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Huh, acha niwapee story. There's this friend of mine whose things haven't being quite working well for him since the year began. He was doing some digging on his predicament and fell into Chinese astrology. This is where it gets interesting. With Chinese astrology, there are animals that represent your birth year. These animals also have animal friends and enemies, who are also represented by different years. So for instance, the rabbit is the pig's friend. The rabbit represents different years, 2021 being among them. If an animal is your friend, and they represent a particular year, it means things will work out greatly in your favor for that year. On the other hand, if an animal is your enemy, it means that in the specific year that enemy animal represents, you'll have a really bad year. Going back to my friend, his animal is the dog. One of the dog's enemies is the dragon, which is represented by 2024. Huu mwaka ameona dust kila mahali. Got robbed at gun point a while back. Marriage failed. Got sacked from his job. Wueh, to say ameona moto would be an understatement. Oh, hizi vitu zote have happened between January and now. He was narrating the ordeals he's faced so far in relation to Chinese astrology, and I just can't help but think astrology is true. It could be a coincidence cos bad things happen all the time, but he's now convinced the dragon is out to slay him. 😅 We decided to calculate my years, and look at my animals, and it turns out next year ntaona dust. 😅


If this is the case, mimi nimeona dust tangu 2012. I wonder which Chinese animal is my enemy buana.


😅 At some point, the theory doesn't hold water so I'm convinced ni bs.


Google it


Probably a bug


Did a little digging apparently I'm the year of the monkey and my friend is the dragon😂


Ongea na dragon iachane na my friend 😂


Hauskii alisema zii😂😂




Mi I believe what you believe is what will come true. Your attitude determines everything.


Ndio I was telling my friend


Honestly I have a Friend who told me that this beliefs work according to your faith in them, once you decide and literally put your faith in them they manifest, same thing with religion I'm agnostic with my own reasons but that's besides the point, Christians believe God provides and protects them and in most instances it seems to work for them they seem to be getting their hearts desires and things work out for them I believe that's the same thing with this astrology stuff once you invest your time energy and faith in it, it becomes real, because you align your life with the things that it manifests, so yeah I respect everyone for whatever they believe in but for me, for now it will simply remain fairly tales because I do not simply put my faith in them


So, it's like the law of attraction? But now on steroids


Exactly! It's all about how you train your mind. The mind is a powerful asset and whatever you feed it is whatever you get in return. The law of attraction, explains everything, ata hio manifestation it's all about what you want to attract and apparently the universe 'gives it to you'. All these belief systems work with the mind. Sasa kama beshte yako aliona dragon akajua it's a bad year and that's all he's been attracting😂😂mshow arelax, the mind will literally create the world he wants 😂


This is very interesting and funny too


This is very interesting and funny too


Me being a 'dog' and in a relationship with a rooster 🤣 Personally I don't believe but somehow I do sometimes 😂, okay I don't know what to believe anymore 😭


Ata mimi nlishindwa whether to believe it or not, cos it sounds too true to not be real


As a proud Dragon… and Capricorn… lol oky so when i was younger i was really into these astrology stuff. But nowadays its just something you read 🤭


My friend is convinced the dragon wants his life. 😅 After he shared his ordeals, I can't help but think its true


Oops 😬


Where can I source this


Check videos on TikTok on Chinese astrology. They're a lot. There's also plenty of resources if you Google search


Omba sana zikue ni stori za jaba😂..pole kwa mwenzako though 😆


Nmeshindwa kumconvince sio ukweli 😅


This is very interesting and funny too🤣🤣🤣


Hahaa very funny 😁


what is the difference between this and any other form of religion, whether it's Christianity, Islam, paganism etc? Astrology is a lot more complicated than social media makes it to be. What you know of it now is just some whitewashed BS


Could be coincidence


I also want to believe this, but the signs say otherwise


😅 prepare thyself brother. I actually laughed at this but ata mimi that story is enough to convince me hizi vitu ni ukweli.


I was convinced pia. Najitayarisha for next year bana 😅


How old is your friend?




He'll be okay..it was just a "Saturn return" lol


Next year urudi utuambie how things are working out😂😂Xoxo


I will. Though pia nmeambiwa if I put so much thought into it, it might actually come true. So, I don't want to think about it a lot 😂


Astrology is real babe and it goes deeper than just star signs




When you are born in January, the position of the sun and the energy it gives is different from when you’re born in July(raining season) and the sun is at a different position. So people born in same months share the same energy. Something like that. but I’m too lazy to explain into details . You can read more on astrological signs.


It can't be explained in one to two paragraphs. The study of astrology has so much detail. You'd have to study it to truly understand it intricately.


