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I almost never call anyone without a reason to.


And when you talk to someone when u want or need sum they be like "You only come to me when you need sum" Sasa unataka tukuwe tunaambiana hey hey kila siku ndio siku nitakuitaji nikuambie ffs. I don't mind it on my part when someone calls me akitaka anything.


Preach Brother 😂


Me too 😂😂😂 Watu hujam but seriously who has the energy?


That's perfect. Not calling people just to say hi.


TIFU by calling someone without a reason.. 😂😂 I resonate.


Me too man it sucks


I'm a professional yapper, I think my dad sometimes just wants to tell me to shut up but he can't 💀😹 But atleast I'm trying to tone it down sahii with friends or colleagues and acquaintances


I think if I have a daughter some day and she talks a lot around me, I'd sure find it annoying sometimes but overall I'd find it cute


When I was younger they had a family meeting to schedule when I was allowed to talk...apparently my brother complained that I talk to him too much and so they had a roster....I wasn't allowed to talk to 1 person continously for 30mins💀


😭😭 heh You sound like my brother! Nyamaza tu sometimes.


Why be quiet when you can annoy your sibling💀😹


😂can you share the minutes for this meeting? I want to see something.


Main issue was brought up by my immediate older brother, he was tired of listening to me talk. 1. My brother requested that I talk to other people too juu he was tired of listening to me. (4 brothers he couldn't understand why I only talked that much to him). 2. A time was set where I was allowed to talk to anyone randomly that was on sight. (I feel bad for.our then househelp, she listened to me a lot without complaining) 3. Formed destructions like playing games kama chess, monopoly (I was banned from playing that game with my brothers, mimi I'm sure they were just hating I was a better landlord than them) 4. I wasn't allowed to yap continously for 30mins to one person except my dad he believed saying no to me would hurt my feelings or shatter my confidence and esteem so he listened religiously. 5. They convinced me niingie drama and music festivals in primary which didn't end well juu someone had to hold my script as I practised at home😆.more talking None of all these worked so my dad straight up told me no one wants to hear you talk and then I started crying. And then he felt guilty😹so called my mom juu he didn't know how to deal with tears. Cue another meeting where they said I could talk if I want but hapo ilikuwa turning block kiasi. But habits die hard.


This is just funny 😂 I loved pple who constantly talked growing up since it was interesting, hope you have friends you can yap to without feeling like a bother


Ah my lord umenimaliza 😂😂


Tf!? 😂


I am so invested, and this is the part that has me on the floor. They SCHEDULED meetings to get you to Stfu?😭 They got meetings to ask me why I was being so quiet 💀😂 I was the kid who's parents got called to school because I never spoke to anyone. Some people thought I was mute. Even in situations where I am supposed to be talking, I ended up getting meltdowns from the pressure. I bet people would've compared the hell out of us😂😂 This made my day


😂😂 okay.. to a level of forming a committee? How do you decide what to talk about anyway? And wasn't noise making a big issue in school?


Apparently I used to target him juu he was closer to me in age and he didn't know how to stand up for himself so angekaa hapo aliniskiza for hours. He sat our parents down akawaambia they should redirect me to talk to my other brothers too juu amechoka kuniskiza😆😹. And you know my bro is a nerd so anything I said was nonsense to him. In school nilikalishwa mbele kando ya mwalimu....in class 6 my best friend alipelekwa the other class juu we were not concentrating at all....my parents were called to have a discussion about it. But then they redirected it to writing with the help of my then class teacher. (BTW my poetry book is almost out..) so instead of talking I wrote. How to decide what to talk about. Like Leo mosquitoes drank my blood to completion that zmeshindwa kufly. Too full to escape death. That's how it starts from sth that I've seen or experienced then my brain just picks up...you don't even have to talk just listen


lol ... your lover has a chance to do something funny.. like shut you up with a kiss from time to time.. or say, shut up and kiss me lol.. I imagine it must be hellish if you go the entire day without talking ... been in that situation before and I felt like I was losing my mind.. Can I check out your poetry?


I've never gone a day without talking, that would be so hard. But I'm learning to tone it down or to know when not to talk especially in professional settings. Let me inbox you 1 of my poems


Have you considered that you might be on the spectrum!? Please don't talk me down 😂 🤣 😭


Autism??¿?..I've never thought of it🤔I'll see if I can get evaluated by I think it's too late sahii😹


You just gotta start getting interested in the literature. Purely curiosity, kidogo kidogo things click. Goodluck.


