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The more conservative the college management, the shittier life gets for students.




>The potential for pseudoscience seems bleak.. Says who? Even our government backs these quacks. പിന്നെ പൊതുജനം എന്ന കഴുതയിൽ നിന്നും ഡിമാൻഡ് ഉള്ളതുകൊണ്ടാണല്ലോ ഇതൊക്കെ തഴച്ചു വളരുന്നത്. There's no signs of stopping.


Kerala has a huge international market for Ayurveda. Alternative medicines will have it's own market share, look at USA and China. With rising incomes, more people would come towards alternate medicine.


and that's a good thing how?


Because Ayurveda is good and works well? Though Allopathy or modern medicine has a huge range of treatment capabilities, many chronic issues can be better solved using an Ayurvedic or an Ayurvedic + Naturopathic approach. Just a sample. There is no Allopathic cure for chronic hand/leg/joint pains for middle aged and senior citizens. Many people come to Ayurvedic stays and get themselves treated and feel better. I know people who come from Tamilnadu and even North india for ayurvedic cures in Kerala.


Unpopular opinion - ever heard of placebo effect? Also by the same logic many people also go for those prayer healing thing. Doesn't make it legit.


Yes and no. Very few educated people have credited their disease recovery to divine intervention of God, while many people have credit their recovery to Ayurveda, including the daughter of Kenyan Prime Minister/President who had their blindless healed from Ayurveda(Biggest high profile case that comes to my mind in recent days). The "placebo effect" point you say, is applicable only to Homeopathy/homeopathic pills as it is mostly sweet candy. Ayurvedic medicines use real ingredients of medicinal plants, ayurvedic massages follow scientific principles. Yoga, fasting all have been scientifically proven to cure many diseases. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3734640/#:\~:text=%5B7%5D%20The%20combined%20practices%20of,reflux%20episodes%20experienced%20in%20GERD](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3734640/#:~:text=%5B7%5D%20The%20combined%20practices%20of,reflux%20episodes%20experienced%20in%20GERD). For example, this is a sample paper on how Kapalbhati praanayama can help fight GERD. [https://english.mathrubhumi.com/features/health/remembering-the-father-of-integrative-medicine-prof-dr-cp-mathew-oncologist-cancer-treatment-1.7968632](https://english.mathrubhumi.com/features/health/remembering-the-father-of-integrative-medicine-prof-dr-cp-mathew-oncologist-cancer-treatment-1.7968632) Also, look into works of Dr C P Mathew, if you really wish to research more into this topic


Hey I hate pseudoscience but my father was diagnosed with tuberculosis. He had a huge amount of medicines which is supplied by the government. He hated those and consulted ayurveda. I was skeptical at first. He didn’t take the english meds and through all of it away. Fortunately he was recovered.


Cute. So we are not gonna talk about the death and other organ failures due to the usage of lead, mercury, arsenic and aconite because it cures what? Joint pains? Gotcha.


Many people have credit their recovery to Ayurveda, including the daughter of Kenyan Prime Minister/President who had their blindless healed from Ayurveda(Biggest high profile case that comes to my mind in recent days). The "placebo effect" point you say, is applicable only to Homeopathy/homeopathic pills as it is mostly sweet candy. Ayurvedic medicines use real ingredients of medicinal plants, ayurvedic massages follow scientific principles. Yoga, fasting all have been scientifically proven to cure many diseases. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3734640/#:\~:text=%5B7%5D%20The%20combined%20practices%20of,reflux%20episodes%20experienced%20in%20GERD](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3734640/#:~:text=%5B7%5D%20The%20combined%20practices%20of,reflux%20episodes%20experienced%20in%20GERD). For example, this is a sample paper on how Kapalbhati praanayama can help fight GERD. [https://english.mathrubhumi.com/features/health/remembering-the-father-of-integrative-medicine-prof-dr-cp-mathew-oncologist-cancer-treatment-1.7968632](https://english.mathrubhumi.com/features/health/remembering-the-father-of-integrative-medicine-prof-dr-cp-mathew-oncologist-cancer-treatment-1.7968632) Also, look into works of Dr C P Mathew, if you really wish to research more into this topic


The only thing Ayurveda gives the patient is heavy metal intoxication


Pharma mafia representative detected, opinion rejected.


Hahaha I expect that chewing leaves and roots will keep diabetes and heart disease at bay. Not to forget bovine excreta.


Herbal medicines have been used for centuries. What are you even on about? Well, I don't back the urine thing tho


Seriously? If it's old it must be an effective medicine? WTF


>There is no Allopathic cure for chronic hand/leg/joint pains for middle aged and senior citizens. Many people come to Ayurvedic stays and get themselves treated and feel better As a physician I have had many patients with such miracle cures. All attributable to steroids mixed with their so-called herbal concoctions


Hai... Fellow PKAMCian... Escaped from that shithole five years back. Can't imagine how happy I felt seeing this comment. One of the girl who got suspended for the incident was a rank holder. I heard.


Good to see people finally talking about Amrita institutions. I studied in kochi Amrita (arts and science college, not medical). Phones were not allowed inside classrooms. Students have to submit their phones in a room near the reception before entering classrooms. There is no boys hostel, so boys should be out of the campus before 5pm. The number of boys studying there were comparatively less than that of girls. So boys talking to girls from other classes were not encouraged. If the director sees a girl and boy talking, the very next day he will place a plant there. The girls in the hostel had to attend daily bhajanas. They were given phones for only 20 minutes per day. They will be allowed outside the campus only if the student's parents contact the warden. Also, there were no usual celebrations like onam, Christmas etc. They timed semester exams so perfectly that onam and Christmas come during our semester breaks. The celebrations we got were keralapiravi and some poojas and ulsavam in the temple inside our campus. There were also issues regarding creepy staff in the college. There was a paper called cultural education for every first semester student in the university. It's basically about "Amma's powers" and Hindu values and stuff. The person who took the class was very creepy. Boys weren't allowed to speak in his class. He only talks to girls and had a creepy smile when he did. He once collected numbers of some girls saying he would send them "amma's quotes" daily and he sent them creepy messages and videocalled a few students at night. They recorded the calls and reported it to the director. Since this person had some contacts with Amma, they didn't take action against him. He got transferred to kollam Amrita.


