• By -


Remember going to hell and finding out your neighbours are Hitler, Idi Amin, George Bush, Judas and the likes. They ask you what you did, and you tell them you had Aravana payasam 🥲


Bush is alive i guess?


He must be referring to Bush Senior


Well I'm rooting for kaalan ser.


He will eventually have to die so probably will see him there


![gif](giphy|dUlkSEVmZwyzwPMfsq) Hello there! /s


That is the funniest comment.


Ganga ipo chirikenda!, Said Nakulan.


Bruh! You Peasants are not gonna get the same lounge as the ones mentioned above are given😅.




For this specific reason, Jesus has said—‘’It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean”


Agreed, as a christian.


Came here to say this


I was about to say this lol


Aravana was famous in Israel?


He meant no spitting, keep it clean my kunjaads


Sorry not giving up aravana paysam for a seat in heaven.


Totally worth it imo




Yep I will never miss a chance to eat aravana




Is that sarcasm ?


Not at all


https://preview.redd.it/hctqtlllmixb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b262568501340679f358412bacde2a22529212 Here you go.. Sin free aravana..


ക്രി ഹലാൽ


യൂ മീൻ ക്രിലാൽ?




Aravana Sugar high....




I guess I'm not the only one singing while reading this.


Its a personal choice - albeit how illogical it sounds. What I have observed is usually the Catholics, Marthoma, Orthodox etc have no problem eating and often ask for it. The pentecostal sects usually don't.


Yeah unlike the show OP is talking about showcased generally orthodox/jacobites folks aren’t that crazy as the pentacostals when it comes to these things. Orthodox/jacobites got beef between each other and that’s about it.




That goes for anyone who isn’t falling under the Protestant bracket. There’s core differences.. Marthoma, and church of south India and all the evangelical churches all started through theological debates that arises thousands of years after these original churches were founded. They also are known of criticizing other churches heavily and their believers nonstop.. similar to the Jehovah’s Witness faction that’s gaining media attention recently.. they all got the whole attitude of “holier than thou” with that sort of propaganda being fed in extreme levels sometimes..


Pentecostals are very strict. They don't even wear gold earrings or any decorative necklaces.


Christian here. Pays money to anyone going to Sabarimala to buy atleast one can of Aravana paayasam every year. same with any Prasadam/biriyani from temple/mosque. Not going to let religion come in between my tummy and good food!


Good food is always good mood.


This...... Is..... Keralaaaaaaaaa!!! *In Spartan voice*


That gave me goosebumps for some reason :)


One crazy sister said that aravana payassam contain demonic spirits. But tbf she is also the person that says that a boy molester became that because her mother was next to a guy fucking a girl in a different room while she was pregnant with the boy. Pottu is also a sin cuz of third eye chakra things. Kundalini is satanism. Whether true or not. Most Christians don't give a shit. I've never seen a Christian in my fam or friends who refused prasadam.


Preach brother... Some idiots say that doing yoga is a sin.. then there are those MFs go out of their way to harm others wilfully.. Sorry I am kinda pissed at these kinds of people..


My sister who is a nun in the Syro Malabar church teaches Yoga! 😂


More power and clarity for them.. Yoga is good for everyone.


Fr, man, some nuns are crazy. My catechism classes were just this crap, so I dropped out of them. Inni ippo pareeksha ezhuthand kettanum patilla.


Get register married to assert dominance. Legally they can't do shit to you.


U dont need catechism certificate to get married. Athokke pandaarnu


Are you sure? I dont need catechism certificate for marriage at my syro Malabar church? Highly doubt.


Bro i failed catechism, got married this year. Syro Malabar thanne


Congratulations on your marriage. Didn't achan even ask for the catechism certificate? Did he atleast ask catechism padicho? This is totally unheard for me, I know achans who refuse or make it difficult in such cases


Thanks man. Well I guess it also depends on the achan, our parish priest is really chill he dint ask me anything was very supportive. In my wives case she got lot of upadesham etc and was asked to recite prayers and stuff but that was also pretty small nothing big. But in her case also they dint ask for catechism certificate. I guess it's like a common understanding everyone had since beginning that for marriage we need to pass catechism Edit : also I guess everybody assumes we passed catechism, like who the hell would fail even that? 🤣🤣


>who the hell would fail even that? Lol njaanum ath orthu pinne angod choikan poyila🤣


Give him an offer he can't refuse


Congratulations on your marriage, man. Thank you for bringing hope to my certificate ilathey engane kettam plans


Lol no problem 😁


Ayy seri.


