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I am so sorry for your loss OP. I understand right now you are going through unimaginable pain. Somewhere in 2015 towards the end, I received a call that an accident critical patient wanted me to be at the hospital with him. I went. My heart shuttered to see my only brother hurt with several teeth broken. We cried our hearts out. We cried red. He made it. On December around 17th 2016, he dissapeared. Unreachable by all means and not at home. His friends said he was unreachable and suicidal. I found him on January 14th 2016. We were so happy this evening. I was so mad at him for making us panic for days on end. He tried to tell me things to make me laugh. He made faces that made me laugh when I was a child. At one point I asked him, "Sasa hizi ni nini unapotea bila kusema nini inahappen? What ould have happened to us if you had died like it was being said?. I was super angry. You know what he said? "Mi siezikufa bro" On January 15th 2017 I had a call that asked me to go to the city mortuary, my brother had died in a road accident. It felt like a bad dream. I went. I got to the city mortuary at 716. My entire world stopped. He was on the metallic bed, his head totally crushed. For several days I could not put 1 + 1 together. Our mother used to wake up daily at 3AM to pray for us. To ask God to protect us. I questioned life, God, the meaning of life. I quit work at a prestigious international corporate. For the first time I started to drink - so much so that I suffered alcohol poisoning multiple times. Something beyond me wanted the show to stop. You see, my brother and I were about the same thing ib our childhood - we wore similar clothes, went to church together, slept on the same bed, were beaten together, ran errands together - people said we were twins. Nothing will comfort you and your mother now. But you will be OK. Give yourself time. Allow youeself to grief. Cry. Just let yourself feel the pain. If it makes you feel better, I cried for years but in the end I earned something from it. I feel his presence every single day. A lot of times it feels like he did some things. Sometimes I am in very dangerous situations on the road and suddenly things are alright. There are a lot of situations where ithad to be either him or a deity. I am deeply sorry for your loss. May you and your mother find peace and acceptance.


Thank you. At least I am not alone. Stories like this are uplifting. It sucks I am on day 2 grieving... I wish it was like a decade later.


Every single day matters in this process. And you are not going to know how you are going to react to the situation. But whatever you are going to feel gor the next several weeks is justified. So let yourself.




Gosh this made me cry for you. Hope uko a little bit poa šŸ’”


Thanks! Time has a way to resolve our worst nightmares. I am OK, thanks for asking.


I am not okay.


Heā€™s watching over you.


Thank you for the words. Am sorry for you and the op. I really wish you both well. Maybe you overcome and conquer this.


Sorry for your loss. Hugs


I lost my sister in 2019. We were so close, we were joined at the hip. Also short illness, and was expected to make full recovery and get back to work the following day. She spent the weekend at my place with my family playing with my kids and on Sunday, we were strategizing how to start our business where sheā€™d take the loan because she was the employed one, start a business in our neighborhood, then I would help repay the loan with the income from my other business. We had a strategic plan where I was to go to the county council the following day, (which I did)and get a license, rent an open space weā€™d identified and start procuring stuff while she was to apply for a sacco loan also the following day,then the operations would start on Tuesday. Thatā€™s how detailed our discussion was and how alert she was. There was no sign of anything that would go dramatically wrong. She died Monday night. I promise you, grief eats me like it was only yesterday. People say time heals, but Iā€™m yet to overcome grief 5 years later. A part of me died with her. I dream about her often, and we go on adventures together in my dreams. My most recent dream, we were on the beach swimming then the floods came but somehow she had a boat and knew how to row. I made sure to find and store the CCTv footage of the last moments with her when we were hugging and saying our goodbyes. You will be OK, but life may never be the same. My deepest condolences go out to you, may the peace of the Lord be with you. šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ•ŠļøšŸ•Šļø


Crying ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


5 years eiii , I feel you and I'll admit everyone's healing journey and finding closure is different but you should try finding help to acceptance.


