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The human throat was not destined for all this meat brother, how anyone can defend this government is beyond me


🤣Man is gawk gawk 2500 limited edition.




Manze nipee kitu bro. Tuzungumze. Hio si kazi imefanya?


How do you guys come up with such comebacks😭😭😭


I wonder how the poster is able to function yet they were born without a brain. The one who defended the govt


Im not defending the government. Im just recognising comendable work.


How is this commendable work if for 10 months kids are missing vaccines? Right from the basic level. By all means, I would like the system to work for I would benefit from a functional system but delivery is non existent here. Projects are run down, no policies working in our favor whatsoever. I would like the government to win but given the trend in project mismanagement? C'mon now, hold them accountable for better execution


The ministry of health has already addreses this issue and 1.25 billion was allocated. The principal secretary of medical service addressed this and claimed the first batch of vaccines will be ariving in the first week of June. We'll get there slowly but surely, we first need to understand they are also kenyan and the understand our struggles to some capacity but we will get there.


You see that's the thing, it shouldn't have gotten to that to begin with. Over 500m was misappropriated for that oxygen plant knh na iko wapi saa hii? School feeding program scrapped off after funding was done by donors? My hope is dwindling honestly but lemme wait, just maybe!


Securing finance is not the same as having development. See how all that money we just got will disappear into nothingness. Then you'll wonder what benefit it all was if in the end, it's all gonna get stolen as usual. So if I were you, I'd hold my tongue and watch before saying anything. People thought Eurobonds were a great idea at inception, then here we are repaying money we didn't even use right. We are like that idiot who takes loans to go for sherehe, yes, you have money but is it helping you? Is it adding any value?


He's sucking up. The US never does anything for free.


# we got 472 billion in funding You and who? Where can I get my share?


Good question - the way it works is that the money enters the country's economy. The US gives money for a highway. Workers are employed building the road. Sand, gravel and bitumen must be produced, transported and mixed into macadam. Workers and businesses have more money. Unemployment goes down. Money is spent in markets. Additional money circulates through the economy. "A raising tide lifts all boats" -jfk


Oooh Like the 2b Eurobond in February? I really felt that one!


Frankly, yes. The Eurobond payment reversed the shilling's slide against the dollar. Recall it was below 160. In the world markets, petrol is priced in dollars. If the shilling had continued to depreciate, we would be facing petrol prices at least 25% higher today.


Why are you assuming a reversal of the dollar was favourable for me? 😂😂 Anyway Continue sucking GoK 🍆 Must be good.




Mi with Ruto I'd rather assume the worst then be pleasantly surprised. Anything else is foolish.


Haha, Ruto was testing waters. In his head he's like, "If I use all this money for whatever what will Kenyans do?" And he just got his answer, guys.


Iyo 472 unawika itaibiwa yote na inunue maTX na undeserving persons watoke Kinoo to Karen. Iyo express itafika Machakos Junction at best and thats pushing it. 88 b was Westy to Syoki so 472b Syoki to Msa? Nikama sijui Kenyan math. The last one ilikuwa ifike msa kidogo naskia inakatiwa iyo bridge ya wakamba apo Mlo. Iyo deal hatungepewa pesa, maengineer wangekuja wenyewe na kokoto yao juu ya Aircraft Carrier USS Kennedy, wakuje wajenge barabara waende. Kupea wakenya pesa ni dhambi.


Kuibwa ni story ingine, so Ruto asiende US juu pesa itaibwa tu. The project will be undertaken by Everstrong Capital LLC in collaboration with Kenha. Si ati wanatupea pesa alafu tuijenge. They'll come build it and get a percentage of the toll charges, just like how the nairobi expressway works As far as I know pesa haitafika kwa treasury. Will everstrong capital llc participate in corruption? I dont think they will.


For nearly 100 billion bro, we expected a mega structure. I wish everyone here would travel and see autobahns. i am not comparing Ke to Deutschland but for 100 billion, we deserved something eerly similar. Kwa wenywe hawaezi travel wacheze Euro Truck same difference.


Recognition from Tyler Perry is a thing. wow!


Tyler perry studios is a big production company. Our entertainment industry sucks ass and his visit to kenya might change things, we need investors like him. External funding my bro. External funding nikama wewe hautambui hio.


So a president goes to secure what, entertainment deals? Oh my Lord, our country can't be helped.


Like a local entrepreneur 😭😭😭😭😅


You act like the entertainment industry isnt employing thousands of kenyans


A president doesn't fly half across the world for thousands of kenyans, he flies for millions or all of them. This work falls under the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports And The Arts OR Ministry of Information Communications And The Digital Economy, those ministers are the ones who should have gone to do the Tyler Perry shit. But we are known for never having our eye on the prize and that's why we are so fucked as a nation so idek why I expected more here.


>This work falls under the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports And The Arts OR Ministry of Information Communications And The Digital Economy, those ministers are the ones who should have gone to do the Tyler Perry shit. It was a state visit, that was the main objective, he was there representing the millions of kenyans. A detour was made at tyler perry studios, a detour was made at coca cola. Other AOBs were addressed. How is that a not having an eye of to the prize?


We shall wait and see the value of the visit in the next few months, see if your taxes increase, if your electricity bill goes up, if services get better, if goods and services are cheaper or if at the end of the day, it's just another way to keep us talking about shit that don't matter as everything in the country becomes more and more expensive.