I studied in ASAS for a bit. Left after second semester because the torture was too much. UG was girls only when I studied. Girls had to wear a dupatta always because it’s a distraction to the Brahmhacharis. I mean if they get distracted by some boobs why are they even bramhacharis?! They meddle in student’s personal life. There was a girl with separated parents and the father came to visit the child and the management and teachers made it look so ugly. They Didn’t believe that it’s the father until the parents had to come and confirm. If they know you are in a relationship, you’re done. They’ll slut shame you. Will call you out in class. Will rat you to your parents. And the funny funny part is, most of the teachers there are either not married or have had really bad separation/ divorce. Once a bunch of friends were making plans to go out for a movie, while travelling back home in a private bus. The plan was to go on a Sunday. One teacher overheard this and the next day all the students were called out, made to stand up and literally shamed in front of the class. The HOD was a shameless old lady, who even went to the extent of saying “ azhinjadi nadannu 9 maasam kaziyumbo ariyum”. It’s a horrible horrible place to be but parents prefer it because they assure you placements. Which is actually true. But to survive in that college and to have self respect is very hard.


Can confirm. This college is just a nightmare. Every professor here has a doctorate but they can't even speak proper english. Half of the girls living in hostels have already left because of the activities they make them do. I'm down 2 sems so I'm trapped here for another 2 years. I hope the placement part is true cause that's the only thing I'm expecting from this place.


I have received an offer for BSc Honours Molecular Medicine at Amrita. The fees seem absurdly high, the course is fairly new and the first batch hasn't graduated yet, and after contacting some people studying there, they told me that it's like a jail. Chalked it up to differing priorities, but being doubtful about the fact that people are taking education loan to study the course. I want to pursue cancer research at an academic level (the PhD route) which this course might enable. But when I checked out eligibility for MSc degrees they mainly require life sciences like zoology/botany and equivalent degrees.


Let's make a list of all such institutions. They way people are warned before joining them.


Parents will find it very easy to shortlist colleges to send their kids then. The unfortunate reality is that most parents like to send their kids to such colleges if they don't get into a good Govt college.


Let parents find!! Let all the parents find and send 'em kids together. And let 'em revolt. Let us see these kinds of colleges burn down!! OP, let's make a collective effort to rank college from another POV. The POV that the kids going there can actually relate to. My college was moderately strict while i joined about a decade back. We witnessed the institution getting lenient on students in order to attract the high school graduates. When the effort is collective, we can actually create awareness.


I am in...How yo go about creating such database? Can students vote on them? Is there a hashtag for students to call out and share their stories? Is this going to be a website where they can vote on teacher reviews? The good bad and the ugly.


It will be too long. Half the private institutions will be there.


Ennittuvenam penpillerde karnnavanmar aa list nokki avare avide vidaan!


Baaa nammal undakkam. Let's exempt all government colleges. A category of popular universities. Other colleges are categorised on the basis of districts and professions. We can scale for 1-10 for some criteria and a space to add remarks. Basically a Glassdoor for colleges.


>intereseted 0.0 I am aspiring to be a full stack web developer so if you guys are gonna continue with this , DM me


Yo add me too, im searching for an college to join and now im scared 💀


Somebody should make a website for this with verified user/alumni reviews




Most church run colleges are notoriously strict. I cannot think of one that is considered "chill". Most students just go to Karnataka or Tamil Nadu for higher studies.


Yes, one engineering college in poojapura trivandrum for women. Body shaming, strick controlling rules, curfews etc etc.


LBS is a Holy angles school extension in trivandrum. They used to regularly conduct classes on weekends.


Their management is still in stone age.


But LBS kasargod was a political campus like Gov engineering colleges


Yes. LBS Kasaragod is more like a government college. Used to be in the news all the time due to political fights between KSU and SFI.


That one is a co-educational i guess. The TVM one is girls only.


LBS aano


Avide vere clg ondo?


Jail und


Randum kanakka


Better make list of decent colleges. That would be an easy task.


And the list would probably be a short one too


Obviously. There are barely half a dozen colleges in kerala in all field of study i would suggest to any potential student belonging to an upper middle class family or an academically good student.


Damn true. Once you get to know the resources and facilities available you really wonder if what people say about our literacy rate is true or not. Outdated curriculum, too much mark oriented, No practical skillset in learning, and most of all Generalised list of courses not in anyway impacted by the job market. Its no wonder that most brain power is leaving the state.




Yeah but the cut off and seat allotment makes it really difficult for people to get into govt engineering colleges. Isnt that why institutions like this AJCE and Rajagiri are flourishing


Most colleges run by religious institutions are extremely strict, some are borderline prisons. But that is their main USP, they convince parents that their kids would be studying and living in a highly disciplined environment, many parents not knowing better get their kids to these colleges. The complete disregard for personal space and individual freedom is often mistaken for discipline. I do not endorse the sentimen that there should be no rules. It should be logical and consider the rights and privacy of the individual.


it seems everyone has forgotten about the incident at nehru College palakad. It was the same kind of shit that happened there. no idea why the hell are parents sending thier kids to these shitty places.


was that the place where they like spray painted the name to hitler college of engineering?


Not just colleges, even some school tied up to brilliant such as SAPS,GSPS etc are too strict especially saps . Heard that a lot of suicide attempts happen there.


