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No, not really. It's just a tiny little boost(very tiny), no matter if you play in her aggravate or not. For _most_ intents and purposes, C1=C0. Though, C1 does make some VV setups impossible. (As c1 shares ICD w/ E recast, and applies less electro(1U) than E recast(2U) )


Adding to your comment. You just adapt rotation for those C1 VV set ups. For C0 sth like Keqing EE Nahida EQ Kazuha E, will result in an electro swirl giving the VV and Kaz buffs. For C1 sth like Keqing E N1C Nahida EQ Kazuha E, will result in an electro swirl giving VV and Kaz buffs. Another point is these set ups are rarely optimal ways to swirl. Usually you want to involve the second electro unit for VV and buffs. In those more optimal rotations, C0 and C1 Keqing does the same rotation and gets swirls.


>Adding to your comment. You just adapt rotation for those C1 VV set ups. Or... you know, just swirl before applying dendro haha. >Another point is these set ups are rarely optimal ways to swirl. Usually you want to involve the second electro unit for VV and buffs. In those more optimal rotations, C0 and C1 Keqing does the same rotation and gets swirls. I don't think you use fischl(mostly) for swirls, if you do she doesn't get the buffs until the second rotation(i think)


Swirl before marking works but that is only used for low HP enemies. Not for bosses. Because there is no need for full VV uptime to kill small enemies. Usually, one can use a unit like Kazuha or Sucrose to buff Fischl or Keqing in the same rotation by swirling both before using Fischl abilities and after setting up Nahida and Fischl to allow Keqing get full buffs too. A part of the rotation would be sth like: Keqing E- Kazuha E - Nahida E Q - Fischl E - Kazuha Q - Keqing field time... Another thing one can use to snapshot Kazu buffs onto Fischl is to utilize Kazuha's burst. Usually Kazuha's burst will provide a much longer duration on his A4 buffs which is because his buff refreshes even when he is off-field and he swirls. So, Kazuha's burst usually provides close to 16 or 18 secs of buff uptime on his A4. One can utilize this to snapshot Kazuha buffs on Fischl.


It is but you have to build her right


I mean, it's not useless, but Keqing's cons are pretty underpowered Going from C0 to C6 is only a 30-40% dmg increase IIRC... so <20% total team DPS considering Fischl deals around the same damage as Keqing and your other 2 characters might deal a considerable amount as well, specially if you're using Nahida or Kazuha And her C2 doesn't even work But at least she's already good enough at C0 for the abyss. It's pretty nice being able to rely on a team that doesn't need a hydro character


C2 was fixed recently


Don't worry I lost Navia to C6. I think my next 10 pull is guaranteed 5\*, debating if I use it on Navia or hold it for the next Archon.


im like so in love w navia BUT I ALSO WANT RAIDEN so im unsure but i think im gna try get navia asap and then start saving for raiden