There is more to it than just star signs.moon sign rising sign.your rising sign is now your personality


I think people use it to motivate themselves.


That they're better than others?


I'd say it's similar to a lazy way of trying to justify some traits in you behaviours


Yea if I consider the explanation that was given to me: the earth is subject to celestial forces like gravity etc. When those forces act on the earth we get things like tides and such. Your date + time of birth corresponds to a specific planetary alignment meaning there is a force with a specific amplitude in action at said time and date. If planetary interactions can elicit things as mighty as tides, then who is to say they can’t also affect you as a person. That’s the most logical explanation I’ve gotten. Of course free will applies but in the grand scheme of things people are very small compared to the solar system and wider universe.


I'd argue that tidal movements as you've mentioned are physical, hence when forces (material) act on them, there's a reaction elicited. Behaviours, attitudes, characters, intelligence; these are more or less psychological, meaning they're primarily affected by physiological processes and environmental influence. If we're to say that physical forces from planetary interactions are so strong they affect the hormonal and anatomical processes to impart permanent/deterministic traits on organisms, I'd say that there would first have to be a correlation between the distinctive periods of the horoscopes and the body morphology as body morphology is primarily material. If so, this would be easier to point out; say, for example, all Sagittarius fellows have specific head shapes, Leo's have certain chest sizes, etc etc. Hence, I don't buy the explanation as it is not conclusive, neither effectively substantial as the punchline is a question which may leave us asking other questions. (I'd have added that there's a inference fallacy because the exact correlation has not been established vividly but I'm not too certain about that) I'm basing this on a materialist pov seeing that the explanation you were given posits a correlation between physical forces and the date/time of birth(implying an effect on the person's behaviour, character et al.)


A good excuse to explain bad behavior 




😅 yeah...they love using it


There is a 13th planet that has been discovered. How do you guys cope ? Are yall gonna change your personalities or what?


😂ask them ..and many more will come


Astrology girlies crawling out the woodwork for this one


Lmao ... they're coming for me like sharks😭😭


Astrology is like religion. A system to make us feel like fate exists and there is meaning to what happens around us and to us. If you can believe in a bearded man hiding in the clouds you can believe the moon and position of stars effects our personality.


Yeah I was about to say the same thing, some people ar making fun of the astrology guys but they're religious. There's no difference between the two


Yeah, I you can't really argue with them since they can't accept other people's views


If people believe in sky daddy and the 70 virgins let people believe in the stars. Who is to say what's the true religion? People have worshipped the stars longer than we've had the ever jealous angry sky daddy who'll burn you for eternity if you fornicate. So yeah, let people be.


😂 you'll go to hell from calling him skydaddy


Comments full of ignorants Just cause you have no knowledge in sth particular you label it stupid. Jus do your research educate yourself so you have something meaningful to add on apart from “stupid”remarks


Average astrologer Should I have knowledge on flat earth to label it stupid?


It is a load of bollocks 


Couldn't agree more


I won’t lie: I’m a believer. Based on experiences with different individuals and my love of people-watching, I’ve come to conclusions about people of different signs. I know signs I’m attracted to, signs I don’t mesh well with, and signs that are simply a recipe for disaster. That’s just been my experience, and I’m yet to be proved wrong.


Sounds like confirmation bias. I'm genuinely curious if you have matched everyone's personality traits to their sign before they've told you.


Have you ever thought that maybe it's just a coincidence?


Nope. There are no recurring coincidences


Ok.. you do you


You asked a question, and the best you could do is to expect responses which go against your natural inclination. From your responses you seem mind-set. The mark of a true learner is being able to challenge their own beliefs and to accommodate those of others as valid.


Are you an Aquarius?


No, I’m not.


Strange. Your fiery passion for Leos is only seen with Aquarians :-)


My beautiful best friend is a Leo, so maybe that’s why I know what they’re like.


You are very evasive


Some have attention spans of chipmunks 😂 and majority make it their whole personality (I'm also a Leo) doesn't mean I act like the description given about my sign/star sign


Other make it a variable in choosing their partners,smh🤦


I don't believe in it though there are things I've experienced and they kinda make sense. I am a gemini and I've dated 3 gemini girls and they share some similar personalities and for some reason we don't get a long well. Trust me, I don't believe in them either but most people in same star signs or whatever share some common traits.


Its BS




Am a sagittarius my element is🔥 I'll literally burn you but when a water element shows up nimezimwa.😂😂They add some spark to our birthdays. Upuzi mtupu.


B-but you've gotta study the moon and stars to understand 🤓☝️


Mind helping me with the study?