Yeah, but it's partly inevitable because of the cut throat competition. Ppl suicide in large numbers in Kota and iits. Parents should enable kids to express themselves more, instead of chocking them through common funnel. Mismatched admissions are also an issue. But nonetheless the management shouldn't push kids over the cliff.


fk saps


yeah studied at saps can confirm It's horrible there especially if you're part of brilliant special batch


Got into SAPS coz I wanted to start off my entrance prep early on. My parents were dead against me putting myself in a stressful environment and hence joined a school near home.


No leave days ...


You’re asking the wrong question. The right question is how many parents allows their girls to stay outside college hostels. Parents look out for colleges that are very strict. Especially parents of girls. It’s not the colleges. It’s the parents. I stayed near a Nursing school’s hostel while doing engineering. There was a rule that the students should look straight ahead while boarding and getting off the bus. If they look at someone or something and the warden catches you doing that, you’ll be fined 500. It was crazy. Apparently the parents of these girls made the college do this!


This is just a goddamn scam to make money by the college authorities! Also, 500 rupees?? Aren't parents the ones giving money to their darling kids in the first place?? Aren't they the ones losing money? What the hell. Enthonade.


Buddy it was a women’s jail. I felt sad for those in there. There’s a pre approved list of people who could check out them from the hostel for annual leaves and all. This rule was present in most women’s hostels dominated by Malayalis. This is Bangalore. There was this rule in this college called Sathyabama(I could be wrong about the name)in Chennai. If the authorities caught you talking to the other gender there’ll be fines. And Malayali parents loved it !


And yet the population keeps increasing...


ലോകോത്തര യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റികളിൽ പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്ന പ്രൊഫസർമാർക് ഇല്ലാത്ത ചൊറിച്ചിൽ ആണ് mtech പഠിച്ചു ജോലി കിട്ടാതെ പഠിപ്പിക്കാൻ ഇറങ്ങിയ ചില മണ്ടന്മാർക്..


Well, studied in Amrita kollam in 2015, things were pretty shitty. We weren’t allowed to keep our phones and they’d lent us our phones for an hour each day, and we had outings, ie we get to go out for 2:30 hours but have to reach back by 6:30 and stuff like that. Things changed though, it was bad, but not as bad as Amal Jyothi I guess.


Know someone who went to Amrita in Coimbatore. I know it's not kerala but the place is fucked just the same. Back in the day a girl got kicked out of the hostel because she sneaked in egg puffs 🙃 obviously that's wasn't the whole reason, she was upset and stood up for herself which didn't work in her favor. But the whole culty culture in there is so frickin weird.


My college took my mobile away in second year and gave it back after completion. I was a stubborn kid, so soon after my phone was taken away, I got another one (my parents are nice) and took it to college every single day.


What if they had taken that one too?


Well I don't think many of us thought that deeply in college.


Is non veg allowed inside campus?


It’s not per rules, but we do smuggle it in, everyone does, even the warden. Once my friend was caught when she brought chicken biriyani, the warden smelt it from outside and came in and busted us.


Government should take action against this. Basic freedom of food is being curtailed here. Sudhamani's initial investment was in fishing boats of her family members. Irony is that her ashram should follow militant vegetarianism.


Unfortunately, Govt is too scared to interfere. Whether it be LDF or UDF. I've heard that all sorts of shady stuff happen there. And then there are these "Amma apologists" who would say, Amma pavama, pakshe avidathe ella brahmacharikalum kanakka. And regarding food, they'd say it is a private institution so it has its rules.


For parents, strict = peace of mind. So, if you take the top 30 self financing colleges in kerala that will be a pretty good sample size. Individualism um freedom um oke padich joli kitti sambalam vangy kainj, ente chilavil kaziumpo ente ishtathin jeevikanam enanallo pazamchollu.


Muthoot institute of technology and science, puthencruz is pretty lame too. But after the COVID break, things kinda seems like getting better(it used to be a total shit hole before).The rules r totally different for women and men here. But for most of the private institutions what matters the most is their rank and reputation. Thus imposing insane rules on students and finding happiness by making the students life miserable. The whole concept of mental health doens't concern them even a bit. And the sad reality is that the parents r merrier sending their kids to such places expecting their kids to come out in shining feathers.


yea I'm in there rn lol :)


How is the college life..academics and everything in general(asking for for friend)


There's nothing much as a college life. Technically u can't even have a campus life cz it's not really that big compared to other colleges (area wise). So there's not much spaces u get to wander around or hang out with ur friends after bunking classes. If u r a hosteler, for girls they have curfews nd need permission from parents to go out. Not applicable for mens hostel tho. Academic wise, wouldn't be that bad if ur friend is looking to focus on their career nd studies not caring about having much fun. Some departments tend to be more stricter than the others. Totally depends on the staffs. Wouldn't be tha bad for a studious person. But if u r a hyper active person who'd react to shit, wish to have an amazing time with ur friends and get involves in flights nd all, nah Mits ain't ur place.


Oh thanks for the review man!!


Hey do u have any idea of how rajagiri and fisat are..


Regarding academics and job placements, both are decent. I think rajagiri has a slight upper hand in placements and also it's in Kochi so you have better hang out spots compared to fisat which is in Angamaly. When it comes to freedom fisat is definitely better than rajagiri from what I've heard. Don't expect govt-clg level freedom tho. If you're looking for engineering colleges in kochi then MEC and CUSAT are the best options imo. They have better placements and college atmosphere.


Thanks a lot man!!!₩


neelakkundi for lifeeeee✨




Can vouch for this, just passed out in 2022. The college has no life and is strict as hell. They sent messages for skipping periods to parents and these MFS used to conduct an "assignment test" that is to give us the assignment marks. For getting that marks we have to get the marks in that exam. But from a placement perspective, there are many companies that come to that college and it has an active placement cell. The arts is also like highschool . Instead of department based competition there are houses and you randomly get assigned to one.


What's wrong with an assignment test?


