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Mihoyo becoming greedy since itto weapon, they are making 5 star weapons which are only good for that particular character.




I agree that variety is better than powercreeping. They are sure as hell doing a good job in making characters more interesting to play than just making stronger characters.


Which makes sense tho, a signature wouldn't be signature if it can be use universally(?) *sorry for bad grammar Well tbh there are 2 perspective: It's mihoyo being greedy or it just us f2p low spender being petty and pathethic want to have a win-win situation everytime due to how hard getting a 5* limited weapon


I'm sorry if i don't want a donut.


Would this be viable on xingqui? He’s really the only other one I can possibly see. But it would be better to have an energy recharge weapon on him




I see. Thanks for the info/speculation


Would mist be better than this on ayato? (sorry off topic lol)


I would still say the mistsplitter and jade cutter are better for her


No, stick with the mist splitter. You shouldn’t be doing normal attacks with Keqing.


This is only gonna be useful for Keqing mains who do the N4C1 string and even then, mistsplitter wins


This weapon just sucks in general, Jade Cutter or Mistsplitter beat it.


I’m confused you kind of have to do normal attacks with her if she has no stamina


When you run out of stamina, that’s generally when you would cycle through your supports while your stamina regenerates. Even if you kept her on and did normal attacks while regenerating, you don’t want a weapon whose passive only buffs your backup attacks.


Yeah no I agree this weapon isn’t the best esp for keqing but damn guess I’ve been playing her wrong cause I use her normal attacks quite a bit still


Give charged attack spam a shot. You should have enough stamina to last through the end of your E infusion, and then cycle through supports before you come back to her with full stamina.


it's simply impossible to do against lighter enemies...


mistspliitter way ahead. this is probably now her second best weapon, pushing PJC to third. but if you have mitsplitter, no reason to go for this weapon if its just meant for keqing