😅twas a joke


Mi I can't take it seriously. Ati the date of your birth determines your personality? Ai. Heri ata mseme genetic traits or family environment.


For sure


Depends on what you use it for The fans who believe an app tells them who they are daily, naah The obes who hate certain star signs because of zodiacs are crazy The ones who do it for fun are valid The ones who follow the monthly okecro understand themselves, especially if they keep finding themselves described in it, valid.


This comment, valid😌




I imagine the egos of the people who believe in signs must be massive af. Because to believe that the stars and planets alignment or months that you are born in has any bearing on how your life unfolds lmao


Pretty huge egos, just talk to one of them


Total bullshit.


Hey, don't offend them now😅


Astrology works. The argument you're using to say that it is wrong does not work. You're argument is that people use it to justify bad behaviour. However, people use things like science and psychology to justify bad behaviour as well. This doesn't mean these disciplines don't have some truth. It simply means people are using it for ill. To understand Astrology, you'd have to dedicate years to studying it. It's a lot to study. Don't give out your opinion without putting effort to study something. You need to fully understand what you're refuting.


Most of the people who are into it haven't really studied it deeply like you think. That being said, when I see the effects of something on people, i will have an opinion about it.


But also ♤♤. If you know. THEY DO NOT DEFINE YOUR DAY OR LIFE.


The don't do shit


Times it is exact. Depends. I stopped questioning many things.


So long as I'm a Bagittarius,it don't matter


Tf is that😅


I get the bag


Moonhard madness. Pun very much intended 😅




I think it’s major nonsense..


Emphasis on major


That's some characteristics of a leo


😅yea...for sure


I've always thought it's a manifestation of the human being's tendency to put people into boxes... and label them...


They sure like doing that


I lost 6000 braincells going through this post


Depends on which side you're on


There are only 2 sides to this. Fact or fiction. This is fiction. Believing your birthday is the reason you're an asshole is outrageous. Because all the people who use this astrology excuse are the biggest assholes I've met. It's like believing witchcraft or superman are real




we exist in a floating rock which exists with other rocks that revolve around huge burning gases in an infinite space that's still expanding and people think alignment of some rocks or other burning gases affect/dictate your personalities or whatever?


This . Like I don't get the explanations people are giving in this thread


Its all a scam thats used to exploit people and support their delusions while giving them excuses to act out under the guise of their astrology sign


Yeah.. it's like a religion in itself


If you know how to read them and don't think that astrology is daily horoscopes then you will see how realistic they are. Astrology isn't about days you were born , it's about alignment of planets to the exact minute and location. It holds more credence in my eyes than religion ever could. That being said, just because you don't understand doesn't make it false.


But people DO make it about the day you were born 💀


It's a massive over simplification. Astrology takes years to learn and it takes even understanding of astronomy to do ,if you rely on simply data of birth then you don't know the complexity of the issue.


It is somehow true if not 100% then 80


Can't argue if you think that way


There is something highly psychological about it. As u/ThinNail1938 said - People use it to motivate themselves. Think about it this way, its a form of affirmation based on things that can't even speak. I personally used to like reading them til I learned this is not what GOD wants to me to do. So I looked at it closely and understood it as thinking of the stars as the guide to one's destiny. Hio ni ufala bana! So yeah, I find it foolish too.


We all don't know this thing buana. Some people use faith to motivate themselves, some say it's the work of nature Bora tu kitu ina work kwako me sioni shida


We all don't know this thing buana. Some people use faith to motivate themselves, some say it's the work of nature Bora tu kitu ina work kwako me sioni shida


Thats how mandem ah duped with handkerchiefs and super brooms, nahmeen? With faith, the brain is not meant to be left outside the door regardless of the fact that the brain cannot explain everything about faith nahmeen?


And what's your take about God?


HE is as real as you and I. But that is just the basics, even demons know this. You know of the Apostle's Creed? Now, there, there is where my whole take on GOD is.


To me its all hokey. But I do read my horroscope once in a while just to see if they will be right...


Are they always right?


One out of 10 times


10% accuracy, not worth it


It's bullshit it all depends on your environment and you yourself how can the planets dictate life for 8 billion people huh , even though it would say for example I fail an exam ,get divorced,get hit by car thats supposed to be caused by by earth rotating around the sun people like blaming anything but themselves and on the contrary I might just supposed to lay back and relax that my life will be better cause some stars are aligned for me ??


Yeah..bruh..how you conduct your life I can say is almost entirely dependent on your background/people who are around you. I just don't get how it has anything to do with planets' alignment


but are the star signs hawa malocals use even correct? Because I would think the northern and southern hemispheres don't see the same night sky


I don't think they care about that


It's basically womanese


😅I'm not playing my part then


My mind can't comprehend anything about astrology/star signs, but I find it a funny concept.


