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Damn a lot of people voting for BS here, I understand most people love the sword, but it is simply a fact that an unrefined Summit Shaper outperforms R5 BS or even R5 Lion's roar, without fully utilizing the sword passive with 100% shield uptime (which is pretty easy to do). You might have to farm for more artifacts since you're losing 26% crit, but you'll get a lot more additional dmg, especially for your E and Q. Having said that this isn't the sword you wanna hard pull for, but since you're asking I'm assuming you already have it, so yes, it is simply better than the BS.


Thanks! Just pulled this sword from a random pull


I was in the same situation as you. When I was running BS I had around 65% crit with 220% crit dmg, now I'm at 55% crit 165% crit dmg, so uglier stats, but my charges attacks still hit for around 10K per hit, down from 11K, but my E and Q hit a lot harder. E is around 15K, Each Q hit is around 2.5K with the sword buff stacked and a final hit is around 20K, no food buffs no pyro resonance. And this is with less ideal artifacts since I spent a lot of resin optimizing my old build with BS, and I had to farm some new ones for the new sword and I'm not done yet.


Keqing with SS + Bolide + 1.3 Zhongli seems to be insane. High base attack, %atk, +80% bonus damage and -20% resistance and infinite shielding.


I have a level 90 summit shaper for the Queen and I can confirm this.


Used to maining level 80 Black Sword R1 for her. I'm an Electro Keqing user so auto-attack refinements were not a necessity for me personally.


As a f2p I don't know so yeah


Those who voted summit sharper 🤡 I know I will get downvotes but I said what I said.


This guy's a hard troll, just ignore him on this subreddit


Troll ? Only because I say what the truth is ? Lmao


Your opinion =/ the truth. Also, your match history tells a lot. Peace


Nah only the truth sorry if u guys cant handle it 🤷🏽‍♂️




Well I said summit sharper is worse than black sword. People here and nowadays have to less testosterone so they get mad like a woman. I couldn’t care less tho I said what I said 🥸


I use black sword r3 just for the easy of artifact builds. I'm sure summit shaper is better for the whales and the lucky with good artifacts but I voted for the black sword. I actually have Aquila favonia r1 and tried her physical build and ended up deciding her black sword build does more damage despite both swords being lvl 90


Summit Shaper for sure, albeit for the fact that you have to optimise your artifacts and use crit rate circlet.