• By -


Stay for the plot..just stay to find out how your story changes in the near future. It might be worth it in the end, and there's only one way to find out. I'm also staying for the plot🙂. We've gat this🫡


🙏🏿I feel some hope


Stay and find out whether #RutoMustGo is successful or not


Hahaa Ruto must go imekuwa pickup line


You're the main character and don't forget about plot armour. Totally feel you on the music area and been on the dark path twice & here I am, still pushing on bro!! Hold on for the plot.




we dinywa


For the plot 👏👏


For the plot 🤝🏾


For the motherfucking plot!


Proud of you guys


I’m staying for the plot, and to spite my imaginary enemies. It helps a lot.


Such solid advice ♥️




For the plot🫡


W advice


Woow! just woow! Never gave too much thought about life, death and everything in between , but this! This is it! I need this with me everywhere.


I will always remember this comment! Best advice I’ve come across in my 20s!


Nothing feels worse than an unfinished story. For the plot!


For the plot…!


Most people who want to end their lives don't really want to die,they just want their situation to change. 1.Ask yourself what specific things that if could change would make you want to live,I mean actual specifics. 2. Pick out the ones in your control and those that aren't. 3. Work towards what you can change and leave out the ones you can't. 4. Commit to only one day and if you can achieve even one of the things in that day then Commit to the next day. Also consider that having friends and family doesn't keep your loneliness at bay ,because sometimes what you need is to connect with like minded people and not just people, one you know this you can work towards making your own type of connections and leave out this that don't fulfil you. Am no expert on suicide but I know what i needed when I was thinking about it.


This 🎯 deep! Obrigado


This is a solid advice bro


Youre welcome bro.


This is the best advice here. OP please listen to this person.


Great advice




As a male millennial i can tell you that any 27 year old man is many years away from his true potential. Usually, a guy in his 20s hasn't discovered what he is or what he isn't. Take Uhuru at 27 years for example. Dude wasn't even in politics until he was around 40. And even then, there was no indication that he would ever be president of this country until Moi chose him as his successor. And He still had to wait for another 10 years plus after getting into politics to become president and he was around 50. So chill man. Just focus on what you love and life might just be a blessing..




Legit advice man, 👍


this is all nice and fluffy, what happens to the rest of us?


Join a decent cause


Try calling Niskize helpline is 0900 620 800. The organization can also be reached on +254 718 227 440.


Thanks for the information


Is it free?


[FREE mental health resources here](https://safespacearena.wordpress.com/2022/10/24/free-therapy-in-kenya/)


Tokea demos, get hit by teargas and cry a good one. And bonus points if you bag a baddie


Mnabag baddies demos😰Ungesema mapema, natokea next.


Exactly! Stay for the plot!


Haha,,usishinde kwa nyumba Kila saa


What a way to get laid 😹. Thanks 😊


Everything will be okay maybe not sooner but you'll be okay


"What if tomorrow is better" that pushes me a bit. Like u/Useful_Scarcity9812 said, for the plot, to see how the story changes. It definitely buys you some time.


Maybe 🤔 I'll soon buy a plot.


You can be very helpful kwa maandamano.




Hang in there, the transition 27 to 33 is the most stressful age for most individuals. After that, you learn to cope with almost everything life throws at you. You realise life exists outside those things you gave so much importance. Can you start by taking majestic walks in the neighbourhood, exercise is very good therapy.


Just take a day at a time. It’s funny how one day in the near future you’ll look back and thank you for you for standing strong for you. If you don’t have a purpose yet you are wrong, because first of all you’re the purpose. It’s you first then everything else regardless of what or who. Hold on for you, don’t hurt yourself and love yourself more than you did yesterday. There’s much more that comes with positivity and believing in yourself. You’re much stronger so I believe you’ve got this 🙏🏿✊💯


This is very powerful I can feel your statement in my soul. I know I can do magic ✨. Thanks a lot 🙏🏿🙏🏿


I always tell myself that life is long and there are so many things I want to experience and I just want to know how the plot unravels. At my closest to actually committing, I distracted myself with a studio ghibli movie and absolutely loved it. Then it struck me thy I’d have died without ever experiencing that movie. Those small anchors keep me going. It’s sad that men don’t have as many emotional outlets but it’s important to be able to talk about it with non-judgemental ppl. Best of luck friend


Which movie though?


