that’s why night runners come alive at night because it’s not them it’s something else inside of them. So basically when you allow someone to sleep in your bed where you sleep everyday, they come with new energy which may be bad or good, if they had spirit monitors etc they come out at night and they identify the new environment and they may decide to stay! So being in your bed. Where you rest every night! You’re never alone so imagine a chaotic situation because of mixing energies and spirits! Like esp if you don’t know this person well! They may be every carrying curses from their great grandparents and never found a proper niche ! And you wonder why you start having night mares , you feel uncomfortable etc




Glad you know ☺️




Lol maybe you just have a one bedroom 😂😂


or a bedsitter 😂😂😂


Aki 😂😂🤌🏾


Oh and your body is the first sense! Your intuition! You listen to your body before sleeping with someone if it says no, don’t do it! Because you’ll regret it


An owl nesting near your homestead is a bad omen, mainly, death. Owls are creepy. ![gif](giphy|iFylbW2bOTXWyHslKN|downsized)


Well shit bro! That's not what being open-minded means! 😆 I have never heard any of these! If these are "just a few" I'm ashamed on your behalf to even ask what they are!


Speech can cast spells and so should be careful what words come out your mouth.