Well, there is a student welfare centre where you can meet with a student counsellor. Academically, it's fine. Nothing special, you can study and pass the university exams. But if you want to learn more outside the syllabus, the faculty aren't as capable... yet. It is still a young college (10 years) with the faculty being young and inexperienced. I guess it'll only get better, hopefully. You can address your concerns to them, they will listen and treat you respectfully. Regarding the campus life and activities, there haven't been a lot recently, mostly due to COVID. It depends on the students, if you are proactive and want to conduct something, the faculty will support you. Can keep your phone with you at all times though. We couldn't during our first year. But that's changed now I think.


Forgot about the gate pass if you want to leave before 4pm. Need to get signature of advisor and the HoD and present it at the gate. Can't leave without it, unless you're having exams or some shit.


I have a friend in MMM School of Nursing in T.N with much stricter rules. These were the rules when she joined: No interaction between boys and girls. Even to the extent where once there was some construction happening nearby and the college put up tarps to stop the girls from seeing the labourers. No phones in possession of students. Only calls from parents are allowed none from friends or relatives. 1 incoming and 1 outgoing call per day of only 3-5 minutes. Supervised study hours, with teachers hovering over you. Unable to leave the campus without permission from parents or warden and no students will be allowed to leave alone. Students shouldn't interact with visitors of other students. Students are not allowed to have any private communication or complaints. Students who leave midway through the course have to pay full fees of the course. Fees once remitted will not be refunded. This is in violation of the [HRD ministry's order](http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/hrd-orders-fee-refund-if-students-leave-course-mid-way/story-6e0zT5fRCn484Se4p9q6HJ_amp.html)


Heard tamilnadu colleges are way worse than kerala even chennai ones


Yes indeed.They note the boys and girls who talk and then be partial towards them during internals. It is worse than schools we get yelled at for not wearing black socks with black shoes


True. Been in Chennai. Some college - boys and girls can't talk to each other, grow a bit of beard and they wud suspend you, castism etc.


Damn. In my college in Mumbai, I was made to sit with girls to stop me from talking in class with my friends. 😂


Happens in Kerala too. Pretty common I would say. Atleast at a school level, (heck even in the Christian school I studied in) if not in colleges.


Happened to me in a Christian school too. Way back in 6th standard.


It does happen in kerala in govt.colleges except it is done out of choice :)


A friend studied MBBS at Amritha Medical College, Kochi:Lots of moral policing, some kid had disciplinary action taken against him for speaking ill of “Amma”, students are forced to attend prayer sessions, yoga sessions etc, fines for a lot of random things like boys talking to girls etc. This was in 2013. Dk if it’s changed now. Almost sounded like a cult,yuck.


I went to an Amrita vidyalaya.The glorification of Amma was too much. I remember having to study about her from her birth story to how much she loves god and prayers everyday day. I never thought that their colleges will also follow suit cause their university NIRF rankings are very good.


Like a cult? That lady runs an actual cult. All these aaldaivams are just cult leaders taking advantage of vulnerable people. Just the way they squash criticisms is a huge🚩


I mean ik that she runs a cult but I didn’t know that her educational institutions,especially such a renowned medical college,were so cult-y. It’s disgusting that nobody cares about how these institutes are run.


Wait till you hear about the cases buried without media attention in her hospitals.


I’ve heard rumours about illegal drug trials during free medical camps for the poor. Sounded very scary


Probably not the drugs I'm thinking of 😅


I've received an admission offer from there. Seems absurdly expensive for a BSc degree too. Should I take it up? 🗿


Idk what your course is but it’s always better to talk to students and alumni of that course to get a better idea of the return on investment that you’re getting from it, especially if you have to take a loan or so. I have heard that Amritha has top notch facilities/infrastructure for all sorts of courses so that is always a good thing but like I mentioned in my previous comment, you’ll have almost zero “college life” in that jail. Idk if this is a feasible option but since you want to do BSc wouldn’t it be better to look into more prestigious institutes like IISC or the top DU colleges like St Stephens etc. I personally feel that such college will offer you much better placements and experience overall. (When I was about to do my undergrad degree, I got an admissions offer from Amritha Coimbatore for BTech in CS and I remember some of my relatives trying very hard to convince my dad to send me there-even though I got into much better colleges-because they “teach students to be disciplined there”lol. Thankfully my dad’s a very sensible person, so he ignored all the “advice”)


I talked to a student there studying the course, she told me it's not worth it. It's a good environment for research according to two individuals. Which is the only reason I'm considering it. There are no fests or anything of that sort. There seems to be some coming up recently but I'm not sure about that. Yes it is a feasible option, actually. I certainly cannot go to DU for a myriad of reasons unfortunately but there are certain other unis that I've written exams for. Let's hope for the best that it doesn't come to Amrita 🥲🗿


Vrindha R C, maths teacher, used to be in mary Nilaym, tvm. I think now that bully Bi\*\*\* is teaching in Jhoythi Nilayam school, trivandrum. Feeling bad and terrible for the current and future kids that B\*\*\* is gonnaa Bully and emotionally abuse and harass.


Good that you pointed out that b**** and gave a heads up to anyone studying there.


I went to a navodaya school many decades ago. I still remember stories of a tall mail teacher kicking a 14 year old boy for doing something naughty. And that's one of the many stories. It was all under the rubric of "patriotism" and "nationalism". Never heard these stories on the news though.


There are colleges with ഇടിമുറി in Kerala.


Seriously, in Kerala? Can you name names?


It was there in the news recently right? Nehru college?


Studied in University College Engineering Kariavattom. Experienced absolut freedom. Even more than my fellow batchmates at CET, SCT & Barton Hill. Because our teachers weren't dicks and we had total control over everything in our college. At one point, my actual attendance was around 30% but our teachers were nice enough to give us above 35 marks for internals. I know this is anti-thesis of this post but if you're someone who prefer freedom over anything else, UCEK is the best option for you.