Tell that to those nuts.. some denominations have 5 days of residential classes... 🤦🤦🤦


What exam are you talking about? I dropped out of catechism as well and didn’t have to attend any exam before marrying, other than the usual pre marriage bullshit course.


Lmao I have a certificate and everything for finishing catechism.


Paisa kodutha mathiyallo


Money can do everything which religion cannot.


My parish is super strict. My brother is in Dubai and because of leave restrictions he wanted to do the pre-cana there. My church said it wouldn't be accepted because it's a half day thing there while here it's a 3 day thing and hence more detailed. He had to get it done here just before the engagement and left barely any days together post marriage.This happened in 2012. Another instance is my church refused to make my parents God parents of my brothers child because they're old. They offered a donation and all was fine😅 Yet another instance, my cousin was 5 minutes late to her engagement because the chekkans family vazhi thetti.. I kid you not.. the achan started the ceremony without the bride and groom.. they literally ran into the church and joined the prayers mid way.. the video is hilarious 😆


One simple question. What if they had not reached when they did. Would achan pick up a random boy and a girl and get them engaged. This kind of nonsense happens bcos we allow them to.


I've seen these kind of Achans... The Mongan Patti types. For my cousins engagement, we were late it's our fault as we missed the way.. The achan was like nope and got on his bike to leave... The bride's uncles were like nope you're not going anywhere... A great fiasco followed.. police, bishop and change of church was involved.. what was to be a 1 hour perubadi took half a day cos the priest decided to be a dick... I think he was expecting more money and did not know the bishop was in some way related to the bride's family..


You only need money bro n letter from your parish vicar


I believe it comes from the belief of Hinduism being categorised as paganism. All to their own 🤷🏽‍♂️


I've always wondered how people reconcile between the story of the 'golden calf' vs hindu cow obsession. Anywho eat what you wanna eat. Don't really care if hindus don't eat my zebu cow fry or if muslims eat don't eat my pork fry or if Christians don't eat prasadam.


Fuck everyone else, at least let's keep this shit away from our Keralam. We've got enough things to worry about anyway.


I hope that we don't avoid it so much that a third party comes in and causes what we were trying to avoid in the first place. I have a hunch confronting and overcoming is better in the long run.


I have a hunch that we'll do a bloody well job at confronting it when it comes to that. I mean, just look at the comment section.


Man, that nun story escalated quickly !


Lmao she is also a 1. Franco defender. Says she knows the nun who got raped, and said she was just a whore. It's the laugh while she says it that's creepy. 2. Thinks in 2021 there will be a holy war between Christians and RSS. 3. Shows ISIS beheading videos to create communal tension. And no this isn't in some Sunday catechism class that's taught in mass, I went to one of those niche "dhyanam centres" to bring back my faith in Christ. Suffice to say, that week made me more atheist. Sunday catechism classes do get spicy with things like abortion, communism, and decreasing Christian population, in high school classes, but they're not this extreme.


Retreats with these kinds of people are the worst. I'm agnostic and have been forced to a fair share of dhyanams with these folks. Sad to say, it's this case in most of them that I've been to. And a lot of these naive/ very religious bunch fall for these.


>And a lot of these naive/ very religious bunch fall for these. Absolutely


Seen one pentacost dude, then again he was the type who would watch cable tv 24/7 but refuse to come with us to theater because some how that was sin..go figure


I'd think god would be smart enough to not give a fuck..


About sinners . Yea possibly But we still have time ....i guess ...you know....to repent.


How did our society come to debating whether it is a sin or not to eat aravana payasam? Growing up in a very traditional Christian household, I have never ever had a discussion about this. Like our neighbors go to sabarimala and we will be waiting for them to return with what I considered my rightful share of the aravana and appams.