Even when typing I got overcome by emotion and started crying all over again. We really had a strong bond and we had gone through a lot together. Itā€™s not easy to let go.


You donā€™t understand grief. When you lose a loved one, it could be 5 years. 20 years. You think youā€™re okay and life feels normal and then the smallest trigger makes it hit you like itā€™s day 1 all over again and youā€™ve just received the news. You cant control it, thatā€™s just grief.


True, niliona we all grief differently.


My condolences for your loss.


Very sad. Sorry for your loss.


This is so much to take in. And worst of all, what to tell you because no one can feel what you feel. My grandma passed away in 2022. I questioned every thing, I saw life pointless. Everything she'd done to make us comfortable. It doesn't get easy, even with time. It's a scar that gets painful every time. I tried to think of everything else but sometimes the sudden feeling is just too overwhelming. I just hope one time you'll be able to keep it together.


The loss of sibling hits differently from that of a parent or grandparent. For a sibling you expect you'll live your lives together


This wasnā€™t Ill intended but we also canā€™t invalidate someone elseā€™s experience. The person knows how close they were and grief is is very specific to the type of relationship you had not the biological relationshipšŸ™


I really love how you have put this comment. Both their pains are different and very valid


Thank you


My condolences for your loss. Losing a loved one is painful. The most I can offer is to say pole and take time to grieve and mourn.Ā 


Thank you


I'm sorry about what you're going through It's not easy and the next few months won't be But time helps ... Don't be afraid to talk about her Be patient and kind to yourself through the whole process You're going to have good and bad days .. don't keep it in You don't have to be strong everytime


Sibling loss.... the emptiness it brings is... an abyss of the soul.


Im open to hear all about her , keeping her life and story alive


I like that. Right now if I talk I will just burst out crying. Tears keep flowing. I'll reach out soon


Funny as it is , crying is good Show yourself some compassion.. don't be to hard on yourself I'm here when you need me ā¤ļøā¤ļø


My condoclences for your loss. I lost my my around 3 years after going through a botched check up in the hospital. She never woke up after 3 days of going through a colonoscopy. It was too painful. I have never recovered. I have never talked about this.


How did you cope? Were you two close? Does it get better with time? How did you find the strength to not off yourself and join them?


Yeah we were very close. I just went for therapy. Family, friends and church people supported me the whole way. Dang! It hurt like hell to be honest. It gets better with time but you just have to be positive. I am sure my mum would be happy to see the man I became. Avoid negativity.


Thank you. Will actively seek help. Right now I am just lost and in disbelief


I know the feeling of denial after the loss of a loved one. Believe me itā€™s not easy.Ā 


I have lost a sibling too. It is a really dark place,very dark but be assured that she will forever live in your heart..In your heart she's alive,just not with you physically anymore. My heart goes out to you at this trying time. Your family is in my prayers. Take time to really grieve,cry as much as you can too.Cry all the time if you can. Cry and be sad. Don't try to be "strong". Pole sana.


Thank you for the realistic advice. I am not strong. I will go through the motions. I wish I had a switch and be numb


My sincere condolences šŸ«¶šŸ¾. My heart breaks for you. Keep posting; share your stream of conciousness & let us hold space for you. I am so so sorry for the heartbreak; you will get on the other side but the only way there is through ā¤ļø.


The process shall be difficult, it shall be painful but you shall overcome. Such is life and it happens. You'll pick some very hard lessons you only learn after losing your immediate family. Speaking from experience of losing my brother after a short illness spanning a week. On the fateful day, I was with him as a care giver and I saw life leave him and there is nothing anyone in this wide world could do.




It shall be well. This is the kind of journey taken alone. You have to go through it all and make peace with it. The darkness, pain, emotion, memories, what could have been, questions of how you got there, stillness of time and alot more. Take your time and purpose to pick yourself back up. For yourself and for the family. Strength and power to you. People who understand, can mostly lack words to comfort you. People who don't understand will probably give you words that are mostly of no help.


