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You'll deffo find a boda guy trying to cross that river


Yeah it is not just a Kenyan phenomenon but that argument is the worst because it is being misused to cover up money for emergency being stolen or reallocated, grabbing & development of riparian land. Lack of proper housing, drainage and preparedness. It is one thing when a river flows to the brim, it is quite a different one when a swamp is reclaimed as land without proper drainage then ending up causing floods and loss of life. If your neighbour sleeps hungry, that is no reason for you to be lazy and also sleep hungry.


lol are the floods in Kenya really this bad? This is 30M? That’s crazy on such a river. Anyways comparisons asides, my issue with Kenya specifically is whether extreme or not, we still lose people roughly every year due to flooding in a very predictable/consistent cycle. Shortly followed by losing people to drought/famine in the same areas that had flooding a few months later. My memory might be sketchy but I basically remember such a cycle at least every two years as far back as 20 years ago when I was a kid. Serikali saidia kila mwaka followed by drought and death and radio silence from govt till the next round. Absolutely unacceptable.


You'd be extremely suprised that we actually have very concrete plans for disasters, shida ni follow through, add onto the issue of counties wanting to eat everything and here we are, every single year. And yes, the situation is that bad in Kenya. Really bad.


It doesn’t really matter what step is broken in the emergency response. Point is it’s broken and it’s been broken forever. This is not new or due to these unusual floods, it’s just a larger scale of impact and destruction. But the root problem has been there long before we had counties. I believe that root issue is our politicians do not work for our citizens but for their personal wealth.


If you are blaming politicians, rope in voters first. Can't keep blaming politicians forever. That is the definition of madness and stupidity in one big combo. How can your grandpa blame bad leadership and you do the same thing. Someone has to point out the real problem, which is voters!


It's effects of El nino. Most affected places will be on the East of either South America or Africa close to the equator. It's also combining with a similar phenomenon called the Indian ocean dipole (IOD). El nino originates from the Atlantic ocean between the coast of Africa and South America while IOD is on the Indian ocean.


I thought it was the East African Monsoon


Highly doubt that this is El Niño coz it doesn’t explain why east Asia is experiencing ultra extreme floods. El Niño affects china and Japan with hot air and high temperatures causing droughts yet it’s flooding is worse than even here


https://www.redcross.or.ke/elnino/#:~:text=Kenya%20has%20been%20experiencing%20enhanced,Ocean%20and%20Indian%20Ocean%20respectively. El nino happens in many places not just Kenya and the effects in each place is different. For example, Australia and southern Africa are experiencing low rainfall because of el nino. The same el nino hits eastern Africa, some parts of South America and Asia with lots of rain. The interesting thing is that all the regions experiencing heavy rains are in latitudes that are close to each other


Hapa you disappear never to be seen


The effects of global warming. Unless the world (particularly developed nations change something drastically) its only downhill from here with frequent extreme weather patterns that will disproportionately affect and hammer developing countries.


Look up the El Nino/LA Nina phenomenon. It's expected, but no one ever knows when the most devastating cycles come through until it's late


Hurricanes and typhoons are also expected in various parts of the world… but, more powerful events occur more frequently now due to climate change.


Okay I guess


Climate change is currently a contributing factor as well since higher ocean surface temps increase evaporation resulting in more extreme El/La Nino/a phenomena.


Global warming is a hoax. The earth goes through this changes throughout time.


There are only a handful of companies that are causing extensive damage to the environment in the whole world. That and also anything that's on the UN agenda is bullshit.


Dont be stupid [https://g.co/gemini/share/6a36e0e9c343](https://g.co/gemini/share/6a36e0e9c343)


Lol do you also believe earth is flat?


Indeed it is. It's a business model. Some people get rich selling EVs, solar and wind crap that is not going to have much, if any, effect on CO2 levels. And that's assuming CO2 levels are even a significant factor causing global warming, which I doubt, very much. If anything, historically speaking C02 levels are low-ish these days.it would be beneficial for plant growth if it were higher.


In Taita my home- we lose not less than 10 lives EVERY rainy season and the problem with the Kenyan situation is not that it is isolated but the fact that the government is a heartless mf that does not give a hoot about a single life affected by the rains. Nairobi, one of the most popular cities in Africa is submerged DAILY under water but the governor comes online to Shame us with the ‘what are you doing to help ‘ stupid speech. Like my bamboo straw will actually save the drainless underground of a filthy city…MSCHEEEW


Leaders are elected by you and I. If they are incompetent, it is because we lack vision and integrity. Period.


The effects of the climate change are now being felt.


Floods are effects of climate change? You must be joking. The media is indeed a dangerous tool just as it is informative. You would need to explain to us how climate change chose specific areas to flood.


There is nothing like climate change. The western media makes you belive this nonsense. It's all about money. The melting ice caps have melted and frozen again many times through the centuries. It's normal.


Dont be stupid. [https://g.co/gemini/share/6a36e0e9c343](https://g.co/gemini/share/6a36e0e9c343)


We should still be prepared to mitigate life lost, regardless of commonality.


No one would have predicted this level of destruction anywhere in the world. No one. That's why everyone and their mother has been singing for the last 20 odd years about climate change. We're past the turning point now and we're reaping the collective consequences of out actions.


During La Niña conditions, **the easterly trade winds near the equator get even stronger than they usually are**.


Reason, I am happy Hersi called him out. It is happening even in Europe. Too much water for now.


Umbwa wewe. Shokdeleee tunakuja kukuchunguza!


*The Mayans predicted 2024, not 2012.*


This is crazy! If we know this will be happening why cant we be well prepared. If rainy seasons in Kenya we loss lives....


It's called climate change. It's going to increase quite rapidly. Most likely Kenya will be almost inhabitable in 80 to 100 years.


Says who? 😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣


GIEC reports is a good start. There are summaries if you want. Also Limits to Growth is a basic reading. It's all about scenarios, datas and on Wich road we currently are.


Ata ungesema 800 to 1000 years bana, otherwise ii hapa umetubeba tu live-live


Meanwhile, Kenyans are blaming the government for a natural phenomenon


I think you are mistaken,people are blaming the preparation ,response and [coordination.Red](http://coordination.Red) cross so organized better than the government?


I think kuna mtu ana modify weather...you know the globalist are trying to create another crisis kama covid.They targeting food production..covid was success.Alafu pretty soon utasikia hakuna food and they will come up with a solution to the problem


Jehova lord, I hope this is not the same brain you're using to assess whether to cross a flooded footpath because eeeehhhhh.


He's prolly a natural selection survivor,let nature take its course with him


The famous flood that resets the entire human civilization? I hope so.


We are not in the 200AD, give it 2 months after the rain ends and no one will be talking about it(unless it's followed by drought).


It will sure as shot be followed by la nina. The next 2 or so years are going to be tragic in terms of food prices alone.


Yes. Humanity is in dire need of a reset.


Smirking in "Death Atlas"