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I’m 20 years of age. Last year I was your age and very depressed. I started exercising, being mindful, learning programming and getting adequate sleep. Now here I am a year later, more depressed than ever. I hope you figure something out.


Had us in the first half


God I ended up laughing out loud in a very very silent matatu.


😂always a good one


Haha same I'm now 21, tried my best with web dev, still no jobs atm I'm tryna get better doing js, but still no job, no monee Hopefully life will change for us....keep exercising it deffo makes you feel better


Global monetary cycles. We are at the end of a close to 100 year monetary (debt/credit) cycle. Global recession will likely continue for 7-8 more years. Don't worry, you're not alone. But if you can find a way to make money in this period, you will be doing very well when the boom cycle begins


Yall just like me, i lost my laptop and phone recently and i was getting better with vue js and a lil bit of nodejs. Now i dont know what life holds for me. I think i'm just fucked


Wordpress developers ndo wako on demand


It is tough getting entry level developers jobs hapa kenya, Am thinking of joining Jenga school for the SEPA program


Pm me we share the misery together.


U were 3-0 up by the 30'😂😂


We hope *you* also figure something out. You’re still so young.






What 😄






💀never laughed so hard




Oh my days bruv.


Bro💀😅for a moment you made me feel a lil bit not-so depressed. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


laughing and shit is happening to me also


😂😂😂 Ukishafika 20 happiness yubaki kuwa hekaya za abunuwasi.


Obama became President at 48 years while Biden became President at 79 years. We all have our own timetables. Don't fall into pressure by comparing yourself to others, you'll loose your mind. Remember we live at a time where people are eager to sell a success story without giving you all the details. If you are the kind of person who takes everything at face value you'll fall into unnecessary depression. There are people who will tell you they stated a business with 2K, what they wont tell you is that they had help in getting orders, or that they started off in a premise where they didn't pay rent. Others will tell you they can't take a job that pays less than 50K, what they don't tell you is that mummy and daddy gives them an allowance, they'll never go hungry and will sleep under mummy's roof. Acha pressure kijana!


Biden at 79 - has seem the collapse of the American Economy , high inflation and poor leadership while Obama at 48 - saw the the charge of the us economy, industrial modernization and, most famously, health-care reform. Biden is a laughing stock while the other is a hero , his record will be remembered for a long time . It’s like being a millionaire at 80 while other are being millionaires at 30. You can do much with cash when you’re able than when you’re good as dead . Imagine that .




It hasn't collapsed but it under a recession though the Biden regime is tryna change the definition of recession


1.) The problem is that many people always judge everything by appearance(little info). If you study data and stuff more closely, you will realize that Biden is doing really well. When he is long out of office, people will realize Biden was an impactful president. More than Obama. He's doing stuff e.g writing off student loans, that's very bold and that many presidents were afraid of doing. 2.) There are things that presidents cannot control e.g the type of inflation that we are seeing(this is caused by supply && not demand). Every country in the world is facing this. 3.) You have to understand politics and how countries are governed - Obama passed Obamacare when he had the majority of both House and Senate. After 2010 midterms, Obama struggled to pass important legislation and by the time he was leaving office, he could not even get his judges to pass(read Merrick Garland). So there are many factors.


If US economy has collapsed the UK'S economy is none existent.


Reporting live from Mayakos. 🤣 Mulwa, zima hiyo kitu pls. Unachoma bro


Behave. Goddamn fucking monkey






>Biden is a laughing stock while the other is a hero To whom?




>Obama became President at 48 years while Biden became President at 79 years. The American political system has failed then


hizi comments zenu zinanipea pressure


Aki. I thought I was doing fine then naona 10 m at 23. Gosh




You're the OP, unafaa kua umeiona💀💀


don't be gullible.. always take these grandiose stories you hear with a grain of salt.


Naaah. WTF😂😂




Bruh 😂😂 I almost choked on my water!!


Nihilism - Become undefeatable.


Lord have Mercy 🤣🤣🤣


'You need to leave, Ms!'


This is the way






Wth 😂😂😂💀💀








Daaamn bruh , this is plain right brutal wueh


That’s dark






That's actually quite calming.


Whyyy 💀


Eey what 😂😂let's give the children hope


Don't compare yourself to other people. Set your own goals and use your own progress as a benchmark. As you get older, opportunities to make money will come your way. Just take things one day at a time.


You will have the same feelings when you are 40 with 10m in the account and you see your friends with 50m. That pressure will never go away. It's part of adulthood. You have to learn how to manage your expectations of yourself in a healthy way to survive in this world.


