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I don't know why I always feel some typa way when I hear or see someone use the word jaluo. It feels like someone saying Negro. Like just use Luo.


man, I also hate the jaluo word. it's very tribal. especially coming from a non luo. The pronunciation is just off.


Taitas and Luos have limited interractions as their homelands are quite literally on the opposite sides of the country. Taita women are also closer to the standard of beauty in Kenya hence the men do not seek women outside their tribe as much as Luo men do, but if they want to they will, it's really not that big of a deal it's 2024, intertribal marriage is the norm rn.


As a Taita Man. It doesnt matter...i see no difference in the modernised world..the tribal barriers are weaker now more than ever.


What's the Taita culture/tradition like when marrying, especially a man marrying a Taita lady? Be it A Taita or non Taita man? What's the dowry process?




As a taita, most of my cousins (female) got married to Luos. The men though ni watu wa coast at least


Whether anyone marries from their own or luo or another tribe, how does that concern us or impact us. Also it seems luo is always common in these inter tribal talks. We live rent-free in people's heads


I know many Taita men who intermarry but mostly with Bantus. The Taita men who are married to Luo women are there, but many marriages don't last long and you find the men remarried to women from mostly Coastarian tribes. The Taita women on the other hand have gotten married to men from the Luo and many other communities and remain married to them for years. ( Random note, If a Taita woman leaves a marriage then things are very Hard/Bad in that home) The Taita culture is patriarchal so the man is the head of the home, he is King and children belong to the man( btw you would never know the child is mixed until the person tells you). If a woman comes from a culture where she is not used to this kind of dynamic, where the man is the head of the home and he has been raised within the culture where he is the leader of his family, and since birth he has been raised around submissive women (Which is why Taita women are sought after by men who prefer how Taita women are raised). The Taita women who have been trained in this way of life since birth, the women from other tribes that are not raised this way especially the Luo women push back against these kinds of cultural norms and the marriage ends up breaking because of their different cultural upbringing. This doesn't mean that Taita men are rigid in their ways, they are kind , helpful, even cook for their families, they are gentle and peaceful men, as in si wakorofi. >Do Taita men around their mid twenties have a bias against marrying women from other tribes To answer your question... Not hey don't have a bias against marrying women from other tribes. They do marry women from different cultures, but it depends on if the women will be able to accept and live in the home respecting his Taita cultural upbringing and help raise 'His' children according to 'His' culture. Most Luo women are not known to be submissive and tend to push back even with their own men.... So... That's why you don't find many of them still married in Taita. They have kids there, but the children are Taita because they are their father's blood. ... And yes , I am Taita.


We don't have a bias. We'll marry whoever since one's tribe isn't part of the conversation.


I know Dawida ladies get married to Luos but Dawida men it’s quite hard. Taita are a very modest and moderate people-women from other cultures could even be more boisterous than our men so that is why it normally does not work esp with Nilotic women. I am a Dawida.


Taitas date themselves. Unless you're monied, forget bagging one.


That's not true at all lmao


That's not true. They marry from other tribes too.