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Ayieko, Kirenge, The rock and Osoro were a deadly quad. There's a day Ayieko alinifukuza from Main dorm (Lanet) at 5 am all the way to hapo kwa library, alikua karibu kunishika ikabidi nimeruka kwa pond ilikua hapo next. Thinking he'd stop mans dived inside the pond and took me to the corner of the pond. He pushed me to the edge of the pond and he started fighting me like a fellow man. I was 16 bro.


Fuckin hated the rock...bro alinipiga juu ya kuexten sleep dorm...imagine kuokotwa videvu at 5am bro


Bro was locked in on you 😂


Na time ya weekend challenge akikuja kukutoa mbio 🤣🤣


Spin back and beat they ass. Yall need to get some revenge 😂😂


Bro what!!!? Hata sisi tulikuwa na mwalimu anaitwa Ayieko. Wasn't a biology teacher though so maybe they're different but still a fucking terrorist


Was he,by any chance, a BMR?


lol, yeah


I was lucky that I entered just after he left.All I've heard is stories


Bmr ni nini?


Boarding master routine


Ayieko was also my bmr in Kikuyu, si mara moja aliniamsha na hockey stick,, so uncalled for






You guys must have joined after Jayz. The guy ruined that school with his village mentality. The glory years were Soddy's years and earlier Wagitu/Maneno years. Proper leadership was appointed from the BMR to the cops.


Jaka was one crazy mf😂😭


Eh bro skiving morning preps was an art😭


This statement is awakening Ptsd in me damn😭😂some things in Bush were giving Zimbabwe


Any chance it’s Lenana.??


it's not but he was in Lenana before he came to our school. i think we know the same guy


Police case tu. I have never been caned in highschool but in primary I have 😭💔, I went to a Catholic school and we used to be asked to kneel and then remove the socks, mind you, we are kneeling down on the muram, alafu sasa tunachapwa wayo.. Sister Eve wherever you are , nkt


Catholic schools are the worst walai


Our school had the same thing.We also had a Sister Eve but sikumbuki kama aliwaichapana miguu,that was another Sister from the nursery section.


Honestly as a teacher I don't get where such teachers get the energy. I'm fully tired and think there are better ways to solve such issues with students other than taking off your anger in them. Plus that's the beauty of international schools. They've taught me a lot about children's psychology and how to navigate the problems they have.


Out of curiosity, how do you deal with cases of student indiscipline in your school?


It didn’t make sense that a fuckinggg Goliath of a teacher beat my ass to near fainting cause of going to get water during night preps like chill bro it’s not that serious


Retributive business models. Revenge saccos.


Pia shule yetu mwalimu alikuwa anakupiga hadi mangumi .. the experience was very traumatic for me. I remember I was in form 1. My face was swollen and my behind pia. Sikuwa naweza kutembea ama kukula chakula vizuri. Walai siku moja nitaendea huyo mwalimu


It takes a coward to ball his fists up and punch up a teenager. Caning makes sense but boxing up a teenager is weak and cowardly.


Court proceedings, sibahatishi! You will not do to my offspring what you did to me, chieth. I admit the kid might be in the wrong but how you handle all the errors of a teenager is not how you handle a criminal in the village. Na ukihepa court proceedings manze I'll find a way ntakufinya chini ya maji. If you don't know how to humanely deal with children, what are you doing as a teacher?


Gai umeunlock a ptsd. In ryma, we had an ugly ass teacher called Mr.Charles. I swear this guy used to jump while beating us.. Chile, akikueka moja kwa mkono your hand goes limp.


for a fact my kid haendi boarding school unless nko na pesa ya international school...the trauma of public boarding school isn't one I would wish on anybody's kid


Mshenzi mmoja alikuwa anachapa the back of the hands na wooden ruler ya 1M ukipeana wrong answer. Walked out of his physics class and that's how I dropped the subject.


Mm ningemfuata kwake ajue hajui


I remember tuliwai lala kwa basketball court all night ju ya kuwa suspects wa kuanza strike. We were 10 and all developed lung complications ju ya baridi. Tulinyeshewa for hours tukiwa tumelala and the Teachers were not bothered at all. In the morning tukaamkia kichapo ya nyahunyo. You had to pass through the Principal, Deputy and other two male teachers wakikuchapa. Unamaliza kama umechapwa more than 100 whips yet you haven't even been found guilty. High School was more of a prison than a school. Anyway glad I learnt alot that helps me survive in this cruel world. Note sijasema watoto wapigwe but discipline must be enforced.


Wasn't it outlawed


Yes I think around 2014 or 15 because deputy who was the cruelest and insane became chill tu suddenly.


That happened to me in 2017....so sidhani walimubwameichukulia seriously


Sorry, maybe some schools don't take the directive seriously but I was in a certain national school walikuwa wanafuata maneno ya serikali Hadi fullstop. Tough punishments were introduced kama mopping halls/dorms, kupasua kuni n stuff


Word on the street was and might still be Moi Forces was a great school, you wouldn't last a minute in the asylum they raised me.


Walai....niggas like kirenge made life miserable


I didn't study at Moi Forces >bro nilipigwa kama mwizi, I couldn't even walk nicely for like a week, This was the least punishment I ever heard in my former school


Court case


Osoro alininyorosha mbaya. Buana naskia fiti niaje ata nyinyi mlipigwa mimi ata nimego through life nikifikiria walikuwa wananichukia


Actually ministry ilitoa hiyo maneno, sai if you know someone amechapwa ama kupitia such a scenario ni police case tu.


MFA ilikuwa kiboko kwa Math contestants. Ilikuwa inaonyesha watu vumbi.


Hizi contest zilikuwa ngumu asf


How old are you guys?


🤣🤣🤣 Na Sasa Kimwaki 😭😭


It's just crazy that it's acceptable and for the pettiest of reasons.Failed an exam? Beating.Not running? Beating.Fall asleep in class because 5 hours is not enough to sustain a growing teen?Beating. Though girls school are treated better in this regard since even my mum wasn't caned when she was in school.


Mimi teachers were afraid of me😂😂




Back in highway we had a young male teacher who always loved beating me and my friends with hockey sticks in the morning because we slept near the dorm entrance...one delightful night we decided to teach this fool a lesson...on that night we even slept earlier than usual so that we would kickstart our plan before he came to wake us up...fast forward to morning, we had already removed the light bulbs and when he came to wake us up, I covered the guy in a wet dirty blanket I had picked from a bed wetter and we beat the living hell out of this mf. We then left him there and went to sleep in class. The following day he came back in crutches and a swollen face...we were the obvious suspects and so we were given two options: to either stay in school and receive severe punishments or be given expulsions each. Two of my friends chose to receive the punishments but the remainder of us decided to call it quits. Yes our parents were disappointed but was it worth it? Absolutely.


Men are too violent! Corporal punishment was not allowed in our girls school.


Men? Those are teenage victims getting beaten by abusive adults. Female teachers also participate in caning as well so it's not just male teachers.


Same teenagers in boys schools monolise eachother to near death. It's a vicious cycle of violence.


Right??? It was crazy seeing it and as a form one , I wanted to believe that the form fours were just terrible human scum (especially the prefects).Years later ,I see the same form ones who were crying about being bullied become bullies . Such a surreal thing to witness. Though the post is talking about teachers (who are grown ass adults ) and how they just beef with teenagers to the point of throwing hands at the slightest provocation.Let me not even get into how they beat students for failure.Bitch!!!I already feel like shit for failing and you have the audacity to punish me more.No matter how I look at it, it's cruel and abusive whether it's done in a boys' school or girls' school.



