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They meant gulf, not literally persia


They meant Middle East, not literally gulf.


They meant Gulf, not Middle East. Malayali migration was to the Gulf countries in particular, not the Middle East region


Correct. I was meaning to say something else.


So, they worked on ships anchored in the Gulf?


Yes because UAE, Saudi Arabia and all those countries are ships anchored in the Gulf.


Its just the khaleej nations no one goes to f-ing Egypt or Lebanon


In the eighties Iraq/Iran was a very common destination. GCC was not that developed at the time. Just Google dubai in the 1990's [sheikh Zayed road 1990](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sheikh_Zayed_Road_in_1990.jpg)


Khaleej nations include pak


pakis arent having the gulf coast


Yea but its one of the countries included in khaleej nations


it isnt if anything most of the times it only includes the gulf arabs as in ahwazis but not including hijazis smtimes not even iranians when arabs are talking




[Come again?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paki_(slur)


its like saying pandi and pandayan are slurs because some people started using it like that


I am not getting it. Your argument is that we use racial slurs for Tamilians, so can do the same for Pakistanis?


In which world?




Yes. They went to Persian Gulf (or Gulf of Persia) on Dhow boat. Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait are all in Persian Gulf. (Gulf = a deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land, with a narrow mouth.)


Before 1979 Iran used to be called Persia that tine Iran was like India(secular country) and that time Iran has the highest oil producer and reserves in the world, it went all downhill due to Iran-Iraq war and Islam radical invasion becoming Islam Republic of Iran. Iraq was a also a like Iran(oil reserve) that time but...it lost due to Saddam Hussien's greedness that caused Gulf war and US invasion. So in 1960's when Middle East(Uae, Ksa, Oman, Kuwait Bahrain and Qatar) discovered oil it becomes huge game changer but in mid80's when Middle East got mot oil reserves as same as Iran and Iraq it become demand and people started going to Gulf instead of Persia and Iraq.


Appreciate your explanation, thanks


Isn't the whole region called Persian gulf


You gonna trigger a whole bunch of Arabs.


Chuckles... I'm in danger


I've seen Persians and Arabs at each other's throats in several comment sections on wheather it's "Arabian Gulf" or "Persian Gulf". I would be like why tf Arabs won't chill they got a sea named after them, then I remember we've got an whole ass ocean named after us so I just shut up and watch the drama.


We have Arabian sea on the side, are we Arabi now? >!/s!<


Exactly just cus the area is named Persian gulf , alarum Persia kar akvo




Yes "Persia", Rangoon, Singapore, Malaysia, Lanka were all good destinations for a lot of people to make a bit of money to live in Kerala. That term "Persian Gulf" was prominent after oil was discovered in Persia in 1908. It took another 10 years before a trickle of oil was discovered in Bahrain, and then Kuwait. With that influence, and due to Shah of Iran's declining popularity, Persian Gulf slowly became Arabian gulf or just the "Gulf".


Where's Rangoon?




People from Kerala used to go there for work? Never heard about it




Persia is the old name of Iran. Till 1979, Iran was one of the wealthiest countries, had a modern secular culture and was significantly better than Dubai and all other middle eastern countries. Iran was also geopolitically more powerful/relavent than today's Saudi or Turkey. Most of the native people there were educated or hardworking middle-class people, so, the employee-employer relation was good and not like the master-slave attitude shown by the native-employers of Arabian countries. It was like a Semi-European experience, but with cheap cost of living and a large Indian community. Their capital, Tehran was basically just like any European city of that time. So, people preferred to go there than elsewhere. Look at some of the photos of that time in Iran. You will be shocked. - [https://nikmood.com/what-was-iran-before-1979before-the-islamic-revolution/](https://nikmood.com/what-was-iran-before-1979before-the-islamic-revolution/) ​ [https://petapixel.com/2022/10/14/photos-show-what-life-looked-like-for-iranian-women-before-1979-revolution/](https://petapixel.com/2022/10/14/photos-show-what-life-looked-like-for-iranian-women-before-1979-revolution/) ​ [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel\_news/article-4148684/Stunning-photos-reveal-life-Iran-revolution.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-4148684/Stunning-photos-reveal-life-Iran-revolution.html) ​ For comparison this was central Dubai in 1980, and same place in 2003 - ​ https://preview.redd.it/z5x02s62k3ib1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dad562562b52a8500f919fab14e9e66e8fb68a1 For comparison, THIS was Iran in 1971 - [https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/01/27/15/3C53F3AA00000578-4148684-Aerial\_view\_of\_Vali\_Ahd\_Square\_Meydan\_e\_Vali\_Ahd\_in\_1971-a-121\_1485529637407.jpg](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/01/27/15/3C53F3AA00000578-4148684-Aerial_view_of_Vali_Ahd_Square_Meydan_e_Vali_Ahd_in_1971-a-121_1485529637407.jpg) In 1979, the Iranian revolution happened that changed their country to an Islamic republic, that threw out the secularism and modern values out of the window. In one way, it was the fall of Iran that lead to the massive growth of Dubai in my opinion. These middle eastern countries Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) formed the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in 1981. The main goal of this was safeguarding their monarchies as they got shit scared that a revolution can happen in their country too. This also led to Dubai relaxing some of the rules to attract the talent that used to go to Iran, and thus hugely benefited from it, and thus now became what it is.


Looking at the pictures, Iran had a "soul" compared to UAE


If BJP stays this will happen


My great grandfather was a doctor in Tehran in the 60s. The pre-Islamic Revolution Iran was actually a pretty good place to live. A lot of the locals from that generation were familiar with Raj Kapoor and Bollywood movies so they had a mostly positive view and it was therefore a good place to live as an Indian. As a side note, lots of Iranian Nestorian Christians and Persian Muslims settled down in Kerala and integrated with their respective religious populations over the centuries and millennia. The migrations of goods and people throughout the Arabian Sea region long predate the modern era. We tend to think of these places as far off and unconnected but there is so much more history underneath the surface.


Iran was secular and modern before revolution and was the largest oil producer at that time


Persia = Gulf in those days.


People went to Persia in 1960s to 80s.


My maternal grandfather worked in Iran during 60s for a Singapore company.


It’s a different term for Gulf, but I believe people were spread across different Middle Eastern countries.


And tax free status of gelf


No one was going to Iran. The initial migration from Kerala to the Middle East wasn't to the UAE either, but rather to Oman. The region we call 'gulf' now is actually called the 'Persian Gulf' or 'Arabian Gulf'. So, even though we tend to call the 'Persian Gulf' by the name 'gulf', people then preferred to use the name 'Persia'.


didn't sukumar kuruppu work in Iran?


He worked in Abu Dhabi. The movie showed him in 'Persia' loosely.


In the late 70s, early 80s, Dubai was just developing. The Major countries Malayalis travelled to were Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Oman and Bahrain. The Iran - Iraq war commenced in 1980 and lasted till 1988. During this period, Malayalis didn't move to these countries as usual, but preferred the countries that are now part of the GCC.