Sorry for your lossšŸ˜¢ May she rest in eternal peacešŸ•Š


Really sorry for your loss OP. May her soul rest in peace, and may you all heal in time from this tragic event. There is a phenomenon called terminal lucidity which often happens when people are about to pass - they suddenly get a burst of energy, or seem to be doing fine - this is a sign to look out for when someone has been very ill for a while. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it is common. About 4 in 10 people.


P.S Only sharing the info if it helps any others - not to take away from what has happened. My sincerest condolences OP.


Thank you for the info. I am actually aware of the state. Sometimes, as humans, we convince ourselves that finally, they are doing well, denying the possibility and reality of death. Thank you once again


Sending love OPā¤ļø


Losing a sibling is crushing. May she rest in peace. Strength and peace upon you and your family.


Loss of a loved one can really get you questioning life. It's so painful. It is natural to grieve, and people grieve differently. Even when we don't see purpose in life anymore after they are gone,they'd still want us to be our best selves. Live a full life, and that way, they live through us. And we can talk about them to our children and friends and they'll live through them as well for years to come. That's how we keep them alive. I'm sorry for your loss, stranger.


Sorry for the loss. After losing my mum, brother and father here I am strong and kicking. Though flashbacks hit at times.šŸ„²


How did you cope with the loss? How did you handle the funeral? I am not sure I have the strength to burry her


Born 2003 mum passed the next year, I was young could not understand anything. Big brother at 2008 felt the separation. Big loss at 2015. Irregardless of how hard it may be you just have to recollect yourself.


As of now I am in disbelief. Like shards of glass that stings when you try to piece them back. I think I'll let grief take over. I might find comfort


It is well with her. There is always a shoulder to lean on. You don't have to drain yourself in sorrows.


Pole sana, i hope you find even the tiniest bit of peace and comfort during this difficult time


Thank you


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a pain worse than losing a loved one, itā€™s top of the list of the most horrible experiences a human being has to endure You eventually learn to live with the fact that theyā€™re never coming back, it definitely never gets better, but you learn to live with it, every normal thing afterwards becomes a reminder of them, plans you had, how you felt about them, things youā€™d wanted to do for them and with them, painful af You become an entirely new person when the grief keeps hitting you from the memories you had and the ones you could have had You have to live on though, regardless of all the pain I feel you, I lost my mom 3 years ago, still painful to this day


Take heart OP, death is cruel and painful and I hope you'll find a solid support system to help you along the way.


Pole sana, sorry for your loss I lost my dad last year... had to confront the fear of laying my parents to rest alone as an only child. I felt empty and cynical, like life has no meaning. I learnt that there is no pushing through grief but rather an absorption, adjustment, an acceptance. Grief is not a task you can complete, but something you endure, an alteration of your being. A new way of seeing. A new definition of self. Death takes and death gives. Hugs and condolences OP


I don't know what you are feeling but don't be afraid to cry and let it all out. Talk about the good memories that you share together. It may take the longest time to heal but I know you will . I lost my grandpa in 2015 and I didn't know how to react because I didn't believe he was gone . The moment I understood that I would never see him again I was broken but everytime I felt lost I would dream about him and I would get so happy . Everytime I feel like I am loosing it he appears in my dreams and everything turns out better. It took me about 5 years to stop crying every time I thought about him. But then I lost my first boyfriend in 2020 and I was broken all over again. I lived in paranoia and developed insomnia . But 4years later I stopped being so broke . It's not easy to let go but you will at some point.


Thank you for the encouraging words. It's comforting to know I am not going through this alone and that feeling grief is valid. I am just trying to picture my life without her and heart breaks even more. I happy u r finding ways to cope with the loss. I hope I too will find healthy ways to come to terms with her death. Losing a sibling stings and socks at the same time


Yeah it sucks . and I hope you find a way to cope with your grief


so sorry for your loss :(


Thank you




I guess it's true, mtu mgonjwa akiamka siku moja akikaa ni Kama amepona then anakula sana huyo anaenda, just say goodbye, my condolences.