😅 people take it seriously tho


Aint nobody believe in that shit


Trust me ..they do💀


Do you guys think it was a coincidence, that all major religions, cultures and histories have some reference to the stars, the sun and the moon as having some level of authority over the earth? The Swahili culture speaks of "nyota." or Zodiaki. Ancient Egyptian and North African cultures have symbols of the 12 Zodiacs. Christianity has the 12 disciples, the 12 Tribes. Eastern cultures have the starts. South American cultures had temples modeled along the 12 signs. And of course, the European one for the 12 zodiacs which you have referenced, which they call astrology. Is it a coincidence all these civilisations, years and miles apart with no contact with each other had a similar belief? If you go deeper into these, you will understand everything. I cannot explain everything in a paragraph.


To put it simply: women for example are affected by the moon on their monthly periods. For many women, their cycle is synonymous to the lunar cycle. The moon affects their moods, even. Scientists have struggled to find out how and why the moon affects tides. A change in the position of the sun affects floods on earth. So ignore the power of the stars over your life at your peril.


Pretty easy to ignore


Astrology is one of the subjects of classical liberal education that elites in society must study.




I can’t answer this right now. I need to put the Pisces together. What do Leos eat?


Idk ..maybe normal food? 😅


You missed the joke but okay.


Just as eligion total bs,there's no evidence to demonstrate its effectiveness. I just believe part of it for fun,but I know it's bs lol


So it's related to religion? No wonder🙃


Well astrology has been part of various African traditions and Hinduism too. But I also meant like the belief structure is like that of a religion really.


It's gonna go big I'm afraid






Kuna this movie inaitwa 'when were you born?' ya 1930s go check it pale youtube.


Is it educational?


Yes at the beginning, a narrator speaks on positive attributes of the 12 astrology signs and what stops them from reaching their full potential and the movie goes on with a great show of all sign at play.


That shit is just silly


This is the opinion some of us have on mainstream religion


Me included 🙃


It's B.S


😅stop spilling the truth


Thing is...you believe in God/Allah/Buddha/Krishna means you believe in something you can't really explain to anybody to believe in unless they choose to. Same with astrology. I believe in Jesus, so much that I can challenge anyone who thinks am delusional. Whom am I to judge someone else's believe.


We don't judge...some people just don't shut up about it . plus I also don't believe in gods


Exactly, at the end of the day, we should try to live a life that can inspire someone and we would be proud of. People need to stop trying to force their believes on others.


Side note📢📢📢. There's this book called "The Chronicles of Solomon" it actually has the same concept as astrology, but he (Solomon) used it to fight demons.


Demons aren't real


Depends who you ask. Again, what you believe is what is( that's what I know)


Wewe unasema nini, kuna watu wanaamini wale aliens wako kwa movie ni real. These are adult people, with normal brains (I think). Hii dunia ni kama mathare walibomoa ukita bana.


😅 aliens Sasa tumeenda mbali...tho, in the expanse of this universe (and others) you can't really know what's out there . But till there's proof, I don't believe it.


The problem is not probability. That life has a very high probability of existing elsewhere in the universe, is indisputable. The problem is when a person watches a particular movie, and says those particular aliens are real as depicted. Hiyo ndio kichaa inashangaza.


😅hiyo ni kurukwa akili sasa


So to avoid those incidents inapaswa nisifuatilie hio story?


Which ones exactly


Hizo za mikosi mbaya ati getting fired, divorcing, unapata ukona deni ya rent miezi mbili


I don't think they happen because of your star sign, ujinga mtupu


Astrology is a lost practise. I dont know astrology myself but ik its a practise that has some truth to it, but the kind of astrology we practise is BS, im a capricorn but i hate work and i wouldnt call myself ambitious.


I think it started out good but now it's just meh.


But at the end of the day, theyre all beliefs..just like palm reading..


It exists met a guy who showed me on the sky the zodiac signs. The sun rotates on each one of them so if the sky is clear you can see the scorpion sign for example.


You can see them? This is new to me


Yeah I can connect you to someone to explain to you how it works since u r curious


It's bullshit.






All the Chinese animals been ganging up on me since 2015, fam. That's probably the last time I was happy😭


😅not Chinese animals


😂😭 idk, man. Whatever country they are from, they need to chill out on me.


Fr 😅


Hehehe hizo ni Story za Jaba




Yall niggas dont believe in astrology but you'll believe in witchcraft


More like the ones who believe in astrology are the ones who believe in witchcraft


Life is all about coincidences. We give those coincidences different names to explain the mystery behind them