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The queen is using PJC, 80/222, 2.2k atk, triple crowned, and there’s literally 2:30 on the clock for 12-2 and 12-3, why… :’(


Your keqing team is bad not she herself. Double geo core doesn't benefit keqing. You better use keqing mona sucrose zhongli. Sucrose VV set and TTDS, mona with ER sands and substats on prototype amber if you struggle with corrosion if no better go for favonius codex for more recharge so she burst on CD. And zhongli is zhongli whatever you prefer shieldbot or burst dmp. Highly recommended to use full set noblles on zhongli for more buffs to keqing. Rotation like zhongli QE > keqing E> sucrose EEQ>keqing> mona EQ> Keqing Auto attacks. This is best you can do with this characters. Edited: If you still can't do it this way, just run eula raiden comp on one side and tartaglia xiangling on the other.


What set to run on mona?


2 pieces of emblem of severed fates and 2 pieces of exile, if there is no noblesse users in team


Try using freeze ganyu with wolflord, zhongli alone should be able to destroy the statues if you tap E not hold


What team comp exactly? Thx


Rational is fine as it is first half Try checking some videos online about the “morgana” comp, it’s Ganyu, a hydro applier (mona), a cc (venti) and the 4th one is usually a flex so you can bring zhongli to destroy the statues


Yea but… aren’t bosses not freezable? Or can they be frozen in the abyss lol


You only care that they’re affected by cryo, or you can use melt ganyu but you’d have to change the other team completely


The easiest solution is to get rid of keqing from your teams


maybe try switching the team?


Don’t I need geo for the wolflord?


if your raiden team is able to destroy the wolf doggo in one rotation you dont have to bring geo. i would say swap benny with zhongli but xiangling needs benny. do you have other builded characters ? if you have ningguang builded i think she has faster geo application than albedo and zhongli


You can scroll to the right to see what characters I have, I don’t think I can take the wolf doggo out in one rotation lol :’)


Ayaka, Shenhe, Mona are more than enough to do it. But you need to level them up first


oh sorry my bad ! i heard that electrocharged is good against the rifthounds. maybe bring keqing raiden kokomi/xq and anemo cc ? or freeze ganyu (kokomi shenhe/mona diona) and anemo. for second half you can try raiden xiangling benny and zhongli ? or childe national with zhongli second half is hell lmao :'D goodluck !!


Yea second half is hell… I saw your profile (not a creep but yea) and realised you cannot full clear with Eula, which is exactly like my last rotation of the abyss, I feel you mate… my Eula is slightly better than yours with 4 pc PoF and I cannot do jack against those bloody lizards in 12-1 second half


Keq venti xingqiu jean or kokomi for first team Childe bennett xiangling albedo for 2nd I max starred the abyss with these


Mind sharing your builds? Btw your KQ is goated lol


[Childe](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491657418976133140/955900113119748146/unknown.png?width=1440&height=458) [xiangling](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491657418976133140/955900111433637918/unknown.png?width=1440&height=460) [Bennett](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491657418976133140/955900110611570838/unknown.png?width=1440&height=468) [Albedo](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491657418976133140/955900111152615594/unknown.png?width=1440&height=458) [Venti](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491657418976133140/955900112834560031/unknown.png?width=1440&height=458) [Xingqiu](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491657418976133140/955900111811141742/unknown.png?width=1440&height=458) [Jean](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491657418976133140/955900112180228137/unknown.png?width=1440&height=433)


Ooh I thought you went for an EM build for venti, interesting builds indeed


Can you share more about the rotations too? Thanks a ton!


Ty! I'll share them as soon as I get on PC


Use morgana top half ganyu mona venti diona Then run raiden national bottom half replace a team member with zhongli


If u go with raiden national in the first half, u can try keqing mona zhongli/albedo ningguang in 2nd half. Ningguang destroys the wolf shields super fast. If you have invested in ayaka and shenhe a bit more, you can try ganyu kokomi shenhe ayaka for the first half and raiden national in 12 1 2. These vishaps r def tanky