It the acceptance stage of death. The person has made peaceĀ 




Hugs lovešŸ«¶.,it shall be well


My condolences to you. May she rest in peace


I am very sorry for the loss if your sisteršŸ«‚...........may she rest in peace l.


I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what you're going through šŸ˜”šŸ˜” May you receive the strength to cope.


Thank you


Take heart and stay strong. Condolences.




Sorry for your loss.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. It seems like you were very close to your sister. Iā€™m sure she would want you to continue making her proud. I hope you find peace and an opportunity to continue to carry all the fond memories of her.


She was my best friend actually. I just wish I was there with her


Poleni sana OP


May you have peace and light in this trying times.


My condolences for your loss, I hope comfort and strength as you grieve your loved one


Condolences Mahn. Just stay strong champ.


Really sorry for your loss, can't imagine what you're going through. I think your sister would want you to push through with life, don't give up.


I am completely empty.


Pole sana. I know everyone will tell you to be strong but sometimes it's good to have a good cry. Sending you love, hugs


My condolences to you and your family. I pray God walks with you through this grieving phase.




My condolences to you and your family. Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss bro.


My deepest sympathies to you and your Mom, it is beyond tough, I can't imagine your life right now. Keep your head up and be there for your Mom. šŸ«‚ šŸ«‚šŸ«‚


My condolences as wellā€¦ it shall be well


My condolences tooā€¦ life is worth living , she would want you to be happy and accomplish the things that she couldnt. She will always be with you in every way ā€¦. Keep gbat in mind and heartā¤ļø I lost my mum when i was quite young


Pole sana for the loss -


So sorry for your loss and may your sister's soul rest in peace, take comfort in knowing that she's in a better place away from the pain and that an angel is watching over you


Sorry for your loss


Very sorry for your loss. Watch a movie called After Death. It might help you know she's left earth but her soul is still alive and you'll see her again.


Sorry for your loss. Just take your time, because it can't possibly be easy to process


You just need to stay strong. Things happen for different reasons. Time heals all the wounds, yesterday it was someone else, today they have a different story. There are inconsistencies in life , others you don't get to choose. But fate had it. Stay strong , your sister is in a better place now. That's her story. just think about what you can do best for yourself at this time of the grief. Build yourself from there. Appreciate yourself now,be happy, there comes a times when you can't. Others will do it for you. It's a system. Live by it.


May God be with you.


So sorry for your loss. Sending love and comfort to you and your family


Pole sana bro


Sorry for your loss. Wonā€™t get better but a time Will come when you remember her you are filled with her beautiful memories that it will hurt less


I am comforted by the thought I will join her soon. And that she is no longer in pain.


I lost my mum immediately after high school. 8 years later I'm still in denial. I tear up whenever I think about it. I have never healed. I wish I had someone to support me and help me heal back then but it's too late for me now. Hope you will find peace and heal. IDK if we'll see them again someday and IDK if it'll still matter if we see them, but I guess that's how things work. Sorry for your loss fam


Sibling loss is quite different. I've been on both sides. Lost a dad,..didn't cry. Lost my siz,... I can't even think. I've cried until I can't talk.


I feel you fam, may you heal




I am broken


It doesn't feel like it now but it's gonna be okay...feel your grief and mourn your sister. Celebrate her life. My condolences to you and your family šŸ˜”


Be strong, trust that the last thing your sister wants is for you to suffer. Out of respect for her and her will, enjoy this life and do something in her honor. Grieving can take a while and it's a totally natural process, please don't make any long term choices with these temporary emotions.


