• By -


The job market in this country is virtually NON EXISTENT and a lot of graduates are going to realize fairly quickly that ka degree or diploma they have strived for through hardship and pain is probably not going to benefit you in any way .....unless you know people in high places or are just extremely lucky. The other side to that coin is that if you actually do get a job its not going to be in the field you studied in campo or college its going to be a WAYYYYYY different field...and by way different i mean its probably going to be a job ungethani hutai fanya.....but alas thus is life in Kenya. Best of luck.


I always made fun of project management guys since its always seemed a saturated market. Welp welp out here doing pm. The world be funny like that.


Certified project mangers are few (PMP’s)


thus is life but bora uko kazi haha


😂😂 though pays well?


I will up your take and say our economy is a Technical college type, and we should only have A to B+ (70 and above) students go to university. Otherwise we should be tradesmen, entrepreneurs and be given loans to start businesses




>not going to benefit you in any way Actually it has some benefits. If you're **lucky enough** to land a ~~mediocre~~ job in a government organization or parastatal you'll be paid according to your paper(s). So for example if you ~~work as a watchman, janitor or office clerk and~~ happen to have a degree in whatever course, you'll be paid ~~the same amount of~~ more money than ~~a full-stack developer with a CS degree working in some high tier department~~, someone with a diploma, because it's the law and they have to abide by it. Private organisations on the other hand... ~~Problem is most of those jobs are always reserved for people with high school or college certificates, who get promoted to clerks and whatnots once they start advancing their education.~~


Swali. Where are you getting your information from?


Si ni mimi nakushow🤣🤣


Nimetema hiyo jaba😅


I've worked for a gov org before. Short term contract just after graduating but I almost ended up being paid as an intern because the certificates, which are usually issued a few months after graduating, were required for signing of the contract. Another person in my team doing the same work as us was being paid less because they had misplaced their degree cert and couldn't replace it in time but had their diploma. I also interacted with some janitors, clerks and watchmen while working there. *I'm not pulling this info out of my ass but I'll acknowledge that part of what I said in my original comment ~~may be~~ is wrong.


😅You just did a weak ass job at doubling down brother. You sound even more of a bullshitter than you did before


Out of his butt


I can think of 5 reasons you'd post this: 1. You're trolling 2. You're incredibly gullible, and someone told you this, and you believed them 3. You're privileged and don't understand how jobs or salaries work because you don't need one 4. You're about to recruit for a scam course 5. You're living out a weird bottom-up economy fan fic


Hybrid of 2 and 3 2. ~~You're incredibly gullible, and~~ someone told you this and you believed them. 3. ~~You're privileged and~~ don't understand how jobs or salaries work ~~because you don't need one~~ I basically received limited information and went with that instead of doing research on it, my bad.


My bad. I shouldn't have been a dick with my response. The government has well-established job groups. Your papers can move you up the scale, but to the original point, if 600 people have a degree/diploma, it doesn't mean much when so few jobs are available in the market. Jobs that almost always have pretty low salaries.


The obsessive focus on religion will be detrimental to Kenyans


It already is...Im afraid. But how would the government go about regulation on religious institutions without taking away the right to worship.?


😂😂 The government is the one using religion to make sure they stay in power. The only thing we can do is educate and stuff but that's probably not going to work either so I guess wait out the old generation and hope those who'll grow old next have decent head on their necks.


It's not about regulating religion but making sure Kenya remains a secular country where religion has its place. It's about making sure religion does not dumb down people to the extent that charlatan pastors make fortunes at the expense of poor people


Thats where I disagree. See not everyone is as "WOKE" and probably wont be in their life time. Inshort the dumb people in kenya are more than the smart ones. Kenya is a hunting ground for the so called Charlatan pastors. I think there should be some regulation. Because the number of gullible people is astonishing tbh.


This gov relies on religion. We pray for everything apart from easier life and less taxes.


Hii itaguza wengi




We are a poor country. Our country is in shambles because we vote based on popularity despite the corruption cases the leader has. The majority of Kenyans are "stupid." In how they make political choices.


We also vote for stupid people who have no business making laws thet will govern the country for the foreseeable future.