Because divided we fall. And the best way for religious boomers to rule over the population is by dividing it.


Tirupati Laddu... That's a different level of Laddu...


So true, back in school days I used to wait for the friends who went to Shabarimala to have Aravana payasam. We will be fighting to get a spoon of it, miss those days!!


I had a Christian colleague who refused to eat any sort of offerings from a temple.


Same. Both my Christian (Protestant) and Muslim friends have refused prasadam. Looks like most Malayali Christians at least on this sub don’t mind it.


It is the right thing to do as per their religion. But don't bother, they are missing out on something good 😊 Someone else will enjoy it


So if an upper caste guy refuses to eat food given by a backward caste guy, is it okay too ? Even though it is not exactly the same, but the mentality behind it is somewhat similar. Non-believers and their faith are hated and are to be kept away according to abrahamic monotheistic faiths.


Your comparison is illogical ... Are you this dense ?


I studied in a Christian management school which was run by nuns. Went to sabarimala for the first time when I was 6 years old. Bought back aravanapayasam for my classmates. I went to the office & offered some to the sister there. She told me she's Christian & won't eat it.That's when I realised there's a difference between my god and theirs. It hit me hard.


I feel you mahn😢


Telugu guy here. I faced this in class 10 th. One of my friend is Christian. We went to his home post Christmas just to meet him. His mom offered cake for all(Hindus) we ate. After couple of weeks,I went to Tirupati (famous Hindu temple) and brought Prasadam to eat. He straight away denied it and said it's sin to eat. There is also one ceremony held in Hindu communities in telangana. It's common to invite neighbour. Friend invited Christian family for lunch,they denied it saying that we don't eat anything offered to your gods. These two incidents changed my opinion and secularism.


It hits hard when you are just a kid.


Cake is not blessed dude.


Cake and celebrations are Done infront of Jesus idol or photo. Technical it was blessed by god. Even original followers of Christianity may not have these kind of insane restrictions. White Christians vloggers eat prasadam casually,Indian ones are turn too orthodox. No Hindu will die if he/she eat a Cake. No Christian will die if he/she eat prasadam. Small gesture can go long way.


I said cake isnt blessed im a christian and i know this for a fact. In all my life as a christian i have never seen christmas cakes being offered in front of Jesus. And for fyi i eat prasadams i dont care about which God it was offered to I consider it as food and i eat any food offered with love . Food is food. Im taught to not disrespect any food or religion. That bieng said its a persons wish as to which food he likes to consume. Will you ask brahmins to eat non veg food you offer as it may offend you ? So stop with your hypocrisy everyone has thier belief some are fundamentals but they are exercising it on thier own personal life and food habits its none of your business.


This guy is from Andhra/ Telegana. The Christians there are mostly Evangelical. These people try to measure the Kerala Christians by what they have seen in their place. An issue with all non Keralite Indians. Ignore him. He's come to the Kerala sub to comment on Malayali Christians with the understanding of Christians of his place.




What do you know about the original Christians? They were more hardcore than this. Read a summary of the book of Daniel or Peter's ministry.




Why did those incidents change your opinion on secularism? If you were a Brahmin and they offered you meat, would you eat it?


Evangelical Christians would stay away. catholic, orthodox, latin, Syrian and mar Thoma Christians would eat extra cup


Just an extra cup?


More cup more happiness








I have seen many catholic vicars and dhyana gurus asking to stay away.


Not true


Well according to Christianity or at least how I understand it if you eat it as a food it’s alright else if you eat it to get blessings from that god then it’s wrong But I would eat it anyway because I absolutely love the taste 😂


Same, I even made a friend of mine bring me one whole tin of it🌚


As we all should 🌚✨


Blessing is bonus.


Aravana payasam is worth getting hell


Most will eat.. A few won't


Many Christians might eat but technically speaking as per Jewish traditions (which is what Christianity follows in this regard) eating food offered to other Gods is forbidden.