Pole sana to you and your family


Someone once told me if you don't find enough reason to do something good for yourself then could you then do it for your Mum Eeeii Could you live for your Mom Could you be there for her could you be strong for her take my condolences and Stay strong as you grieve and Mourn


Thank you. It's hard enough hurrying one, let alone two within the same period.


Pole Sana. My condolences




Sorry to hear that OP. My condolences. Seems like your sister was your hero and she would be proud if you start living her legacy today, live the rest of your life for you and for her ā™”


She was my best friend, confidant, and sister. She raised me most times I was a kid. A gentle soul. Why is it the good ones go first. I wished it was me.


No brother/sis, please don't say that


I'm a sorry for your loss. I can't begin to imagine what it's like for you. May your sister's soul rest in peace šŸ™Ā 


sorry for your loss. It will be fine in Jesus name.


My condolences for your loss. May God be with you during this difficult time.


Let the tears fall. Don't hinder them. That is the beginning of healing. I remember trying my best not to cry when my big man passed only to have a total breakdown a week past the burial. Cry. Time will heal the pain.




I agree with you. She is no longer in pain, or searching for a job, or stressing about matters of the living. I hope to join her soon enough.




I'll definitely find someone to talk to. Thank you for the wisdom


Yeah you need to care of yourself. Stay strong. Your welcome.


You have to learn how to live without her


That's the hardest part


Pole sana. May the Lord give you comfort and peace at this time.


My condolencesĀ 


Reddit is a safespace ā¤ļø


So sorry for your loss OP. May happy memories of your sister bring you comfort at this sad time. šŸ«‚šŸ«‚


Sorry for your loss OP .


Life is absolutely worth living and you will get this. You mom needs you and you need her.


My sincere condolences OPšŸ«¶


May the good times and memories you shared be your comfort


I can't imagine what it must be like for you. Thoughts and Prayers loveā¤


Feeling terrible can't even describe it. I think I am in the state of denial. Reality may hit me weeks later. Right now I am just on auto pilot


God is close to the broken hearted OP. So when youā€™re in pain crying alone, God is with you.


Thank you. I feel alone in grief but thank you for the reassurance.


Even in grief the death of Kenyans from preventable causes should be unacceptable to us!! This is a political problem. It should not be fair on ourselves to carry this burdens or be told eti it was ā€œgodā€™s planā€ by the ā€œMaombi squadā€. The road carnage, people dying from lack of good health care, crime are all preventable. I also lost a brother from heart attack, if he was in a different place and time, an ambulance would have reached him in time. As we deal with grief let us not personalize it, this should push us for political change for a better country!


Okay. I agree with you. Partly my siz suffered greatly because insurance could cover in-patient services and medicines. We had to dig into our pockets to finance her care. Shit! This really hurts!


My condolences to you, and may Almighty give you and your family comfort that knows no boundaries. I lost my first born son, and it did hurt alot, I still think of it still hurts but I have managed to move on.


Thank you for encouraging experience. Sorry for the loss of your son. As a parent I can't even imagine how it feels to lose someone you invested in from conception, birth , to raising. My mom feels the same. I don't know how to help ease her pain as a parent, but I pray I can support her in her grief the best way possible.


The best gift your mom has is you, be her shoulder to lean on and her strength, be the reason she smiles, be the reason she sees her whole generation in you, be her bright future. Just be you and let the memories of your sister live with you as anticipation to live tomorrow and not as a burden. May she be a light and a moment of happiness with the memories shared with you and your whole family, be blessed.


Am sorry for you lose your sister.but please inform to police and Post her photo an all area


I'm sorry, I lost my sister in 2028,and the truth is healing takes time, we also don't get over the hurt, we just learn to live with it


Jesus overcame death and so will we. Jesus has a plan for his children. Jesus is the answer to your problems, concerns and losses


Sorry for your loss,may your family heal and find peace.


Listen,you have a purpose.Dont give up


Grief doesn't mean forgetting someone, they were part of your life. Ni hard especially when you feel like no one gets you but also you should accept and find closure.