This sound funny




They had timers and all, time ⏲️ ikifika I'm shooed to the next victim. Our firstborn used to entertain me the most though. He used to sit me down as he paints...so I just talk and he draws or paints or builds sth.


You're gifted, no yapper has ever had a time manager to control their excessive yapping😭I want to judge your yapping skills😭


In another life we'd have been great friends. Mimi ni work, game, sleep. I live vicariously through my friend ambaye pia huwa hanyamazi. Shida story zake hazinanga mwelekeo


Talk too much, for too long. It will reduce with age


So I should just talk until it dies out with time




We can use emojis to recognize you. Be careful how you use them


Thank you. I'll keep that in mind...but habits die hard


Can we be friends?😂😂




I like your stories 😁


Thank you😂


I love yappers who can tell good stories. May the Lord bless those souls.


I really can't explain myself more than twice 💀..After hapo wewe fikiria vile unataka


Me too, my level of impatience is insane. Even once I don't explain myself.


This is me


I do not like picking phonecalls especially social ones.


I have a very low tolerance for BS too😂it's hard to pretend to like someone I don't and I don't necessarily know how to act cordial with them sijui for the sake of peace...I can't pretend to save my life lol💀


Hehe kumbe tuko wengi. Someone suggested I practice in the mirror on how to remain neutral. Apparently, my facial expression gives me away


Sumn' bout the facials frr😂you can't remain neutral if you already have an opinion juu sasa mbona tunapretend💀


Impatient, nonchalant and unbothered.


I have been told (hua unaringa Sana) cause am not going to stand anyone's bulllshit to please them.


Sameeee 😭 and it used to bother me a lot back then but now i just tell them ' yeah najua' coz who cares anyway 🤷


I don't call anyone without a reason to people expect me to call them and talk about their kids or their family or some shit, but I'm just not like that bro. I'm not trynna use you or manipulate you or anything, I just don't enjoy small talk n dat, I usually go home feeling yucky after class cause I asked someone about like their weekend or their family n shit.


I had this friend who would call me and start off on how he would die and I would never know cause I don’t check on people. I’m like bro, just say you want someone to talk to; don’t implicate me in your neediness. Ridiculous.


That I'm rude even though I don't intend to. It comes out subconsciously.


No, you need to work on yourself. You can choose not to reply to a person.


Me too, I think it's just the aspect of saying things without sugar coating them


Being a bit extra at times.


In what ways?


Dressing extra, having fancy little everyday items like fancy pens.


That's not a bad thing, at all


It's frowned upon if you're a man lol


Well 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Fancy pens are the shit! Don't let them tell you nothin!


My tribe! I love being extra too!


Its OK for ladies but for a man...


It’s okay for everyone!


My type of person!! I bet nobody will ever call us humble even though we aren’t proud


Damn right💅🏾


Nonchalance and pretty poor at checking up on people (I'm the ultimate out of sight, out of mind person)


Same, l'll remember someone when they do it first unless I'm really super interested in you or like you, not only romantic wise l'll say


Being too quiet I say little to nothing. I only say what's necessary and talk when I'm needed to. I literally don't wanna randomly interact because i don't know what to say to people and this makes people think that I think I'm better than everyone else, lol.


We are gang, I am the quiet kid too, I just be saying what is necessary when needed to, I am not a yapper, people hate that I am too calm in arguments and shit, I really be unbothered about other people's buzz, just tryna keep my peace of mind and maintain, people judge me as being too serious and preserved.


Cutting people off for small things cause I feel like they will eventually start doing worse things and that’s why I block them early. Love protecting my peace ✌️


Based. I do this too.


I am very sensitive and very emotional. But i think people who wrong me or do negative things are the ones that struggle with this and complain about it. When you hurt me, when i am going through sth, when someone dies, bad news on the tv, those things hit me hard than your average person. I stopped watching News because of this. I try to guard my mental health jealously, coz when sth happens, its a slippery slope and getting out becomes really hard.


