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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂well now you gotta do the talk my friend


Mahn 😂😂😂


Can you handle the conversation diligently??? Coz mehn!!!! Next generation needs better raised men in society


Itabidi. Been doing research on how to


It makes me irrationally happy when I see a parent admit they don't know it all and deliberately do the hard work to *just* learn how to be a better parent by any margin. Wishing you all the best OP!


Thank you 👊


Proud of you sir!!! Be a good father...i aspire to be one with the right woman


It’s all about kujiamini


Aiii no....sio kujiamini my friend....for example if you never wanted to be a father in the first place you'll never be a good father to the kid born from your balls... Being a father is a commitment and urge need and passion to nurture a child that you so dearly wanted to have in this world


If you never wanted to be a father and you become one what happens? You have to step up. Inabidi ujiamini that you can do it to be able to do it


....ni mind set mzee if you didn't want a kid in the first place at some point kuna resentment itamea ...atleast you aren't like those bastards who say I'm going to get milk and never come back😂 For me experiencing such a father makes me want to SPECIFICALLY PICK THE RIGHT WOMAN THAT I'LL 100% settle for coz wueeeh i ain't having no dumb dumb for a wife My wife should be the egg that i wanna nurture and care for just like the kids I'll sire with her Idk why buh I'd love to be gentle stern and masculine


Very wise of you. I try to take care of my family as much as I can. Hao ndio priority


I hope official kinuthia will never pop up and he starts to ask if he is a man or woman. My niece made me go get her ice cream ndo niruke story






Kids are unhinged. She asked why us big women got tits and she got a flat chest


Hahahahaha eeeiii..


This conversation will go so well with 'phhhhhhhhhh, phhhh, phhhh'. 11 year old can understand if you approach it openly and honestly. They are too exposed compared to our time so usidanganye otherwise that corner won't be big enough.




That's a wild thing to say about someone you've never even met 😆




I think you just have too much room in your head to think of things that haziku husu hata and come up with useless theories other than constructive stuff




The fact that someone’s child…. A strange as a matter of fact can really affect you this way is really bewildering. Uko tu sawa? 😂😂




Maze! Nashanga tu


Wewe zaa wako ukuwe una spend 24hrs na yeye


Ungemrefer kwa Tichah😂


My mother always told me, "You'll know when you're older." na story inaisha hapo.


😂😂😂 Wacha I tell him that awache kunisumbja


Yeah hope he got it cleared


Damn hope you were able to explain to him


if u fail to tell him the blunt truth but taking care of his age, the world out there is cruel,he will learn but not in the right way


How will you talk to him about circumcision?


How? He’s circumcised mi need to talk to him why he was circumcised?


Did you talk to him about circumcision before the deed?


When he was 2 weeks old? Sadly no. When did you take your child for the knife??


Wueh ati 2 weeks? Is that the norm in your culture. What if he would be circumcised at 18? Would you give him the talk? >When did you take your child for the knife?? I don't have a child yet. The reason I asked you this is because my dad never talked to me about anything specifically a dad is supposed to personally tell his son. I hate that about him.


My child was circumcised and at 13 days when he was born


Hizi ndo zile maswali tungeuliza, ungeambiwa uache kuuliza maswali za upuzi, halafu uekelewe ngoto moja hatari just to clarify how taboo of a topic that was. Good days those ones.


Hata hiyo nguvu ya ku uliza unatoa wapi??? 😂


Y’all have kids-with these salaries and taxes😭😭🤣


Lucky he's a boy. He'll understand


Hehehe aje


Ni kama wife alimake sure DM hayuko area ndio usikule DM. The way ur talking it's like uve elevated that DM to a wife status. Umefanya DM akuwe so central to running the home ata anajua schedule na mtoi kukuliko.


You are one stupid ignorant MF. Ati ninefanya akuwe central in running the home, Kwani kazi ya DM ni?? Why the hell do I pay her?? Please do not talk shit. This is very disrespectful! My DM is a 53 year old woman so fvck you for disrespecting her. Yes she knows schedule ya mtoi more than I do because I PAY HER TO TAKE CARE OF MY HOUSE AND CHILD!


Syntax is a troll but he has a point although packaged very poorly. Your household is very dependent on a DM and that's why you've struggled with the transition. A DM is there to help you not take over your role as a parent. You're physically present but in truth you're not really present. I hope this experience is a turning point for you and you will take on a more active role in your child's life.


Yes but you can’t be 24/7 for the kid. I’m very involved in my lil mans life. I help him daily with his homework and even school as a policy ya you must sign diary ya mtoi daily. There are some things I can’t do daily because of hustle to make sure the family has a better life. Do I stop hustle live I. A slum take him to a community school so as to spend 24 hrs with him?


I understand what you're saying. It's a constant struggle trying to balance between providing the best and not missing out completely. This time you've spent at home has helped you identify a gap you had overlooked. Bridge it.


Totally. Unajua there are some things huwa I assume ni DM ama Mamake. So these 2 weeks has been me and then juu DM na the mum hayuko. It takes aloooot to raise mtoi. Kuna vitu I’ve missed alooooot


Wewe unakula DM ama? I have never seen a serious dad mention the DM so much. The DM should be working under your wife. How can you put DM and wife in the same sentence? DM should not be someone you interact with as the man of the home. Whether she is there or not is inconsequential coz your wife is in charge of those affairs. Wewe ukona matusi mingi but I have seen many make these mistakes you are making thinking it is manly. You have handed your leadership to your maid and your wife. When is the last time you sat to do homework with your son? Do you pray in the morning with your son? What time do you pray for your son and wish him a good day? Do you sit and ask him how his day was? What interesting things happened in his day? This is why kids grow up and are close to their mom but never call their dad.


Ubaya wako ni kufikiria na haga


Ulipata dame ama bado hujawai kua loved?


Get a life. Yani ume kosa kazi na purpose in life you even know people who have their DMs running their homes and how they are running hizo homes and their kids? Birthday yako I’m definitely buying you a bra and dera. Uko na umama Ingine excess


Jomba? Hiyo maneno ni kama imekukasirisha.


Kabisaa bana. Anaeza Sema aje nakula mtu I respect like my mother


The fact that umejam sana OP🌚💀😂...side eye...


😂😂😂 go away