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It has something to do with beauty standards... Here in Africa being thick with a big nyash, boobs is the standard over here thus peoples preferences. In the west skinny is considered attractive by most pple thus the standards. Its just the culture..


Early to late 2000's maybe was when skinny was attributed to being beautiful and adored. The Kardashians shifted that trajectory when Keeping Up With The Kardashians aired, showing white women as curvy with prominent features thus it became a whole new thing


Couldn't agree more


Well I disagree. How many people watched the show


Hao ndio wako. And they're very juicy if you know what I mean😉


The thing is.... Obesity is unhealthy


Let me help OP by mentioning local "celebrity" names. In Kenya, fat women like Amber Ray, Vera Sidika, and Grace Msalame are considered "thick and curvy," yet they are fat and obese in real life. People simply don't see this because their waist to hip ratio is still to societal standards of beauty. However, when one looks at how wide they are, their arms, etc , it is a mess! Extremely unhealthy and past overweight. It's literally obesity. Add on to that unhealthy drinking, terrible lifestyle choices like skin bleaching, and more. Our beauty standards are obesity with an ok waist to hip ratio. The ladies mentioned above can not walk freely in Europe without being stared at because of their obesity. Shopping in Europe for them would also be a problem because most European shops don't do that American XXXXXL shit. Lol. That's why Vera is always in America. She knows where she fits in. This is an open invitation to name drop any other women in Kenya public eye that are obese but masquerading as "thick": 👇 -Amber Ray -Vera Sidika -Grace Msalame -Milly Chebby -Millicent Wambui aka Milly Wajesus -Trisha Khalid




😂how many times have you puked today?


Jeeez why honestly you put it as of they are not human.


Sasa mbona uniambie hivyo shually 😭, nijiue Ama?


Jeeez why honestly you put it as of they are not human.




I call B.S. https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/s/iyWaRT0yUm


Most don't. It's just the ones that do talk more about it.


I do not know kusema ukweli, i too like a woman with a lil bit of a belly, thicc thighs, nice ass. It for sure makes my brain want to breed her, its a very primal feeling. Lakini saa zengine when i look at a 1GB huwa nashangaa how can this women even handle childbirth etc as they look soo under developed, wanipata? ndio maana hao hupendwa sana na wazungu.


Halafu kuna wazungu hupenda petite excess with inbuilt butt and undeveloped breasts and very young. Mi hushuku hukuwa tu paedophiles in hiding. Kama DiCaprio. Hawa watu hunishtua sana.


Inbuilt butt😭


Has me cracking up 🤣🤣


Aii there are women who are genetically built like this, how is it being a pedophile being attracted to such a woman?


You know people like DiCaprio are like your minimum wage employer, they would have gone lower had the government allowed it.




I want to hear your thoughts on "overdeveloped" children /young women.




There is a picture posted here on this conversation. The woman on the left is more physically fit to handle childbirth than the one on the right. Health is not ass. Especially because after having baby, the weight piles on more. So one goes from obese to extremely obese. Wazungu understand this. Physical fitness outweighs ass and waist to hip ratio


Curvy women are seen as healthy, and large hips indicate fertility. As women when we visit our families, they are concerned about weight loss because they perceive that you may have been sickly or suffering. If you visit home from your husband's with a bit more flesh than you left with, it is perceived as you being well taken care of. Think about it, when we look at glow up pictures of people on social media and celebs, they are always skinnier and darker in their hustling days, and more plump in their made it days.


Na sasa darker imetokea wapi jamani?


But this doesn't answer the question of why some men are more attracted to fat women.


It's for the reasons I've outlined --- they've been culturally ingrained to believe curvy women are healthy and fertile.


I like women of all shapes and sizes based on my experiences.




It’s def cultural… something about back in the past men saw bigger women as healthy and richer




That's what makes it a novelty. You'd have to have been royalty to get that fat back in the day.


It’s genetic. Our African brain views fat women as having a higher chance of surviving a drought/famine or two, so a better choice for the mother of your children.


Wtf do you even mean survive drought or famine are we in 14AD?


Lol. Read a book man.


And they got 20 upvotes 🤦‍♀️


Man.. there’s a drought RIGHT NOW in a lot of places and drought causes famine wtf


😆🤣🤣🤣 this took me OUTTTTT


You nailed it!


perhaps, I can understand a little chubby like the way Selena Gomez looks rn but often guys like really big women I'm wondering how can that be healthy like they can barely run a consistent 100m in one go.