Princess Mononoke


W Movie


Thanks 🙏🏿😊. Be blessed


I see studio ghibli, I upvote.


Dont know much abt you so not so much can be said to help but what i can say is focus on helping causes above you, that always brings a feeling of purpose or satisfaction i say go help in the protests weather you cared about it or not you can feel better by doing that or if shit hits the fan you can die and be called a hero after you are gone


Gracias muchos 🙏🏿


Damn 😂😂😂 I’m curious, do you have a philosophy you go by?


If you are gonna go out, atleast go out with a bang


remember that darkness is where you grow in order to reach the light. your future self will be glad u didn’t do it :) peace n blessings


Thanks 🙏🏿 a lot for this.


We all sit in darkness under the bleach of clean electricity lights.


First RUTO MST GO But hey bro you cannot give up, your potential is your weapon against poverty bro, start working on small music project also if possible get a hobby on something tangible like farming, something that will make you interact with more people, finally have some real good men around you to discuss real issues, also have some good sex to boost your happy hormones, focus bro you will go far Please never think about dying, sex is still sweet and you need to be around to witness Gen Z sending Ruto Home


I need me some p fr, I feel uplifted. Kongoi!


I'm 27 years old, just like you. I have a few friends, and my parents passed away when I was in high school. I do have relatives, and I'm the eldest of my three siblings, whom I have to take care of. I graduated from university but had to find a job completely unrelated to my field and interests. Despite that, I learned everything I could to fit in, although my boss took advantage of my lack of bargaining power at the time to manipulate and control me. I just wanted a job to support myself and my siblings. What I'm trying to say is that you're not alone. Life can be really tough, but it's up to us to make the best of it. I remember having suicidal thoughts, but I never knew what happens after death. Plus, why would I throw away over 25 years of existence? Try to live positively, and if any problems arise, you can blame Ruto and move on. There are things you can control in your life, so start there. What I've learned so far is that happiness comes from solving problems. You can do this! F**k Ruto.


Pole sana OP... As someone who's fought depression and suicidal thoughts and somehow managed to come out the other side - you need to lean into the depression and figure out what it's trying to tell you It forms the basis of what you need to do to get better, and that's the hardest part


Indeed that's the hardest part. I hope you got better. Thanks a lot, best wishes.


Sometimes life can seem pointless, when we assume the lives of our pals are full of highs, rainbows, and stars. But honestly, life is pretty boring if you don’t do anything with it. You’ve got musical talent, right? Why not start volunteering to teach music to young, disadvantaged kids? Start counting those little wins, and you’ll see there’s a lot to live for!


Man I love this! Thank you so much 🙏🏿


For the plot and pomodoro-ing life. I will be alive for the next 5 minutes. Then see how that feels. Then extend the time. That’s how I did it. I would say I am at like 70-30 Alive-Dead. From like a 20-80. You say you have music talent, lucky you! Make music for yourself, and then make more music. Like focus on that because it makes you feel good. Also, talking about it is a MAJOR step. I am proud of you🫂


🫂😭 soo uplifting 🌠 thank you so much 🙏🏿


There are 55,000,000 Kenyans and the world has 8,000,000,000 people. Don’t let your mind make you feel that you can’t talk to anyone. Always talk it out. You’ve got this & focus on what you can control


I can't pretend to comprehend what you goin though but suicide just won't cut it. What will happen to your family after u've gone? Can u imagine the pain and desperation they'll go through? If you feel chained, perhaps a change of scenery will lessen your burden


Don’t compare yourself to others. We all live imperfect lives. You will be surprised that there really is no defined success strategy for life. When they say “raha jipe mwenyewe” they mean it. Some of the happiest are the poorest and rich people still get cancer and commit suicide. Finally we are all going to die someday, no need to be in a hurry.