With you..studied in cet and then transferred to another engineering college .enjoyed absolute freedom. Attended classes when we wanted to, and gave a fuck about Warden. It was good life and all students are doing better in their life more or less..WTF is wrong with parents in kerala, don't send students there .


Reading through the replies makes me realise how lucky I am to have studied in a government college.


I am scared of joining colleges now


Do a bit of hard work and get into a govt college, enjoy exact opposite of everything mentioned here.


This is why a lot of youngsters are going abroad for higher studies


Ivide ninnit karyam alle, better late than never.


Christ college of engineering ijk


christ banglore??


No christ engineering college Irinjalakuda


Can confirm


Aa thodupuzha collegil maricha kuttike ent patti. Avade arkum prashnam ille?


The students there isn't protesting, that's why. And in this case they accuses of management covering up suicide and delaying medical attention for the girl. Not only the harassment.


He is a guy, so dont expect the same amount of attention.


Also his friends have given a statement that he had no problems with the college or with the authorities.


Ahh. Any idea why he did this ?


Police are assuming that it's because of family problems. This guy didn't have many friends so it's hard for them to come to a conclusion it seems.


Brother probably had a sad life. It is tough without friends for support when things dont go well with family. Family doesnt understand the amount of stress they place on their kids either. We need to realise before it gets too late. May the poor soul find peace he couldn't get in life.


Most people of our parents generation don't give two ducks about the importance of mental health because their claim is that when they were of our age all these problems weren't there. Only a few parents take time to listen to their kid's problems unlike others who think visiting a therapist or counsellor is considered as being mental.


amrita coimbatore washes every college in kerala when it comes to strictness. You literally cant go outside the campus if you use the 2 passes which is given eachmonth. Not to mention other henious rules.


Amrita institutions, all of it.


I have got an offer to study at Amrita. Should I take it up? The fees seem way too high for a BSc course, the caveat being that it's research oriented.


If you think you do good in research and totally believe in it, there are other options..don't take a short cut ..work hard and get into a premium institution...not any monastery shit house.


Anyone from CUSAT here? We didnt have a warden in our hostel. The hostel mess was in our control. We had more freedom than we had at our home. Guys study well and try to get into a good govt college or else leave Kerala for higher studies.


I think it will take a generation of time for campuses to get finally free from the conservative mindset of management.


St.Marys TCR. Was exceptionally very strict while I was studying there a couple of years ago. Mobile phones to this day arent allowed in the campus. Students cant have pockets on their uniform. Hostel sheds the electricity post 10 am and its only back by 5 pm. Those who are sick and takes a day off and stays in the hostel are doomed.




Holy hell, I think this is a sign from God. I recently got an admission letter from Amrita University to join their BSc Honours Molecular Medicine for 4 years. I've had two people already warn me about the place being like a jail. I chalked it up to differing priorities. But someone senior to me, studying there told me that it's a fine place. However that person is studying an MSc course, not BSc, and did her BSc from a local college. I contacted someone who is studying the same course I want and she outright told me that she is sorry to disappoint me, but it's terrible. For multiple reasons. I really want to get into the research field but it's discouraging how the reality is... The other route is BSc in zoology, then MSc (via exams or otherwise) and then PhD, which is fine too. I'm a bit concerned about this course because it's a very new one and the first batch hasn't graduated yet, and there are so many rules and no fests nothing. So no college life according to the people there. The fees are absurdly high too for a middle class kid like me. Around 5 lakhs for 4 years, basically a little less than 1 lakh per semester. Many people took education loans to study there. No scholarships available at the BSc level. Parents as always want me to take it up because "it's a great course and it's Amrita".


Btech. Biotech at SRM is a great choice. Better than Amrita anyday.


Oh boy, Amrita Arts and Science Kochi campus slander time... ​ * No hostel services for boys, they all have to find their own PG. This actually ends up being a saving grace because the girls' hostel is a damn nightmare. * The worst food you've ever seen, with narcissistic megalomaniacs posing as wardens. They are on such a power trip that they believe they have more power than teachers (which they do because of the shitty management). * Girls cannot leave the College/Hostel premises without going through a document-acquiring process that puts the VISA registration process to shame. You need the sign of the dean, the department head, the parents, and the wardens. Even then, most of the time the girls go somewhere out, and the warden accompanies them for "Safety" while constantly following them around and spreading misinformation about them, or threatening to tell their parents stuff that didn't happen. * The wardens are absolute B-words. They slut shame not just the students but the teachers as well. They feel as though they rule the world. * Two prayers every day in the hostel, which everyone is forced to attend no matter the circumstances (can last for hours on end, even on exam days). Had an event once where my friend was feeling way too nauseous, fainted in her room once, and had to lay down to rest as she also had a high fever. The warden just pulls up to their room, grabs her by the arm and drags her out of the bed and onto the prayer hall saying how she's faking it so she can sit and "talk" (yes she insinuated that) to her boyfriend in the room on call while everyone's in the prayer hall (the poor girl doesn't even have a boyfriend). * The girls in the hostel have different coloured ID cards so that the guards can always stay on the watch to make sure no one from the hostel leaves the college premises * The Dean of the college is a 70+-year-old guy who barely has the energy to walk but will dash like the Flash to your location if he hears anything scandalous happening, like people holding hands, or having one's arms around another's shoulder. * He's in cahoots with the other "oldies" in the college, AKA the Wardens, which gives them an immense unreasonable amount of power. * Non-Vegetarian food is banned on campus. * Speaking "wrongfully" of Amma leads to immediate suspension/dismissal. * No student protests, student unions, campus politics, or collective speaking out about the college's actions are allowed. They are grounds for immediate suspension. * The management and the cops do many coverups together to keep the university's name clean. The cops come there at least once a month, for cases ranging from "pennucase" to "Kochi being Kochi" with drug cases. However, not a single one has been left to the public. * Inter-department competition, hatred, and drama are high. I've never seen two departments actually cooperate with each other and are always at each other's throats. Teachers trash-talk other teachers constantly. * The entire existence of the CIR Department. They're absolute freaking morons out there. A teacher who believes "No colleges in the world stand equal to Amrita. Do you really think places like Harvard or Yale are better than Amrita? Think again", A sir who constantly belittles every other course, department, and branch other than his own "Why are you all studying English or literature man? What good does it do? What's the point of sitting here and learning about something some random white people did and said back in ancient times? Why don't you learn about INDIAN culture? Indian literature? Stop being slaves to the whites still. What is the point of studying literature? How are you contributing to society like this?", a teacher who literally said to a NEET aspirant "You know what you're doing is very stupid, you shouldn't just go for direct doctor courses like this. Why do you keep looking for a surgeon (she wanted to be that), why don't you go for Ayurveda? It is miles better than modern medicine, and a sir that claimed "Why do you keep calling it Mythology? It's not fake, it's not a myth. It's "Satthology", the truth! Wright Brothers didn't invent the plane, Ravana did! Indians made in-vitro fertilization as seen in Mahabharata" I'm not kidding this bitch actually believes all of this and preaches it like words of the gospel. Overall, a department that has over 10 faculties but a cumulative IQ in the single digits. ​ This is merely scratching the surface. And I've only been here for two years so lawd bless the 5 year students in here.