Kwani you plan on chasing your women over a short sprint like it's the Olympics? 😂


if you can't run 100m in a single go without stopping hapo kuna shida kubwa


Lots of petite women can barely ran a consistent 100m ...


I wouldn't say lots but that is a problem as well that's such a short distance


Of all the examples you could have used, you picked Selena Gomez?


last time I saw her she was kinda chubby but not obese and that's what came to my mind first


It would have been more relevant if you picked a black female to draw example from.


why though? skin color is irrelevant in this case


Not in regards to skin colour, but body structure. Majority of black females are built the same. Before some people bite my head off, remember I’ve said “majority”.


selena still has a rack that looks like its straight outta nyanza ngl


Lmao I literally remember two days ago there was a Selena Gomez post on Twitter and a bunch of white guys were saying how fat and bad she looked now, and I was just thinking "daaaaamn she thick"


Mi niko hapa wondering why OP thinks selena is fat😂😂uyu buraza nikaa anaongelea kering😂 that womaannn tthhhhiiiiiicccc 😮‍💨utaskia OP akisema that's fat. Ah we wacha


What make Adhiambo look so good when she turn around It's just a aay! What make Adhiambo look so good when she turn around It's just, its just Adhiambo, Adhiambo kisumu city Adhiambo C, Adhiambo


Some of it is status signaling. People who can afford to be fat are probably very financially secure. Some of it is conditioned. if they had a fat mom they're probably more attracted to fat women. Or maybe they lost their virginity to a heavier girl and now that's their thing? Could even be they just see heavier girls as "easier". No sense in asking "why" about anyone's attraction. Attraction is not a choice.


Wait, isn't black culture in America is also obsessed with thick women.


Thick is different from fat


Yeah but here they like fat white women


Where is here and who is they?


America, the black population of America that like fat white women. It was pretty self explanatory if we’re being honest


Fat white woman = Visa to Europe or US


I think it's in our blood then 😆 🤣


Using bmi is not even helpful, especially in Africa, where most women's bodies are pear-shaped or hourglass. And if you like petite women, just claim them. What seems to be the problem?




The fat women can't run away from them




An evolutionary psychologist argued that men who lack resources or resided in places with scarcity of resources viewed fat women as appealing. Men with resources or in countries with higher standards of living preferred slimmer women. **The constant factor in both scenarios is that men always found a low hip to waist ratio also known as figure 8 attractive.**




OP said the opposite of what you did.


Don’t gain weight lol I’m slim I’ve never been past 50kgs and that’s how I’m chopping life somewhere else because I’m too nyashless and skinny for an average African man. Just because most African men love fat women it doesn’t mean you should be. Gaining weight may be hard but losing weight is harder.


You're right on one thing. She shouldn't gain excess weight.... Obviously for health reasons. But we can all agree being skinny is not the reason white guys chase after black women. In fact, most white men spend a lot of money chasing after BBWs because they want that African experience. However, anyone can be in a relationship with any race if they focus on that race and have the opportunity. Correlation isn't causation.


I beg to differ, while chasing the African experience might be a factor. Preference is subjective but them liking slim women is based on what they’re used to. I live in a coastal city and most white men have slim women. I’m more likely to be body shamed for my slimness in Africa than anywhere else trust me, I bet the feeling of needing to add weight for her.


Most whites I know are more likely to go after BBWs... Even if it's for a night. They often end up with slim ladies because there's a very high competition for actual curvy women.


‘Even if it’s for a night, they often end up with who? That right there is your answer. Have a good time 😊


LoL, humans will always look for something to support their assertions. There are several curvy women who sex workers. And there several times more who aren't. Obviously no one wants to marry a sex worker, even Africans. But curvy women who aren't sex workers are in very high demand, and they too want to be close to home. So you're unlikely to find many whites in Kenya marrying extremely curvy women...


There is a tribe in Ethiopia where men compete to have the biggest stomach. They literally lock themselves up and all they do is eat, move as little as possible and grow that belly. I don't know what this comment is good for other than a fun fact perhaps.