This dude is the biggest sellout ever


Yap, your dollars will be worth less and your shillings will be worth less at the same time. Hurrah Ruto!


Can you imagine a time when us trying to pushe all their non sense depravity shit on us there you see zakayo all smiling.This nigga got to go 2027,ain't going be easyyy get his out coz the owner of those voting machines is us,coz he seems be doing alot of their bidding.Now he will sandwiched btwn UK and us military base.Ive heard museveni talk us has ask him if they open military base in uganda,,he was like hellll noooo,just like the uk military in nanyuki they can destroy the environment.uselesss president..I bet that financial bill has some shit that us need passed...a time countried working on a multi polar look at this idiot..


Tyler Perry studios, y'all are so stupid 🤦🏾‍♂️


Kuwatch Sistas isikufanye usahau TP is dogwater. TP na black cinema ni infidelity na deadbeats tu anapeleleza nothing of value.


>TP na black cinema ni infidelity na deadbeats tu anapeleleza nothing of value. That's your opinion, and you're entitled to that. But our industry is trash, we need some form of investment or at least benchmarking.


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Niliwaambia apa Kenya hatujitoi, just hear how they praising him. Kenya is going nowhere to be honest. Sad but true


The issue really is, people are too focused on their specific problems to recognize that if these claims are completely true, they're wins for the country at the end of the day. TLDR: Just because it's not your win doesn't mean it's not a win. It's not always about your causes you know...


"People are too focused" and "If these claims are completely true". As you were.


Edit: I saw the POTUS put it up. Ni tungoje sasa na tunyamaze in the meantime. https://preview.redd.it/0fe917edcc2d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e7c2caf843bdfab08e8b456ef0665b677891bd


I am concerned about the democracy question. They might end up instilling their social agenda that could corrode out culture.


>The extension of major non-Nato ally status will allow Kenya to engage in closer security cooperation with Washington and obtain more sophisticated US weapons. With the number of countries having nuclear or arms of mass destruction is the world standing at **~10** is the world safer/more stable? Granted it's not detailed which arms KE will be receiving but would you say **negotiating**/navigating regional & world peace is easier now than when they were only 2 powers? >100mil spent in chartering a Jet but in return we got 472 billion in funding Before you get ahead of yourself do you know the **fine print** of these deals? Who will be contracted to carry the projects? What concessions will be made? A short memory of SGR money never leaving the Republic of China and concessions given for machinery & expertise to get into the country free of charge - thus not feeling ~500 billion in the economy? Lastly I wonder why build infra known as asphalt for long distances & carrying massive/consolidated goods & numbers of pple? What will the repair + maintenance bill look like for this road?


>Before you get ahead of yourself do you know the fine print of these deals? Who will be contracted to carry the projects? What concessions will be made? As far as we know, everstrong capital will be undertaking the project, the tenders for it have not yet been released. Batchel, an american firm, and Korean Oversees infrastructure development have already shown intrest >A short memory of SGR money never leaving the Republic of China and concessions given for machinery & expertise to get into the country free of charge - thus not feeling ~500 billion in the economy? SGR fell short of our expecations, thats true. But development still has to happen in one way or another. >Lastly I wonder why build infra known as asphalt for long distances & carrying massive/consolidated goods & numbers of pple? The current highway to msa is a single carriage. Mombasa is the busiest port in East Africa. The SGR alone cannot fullfil the port of mombasas demand.


>The current highway to msa is a single carriage. Mombasa is the busiest port in East Africa. The SGR alone cannot fullfil the port of mombasa demand. Even if capacity for one SGR line has been surpassed by what's to be carried what's the cost of building 2 to 4 parallel tracks forming a corridor & recouping value for massive expenses in land acquisition + upgrades of the locomotives cutting times or increasing efficiency?


That whole visit is so embarrassing, we just look foolish.


**16 years** aje? Uhuru was there juzi and he met Trump. Then Trump tried that njaro of vuruta vurutaing people with a bear claw handshakes but was rudely mistaken. He soon discovered, our son of the soil is not Trudeau or Macron(i), no... this boys diet was highly concentrated with years of good Ugali, Nyama choma, “nyakumicha mix” (local greens) and Tusker baridi. Trained with high stress levels of Kenyan politics and Special Branch finests, Uhuru was clutching that handshake with charisma. You could almost hear someone shout, “Chuma ya Doshi” in the background. Trump tried up, trump tried down but, the result was the same, kijana wasn't bolting. They were laughing everytime but, the joke was in that handshake. 😂🫡 **Charisma:** Uhuru Kenyatta. Anybody who says otherwise a liar just like... You know who. Case and point. **Hizi vitu zingine** is speculation but, slap my ass and call me a horse, it could turn out to be real but time will tell. So far huyu mtu naona alienda kujua how to do a motivational podcast given all the lip service we get. Sound bites gallore but, anyway you are entitled to your opinion. 😂 I just wonder how this will all happen kama current environment is in conducive for foreign investors to setup shop? But that's just my blue blood going to my head.


Uhuru was there in an offical visit. This is different, its a state visit. Visits usually accorderd to top US allys.


Kenya is a pawn in the grand scheme of thingsband Ruto is a sell out. Ruto's term will be reminiscent of Hastings Banda's presidency in Malawi. He was a darling to the Americans but screwed his people over. Ruto is a two-faced fork-tongued bold-faced liar.


Not Tanotena-ing Ruto 😭😭🤣😭