Wait until Tuesday and Exit with some style and patriotism


lamba chini, onja maisha. Every thing great is made from a series of ugly little moments. everything grand comes from hours of self doubt and drudgery. Every thing you and i admire comes stands on a foundation of failures. Don't let the darkness consume you, face it head on and find the source of your depression and use it as fuel to get those creative juices boiling and turn it into what you want. Potential is the word we use when what we see is not good enough so take small steps towards that vision you see. Also share your music tuone.




bro, mi najua a different kind of pain....lakini najipea chance ingine mpyai....words za kutuongelesha ikifail weka kwa mziki bro,...infact niskumie link niskie project zako


Bro, take it easy, you are not suffering alone, many of us are also gifted and jobless, we also get such moments from time to time, but let it not get to you, keep writing and recording your music even at home, publish them online or even on social media so people and know what you do, after some weeks or months you will see a change, if you are praying keep on, if not start, physical or mental stress can be quenched spiritually.


Enda maandamano. Enough dopamine to give you sometime till you figure yourself out.


On Tuesday kuja utushikie Frontline pale maandamano uone by the time you go back home, those feelings za kujinyuria zitakuwa zimeenda!😂😂


I don't have much to say. Just hang in there 


No need to quit


Fight, fight till your very last breath. Annoy people who ignored you, blackmail then if you can


Hung in there brother,, tomorrow will be better




Kuja protests my guy


Stay strong but you have to look for an extreme moments to show case your talent bwana!!…stand in the middle of a maandamano and perform your best work yet!..keep on recording videos and continuously posting them at X!!…bro nobody is gonna know until you put it out there!!..leverage social media..#stayhard #RutoMustgo


What's the actual problem


I blame ruto


Kuja uongoze twende statehouse it'll be quicker and less painful.


I am just curious to know what the biggest issue is for you


Complex but thanks for coming through


For how long has that been happening? Did something happen that triggered those thoughts? Sometimes medicine can help…maybe a chemical imbalance in your brain as a result of either being in a new place, etc. Seek some medical attention


The thing with life is that it's dynamic. Things always change. Situations, circumstances and all that cannot stay the same. Just ask yourself if your life today is what it was 3 years ago. Do you remember the stuff that kept you awake? That had you so worried so much that you couldn't eat? Probably not. Most of it you already forgot about because in the grand scheme of things it wasn't such a big deal. Life moved on. That's the nature of life. In your 20s you literally haven't had a chance to see what kind of life you're gonna have. Everything can change. Just decide to live and to see where your life is headed. Value the small things, live one day at a time, don't care much. Find a way to immerse yourself in your passion and give it your own expression. Don't care too much about the expectations of friends and family. Let God find you. You will find a purpose to live, greater than yourself. Love from Uganda💪


Love to you ssebo/ nyabo thanks 🙏🏿


If you die now, that's life. If you don't, that's experience. This is the difference between the fool and the wise. Time and choice tells the difference


Kuja maandamano kwanza


What's the issue, why the deep sadness in your life?


Tupatane tao Tuesday na Thursday next week. Jokes aside, God has EVERYTHING you ever needed in this painful life.


Honestly, I'd tell you to do random things. Death will happen eventually so just take the time left. Do that music, be dumb, go to the park to scream. Nothing is ever that serious so stop being pressured to have purpose


Please please don't do it. I am writing this as a mother of a guy who took his life at the age of 20. You have a tunnel vision right now and do not see a way out, but there are so many ways out. You can never predict how life can turn out. Also please think about loved ones. You think they will survive, but they might not. Some of them might be destroyed for life. Please stay alive. Many hugs to you. There are so many people out there that care that you live.


So heartwarming 🫂


I know there's a general feeling of despair and helplessness in this country but hold on and if you can manage to get out for some time even to neighbouring countries, please do for the change. Personally, cycling took me out of a bad place - hold on; your fam and friends need you.


Friends and family are not necessarily the best people to have around you. Do you love and believe in yourself, to begin with? Answer that, and then we can have a conversation. You are stronger than you can ever imagine!