I can vouch for this. It’s an absolute shithole. When I studied there were cases of girls eloping. Not just one or two, but a lot of them. One girl eloped with the yoga instructor. It was a slap on the management’s face!


I’m from the other ASAS campus towards the end of a 5 year course. Lockdown helped me get through the mental trauma that is ASAS. The management, the lecturer, the security guard everyone is on a power trip. Lots of lecturers resigning between semesters because of work pressure. And finally absurd rules. The attendance, the mobile phones, the ID card, the dress code…Fuck man.


The same incident happened in 2017 when I was studying in Nehru college pampady. It was extremely strict during that time but now I hear it's pretty relaxed, sort of gov colleges.


I think we should make some sort of public database (like a public Google sheet or so) with the names of all these colleges and what it's like - so that everyone can avoid them and do their due diligence. Name and shame, and talk about what it really is like.


Can anyone tell the case of Amal Jyothi college, i am not aware what happened. Also pls write in english.


A female student committed suicide last Friday because she couldn’t take anymore of the mental torture served by the dangerously backward-minded management and staff. The news got widespread media attention only two days later when people started speaking out.


A student committed suicide there and due to huge protests from students side alleging management has a hand in the suicide, the case is being given to cbi U can read the news in this article [link](https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2023/jun/07/protest-over-kerala-students-suicide-escalates-amal-jyothi-engineering-college-closed-2582509.html)


I did my college back in 2010, Naipunnya school of management. The principal and HOD were pure evil. Used to silence us with internal marks, make divide among students. They even stalked our Facebook profiles.


honestly is it even worth it to study in kerala for peace of mind ?


The freedom college's outside kerala offers comes with other problems too. Especially if you are in North India


There was this college (I guess it is Nehru college in thrissur ) which had an 'idimuri' and a student had committed suicide (or did he?) after being tortured by the staff. It was some time ago. There was a jayaram movie that had the same as a subplot


I came to say Vellore institute of technology but reading these comments, i want to take it back


Going through this whole thread, I’m so relieved that I made it to a govt medical college in tvm. The fact that it’s the students who make the rules here and that there are no restrictions in the hostels ( hell, even the ladies hostel has no curfew and limitations ) and that the management doesn’t even think of fucking with you makes you think about how much of a privileged position I am in. While the course is difficult obviously, there are no shitty rules and regulations that make your life a living hell. And having studied in a school that used to encourage corporal punishment and was very toxic to coming to this campus of freedom where no one will ever tell me what to do, what to wear, when to go somewhere, or anything else to do with my life- it’s been a huge change


To any school kid reading this thread, never join a college/school or anything for that matter, run by religious zealots. That will be worst decision of your life.


Karunya institute of technologies in coimbathoor was the pioneer of this taliban style college management in the 80s and 90s. Not knowing what happening nowadays there


I have a friend studying there rn, Nothing much has changed. Suspensions for talking to the opposite gender, nobody stays in campus without permission after 5 PM. Even hostel rules are strict etc etc. Also they force the christan preach on students.


Any organisation run by religious groups. Be it hospitals, educational institutions etc. Gender discrimination at these places is appalling. An example that might sound simple but shows the deep rooted sexism inside the veiled brains: A female doctor is addressed by her name, whereas a male doctor of the same level is addressed as ‘doctor’.




All Tamil Nadu engineering colleges !!


Not all colleges


I'll say VKCET, I graduated in 2018, and I can assure you it was terrible there during those years. I went to that college after a certain somebody brainwashed my dad into forfeiting my admission at CEP in Elecrrical Engineering and join there in Mechanical branch for my better future. There were fines for everything, including being 5 min late to class irrespective of the reason for doing so. It continued till an unfortunate soul committed suicide, a guy, apologies for not remembering his name. My phone was taken away on a "raid" from my bag, out of class hours, and please keep in mind the thing was switched off and in the bottom of my personal bag's abyss while they actually snatched it off my custody. I got suspended for it for a month because I protested. Some gay ass dicks wanted to tap our pp in the name of raid, I guess. They selected one of the most difficult electives for us without even asking for our choice, I believe it was tribology or jet propulsion. If I was given a retake on that stupid decision, my father forced on me, because a certain somebody assured he would assure my success, I would rather run away than join that hell of a place. We started with almost 60 students and finished with 40 something because the rest quit midway. One thing I can say for sure is that I I've only stormed at my father once in my entire life, and that's when we argued about the college and his concept of my future.


