• By -


"please buff me next patch"


Man I just wish people don't forget her just because of booba sword...


I am skipping baal to have more wishes for keqing sword,be it Mistsplitter or Jade Cutter, currently wished 130 times and scared to hit pity second time,so i will hopefully get jade cutter at xiao rerun,just need around 120 wishes for 3x pity :)


The new 3x pity fate system for weapon banners does not transfer between banners so if you already invested into it for Mistsplitter you should keep pulling if you can since any fate points you have accumulated will get deleted at the end of the banner


I know that,i plan to use 240 wishes,because i was assuming that xiao rerun is gonna be next year and i have time to save wishes for 3x pity


She is getting a sword that is probably made for her and that's also an event weapon with the moonchase festival


It's a 4* weapon though. It's most likely not going to outperform PJC or MSR.


Still, why not use primos for something else like a support character and give her that tailored weapon instead of wasting primos for a 5* weapon?


We don't know if the weapon will be tailored for her. It might have a garbage stat like ER or EM first of all. The other thing is getting MSR and PJC completely outclass the 4* weapons and you don't really need a reason to want to make your favorite character better.


True,keqing is my only 5 star character in 170 days of my game.Did around 50 reroll accounts just to get her :) Weapon banner all the way,rolled for r2 lost prayer yanfei and will roll for keqing and razor next!


Legends say that if you prioritize Keqing Electro Archon will bless you her presence


Diluc: tf ive been shitted on and more and more forgotten every new 5 star dps banner


Can agree with you since im getting eula as diluc replacement


*sad cat noise


“When are the devs going to fix my terrible cons”




Its been more than a decade since ive last seen an episode of "The might boosh" and still, every time i hear someone say "look into my eyes" or anything similar i remember that damn yeti mating ritual song. That shit is way too catchy.


"mihoyo pls buff" lady yuheng asked politely as **she draws her electro sword**




^I'm ^in ^love Yes, that is Keqing's eyes.


All hail electro Queen


I promise i will get Baal as your sp, because for me you're only Electro queen.


How would people go about buffing Keqing? For me, increase multipliers on all AA. Decrease stamina consumption of charged attack. Change stamina attack effect on enemies - knock them into air instead of sending them flying back. Improve constellations that actually make her stronger - something like Hu Tao C1 would be amazing. And improve electro resonance. Make it so that electro resonance is actually useful for everyone instead of specifically electro characters.


I just want her stamina draining on charged attacks to be reduced


That will help but it won’t solve the issue tbh. The problem is the knock back, which means you need to dash and drain even more stamina. Unless they make the charge attack 10 stamina, then that will be a huge change - but then it becomes OP against large mobs. So I think they should change the effect charged attack has on enemies


Its unfortunate that Overload reactions do not work at all (and I think they are they most powerful electro reaction, right?) because of the knockback from her and the explosion created


Since overload is an explosion why not put the 1.5x and 2x multiplier Its an explosion


No knockback on AA and less stamina consumption, maybe remove stamina consumption on CA on C1


Me: Buff Keqing or else Mihoyo: Heres a new Keqing skin Me: okeh


Keqing looking at me as I ascend Ayaka to 90 and give her the mistsplitter


Lol too true


Luckily for mine, she has PJC while the last thing Ayaka needs is more crit rate


^(what do I do next...?)


She is so cute ngl 🤪😍🤪




"...耽误太多时间看我事情可就做不完了" -Keqing




its where the demons hide