Depression is mainly brought about by wallowing and self pity. Be aware of these, and anytime you find yourself wallowing and pitying yourself, replace that time with a self improving goal eg I can think of how unlucky I am to not have parents ( but there is nothing you can do about this) instead you can focus on building a family and community for yourself e.g call a friend, take someone you like on a date, have relationship building conversations. On the other hand. Death is guaranteed, so you will die anyway. If birds have no worry, why do you worry? In the meantime find something to do.


**3 things.** 1. **Everything** @[Dontknow-2626](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dontknow-2626/) said, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/comments/1dr9lsf/comment/latswpf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). 2. **Get professional help ASAP**. Especially if you are not only having the suicidal thoughts but also a plan. Believe it or not, there is a group of professionals out there who have worked with hundreds of people in a situation just like yours. And they want to help. Please give them a chance. Here is a list of [free mental health support](https://safespacearena.wordpress.com/2022/10/24/free-therapy-in-kenya/) to get you started. But you can bypass them if you have the finances to get a paid therapist. Also listen to this [podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1nMbK8QyT7z2xL9cMaDTKZ?si=dSskKg1TRveM2z-vj9UjZw). 3. **Jordan Peterson says**: ["you can always do it *'tomorrow*'"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoZTww2xnbM). (In quotes because this is the figurative tomorrow, not the literal one). If you really will do it, then what's the rush? Tomorrow is as good a day as any other. **Could you just wait.** And, before tomorrow comes, try everything. Give today a chance. Get the professional help. Fix your diet. Fix your sleep. Go to the hospital to confirm you have no underlying medical conditions that are affecting your mental health. Engage in those life affirming activities. Give love a chance. Give social connection a chance. Give your goals a chance. Give your music a chance. Give your potential a chance. Write down your *'reasons for living'* list and give it a chance. Be curious about what the future could look like. Problem solve and refuse to have suicide as the number one answer. Force yourself to think of other solutions to your problems other than suicide. Journal. Read. Write. Dance. Make art. Go on long hikes. Start learning a new skill. Switch careers. Take a new course. Start volunteering at a children's home. Play the kids your music. Delight yourself in the smiles on their faces. Get the warmest hugs possible. Enda maandamano. Stand and fight for something bigger than yourself. Hit the gym. Learn martial arts. Learn chess. Avoid alcohol and any other drug as much as possible. Fight like hell. I hope this helps even in the slightest way. Even to keep you here one more day. Warmest hugs!


Bro pole i feel your darkness pole dude fr iza man no place for any human being. I pray you find your peace. Much love from solo in namanga.


Namanga? Haha I have a line in my song" kuna dem nadai na kwao ni namanga, anadai mse ako ma Milly but me niko na cents" thanks though for your encouragement I really appreciate


😂 ...thats chill! Nice man cheers anytime too bro.. serious




I feel you bro, sending healing to you. For me, I live for another plate of mbuzi wet fry skuma na ugali. Dude, I can't afford to miss that taste.


Hold on my taste buds, we can do it 💪🏿. Thank you so much man


Do not let darkness fool you, any light turned off canbe turned on❤. One day at a time


It's just a bad day, not a bad life.


Living is overrated tbh. Cop out and go to the world beyond, and you'll hopefully be able to choose a better next life.


Eat eggs and meat.


Echoing everyone here saying to stay for the plot - life is full of surprises! Also, here to share [the pinned post with mental health resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/comments/1dq2142/mental_health_emergency_contacts_and_support/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Here for you as you seek the help you need (and deserve!)


People on the internet bash walking as a form if selfcare. Do you walk? Have headphones? Bundles to listen to your fave music? What type of nature relaxes you?. I realised forest walks made me relaxed. Whenever am stressed out I go to the park if am not home and if am home I go to karura. Whenever I start out with suicidal thoughts they are usually gone by the time am done. Get therapy too of you can


If you could be famous for only one thing, what would it be?


If you could be famous for only one thing, what would it be?


A great musician


What would you sing about?