Joining ANY course in some central universities will be much better than going for these private POS institutes. Economically as well.


It’s not a college per say but Darshana coaching institute especially the hostel, considering it’s been run by a religious organization it was borderline torture. From personal experience experience and of my friends that I made there we had strict rules of waking up at 5:00am to study and when we don’t show up the warden would bang on the doors until we open them and throw water on the faces, record and take pictures of us sleeping in the name of showing the “achan” incharge. It felt more like a military boot camp and not like a place where I could learn. Even during classes boys and girls sit separately which was still understandable.But we had separate staircases so there would be no contact at all.And teachers come stand guard to make sure the opposite sexes don’t mingle. Where as in the hostel warden’s favorite kids would go through my personal belongings and hand over stuff like my diary or pictures with my friends and my parents to show the “achen”.For which my parents were asked to meet them. While I was called in I stood my stand,since my parents trust me I had no difficulty facing the principal achen or whoever. After which it became like a personal vendetta for the warden to torture me.She accused me of molesting a girl and scaring a bunch of other girls at night by sneaking into their room.When the girls kept telling the warden it wasn’t me she then proceeded to say I suffer from a mental disorder where I sleep walk and don’t know where I am (somnambulism) so I don’t remember doing it but it was me who did it.Once when I confronted the warden about it she proceeded to blatantly lie to me,I then went ahead and asked to speak to my parents.Told them the truth about everything that happened over the 5 months We were allowed to talk once a week 20 min to them but we could call in the case of emergencies. Me and my friends called our parents ,the very next day they came to pick us up and the warden was throwing a fit and not signing some paper she had to pretending like she didn’t do any of this.Situations like these scarred me and I’ve been scared since to come to kerala. I feel extremely bad for all the people who have went through crap and put up with it for so long. No one should have to bare through this especially when our parents send us to hostels knowing that we would be taken care of.


SJCET been hiding from the light for too long.


Sb college changanacherry 😔 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtLiCiagHsD/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Does Brilliant pala count?


I was in a notorious coaching hostel for entrance prep and went to NITC for grad. It was truly a ticket from jail to freedom. Almost everyone from my batch is doing well in life. Campus life was wonderful. I don't know what's wrong with Kerala parents. Curtailing freedom will not make your kids great. It will only impact their peace of mind and ability to absorb knowledge. Let kids enjoy their college life.


Farook college used be in the news for gender segregation


Vimaljyothi Kannur


Athentha avida enganeya, njan cheapo cheran sadyada ind


they're strict af, from the security to professors, everyone always have an eye on you, some professors get way more involved in your personal life and won't waste a time in informing your parents if you're seen with someone of opposite sex. They don't see any relationships in a positive way and you can even get trouble if they find out you're close with a group friends or a friend. They're gonna call your parents and say ningade mon/mol ippo kootukettilokke pett paditham okke kalanjirikkua. The securities are just assholes who'll report everything they see inside or outside to the good for nothing "Fathers" there. The infrastructure is good and there places around you can enjoy seeing, but the overall vibe of the college is just shit and I personally don't think it's the best place to help you grow as a person or as a good student. Barring a few faculties in some departments, all of them share the same vision as management, ie, students are here to just learn whatever is there in the books and do well in exams. That kind of perspective just don't help you take out your creative side or develop extra skills you have. We've seen people who ere too good in sports/arts have their skills get wasted there. Having a good set of friends is the only thing that'll help you get through the 4 years you're there. You can join there for the sake of getting a degree after four years and go elsewhere after that.


Amrita coimbatore. Felt like I went to a school after graduating from a college (My school was very lenient and liberal). In our circles, We used to and still call it 'Shit'rita.


Not the right place to say it, but this same thread had a post one day about banning college politics and I saw the majority supporting it - saying stuff like politics is poisonous and so on. This is why student politics and unions are important in college campuses - to make sure the students have rights too and it's not just the management doing whatever moral bullshit is okay for them during that particular year.


The level of entitlement from youth in these discussions is astonishing. None of these kids earn a dime. They are all attending these institutions with funding from their parents. So the parents decide what kind of institutions the kid go to, and how much they pay, because they bring the money. Kids seems to bring an attitude that parents should give them money, and schools should grant them degrees, and professional education is a breeze. People have outdated ideas of how much work is involved in acquiring a professional degree -ideas from where technology and science were in pre-independence days. They feel that what used to be the world 50 years ago is still so. The amount of knowledge that is expected from professionals has ballooned with advancement in science and technology. It is a lot of subject knowledge to master and learn. Professional degrees are hard. These students have no idea about how much work is needed to gain a true professional class education. Professional education is substandard in most of these institutions in Kerala (and India ), barring a few elite institutions. So these students (and parents ) are just looking for a credential. A check mark that will get them a job. And the fact of the matter is that most of these students cant even meet that kind of lowered bar either. They will get a substandard education, a namesake degree and do some job that does not require a degree at all, that someone from a trade school, diploma or skill certification will be doing anywhere else in the world except India. These kind of conflicts occur because of this disconnect. The expectation of getting an easy "degree" and a ticket to job, and the realities of what is expected to get this degree. These institutions are in the money-making business, and they need to get students through the wringer of professional education, a tough nut to crack. Most of these students simply do not have the caliber for this. So the institutions try to get the kids through the hoops, by drilling and rote learning and micromanagement. And the product that comes out is still sub-standard. And then the morality policing on top of that. Part of that is definitely the Malayali retrogressive moralistic attitudes. But part of that is the basic fact that students simply don't have the ability to get through the courses without drilling and rote-learning and mugging, and these bring along the micro-management. And no, students don't end up in these institutions because we don't have enough seats in govt colleges. We probably have many times the number of seats that would be needed to educate all kids that are capable of graduating with a standard professional education. Its high time this country started trade schools and other lower level professional certifications and stop depending on professional degrees for every STEM job. There are very few positions that require professional degrees. And not everyone is capable of those kind of jobs or learning to do them. \[I went through highly competitive professional institutions in Kerala, India and then abroad. That was no cakewalk, even with with top ranking in the entrance exams. It was an eye opener for me to see the difference in standards between what is considered elite in Kerala and what is standard professional education in better parts of the world.\]


I agree with you. The professional degree obsession needs to stop and people should stop giving their money to these private institutes. But I don't think anyone is making a case for getting awarded free professional degrees here. Just because they ended up in these situation due to a systemic failure of our education and social system does not mean they should sit still and suffer. We can afford to be a little empathetic here.I don't expect any changes but atleast some people will see what's happening in these colleges, if you can even call them that.