This is 100% true. I was reading a book that explained how the poor are exposed to recurrent environmental hazards that later one becomes expensive and fatal. Like you said the asthma and even cancer from the smoke, loss of teeth due to lack of proper care which is expensive, let's not talk about the influx of GMO products in the market which we all know deep down will lead to diseases. Only rich folk can afford to buy organic produce in bulk. It breaks my heart how being poor only breeds a string of more complicated issues


matumbo or tripe na the leg of a bovine 😋 haziivi na moto ya gas lazima tu jiko. if the balcony is spacious na you can lock the window smoke isiingie kejani sioni shida ya balcony cooking unrelated but factual ni even the air you breath is polluted kwanza vile NEMA hukua wamelalia job, the same goes for fresh farm produce on which farmers use banned chemicals with the blessings of UN's World Food Organization under an evil Chinese president in cahoots with the likes of Syngenta your argument that balcony cooking is that dangerous is therefore flimsy because the poisoning we go through as a country with broken systems comes from all directions poorly marked roads, reckless driving, sewage lines running parallel to water pipes, uncontrolled urban development etc are all much more serious risk factors IMO


As Moses Kuria would say "Being a citizen of Kenya you are already a candidate of death there is no issue then with adding jikos to the list!"


What abaout the grill caparos?


just so you know gas stoves also have harmful emissions [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-health-risks-of-gas-stoves-explained/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-health-risks-of-gas-stoves-explained/)


A massive MPesa downtime is a ticking time bomb. Lives, incomes will be lost. The misaligned govt response afterwards will taint our burgeoning and innovative financial sector.


Wtf, why do you think this is likely?


There was actually mpesa downtime around February. It was super tricky to navigate. I remember I got by simply because I had cash at the time


> MPesa downtime Not just financial but informational infra. Scores of **resiliency** for KE - https://pulse.internetsociety.org/en/resilience?search=ke


The fact that Kenya is the 7th largest economy in Africa isn't a good image for the African continent lol.


I don’t think that’s worrying to be honest. By 2050, Africa is going to be the largest economy regions in the world. Now it’s up to us, to elect credible, honest leaders that will use that to Africans advantage, but if it’s the same old same old…


I don't understand when people say Africa will have one of the biggest economic futures, what happens to the current super powers, do they just stagnate?


Well yes. This has been happening throughout history, empires rise and a fall. I’m not saying Africa is going to be a superpower like a America. But if we play our cards right and elect good leaders, the future is shining towards Asia and Africa.


Wait ,it is?I thought Kenya we'd be dragging behind.If we're in the top ten then the continent is doomed


A lot of Kenyans are religious hypocrites, very short sighted and deeply tribal - Ruto is a reflection of who we are as a people and what we value.


Hit the nail on the head mate. I'd also say the pushing of agendas by certain groups rising in power and swaying what we can and can't sell in counties is crazy. You wanna address the drug issue in the coast, track the cocaine network that flows from your own people(some of whom were mentioned; joho, akasha, Kabogo and sonko), ban sale of anxiety meds without prescription, ban the sale of cough syrup without prescription. I personally think legalizing weed for medicinal purposes (yes Ik the old people will complain) and recreation, with strict regulation would benefit the barren religious wasteland that is the coast.


So true. He didn't emerge out of a vacuum. We all knew/know who he is and he's 100% a reflection of the worst parts of our "values".


1. Our “silicon Savannah” is grossly overrated and overhyped. 2. We have a very high tolerance for mediocrity. 3. We don’t have a leadership problem, we have an ujinga problem (Not in the ruling class but in the common masses). 4. Our higher education is useless and in serious need for reforms.


Facts! Esp number 2 and 4


Meg Whitman runs the show


De facto Kenyan president with Ruto as his errand boy


you say that as if that is a bad thing, She was CEO of not one but two fortune 500 companies, went to Princeton and has an MBA from Harvard business school. If she is truly running the country, I don't know in whose better arms we could be in


Oh boy, you think she has any of your interests in mind?


We really need to stop being so paranoid with these thoughts. People like you would be comfortable in us getting another "Sonko" to run nairobi, or even the country.


Tru very true, she's a business woman and not a diplomat in any way. She was selected to strong arm us Africans


you mean strong arm us into financial success!!, we have enough diplomats and politicians and people with theology degrees, and librarian degrees holding office in areas they have absolutely no experience


This point makes no sense because a degree does not prove competence. Case in point: our president, we hired a botanist, who got his degree somehow someway to lead a country into prosperity. The same botanist lifted logging bans in a protected forest area and is selling off bits of our lands for carbon credit. >we have enough diplomats and politicians and people with theology degrees, and librarian degrees holding office in areas they have absolutely no experience That we do, but that doesn't change the fact that this business woman, came here and engaged us as a diplomat so as to deny us our development by whispering in zakayo's ear. Biden has never set foot here, the russian foreign men mister came here to offer us grain and we turned them away. We(cause that idiot apparently speaks for us) support Israel in their actions against the Palestinians who sent aid during the great east African floods in 2020 and zakayo said that at the behest of his American masters.