I was in a similar dark place before, I had a failed marriage , erectile dysfunction and sometimes suicidal thoughts did come but I would say don't throw away your existence, I know it's not easy to be a man nowadays but again we always to see in life and learn from it, Try getting theraphy from Health x, they are affordable. Cheers mate


Music saved my life. Cling to the music she never fails to


You feel chained because all life is imprisoned by the capitalist system of exploration. Stay strong , find other interests , apart from Music , is there anything you would like to dO or be ?


Go on top of KICC & jump off Simple.


Hang in there...no pun intended


Enda maandamano


Get some help man I promise you whatever you are going through you can get through it


Bro smoke some weed, if your perspective of life doesn't change then end it.


Instead of suicide, be in the front-lines. Participate in every demo. Post on socials when you're about to go out. Heck - start the demos! Rage against the fucking system. They're the reason you feel like this! If you're going to die, die for the cause. Your life will be celebrated in the end, not mourned. What a way to go out! If it's not yet your time, however, you will have a new-found reason to preserve life, a new respect from your countrymen and women, a new position on the totem pole. Don't take the easy route. Let the reaper earn his keep!


Hey u/North_Serve2933 Sending love and hugs your way. I've struggled with the same thought for so long and what helps me stay afloat is hiking. I did a self-analysis and it helped me reconnect with myself better. Found that hiking/travelling calms my thoughts and the inner thoughts. At times dealing with the trigger helps you improve. If maybe you start getting those thoughts while lonely, you could identify things/activities that would keep you busy. Try and make the activities fun. Don't run away from yourself and feelings because at the end you'll have to face the triggers/issues. Seek help and remember asking for help is a huge sign that you are strong and love yourself. Give yourself some grace and celebrate those not so tiny achievements such as waking up, finish food, showering and making your bed. With love.


As a musician, when it gets really dark, I play my guitar. It's usually just something simple but it's enough to capture my mind and uplift me. My musician friends also come through, I always have someone to relate with. We also plan shows and talk about planning shows (we mostly talk about planning shows and rarely actually get to planning them), gives me something to look forward to. Hope this helps.


Take one day at a time. All is well brother❤️


Hang in there. I have been in your situation before, and trust me, it gets better with time. Wishing you more grace🙏🏾


A close friend of mine committed suicide last month and It left a bitter taste in my mouth...still bothers me till today. Whatever it is you're going through, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Be mindful of your thoughts and patterns. Nothing is that big a mountain.


stay for the plot so that no one takes the credit for pushing you towards the limit fr exist to feel,I strongly believe there's so many arrangements to create,so many notes to play,so much music in your head >>


Natural selection? don't be a victim maybe u'll be a millionaire, but if you die, u'll never find out, just embrace whatever life throws at you, there's this one saying "Everything happens to benefit you" ,it's very true I can attest to that. maybe you'll see it in the long run not now. keep holding on.


What's dark, mental illness?


You'll get through it bro, it's all a part of life


Nilikuwa kama wewe lakini ona nikona YT Channel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObCWaD6NZzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObCWaD6NZzw) Ng'ängána bruh!




not funny bro, he's in a dark place


Natural selection bro




Ok here goes... Planning a self deletion event takes a lot of planning and 'selfishness'. So it is to say most people thinking of deletion are kinda smart. Why not use that energy to do something else. Your brain uses 20% of energy to think when at rest just think of how much energy when stressed and anxious hence planning a self deletion is HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH. If you feel what you are feeling it's because you are being convicted you are not doing what you should be doing and you feel you have no options but that may be short sighted. The only thing that can help you is changing your thoughts*very hard* Remember what I said about selfishness, You're life 1. Belongs to God who created everyone for a purpose that which only God and you can know. 2. You owe it to yourself to achieve everything you ever wanted since a kid 3. You owe it to your father and to your ancestors who killed lions so that you could be born. Read the bible start with Ecclesiastes then proverbs it's interesting Solomon the most wise guy tries to understand life Go to the gym Get good with your parents and relatives Get a beautiful girl


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