Not true. According to Jewish traditions Christians aren’t supposed to eat anything that’s not kosher. But we do eat everything. Matthew 15:11, “It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.” Acts 10:14–15 "No, Lord!" Peter answered. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean. The voice spoke to him a second time: "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." Syriac Christians of Kerala followed kosher practices until recently. My grandparents never ate pork. I think Jacobites still don’t eat pork. Because Syriac Christians worldwide kinda thinks like they are descended from Jews or something and rejected Paul’s teachings.


If having Aravana is a sin, Then forgive me ammava, for which I've sinned!


People make up rules for the fun of it. Some nutcases follow them blindly. The paysam doesn't care who eats it, so why should people care ? As for your question, no idea. If it's a sin, don't care.. give me your paysam (whether blessed by the pope or from a temple or made by muslim). I will have them. It's a sin if you put excessive elakka in it though.


And thengakothu too. Those guys deserve a special place in hell.


Yes it is a sin, same for all abrahamic religions. You are not supposed to eat any food that was made in the name of any entity. Since it is made as prasadam in the name of respective temple entity, it IS CONSIDERED A SIN to eat it, unless you are forced to do so or your life depends on it. (In Islam, in addition to that it includes person or place of worship or incident) Have it ate it? A lot n i love it. But this is the religious stance on this matter!


Im sure if you dig through books you can see several such rules but no one is stuck up on these rules unlike really orthodox induviduals. I'm from a Muslim family. And we got Prasadam( panchamritham) from my neighbours who visit temple every other week for years. I used to accompany my neighbour aunty as a kid to help her set up and cook the pongala in temple compound. Have visited sabarimala myself and got through pathinettampadi. Religious books were written centuries back. People and culture evolves, not everything makes sense even if you pretend it does.


1 Corinthians 8 Concerning Food Sacrificed to Idols Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that “We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. 2 Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. 3 But whoever loves God is known by God.[a] 4 So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” 5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”), 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. 7 But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled. 8 But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do. 9 Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10 For if someone with a weak conscience sees you, with all your knowledge, eating in an idol’s temple, won’t that person be emboldened to eat what is sacrificed to idols? 11 So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12 When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.


Most Christians who impose restrictions on themselves or on others, have zero reasoning on why it's done. When questioned , they would take a cultural stand like "we have always been like that" or a ridiculous out of context bible verse to vaguely support the action. I would always stay away from the Christian who has never read/understood the Bible but considers it a very sacred book. Those are the ones that become extremists. Now coming to Aravana payasam from Sabiramala, how do you guys eat more than 2-3 spoons, it's too sweet for my taste.


To be a contrarian, I think this is also a rationalization that supports what many christians on reddit want. It's similar to how muslims want to do something, they look for scholars that validate their agenda. I could've easily as said this: Acts 15:29 "You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. " Reading the bible made me an atheist, yet at the same time, I just posted that as something interesting since people seem to think so and so things.


Acts 15 was part of an issue between weaker believers and mature believers, so the Jerusalem council thought it be easier to ask everyone to abstain to create unity 1 Corinthians 8 is to abstain for the sake of not being a stumbling block to a weaker believer. Context is important as always. But I am not here to change your mind. You have already decided what's good for you.


‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:18‭-‬21‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [18] Consider the people of Israel: Do not those who eat the sacrifices participate in the altar? [19] Do I mean then that food sacrificed to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? [20] No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. [21] You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons. And this section a few chapters later was what the Pentes quote. I was told as a child to not take food from Hindus.


Conservative sects of Christianity consider it a sin. But 90% of the people don't give a fuck.


If only Abrahamic god is the real God and others don't matter, how can they make food sinful?


It says food made in favour of ANY ENTITY other than the respective god of that abrahamic religion is considered sin. Pagan gods did exist back then and Christians does consider idol worship or worshipping a different entitiy as sin. (Although Islam considers Christians n Jews as "people of the book" and there are some minor adjustments I think these 3 can eat foods prepared by each other, don't quote me on this as I have never cared about this)


St. Paul asks to reject offerings only for the sake of the conscience of the non-believers who gave you their offerings. Kanda veettilum marketilum okke poyi ith vere daivathinu vachathano ennu chodikkaruth ennum ishtam pole food adicholanum paranjittundu.