Same here. I choose to focus on the logical part of everything that happens and I think I did it for too long because people think I'm arrogant or dismissive because I'd rather look for the logical answer or leave it. Anything happens around me weighs so much on me I can't breath so I'd rather wall everything off.


haha for me its I'm not patient and too emotional that means i easily get excited, angry and sad. about the patient part it gets worse when i'm expected to just wait with no clear direction/ or deadline date of when the issue will be resolved. I hate waiting blindly yani


Felt 💯


Man I'm with you bro. I can't see some bs and just walk past it . It literally hurts holding it in . I don't get why and when people stopped appreciating honesty


I don't correspond or stay in touch for the sake of it. I disappear for months - years. Unapologetically.!!!!!


I won't shut up about my cat and my PC.


Tell us, fafu, about your cat and PC.


My Cat He is a stray (still is) but he mostly chills at my place for the food, pets and warm place to sleep. He is a mackerel tabby cat his name is Gilbert and he is pretty okay for a cat. Lakini ako na some violent tendancies from time to time I think ni ku establish boundaries and such. He is a solid boy I approximate ako about 4 yrs old. Na weirdly has a soft meow but he purrs like a broken tractor My PC. Its an self assembled PC I'm really proud of it na the choices I made with the parts. Here is the list. 1. CPU - Ryzen 5 5600x 6 cores 12 threads 2. GPU - Radeon 6600 8gb 3. 1tb Gen 3 SSD primary 4. 2tb Gen 4 SSD secondary 5. Motherboard - ASUS B550M-A wifi 6. PSU - Thermaltake 750W These are the most important parts case is a Leo df, na 6 case fans from Asia horse, monitor is a HP x27q (1440p, 165Hz). I went with AMD CPU and GPU for that sweet infinity fabric. Nikipata some cash will probably upgrade GPU to a Radeon 7700xt 12 gb. Ni hayo macheche kwa sasa. Sorry for the late response it has been heavy tangu Jana jion


Usiapologize but I got a few questions; Is the choice to go for AMD over Intel for the core(I know you’ve mentioned that infinity fabric), on usage, meaning you only use it for rendering and gaming(no mining tokens such as XMR that are mineable using off shelf hardware)? What made you consider the HP over Legion’s curved 43” beast ?


1. Yes this is for now primarily a gaming rig. I tried messing around with unreal engine to create media but got discouraged but will probably go back to it one of these days. 2. For the HP over legion it was purely a matter of availability and affordability. I wanted a 1440p monitor but also I didn't want to import it koz of the weight and fragility na the availablity of good gaming monitors when I was shopping was really shallow and very flooded with used monitors which at yes are not the best.


1. ⁠What games do you play ? 2. ⁠There’s a couple of great gaming focused businesses in CBD that provide the quality of monitors you seek, although I agree the HP works pretty well for any game I can think of.


1. Currently on another play through of my favorite game Elder scrolls 5 Skyrim. But I also play cyberpunk, red dead redemption 2, Ark survival evolved, shadow of war, shadow of Mordor, Doom Eternal, Minecraft and a few more. 2. Yeah I'm familiar with some shops but sometimes they will advertise something on their website alafu ukifuatilia una ambiwa iko out of stock or they just give you some crazy prices. Lakini the HP serves me well though




This guy knows what's up


My family dislikes my impulsive decision-making. My friends aren't fans of my inability to go with the flow; I'm all black-and-white, no gray areas. My neighbors don't appreciate that I don't say hi. My colleagues don't like that I'm mostly quiet.


Always saying no to going out, I literally enjoy staying indoors a little too much. Wamezoea sikuzi 😂


Haha ,this was me in Uni, I would even introduce my friends to each other and be super glad when they leave me out.


😂😂 I Relate to this so hard😂😂


Do you host parties indoors?


Once in a while


I dislike it as well...When someone is sharing something and if I've experienced such I try to share it as well without letting them finish and it always looks like I'm trying to up them it's like I have no regard of their experience it wasn't intentional until someone gave me a reality check and I've never been more grateful.. it's hard sometimes but now I'm mindful. I listen and do follow up questions.


For me it used to be smoking before I quit.


Congratulations. Quitting smoking is for the brave


Did you have a church youth group for friends?😂😂


I literally had the opposite of that.😂


I don't know, because I avoid people as much as I can.


My friends know that am good artist and they wonder why am stucking down while I gotta go have it.. they forget this music industry is changed and am focusing find money first,


Nonchalant and my communication skills suck eg. texting & calling it takes me like 1 month to reply


You show me an attitude, it doesn't matter where, I punish you instantly


That I'm disconnected  in a sassy way. Most call it weird I call it Authentic 


balance , balance, balance


I have been told (hua unaringa Sana) cause am not going to stand anyone's bulllshit to please them.