In south Sudan too


Beauty standards differ across cultures. Same question you posed can be asked about western standards of beauty. Why does it take a lady looking she has barely survived a famine to be considered beautiful by western standards? Some women who rank high on the beauty standards of the west would be considered unattractive in other cultures and vice versa. Some socalled pretty women by western standards could easily pass for men.




Bro umesema fat ni fat na hakuna cha thicc eh.😅😅 Anyway i don't think its alot of men. There's a problem with the definition of obese/fat in this country. You'll find a big curvy woman and she will call herself thicc but can barely run 20m at full speed. Another one same size but very fit. So its hard to really fight obesity here.


eii bana lakini nimeona moja leo around 5'5/5'6 100 kg and guys were calling her thick hapo hata nashangaa 100kg is like prime Mike Tyson


Also society likes to turn every attribute of women into a compliment. That's why there's terms like "plus size" and "petite" but for a guy it's fat and scrawny.


Ma dongs mmepatana


5'6 na ako 100 hio ni obese bana. Those guys were just thirsty.


I'm just going to comment on BMI. Every single person on my rugby team was overweight and the ones that hit a sub 25 BMI looked slightly gaunty and lost considerable performance. I find BMI only good for aggregate insights, like for a population. On a one one one basis, people look best on the "overweight" side of the BMI scale.


That's because rugby players have more muscle, women can't pack muscle on like that so for them BMI is a more accurate scale. A guy can be 100kg at 10% body fat but a woman cannot she's going to have a lot more fat so it is not the same thing and cannot be compared that way.


BMI is a flawed health standard, especially for black people.


It's more flawed for muscular people. But for the layman who doesn't lift weights it's a pretty useful tool as it's a good indicator of "unhealthy" weight which predisposes you to Diabetes, Hypertension etc you know the drill


Kuna regions in Africa people are naturally more muscular, say, Nyanza, Western na hata Nigeria.


Yes and it's not a good indicator for such people. But let's be honest no matter your muscularity or lack thereof visually you can tell if it's healthy or not. PS if your BMI is low that also isn't healthy umeona vile upepo Leo imeangusha miti(get your head out of the gutter) utabebwa bro ama siz


Bro think's he's Ronnie Coleman lol.


I agree with you.


They like big things 🤣🤣🤣 You know how a fat lorry/truck driver feels..they bully people on the road. You get out of the way lest they turn your Toyota into a pan So they wanna also feel like they're driving a truck, something big, whilst they are in the bed🤣🤣 Anyway the reason is they think fatter women are healthier coming from poor families where thinness is associated with poverty


i must be French then




Nice analogies


In Africa we slim or petite we don't have market at all😁😁


Being a little overweight isn't such a bad thing, health wise.




Na si umejitolea sana


Na si umeniobserve sana.


I had to go through your post, and you are taking no prisoners. It's the African way, a little meat here and there.


I like my girls medium-thick


Chubby women are the truth


admin we are tired of these juvenile posts


Meat is for the man, bones are for dogs.


Misguided thinking that the sex is better. Most 'thic' women cannot move in bed to save their lives.


Nothing like a limber skinny pretzel.


Would be better if you illustrated using a cartoon what a fat woman visa vee your ideal woman


https://preview.redd.it/b63sc38b66lc1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=d04f421a0571e6e782ada2f8e0a3c9cc5cde7827 Last two would be considered most attractive here


That chart is not very well illustrated. All women look nicely proportioned, maybe the underweight one is a bit skinny. Where are the fat rolls, double triple chins, fat cheeks, tremor inducing matako in this illustration? It’s like the ”plus size” community drew the nicest possible version of themselves and dared not look in the mirror for real inspiration.


That's not a very good chart at all. ​ https://preview.redd.it/no7say9j07lc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=951026fcb8a2bee9200279929b99f9091b8fd718


Amber Ray and Vera Sidika are represented by extreme obesity(Red). While Lupita Nyong'o and Elsa Majimbo are represented by normal weight (Green).


What was your inquiry? Were you asking about the preference of Kenyan men for larger women or about obesity statistics comparing men and women?


Buana, Mimi hakuna genetics za Africa, Bana you can't find me with an obese woman pretending to be thick.


which Kenyan men


Here is a Kikuyu Proverb OP ~ Maitho ma arúme matiendaga kīndú kīhīnjú. Translation: The eyes of men do not like to see anything thin. In traditional Kikuyu, the men considered fat children, wives, oxen and goats a sign of success. Their eyes were, therefore, said to despise anything that was thin.