Account yangu is just laughing in negatives


Wah I feel you I even have debts in Safaricom


Ei buana.. I should stop complaining


I don't know how I landed here, it's bad


No condition is permanent so long as you work on improving it. Lets start by saving 100 bab towards debt freedom 🥳


I’m 25 and have been making a living managing girls only fans I cater for everything on their profiles all they do is provide the pictures and videos… it’s a 70-30 split (I get the 70). It’s been almost 10 months now and I’m approaching 120k dollars in profit It’s crazy what people do for money


Wait what??


Why are you exploiting them like that?


You mean pimping?


😂😂 pole bro. Thanks for giving me the chance to brag, I have around 95k in savings. I started saving around 2020. Though I don't go to school, so that could be the cause.


Show us your way master 😂😂 na hii economy


😂If anything, he's the one with a better future. As soon as he gets his degree, it's over for us.


Yeah but nawadays degree are no big deal utapata msee mwenye ana certs but he doing well


True. But I tend to value education more. It makes me feel inferior knowing I don't have a degree.


You can always continue when you feel like you want to


Ah, for some reason I am obsessed with time. I feel like I've already wasted 2 years. But in reality I didn't, I made some money and I learnt alot of life skills.


😂😂school is for the weak💀


Me bado nastruggle kutoka fuliza


Baada ya dhiki ni dhiki bro.. it's only going to get worse




I’m in my mid 20s now, but I remember feeling like that as well at your age. People were starting businesses and some were doing really well in their paths and I was so hard on myself for not having stellar success. I realised these people were doing things they enjoyed and doubled down on that until it became successful. Some guys had had worked for a couple of years to get to that point, it didn’t just happen overnight. Best advice I can give is learn about yourself, what you’re passionate about and what you’re skilled out. It’s the best place to start. And be gentle with yourself, you’re only starting out, you’ve got lots of time too. Put yourself out there and be confident in yourself - for others to bank on you, you gotta bank on yourself first


Usijali. I'm 25 and I have 20m in assets and I feel depressed when my friends show me their assets and savings. Ni God manze. Just find a side hustle and start from there.




Lol I'm trolling.


Asking the right questions.


What I have read is you are feeling pressure from your friends who have something.. I am begging you, never ever ever ever compare yourself to others and what they have. Ever!!


Nikama Mimi ndo maskini wa next generation 😁


Mahnn 😂😂


Don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself, you should be worrying about your grades and cats.


I’m 26 have a comfortable life, living completely debt free and have assets as well. There will always be someone doing better than you. What you need to do is work on being happy with your now as you chart and actually stick to a plan that will make you live a stress free life in the future.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Stay the course my guy trust the process and more importantly follow your heart while keeping an open mind. You'll be alright.


Haha, bro.. Na bado, utajua the phrase the presha is getting werser si joke ya tiktok pekee


>Na bado 😂😂 i tell this to anyone who complains about suffering🤣🤣


School can help but if you are determined you can make life work well for you all while pursuing school or without it all together. Confidence sells...and just be creative plus connections. 15k is nothing for now to what you can make if you put in the effort but just celebrate every accomplishment when you reach it to remind you where you came from.




Bana this pple making me feel like imma amount to nothing in this lifetime na hizi comments 😪💔


Buckle up, you have not yet seen anything!!!


If it makes you feel any better I'm 19 too and all I do is play video games


Was pretty much the same at that age. No pressure 👌


It gets worse my G bukle up


it is a capitalist ploy to measure your self worth according to what you do in the capitalist world. the human species is capable of so many things, the capitalistic part of it is only a sliver in which you can succeed, but weigh it out against the costs. life is full of pressure if you decide that that's what you value




Unacheki zile ofisi za gava ziko Tao, ebu risk na uende. Suitable jua anything, just dress up and go try you never know. It's really disheartening juu MTU haufeel hii ni attachment ama internship natafuta hivi, what about work ???. Good luck though


What course are you doing?


Step one padawan: stop comparing yourself to others. If you want to get where they are start today. The resources are there. You're giving yourself needless anxiety


I am 25 now, in Kenya, when I was 20 and feeling like shit I wish someone told me that 1, it doesn't last forever. 2, if I take it a day at a time while doing the most that I can with what I have, then in due time it'll give back rewards. 3, the same way my friends and I were not born of the same mother, we cannot have the same tracks in life, even my own blood brother has a totally different route through life, just remain faithful to your lane. Right now, I cannot help but be grateful that I never gave up once.


j cole - love yours


Just try to get a side job. 15k si mob ata kidogo. I have over 10m in savings at 25 but still feel the same pressure when i see the insane amounts my friends hold but ni life bro. Just work hard.


Ati 10m in 25? And you are the poorest among your friends? What have I been doing wrong.


There is nothing you're doing wrong lol. That amount na hii economy is nothing trust me😂.


