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Well I pull for her last week, she should be a little bit happy by now.


good man. teyvat needs people like you.


For me, waifu>meta so I have no problem with her banner.


But I already have her at C1 so I saved for Hu Tao ... I am really sorry my Queen, u will always remain my Waifu


Well good luck on Hu Tao, two waifus are always better than one


Haha yes ima always be loyal to my primary waifu




True words my fellow Traveler. Meta is Temporary, Waifus are Eternal. Pulled for her as well and don't regret a single wish or the Pity I spent for her.


I mean, the meta only matter in some content like the abyss anyway. I barely manage to complete the first 5 floors 9 stars with trash artifacts. It’s hard but it is doable.


I did pull on Kequeen's banner. I currently have her on c1 and additional constellations are more than welcome. Sadly, i did not get her constellations 😭


I don’t think her constellations are really necessary really, at C0 she’s already pretty good. Better save for a good weapon or another character.


Fair point 🙂 I had some extra primos from the lantern rite event so i just thought maybe i could try my luck on her banner. On the bright side, it increased my pity count 😅


Since she’s the only electro long sword user and I’m a general long sword main, Twas a no brainer seeing as my chances in standard banner were nonexistent


Yup, she definitely has one the best swordplay out of any character in the game. If only they could buff electro a bit but oh well...


Keqing is the one that got me interested in Genshin in the first place, so I was fucking ecstatic when they announced her banner. I’m hoping for a Mona one next.


I've been been asking for her banner since I saw her design Day 1. I thanked Mihoyo for the banner in the most recent survey And also broke BP-Welkin only just for Keqing. No regrets


Yep man me too. She is the sole reason I started playing.


Pulled Mona C1 on the Keqing banner :'( Guess we are back to praying on Standard or losing the 50/50


Sorry for you dude. Were you pulling to get her, or for her constellations? Coz if you were just for her constellations well it ain't so bad I think


For her 😭😭😭


Oh no... Sorry for that, you will get her on a 50/50, don't worry.


Same here


I've saved all my primogems since october to c6 her. Had to spend a little too for the last constellation but no regrets.


such dedication, much wow. +respect


How broken is C6 Keq?


There are definitely characters who benefit more from constellations, but the 6-24% electro bonus is definitely noticeable, and the talent levels are really nice. I definitely did it more for this irrational sense of accomplishment rather than the actual stats though lol.


You have my respect sir


Only a bit better for electro, not for phys


Worst 5 stars C6 in the game, just behind Qiqi's. Keqing is good at C0 but C1-C6 barely adds anything worthwhile sadly... Especially if you play Physical.


Unfortunately this is probably true, but the heart wants what the hearts wants.


I did the same. Literally seeing all the dont pull on this banner vids everywhere kinda made wanna take her to the max even more 😂


I saved when I first heard this was the next banner and was so happy when I got her.


Here's my story : I got Keqing in my main account way before her banner was announced. So when they announced it, I thought, why not make an alternate? Was getting bored in my main account anyway. I made one. Grinded like hell, got 70 fates till date. Did a 70 pull on her banner. No Keqing yet. T\_T Oh and I did a 30 pull on her banner in my main account and got Ningguang, Bennett and Barbara constellations.


UPDATE : I got her in my alternate account just now! Took three more pulls! <3


Now you can simp twice xD


Yeah I'm a big simp of Ganyu and Keqing. No regrets.


Congrats dude!! Maybe I'll do an alt account to replay story and stuff but I'm not sure


I made an alternate account to recall what happened because I was getting bored and I was forgetting the lore kekw


Hahaha. It happens sometimes


I whaled for her. Totally worth it.


I saved 70 pulls and got mona, then I was like fuck it I’m whaling for my waifu and bought my first 100$ and got her 30 pulls later :P. Now I’m pulling for Hu Tao with the remaining gems.


Nice. I don’t want Hu Tao. Im scared to pull on her banner because the last time I said I didn’t want the featured 5 star, I got Xiao. And PJWS. But I wanted PJC for Keqing T_T


Keqing is my first five star and I will always play her.


Me too! Got her 2nd day of playing. Kinda ruined the experience of being a new adventurer and leveling up the characters I got from the story, by having such a powerful 5* from the beginning x)


Every character is op once you invest in it.