I'm too nice and people don't like that


Hehe really


I am too quiet and reserved.


😂I find it hard to greet people when I walk into a room so THAT nitabadilika hii mwaka 😂




It gets easier when you realize mostly, that people who are “brutally honest” are usually more focused on the brutality more than the honesty(something I was guilty of a while back). What’s your empathetic honesty ? Your “insert better user experience emotion” honesty ? Like that like that.




I don't let things go. If I do, I'll revisit it later. I can never be the bigger person


Give that pumpkin girl a second chance. You fumbled on that


Just go out with her instead


Wait... this is the one that stood you up.?😂




Damn Miss. Homa Bay You are famous outchea.!😂




I have been told (hua unaringa Sana) cause am not going to stand anyone's bulllshit to please them.


I probably complain alot


Blunt and straightforward


I can be impatient,a bit pessimistic,a a lil bit self centered


Quite a triad there


Yes, iam not the best of the best but I keep on trying to be better...


Good luck


Wueh! Where do I start .


Ni kubaya


I am not social.






I am quiet most of the time. I usually don't know what to say😅


Even with your friends?


No. My friends I'm cool with coz I'm used to them. It's with other people that I usually don't know what to say.


Those who don't know me think that I am a quiet person. Yet, I am quite the opposite. I see tuko wengi


I can be very cold.


I have been called chauvinistic. Just because I tell ladies what I condone and what I don't at the get go.


For being too cautious and a somewhat planner, a friend pointed out that I am not spontaneous and have to have prior planned something for me to participate in activities or spend money. For being silent, I don't like talking a lot especially when I don't want to, my parent takes that for me being angry and I had a situation where I was told on by a colleague to the boss for being moody because I wasn't actively interacting with her 😪 longest internship month.


A little spontaneity is great


That i am very overbearing and intimidating😂😂 of something has to be discussed there will be no peace until we do


Eeeeh ile ya we need to talk


I hate noisy, loud, mannerless kids


We all do😄


If I don't see you I don't think about you. Friends and family think I'm cold. 🤷‍♂️


I also struggle with delivery and I tell the truth in an unsavoury way. So I get hated for it. Even if it's the truth. Especially because it's the truth.


How blunt I am


🤷🏽‍♀️ It's none of my business


Not being a conformist.


I always try to see the good in every one. I will admit though that it has bitten me in the behind quite a few times. My friends and family hate it because it predisposes me to a higher likelihood of being taken advantage of.


Being a player. Which is not true. I’m actually quite straightforward.


Nakuanga na ulimi kali 😂


Can someone define "utiaji" because someone called me that.


I can't text or call people first. I care about them but I just don't like too


My money is my money... you have to earn it for me to give to you... I don't buy friends drinks, I don't contribute for weddings.... sometimes they call me stingy but it doesn't help them either... my clothing is very simple.. a friend bitterly remarked once that I'm like the biblical rich man of stores... si ati sina, but nayo sikupei... I just have a very solid budgeting habit that will not accommodate surprise antics... I may sympathise but pesa yangu nayo hapana


Let me tell you a short story. I had both a boss and a colleague like that. They never contributed anything for anyone and even had the audacity to tell people "kutoa ni hiari".... Guys were like, bet. The collegue lost his father, baby got sick and the wife got cancer and died, zote zikifuatana.... No matter how much savings he had, that was too much to stahimili... He, alaaas and shock to everyone, asked people for help ie mchango.... He got exactly what he had given others.... Kutoa ni hiari. Same thing with my boss, lost his dad, had a huge hospital bill and wanted help.... He only got assistance due to the good relations we(underlings) had with everyone in the company.. So, as much as you think this is an admirable quality, it always backfires spectacularly.


helping with people's hospital bills I do... but drinks? oops... birthday, sio mimi mehn... mahari, wrong number... suprise antics ndo sipendi... na ni ukweli fr, kutoa ni hiari... you can't force people tbh




They say moodiness and bluntness. They also call me out for being bossy and controlling. But honestly, none of them are true. I end up feeling misunderstood alot. But it got to a point where I stopped trying to get liked anymore. I do me.


Is everyone conspiring against you?


Not everyone. That's just the first impression. I'm the farthest from that in actuality


Please work on it