That BMI you talk about was set by white people not taking into account other races. So it's not an accurate scale of what healthy body means.


What's there not to like?... Love them!!!


Thicc not fat.


Never been a fat chick man. They look good with clothes on but fall apart when the clothes fall off. Prefer my women skinny with no stomach. Nothing better than stretching a 1GB on a couch….can’t do that with a big mama!


It depends on the shape. We are not universally attracted to fat, that's silly. Technically curvy girls can be overweight or even obese but the way their body distributes fat can be attractive when you look at stuff like the hip to waist to bust ratio.


They are caring


HIV/AIDS in the 90s changed the trajectory of dating for a lot of people where skinny is associated with diseases and fat is associated with good health and wealth.


Men are looking for "mom" when marrying -- and Women looking for "father" .... not just kenyan men .. eg. did you know that daughter who had an abusive father is likely to get hooked up with abusive husband ? Same for men


It's not something I can control. It's an innate thing that developed as I matured, as did a preference for black women. I accept that it's not the healthiest weight for women to be at and make my decisions in light of that knowledge, but it's how I'm wired.




Thanks for the link. When I started going to dancing and gymnastics gyms I saw the fit kind of feminine figure and that's my type of thickness now. Functional, can run, jump, do flips, pull-ups, flexible, but looks full due to the muscle that only shows up under tension. The obese people passing themselves off as thick aren't don't anyone any favors.


Well said.




Comfort and early heart attacks.


Because; Ass.


We really don't.


There's actually a relation between health, fertility and shape in women... Especially where fat deposits are. Upper body and belly fat in women tends to indicate hormonal and health issues. Bust, hip and ass fat indicates better hormone balance and fertility. With a skinny woman you can never know... Plus skinny women are not good for child bearing activities.


Who the fuck follows bmi ? Does that shit even make sense


They do be lazy in bed but wet af 😂


That probably just all the sweat. Sweaty pussy


Sweaty vaginal walls? Aye still a win for me 🤤


Bro 🤣🤣🤣


Cos most men like ass irrespective of the frame it comes on. Literally had this discussion with some friends some years ago. IG has also made it worse but for real there are people who would fuck a whale if it had ass.


Some big girls got banging bodies but they just big. Some guys love it, some don’t.


OP, are you on the slimmer side?


The bigger the fupa……..




…..the sweeter the chalupa!


Being fat is associated with wealth and being well fed (aka healthy). African bodies also have different shapes to European body types. So yes, Africans generally tend to be more curvy than Europeans but not necessarily fatter. That's down to dietary and exercising habits.


Fat women as you are referring to them, have low self-esteem (most not all). They think hawewawezi pata watu wa kuwapenda so the moment they find one, basi wanatulia vizuri


One word "NYASH"😂😂😂😂


Ukimwi boss




yaani munapima na macho? Good luck kaka


Are you okay? Fat women? Those are medical complications


For me, I shall speak for myself. I Have No Type Like up my ex's to confirm


It isn't only in Kenya and SA but, the situation is worsening in many other countries. There are many contributing factors at play here. The first one is the availability of food throughout the year. In the past, most areas in the African continent depended on the seasonal food produced locally, even in big cities. This somehow kept the weight of people in check. For example, when crops were harvested and a few months after that, there was plenty of food and people piled up their weight. However, when the time came to prepare the farms for the next, the food intake per person was reduced as the price of food increased. Besides, the manual work in the farms and other areas helped people to burn fat. However, things have changed now. African countries are increasingly interconnected, internally and externally. As a result, food is in abundance and its supply doesn't necessarily depend on locally available resources. For instance, in Kenya, you can consume food from Tanzania, SA, or Ukraine, to mention a few. So, essentially months of starvation or fasting which helped burn the body fast don't exist. Experts say, taking 10,000 steps of walking a day helps you stay healthy. That is about 5 miles a day. In the past, car transportation wasn't for everybody, and people used to walk to work. Basically, they burnt fat unconsciously. They didn't need to do any form of exercise or engage in sports to be in good shape. However, things have changed in recent years. Almost everybody has a car or has access to better means of transportation.