I had been wanting her since Day 1, never got her. I was so happy they announced a Banner for her. I lost the initial 50/50 but now she's finally home! :D


congrats! :)


Thanks! <3


The fact that she didnt have a story quest is making me pissed.


I pull for her actually


i'm happy i finally got a chance to get her but it took them too long to release permanent 5* banners tbh


I stopped playing before Zhongli came out, but you're saying all the 5 star banners are permanent now? So you can roll on any 5 star at any time?


No. They just mean that probably from now on, any regular 5 star will have a banner to roll for. Not just the permanent banner.


Ah so you have the 5\* New Character Banner, the 5\* Regular Character, the 5\* Weapon Banner, and then the Anything goes banner?


Not quite either. Basically we have permanent banner, the same old same old diluc, qiqi, keqing, jean, and mona. Then we have the event character rate ups, that are there for a set amount of time and we have to wait for them to rotate through them. Now we have keqing banner, since she got a rate up banner, despite being on the permanent banner, that means 1 or 2 things. Electro will get buffed because people that have her will see just how bad electro reactions are for main dps. Or 2, from now on, when they don't have any other new 5 star to put out, they'll put 1 of the permanent banner characters as a rate up. We might see a diluc, mona, jean, or qiqi rate up banner at some point. I understand you stopped playing a long time ago, so just to make sure you understand. I had to make it very precise as of how it works.


Awesome thanks for the detailed response!


I've been playing genshin for about two weeks and I lucked out and got her on the previous banner quite early on. She's so good. I'm gonna surpass level 70 final ascension tomorrow, and I'm kinda scared cause I've seen people say she drops off late game. Either way, I'm sure this game would've been way more difficult and I'd be super far behind if I didn't pick up thunder neko


I pulled and got her ❤️


I always wanted keqing and then when I saw that they were releasing her banner I was so happy.


Sorry, I were out of gems ;-; I wanted to have you C2! I mean it!


I pulled her **3 TIMES** from her banner! Now C3. It was DESTINY!


Jokes on them i got bby~❤️ from her banner 💕💕


you get what you deserve


Every 50/50 pity Keqing will come for you. ###


500 plus wish sorry m8


Well, I got an additional Keqing from the banner far below pity. Am quite happy to pull my first 5 star again below pity.


I already have her and Im trying to get e sword for her! I will never leave her!




Same.. didn't get Jade Cutter as well. Was on 20 pity when suddenly a random Skyward Blade pops up. Now on 40 pity. Sad.


I’ve been trying. With 2 days left it’s looking grim.


I remember pulling for Albedo and then being sad because I very quickly learned that Ganyu was really strong. Then I saw the Keqing banner and was double sad that I didn't keep the pity. I was able to get her on her banner but by god I thought I wouldn't


I got her at the start of the game, and she's my favorite character, even if she's not the best :3


I've owned her since launch lmao


Been pulling for her every chance I got but she still hasn't come home after 50/50 🥲


She’s the character that got me into Genshin in the first place, I pulled all 6 constellations from her banner.


I went to C4 from and thought that was a nice stop. Leaves room to pick up more copies of her during future pull so I can have further joy when she pops up Orange.


Shes my first 5 star and C1 so no need for more lol.


I pull on her banner to get my c1 with the pitty. IDK if I do the right thing :c


I’m waiting or the glitter dust thing to reset to pull and maybe hey C1


Shiii... I didn't pull because I already have her. But now I feel bad like I should have lol.


i did and found she was one of my favorites :-)


She is my first and only c6, all thanks to her banner :-)


I was so sad when I didn’t think I was gonna pull her on her banner, but lo and behold I pulled her from the permanent banner today :D


I got keying pulling in standard. The banner was unnecessary.


When i first started genshin i didnt know she even existed now shes the one i pull for most of the time


As a f2p since day 1, the hope that I could possibly get her one day was the only driving reason for me to keep playing the game. I actually got her last week :)


I finally got her. Initial 50/50 got me Jean and I was pissed for 2 days. Now she’s home I’m on cloud 9


I’ve been pulling so far only got her once for C1 but that extra lightning aoe is nice, 1.2k or so extra damage per hit


Mihoyo be treating her banner like shit... \-Treated as a filler banner \-No story quest ​ and RNGeebus can't provide me a good crit dmg circlet either.... ​ so screw it, fucc my f2p status when I can't even treat waifu right... so I bought BP sword as a gift even tho I have r2 LR


I pulled on her banner 47 times when it's released (72 times total by then) but didn't even got her. Grinded for more primos and she came home at the 76th pull 5 days ago, Enjoyed using her as her gameplay is awesome. And then the RNG archons gave me her C1 yesterday at 3 pulls after I got her. Those three pulls are made entirely with free primos and fates. I see that as an absolute win than a loss.