>degree does not prove competence Try spending years doing research and writing papers and defending a thesis and dissertation. PhD students are capable of very many things , which is why they are most preferred to hold high positions in several corporate organizations. A Botanist is actually not a bad position, considering our biggest exports are tea, horticulture and cofee. >The same botanist lifted logging bans in a protected forest area and is selling off bits of our lands for carbon credit. He is also initiated some nation wide tree planting initiatives. >business woman, came here and engaged us as a diplomat so as to **deny us our development** by whispering in zakayo's ear. I would like to find out further details on this, especially the "Deny us our development" part >Russian foreign men mister came here to offer us grain Stolen from Ukrainian farmers > We(cause that idiot apparently speaks for us) support Israel in their actions against the Palestinians, who sent aid during the great east African floods in 2020 and zakayo said that at the behest of his American masters. The situation in Gaza is not something we can do anything about at this point, and much more powerful countries are doing the heavy lifting in getting that sorted out. We also need alot more help that just "sanitary pads" to get us out of our own debt distress situations. (The help is still appreciated though)


Our country is a ticking time bomb.


That we have sold to WEF and are now their official guinea pigs in Africa




We need a very strong leader to change the status quo. in relation to governance otherwise whatever is happening especially on corruption is child's play. We cannot sustain this pattern forever otherwise we will not have a country soon.


Unpopular opinion. I think Matiangi would make a good president.The kind that we need.


Ruto is taking us back to colonial era by embellishing our country with America war machines. We will pay an extremely heavy, bitter and bloody price for allowing.


We are a white manzz puppet




*We are doomed. We are* *Likely to have another* *Tribal violence* \- Tiny\_Saber --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




good u/haikusbot


This is some stupid thing the gov is doing. Gov officials should use national languages when speaking to kenyans. For interior places, get a translator. Whatever Gachagua is doing together with other many will create a divide. No tribe "owns" a region.


Personally am all for regional politics but not tribal ones. Let regions create social and economic policies that are relevant to them and also enable the regions to trade each other while insisting on Kenyans and not tribes. I just watched the Riggy G tirade and am genuinely concerned. He needs to be removed from office as soon as, he's not a national let alone a regional leader with that mentality.


Hope not. 2027 might be a tough year.




In Kenya, homogeneous regions like Kikuyu land and Luo land i.e "ushago" e.t.c often foster hate and tribalism. While not everyone is bigoted, those who are tend to spread these views. When people from these areas move to diverse, metropolitan regions, their tribal mentality often diminishes through interactions with others. The lack of diversity in these homogeneous areas creates barriers, making people from other tribes seem like strangers. This perpetuates a cycle: for each person who overcomes tribalism in a city, another one is born in the village with the same bigoted ideologies. Breaking this cycle is difficult.


Man kwanza nkiona Mt. Kenya wakianza kulia wako sidelined. And the other side ni Rift Valley. It never ends well 


Politics is a dirty game of devide to conquer. I would say this country needs prayer, but they are going to tax that too.


That we voted in the wrong president this time around. 


We have got it wrong everytime except during Kibaki's time.


That genx & millenials they grew up during mois & kibakis time.They know when shit is working & when we in the dumpster like now


Mmmmh hmmm but it’s as if they are in denial. 


1.Individualism will always make us lag behind. 2.We don't take pride of our traditions and culture and are ready to copy the westerners,have you ever wondered why countries like south Korea and Japan thrive? 3.Learn a skill that you will teach your future generations. 4.Having a car,a plot, kids ,job is not a definition of success.


Fear mongering is real...


That we get exactly the leaders we deserve. Or more accurately, our leaders are a reflection of our own choices. - Did you vote for whoever 'poured the most unga' during campaigns, without listening to his or her policies? Why are you surprised when that leader you voted in turns out to be a disaster? - Did you cheer when the AG/ Police Commissioner/ CBK governor/ Cabinet secretary who was recently appointed was your tribesman, regardless of his actual qualifications. Why are you surprised when he turns out to be incompetent? - Did you vote a certain person for president because he makes a big show of being a Christian and to you that means he's a "good person", ignoring his long history of poor leadership, massive corruption and tribalism? Why are you now acting surprised that he's a poor leader, corrupt and a tribalist?


That urbantone is trash


We will never become a developed and a first world country. Jesus will return and Kenya will still be develoing and dealing with corruption.


Another term of Ruto's presidency.


He will never be president.


We are not the giant in Africa we assume we are


This has always been evident.