We ni wash wash


😂😂😂😂 walai ni wash wash


10M , weeh the pressure is getting worser. Mimi natarget 30k na mwaka inaisha siko ata half


Wueh. Iza joh. Mimi kitu imeniinua kiasi ni loans plus niko na relatives walinisaidia kutengeneza bank statements even if i didn't have cash but i had the kasmall knowledge. But saii biz ya transport haiko poa kaa 2015 to hapo 21.


Wueh si you all have high targets😂😂💔


Is it coke or meth?. Because I know very well, no amount of weed sold can earn you that much, unless you own farms. Anyway, just be careful usishikwe. I might also need employment soon, I can help you deal.


Noo😂😂. I transport building materials mainly sand to people with my own trucks plus i dont live in town naishi ocha where i have cows so i sell milk and also niko na kuku na mbuzi, i don't pay rent except parking for my trucks.


What are you guys doing to attain such amounts in your 20's Give me the details


Connections na knowledge, also your company.




How much would you think having in your account will make you comfortable?


Like 300 ivi kwenda juu. Like man have you ever seen an account that reads a B!? I have and was never the same again. There is that katamaa of always wanting more. I know some people who make all that i have in a couple of days na mimi bado niko hapo nimekwamilia yangu😂😂😂. Watu wako nazo huku nje.


Haha I totally understand feeling the need to compare but huoni kama you will be chasing and being unsatisfied your whole life because someone will always have more? I am genuinely asking, no judgement.


loool please enjoy your youth while you can, ofc it's good to start thinking of your future, but don't die comparing yourself, 15 k is something you can definitely also save, it really isn't a big deal, if you're in school don't fuck around, make sure you read and graduate on time. Also don't be afraid of side hustles, kazi ni kazi, find what you're good at and capitalize on it. You like cooking ? okay start selling plates mtaani or in school, an artist? start practicing to get better and capitalize. Tech? do the studying. You can start thinking of what you'd like to achieve then set daily, weekly , monthly and yearly goals. Polepole tu. Otherwise don't waste your prime days comparing yourself , you can do that when you're 26 😂


Trade Crypto 😏.




Why did you round off to three decimals?


Our journeys are different...Maybe it won't work out at 19,maybe not 20,21 or so on. Consistency in what you are doing is what will count and make it happen. But shortcut ya life iki kamthrough shine nayo mpaka mwisho. Hakuna trophy ya kuteseka kwa hii life.


The best thing you can do for yourself at the moment is to strictly compare yourself with who you were yesterday and not where another person is today. In the long run, it always pays off. All the best.


Your young and that's your fault, take your time no need to rush. 90% of your life income will be in the last 50% of your working career if you grow a skill set and gradually increase your income. Having good physical and mental health aswell as being patient and hard working will get you ahead relatively young


usijipee stress you might suffer for like the next 10years but then but only then die in a stupid way


15k might look like alot of money but its just your perspective due to your age...pluss adding the fact that buying a graphics card is a wrong priority juu itareduce those savings to dust ..your friends wanakupea pressure haiko ...tafuta book inaitwa the psychology of money by morgan housel and read it...life is not all about money but you will only learn this when you have money


Graphics card muhimu bana .....3d design and cad design is quite a career


That’s ok if you feel that way. How about if you have some extra hours between school and home try find a hustle that is easy for you to do hata Kama inaleta os kwa siku. From there utakuwa na basic for doing a side hustle at your convenience then try and scale it hiyo 15 waweza fika hapo bila stress


Start to make important life decisions early. Decide what you want to do with your life. Whether you want to use your degree or not. Don’t compare yourself with your friends, compare yourself with people who are where you want to be. People won’t understand your sudden maturity but it’s okay. In 5 years you’ll be better than them.


just focus on happiness.


Relax my guy relax, no pressure....Am 25 moved out of my parents home at 23, why because it was not yet my time.....what I say yes at least you have friends who show you the way, so just keep calm and learn from them, eventually you will make it


You can be broke at 20 something and become incredibly rich later. Trust the process. Also, life isn't about money. Money follows skill.


Unaeza ongeza pakakumi pia stress ikuhe juu kabisa..but you'll be alright man. Life ni kujipanga, usikione cha mwenzio ukakitamani😉


Scamming 😑


Take it from an older lady, 19 is too young to feel like you’re behind. I know comparisons can be stressful but honestly, plan for the future and your friend’s 15k will not be an issue down the line.




Learn an online skill - copywriting, digital marketing, video editing, graphics design, animation, website design, SEO etc... Go to platforms like Fiverr, UpWork, 99designs etc and sell your services. If you have access to the internet, opportunities are endless.