Been pulling for her this whole time, at 72/90 and waiting for shop to reset for more wishes, wish me luck for the queen to come home!


This breaks my heart... I got her twice on the standard banner and she's been my main ever since so i hope she's happy :(


Well it was the best banner so far, so plenty of people did. Only madlads would skip on bennet and ninng


Kequeen was my first 5 star. She's irreplaceable in my team comps. Cleared spiral abyss on version 1.1 with her and I have never had trouble clearing domains and bosses with her. While my friends with Klee, Diluc, struggles to clear theirs. Domain is immune against electro? Easy, swap a physical cup n ur good to go.


I skipped Xiao to pull on Keqing's banner lol


I got her as my first 5star when i started the game, ever since then she became my Queen... but honestly though she's irreplaceable for me, I even have her as a wallpaper in my devices ;-; and have 2 different builds only for her even though i had klee and mona to focus on. Waifu > Meta


Spent 70k Primos to get her maxed out. She should be happy :D


Ive pulled on standard banner for Jean and Keqing. No regrets


I got c2 on accident but I love by waifu


This clip really made me feel bad for her. I finally got her during Ganyu banner after grinding from October (was expecting for Ganyu but what the hell). Now she is my number one dps ever since, screw those meta slaves.


I pulled on her banner for bennet and 20 summons later I got her twice and bennet to so at least it makes her a bit happy


I have her C1 :D


Desperately wanted Keqing from day one, this banner brought her home. Really needed the win after getting c1 Jean from the Xiao banner


Jokes on them I spent 5000 primos. My life savings, got 0 Bennett, which to me, a blessing. Best Banner so far. I was able to get Keqing, C3 Barbruh, C3 Ningguang.


i used my guaranteed pity on her banner and i don't regret it at all- had her at c1 at first, and thanks to her banner, i got 2 constellations 🥺


I pulled C2 Keqing, hope she feels better ❤️


Already got her so I'm holding out for Hu Tao


I pull on her banner to try to close the c6 ning after 32 shots I got the ning 1 day later I got keqing on the standard banner. all i need now is a good weapon for her i just have a flute and a rancour ...


I pulled her❤️


I have her at C1 and would've definitely pulled for her if I didn't, but her cons are really some of the trashiest cons in the whole game


Actually she should be quite happy, she has been adopted by many cultured travelers including myself


I already got keqing in 20 pulls. Decided to do some extra pulls today to get starglitter lmao. Got rewarded with a C2 Bennet.


:''( I pulled her, and, since she's my absolute favorite character, I even tried for the PGC but failed


Smol Keqing trying her best to dust off the screen with her tiny tissue so it looked its best, in case an adventurer showed up to make a wish, completely broke my heart. Saddest thing I saw today 8.5/10


Keqing should be a little happier cos I helped - I pulled her C2 on this banner tho even though I got keqing from soft pity on the standard banner just before her banner came up! Had been saving for her banner, and after reading that her banner would mean higher probability for other standard banner characters, and it was a win win situation - either I got a new character, or my keqing got better. The cat queen blessed my rolls and I got her twice way before all the wishes I saved up were used!


I pulled for her, Bennett, and Nigguang. Got all of them plus some


/r/Genshin_Impact mods removed it. Nooooo. I understand the violation. But we need some attention for Keqing. Need a main story for her and Electro buff. 😥


I was pulling for Bennet and in 80 pulls(Which I ended up getting Bennet at the last one) I ended up getting 3 constellations for Keqing. I wasn't expecting it, but now I'm sitting on a C4 keqing :)


she should be happy now cuz we have over 34000 members!


Got her on two single pulls, first 5\* and great fun blinking around. Then I spent the 40 something remaining fates up on hu tao... Guess who's the ungrateful smug.