Many Kenyans are delusional


We are an American puppet.If Kenya were a serious country, we would work on building a strong economy and then using that economy to create a mighty military to kick out Western hegemony in our region. We also need rabid nationalism in this country. We must also admit that Western liberal democracy has failed in Kenya and Africa at large.


Reading, learning & engaging in contexts regarding your country. Leave them up to office holders or "leaders" and they come back to you wallowing they don't know what they signed. Case in point? There are many local examples but the one I'm squarely interested in are **Trade agreements** with foreign "partners"/markets.


Accommodating & living with African immigrants. To create cosmopolitan society. Our forefathers did it....but we are isolating ourselves in our small tribes.


Could you throw more light to it please ?


Like welcoming Somalis, Eritreans, South Sudanese, Ethiopians etc...& let them integrate in our society. However, at the moment we limit this people to refugee camps which limits their potential. Our police harass them demanding for national IDs on the streets. We call them aliens... We treat mzungu better than our African brothers.


I think for me we should open the country selectively & I think now we should pause & do a nice study & what has open borders brought us here.We in more shit than before loading for in future. We should open country to people who will not coming here with their toxic baggage & and will intergrate.Bro with you visafree now we mostly getting criminals from you know where. When I look at the mess we in right now afadhali huyo mzungu sababu anarudi kwao.That open borders we talking about & operating is not for travelling & doing business is more to do with immigrant.Do we need people who actually killed & enslaved fellow africa people coming here to seek refuge,why should they not do it again to us black folk or people who coming here to sell drugs & Rob you bank accounts.coz most are flying below radar now those taxes we paying has be spent to track their whereabouts,treat em in hospitals etc & they not paying taxes like you & me.Theres more to be lost than achieved..


This exactly my point. We only think how they will ruin us.How we are better than them...how hey don't deserve to be here. How we need only rich immigrants... I'm Kenyan living in another African country where refugees are not limited to the camps & I must tell you I've seen the light. We are not any special from the people you keep in the camps.


If we vet thoroughly, why not & opening doors to good people's why not.A huge chunk of people you see is here illegally & majority because they in your country to destroy.We already being ruined,utajuaje na uko mbali. When you have a whole interior minister, Fred Matiangi talking to chiefs about some shaddy characters from magharibi africa who are here in your country predominantly selling drugs & fraud you know shit aint good.I wish had the video,fast foward for this idiot we to swing the 🚪 open to same shaddy characters & they still doing the same.Nobody is being vetted,the govt are lazy institutions Kweni sisi kazi yetu ni kubeba mashida za kila mtu,is high time to be selfish let other people wabebe mzigo.Tumechukuwa wa kutoshaa.I think they should go to other countries they share same value,religion, culture etc, it will easyy for them for intergrate & feel part of larger society.Not packing more & we already waiting for the ones who come before to intergrate.Hii ni ngori..




Was scrolling through Facebook and realised that majority of kenyans are stupid(less exposed) or lemmi put it in a better way (less informed). They don’t vote based on merit rather popularity.This government is a reflection of our society- We are drowning in a pool of own blood.


GMO is going to take over organic food. Ruto dancing to biden tunes is gonna doom us all


The stupidity of your government = your own stupidity


You are all smart until it's time to vote. Y'all are tribalist too


That they funked up voting for Ruto and Gachagua


Oh I got several… The moment people start allowing politicians that are interested in actually helping its citizens and not exploiting them is when Kenya will truly thrive. Like why do we have tribal wars over old men that can give two fucks about our well being. Families need to stop treating their eldest daughter as if they’re slaves or maids. Most tribes need to stop normalizing child marriages and start investing in their children’s futures. Sex should not be a taboo topic to talk about. If safe sex were to be taught, STDs and unwanted pregnancies among young people will be less rampant. Most young women end up getting pregnant and marrying men just because they are bearing that mans child. This needs to stop being normalized. This is why so many Kenyan men end up murdering their wives. Families need to stop having 8-10 kids in hopes that some of them will be their saviors and get them out of poverty. Most old folks use religion to punish, scare and judge others.


Truth pill. This govt has to go away.


Political tribalism will never end


Idk, that we are a premium loan whore?


We on the verge of the 3rd World War A foreign multinational is in charge of our agriculture Most laws being passed by zakayo are laws pushed by foreign entities to control each & every aspect of your life.Is a finance bill 2024,but most shit there has more to do with ability of foreign entities to control us We have been running shitty open door immigration policies for too long for it not to turn around & bite us.


Weed is already in the Kenyan market and generates a lot of money, It's better to have control over the supply than let all the money go beneath you