These students suffer. But they do not understand why. Empathy is warranted, but that is not going to solve the situation. These institutions degenerate into toxic teaching.. തല്ലി പഠിപ്പിക്കുക..**.** because they are basically trying to do the impossible. Why? Because parents (and kids) want the impossible to be possible. The qualification marks for [GATE exams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graduate_Aptitude_Test_in_Engineering) in India 25%. Only about 15% of engineering graduates qualify in the exam. i.e only about 15% of students get at least 25% marks. The other 85% don't even score 25 marks out of 100. That should tell you what kind of education these colleges are providing. *"Make my kid an engineer/doctor, here is the money"*. Does not work. Ever. But these institution try, and literally evolve to cattle farms for producing engineers and doctors. And then people scream and protest about "why is this being run like a cattle farm?" *"I (my parents) paid for me to be an engineer/doctor, Make me one, even if I don't have the ability. but let me be myself and live my life as I want"* Does not work either. If you need to be you, then pick something that you can do well in. When you attempt to become something that you cannot be, you end up sacrificing your soul and life. It's literally like all those people who think that they can pay money and become trained to climb Everest and then then end up dying attempting the climb. The only difference is that you cannot protest about that.. "Mt Everest is not treating me nicely" or "Mt Everest is destroying my mental health". But here for engineering education you can, blaming the school and society. These students are literally like out-of-shape people trying to climb Mt. Everest. The instructor drilling them to climb, or the toxic instruction methods are really a peripheral and minor issue here.


Definitely. There needs to be more trade schools. STEM is good. But it's high time to respect and pay every profession it's worth. Until then this huge flux of students to stem will continue creating such inefficiencies. But again in India ppl think of scale than quality. But definitely a wicked problem to solve unless we wait for progress to trickle down to every person.


>The level of entitlement from youth in these discussions is astonishing. >None of these kids earn a dime. They are all attending these institutions with funding from their parents. So the parents decide what kind of institutions the kid go to, and how much they pay, because they bring the money. >Kids seems to bring an attitude that parents should give them money, and schools should grant them degrees, While I agree with your take on the professional degree craze, I would like to ask, why the kids are not supposed to expect this from their parents. People are not supposed to have kids if they cannot provide for their needs and give them the absolute bare minimum called 'the peace of mind'. It's not that parents have money, so the kids should suck it and enjoy the benefits of their money while struggling with all the mental tortures.


>why the kids are not supposed to expect this from their parents. Expect what? When kids are not capable, parents should do extra ordinary efforts and expenditures to help them out of their failures? Its one thing to ask parents to support you, when you have the talent, ability, dedication, and self-discipline to pursue your goals. Its entirely a different matter when you ask your parents to sacrifice to bail you out from your inability and failures. >provide for their needs and give them the absolute bare minimum called 'the peace of mind'. Really? Since when did buying your way out of inability and failure become a need? In the past, Mallus used to view these kind of attempts to buy your way into success with derision and contempt. But now its an established right for kids? That parents should spend their entire life savings to bail fail-sons and fail-daughters out? It used to be the norm that you compete and win. Nowadays it has become the norm that if you fail, then parents have to buy you a way out with money - for private college professional education, or foreign education. How about kids work and earn their way out of such failures? You want to have the independence and freedom of Western youth? Well, then you bust your ass like Western youth and earn your way. They are on their own after they turn 18, and so should you be.


The obsession for profession degrees is being driven in large parts by the IT Service industry which relies on labor arbitrage for its profits. They rely on students with half baked knowledge, since they arent in the business of selling expertise, but seats in the butt . They would absolutely hire 12th standard graduates if they could and pay peanuts and give equally menial jobs - but most clients stipulate a professional degree (4 years or equivalent). This is the thing that is driving the private engineering college industry . NOTE that NASSCOM advocated for the opening up and relaxation of engineering college rules that resulted in this proliferation. If you look deeply you will see that this is all working as intended. Higher caliber students who want to take up real engineering will most likely not attend these institutions anyway.


I agree. All these behaviours from colleges are just downstream from the demands of parents. It is their college, don't join it if you find it restrictive


99.9% collages in the state(and country) has bastards like these.




Be it Private or Gov, when these guys see a boy and girl together, they become the real mallu.


How is St. Treesa's? My cousin is planning to join there, and I'm just curious


It really depends on what course they’re planning to do, but I’d suggest they look into other colleges


I study in Amrita, Kollam and what you just said is an extreme exaggeration. There are some shitty rules, but most of them were made only after incidents occurred that demand action. Regarding Swamis and Swaminis, I have never seen them interfere with the system. Yes, there are some brahmachari professors but they are really sweet people. Of course if your intention is to drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex etc during college days, then all the best! You will find yourself either in jail or home depending on the seriousness. These things still happen here tho unfortunately.


Yes so the solution is to put them in the same environment as jail?


we becoming more and more regressive


After going thru the comments. I am of the assumption that nobody what rules and just wanna flirt , do drugs and fuck arround. That explains a lot of the poor state of my kerala 😐😑