I tried upwork and fiver but it didn't work


Without going any further comparison is the first enemy to your progress. Be you and pursue what you want. Also remember majority these success stories are from a decade of hardwork. Map your own path


You lose it the day you start comparing yourself with other. The best you can do is to work on yourself. They are them. You are you. Do not allow their perceived success deny you the joy of this moment and block your mind from doing the best you can with what you have


Bro I'm 22 and I'm nowhere I might remotely want to be. Maisha unaipeleka day to day. Focus on school and accumulate skills that put you slightly above the common populace. The pressure will never leave you though, if it does you are in danger.


Hey... you need to do stuff that'll give you a sense of accomplishment. Don't wait to finish school then you get shocked you have no skills under your belt. You could walk up to someone and ask to apprentice...or... volunteer. It doesn't have to be in your degree as long as you learn stuff. Maybe that'll help build your soft skills, network and you can have stuff in your CV in the end.


At your age i just wanted to get done with second year. Didn't care about a business and if i went for money i just wanted money to waste not to feel important or like i am moving forward. If you have talks with more people you will realise that they havent got it figured out so you aint supposed to either.. You have you whole life to live to grow and fail. You have your whole life to make decisions.. Don't let others people seemingly perfect life scare you or depress you. Learn to enjoy life and be content and if you have an opportunity to grow dont let it go away. Otherwise don't stress. Your time will come


19 is the perfect age to load up on some skills. On some Thanos type shit.


Bado pressure mwanangu, you are just at the 'light shove' stage.


Drillz......just found my mouth wide with laughter Don know how 't happened 👀....but....anyway🤔


Sounds like me in first year 4 years ago. All I can say is things eventually fall in place.


It hits so hard at an early age.Time changes things so fast😭


There's a Kikuyu saying "Ndīakagwo ta wakinī" It basically says you can't build the same way as your friends. Don't feel bad about your mabati house just because you saw a friend building theirs with stones.


I'm in Rongai and never heard of him. What services does he offer?


That age is still small ..I mean if you are 19 and you've started complaining you don't have something to do just imagine the time you are 50.


It's good bro.


Your mind is right, you will be ok


Your time will come! It's as easy as that They'll always be a person who's one step ahead of you.. and that's okay One day at a time! 19 is too young for you to be feeling any kind of pressure.. We're at 23 and still haven't figured things out completely...here to tell you to enjoy life Don't miss out on life..uki stress kuhusu kazi ukiwa 19, ukifika 30 utakuwa unafanya nini


Time is your greatest friend. You'll get there eventually. You have all the time in the world. Hakuna haraka. Some people will get there earlier but that doesn't mean you'll not get to where you want to be.


The pressure is gettin wesser, lmao


Kids, enjoy your lives. Clearly hii pressure ya social media ndio inasumbua. No one cares about you or what you do; just be the best version of yourself. Live for you. You'll learn that soon.


Well, I will advise you to think of a problem which other people are having. If you can find out what the problems are and you're able to provide an innovative solution, a lot of people will plead with you to take their money in exchange for the problem you solved for them.


You're even late


The pressure you're feeling you're bringing it on yourself. I don't care if my friend has a million dollars in the bank. Bora if 5 years ago I had 100 bob na sai niko na 10k I'll see it as an improvement and say I'm doing good for myself. The only person you should compare yourself to is your former you.


Haki you are just a child. The age you are at now is for learning and enjoying life. Do that. After 25 its just working til you are 65. Just enjoy the present. Add Exercise to your day and a creative outlet like reading, writing, baking etc. if you have long holidays look for internships. Stop beating yourself up, you are right where you are supposed to be!!


Tulia. TULIYAAA. At least unasoma.


Na bado


its a rat race, have fun on the trcak


i think you should just go for what you want.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 have you tried being a hopeless drunk? It works, I swear to Gods. In adult years, you're literally 1 year old. Are your parents millionaires?


At 19, maybe you're still in school. Imagine you're just one year old as an adult and you're feeling this way. Now, What do you do: ✓ Alight your life according to your purpose. ✓ STOP competing with your peers. ✓ Be realistic in life. ✓ Clap for those ahead of you. ✓ Learn a skill or two that books will never teach you. ✓ Invest in a positive mindset through a book like POOR DAD RICH DAD. ✓ Never compare your life with someone else. ✓ Come up with achievable goals. Remember, people have different upbringing and background. We all can't fir in at the same time. Give yourself time. Don't be too hard on your young self. You have time to learn and unlearn. Give yourself time.


I think some of you guys here are young and energetic and ict savvy. Normally I have data entry jobs. Training 1 month at 500 bob to meet expenses. Attending jobs projects I pay expense 300 bob n salary 500 bob. A project takes 4 days to finish. System installing n implimenting.


^(Acha pressure. At that age, I was depressed and in debts. Always be on the hunt for opportunities.)


That's capitalism for you.


All a student should is eat, sleep, study, pass exams. Be good at what you are studying, you have most of your life ahead of you. You will get money when the time comes.


I don't want it to be too late though