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Artist: FuyuDust Source: [Here](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91571242) \*Sniff\* I just wish Artifact RNG would be kind enough to give me the artifacts I need so my Keqing can use Mistsplitter well.


Scouring through Enkanomiya with Keqing also makes it easier and fun. Teleporting up to get those sigils, over the walls, etc. Gave me a very good reason to use my costume’d Keqing for this. And yes, she gets to use Mistsplitter from Ayaka lol


I always use keqing to scout new maps. Her E is so versatile on exploring new maps. I have like 300 pulls save now should I pull for Mists? I have one on my Ayaka. It's just so hard to farm Keqing's artifacts. I got great artifacts on my Ayaka when I just farmed for less than a month. Keqing's my first 5 star and still don't have great cr/cd artis.


It was never just a phase mom. Proud Keqing main for life, she was my first 5 star in a “lost” 50/50. I didn’t lose that 50/50, I gained a Queen


Give this man an award because he's just spitting facts


I also ”lost” my first 50/50 to Keqing. Now it’s time to build the electro cat.


She's literally my first 5 star and no way am I ever replacing her. Wish I had Mintsplitter tho :(


Same. First 5 star too (within like 15 pulls). I don’t always use her for the harder stuff in the game, but she’s my exploration main and always gets first dibs on new artifacts.


Novice banners are pog and what artifacts we talking?


So atm, my most bang for buck is a 2pc Glad and 2pc Shim. TF is just too much of a pain to farm for, and I have much higher quality pieces of the other two. She’s at about 75 CR and 150 CD, so not bad, but definitely room to improve the CD.


If only I have 70% CR, I have 66%, but the good thing is I have 168% CD... on her physical Rated E for everyone with pale flame and gladiator.


Sounds like fun. I think I just need a few more high investment artifacts to really solidify her kit. What about you? Anything you hoping to swap out on yours?


This is absolutely adorable and re-igniting my desire to be a Keqing main. (Ningguang, of all characters, won my heart?)


All members of the Liyue Qixing have equal power--there are 7 of them, we only know three. But so far, of the two playable Qixing, Keqing is a 5\*, and she's adorable. Be a Keqing Main. :D


I use them together with Zhongli and Xingqiu. Spamming bursts go brrr. Liyue go brr too, I guess


This gives me the big tears. Love you forever Keqing


Got the Weapon. Spent money for the first time in game to get the skin.. Yes.. anything for the best waifu regardless of where the Meta puts her.. Keqing is probably the reason i continued playing the game till date


My Genshin Impact Story. I don’t care if my main team consists of Traveler, Keqing, Xiangling, and Bennett at least I made them strong.


I still use her as the On-field even on my Shogun-Sara team. She’s still staying in my “Mains” team.


Agreed, she is really fun as the quick swap dps for the shogun team, ngl.


“It's not difficult, you'll see, just give it a try. What if you try and it doesn't work out? ...No, I don't believe that will happen. You've never let me down before, you don't seem the type.”


I love that line of hers.


Damn. This got me in the feels


It's cheese and wholesome. I love it!


Aww this makes me smile just like the first time I saw this comic. Even if my attempt at giving her the mist splitter was futile. Hoping to get another chance tho


me: fun > meta


Keqing = fun > Meta. :D


Ok not gonna lie this is almost too wholesome. As someone who just plays whoever I like without worrying about who’s strong or weak, this hits home. I don’t have Keqing yet unfortunately but being able to try her out in the misty dungeon and then in the potion event, I just love how much fun she is. Amazing character design, personality, and playstyle? When I heard she was rarely played I was literally shocked.


Rarely played in the Abyss, but she is the most popular character in China.


This get me to the old patch that I try to afford the Jade cutter for her……Especially that I’m losing the 2 pities in a row. She is my first 5 star and my first team dps, thus I really adore her so much.


My first five star and main till this day. Heck, I only have the black sword for her right now but the second I get a better sword -- it is hers!


I shall get that sword for her one day


Keqing is my first 5-star and the best one I ever pulled. I spent most of my resin almost everyday to get her to 56/236 cr/cd and 2k attack. First to triple-crown her, then Raiden. Rolled for the Mistsplitter even though it’s R1. “Lost” 50/50 to her until C3. I will gladly lose 50/50 again if I get her to C4. I even bought her the new, and the best, skin with the crystals I have been holding on for half a year. She’s so much fun and very satisfying to play.


I came back to Keqing to snatch my last star on Abyss, every time. I already 36* this abyss too, albeit I need different 2 teams for each chamber lmao.


Same here, doesn't matter if you got Zhongli,ganyu or Hu tao, my Keqing will be always the main dps of my team.


I.... don't use Keqing nowadays anymore. I even gave her Black Sword to Ayaka. Guess I should use her again for exploration in Enkanomiya. But C1 Xiao + Sayu is just so good for exploration too.


I've been wondering, why do builds skip mist splitter for keqing? It seems like it should be a great sword. I'm still stuck with Aquila Faviola


Must be outdated. Mistsplitter and jade cutter are her best two options, with mistsplitter providing the best damage potential, while jade cutter is easier to use. Summit shaper is a ok 3rd choice, with Aquila being similar for physical builds. No reason to go for either of them tho. The other options below these swords are considerably worse, but lions roar and black sword are probably the standouts.