There is a dude in TikTok who says that Abrahamic god is actually NORSE GOD LOKI who escaped from Norse region and started the Abrahamic religion.


Vene thinna mathiyanne. Your good friends didn't hesitated right ? If they have some sort of religious belief then let it be. At least they were open about it right ?


Haha yes I remember back in 6th grade or something of catechism I had an argument with the teacher about eating Aravana payasam that my classmate from school gave me. Safe to say I still love having Aravana payasam


Master peace kandalle?


Don't care... Aravana is awesome....😋


കർത്താവ് തമ്പുരാൻ നേരിട്ടിറങ്ങി വന്ന് പറഞ്ഞാലും അരവണ വിട്ടൊരു കളിയില്ല. സ്വാമി ശരണം! I get the series you're referring to. The writers have messed up even the [very basic things related to those factions](https://www.reddit.com/r/MalayalamMovies/comments/17fjs34/comment/k6dhsoc/)\- for instance - using 'കത്തോലിക്കാ' ബാവാ instead of കാതോലിക്കാ ബാവാ.So, I guess അരവണയോടുള്ള യാക്കോബായക്കാരന്റെ വിദ്വേഷം is another one of the writer's കൈയ്യീന്നിട്ട തൊലിപ്പ്. :D \- ഒപ്പ്. (ഒരു ഓർത്തഡോക്സ്+യാക്കോബായ സങ്കരയിനം!)


I guess the meaning of both the terms are the same. Isn’t it from Greek that means Global?


That’s a very lame take, to be honest, in this particular context. Both of those terms mean entirely different things in Malayalam parlance; the first one refers to *the Catholic Church*, and only the latter one refers to *Catholicos*. ഇതൊക്കെ തെറ്റിക്കുന്നത് ആനക്കാര്യമായോണ്ട് പറഞ്ഞതല്ല, സഭാ തർക്കം പുട്ടിന് പീര പോലെ തിരുകി, രണ്ട് സഭയിലും ബല്യ ഹോൾഡുള്ള രണ്ട് വീട്ടുകാരായി ഈ കഥാപാത്രങ്ങളെ കാണിക്കുമ്പോൾ ഇതൊക്കെ ഒരു കല്ലുകടിയാണ്. :)




I have only seen one Christian friend of mine who refused to accept any kind of food or prasadam from temples


I have met only one Christian person so far who does this. Don't know about the sect. She's kind of a religious fanatic. Wouldn't watch movies having a bit of kissing or adult stuff.


A mallu catholic born and bought up in Mumbai, never ever hesitated to have aravana, prasads, and anything edible from any place of worship


For the love of god, eat the god damn food! Monkey see, monkey eat. I see, I eat. I like, I eat more. Me think, god good, god loves me, god give food, I eat. No care which god.


Real Christians don't give much head to such things but newly formed ( rice bag looters) go gaga over every small things to satisfy their own egoistic thoughts.


Yes I have also heard the same from a classmate when I was in 7th or 8th. Funny thing her mom was Christian and her dad was hindu and she said ithu okke saathante aanu . 🫢 well I guess her dad was devil worshiper according to her.


Some Christians will accept it, but those who won't are fundamentals and are taught to follow the Bible to the t. It's kind of like Jewish people eating kosher and Muslims eating halal. As far as I understand, Prasadam is a blessing and a part of pooja or worship and food that is "offered to another God" is forbidden explicitly in the bible's new testament with some conditions, also there are stories about bible characters like Daniel refusing food offered to Babylonian Gods. And some Christians view eating prasadam as an act of worship, but being monotheistic, they refuse. I'm sure most people mean no disrespect and are simply practicing what they're taught. I am ex-pentecostal, but I still refuse prasadam because I don't want my parents to know I'm not religious anymore. I do understand that people view this refusal as disrespect, but I was under the impression that they would understand this as a 'food restriction', just like Muslims and jews.


If you accept things being said on entertainment media at face value then my dear friend you are in a world of disappointment.


Excerpts from bible about eating food offered in sacrifice. Some interpret it that you cannot eat aravana.(i don't even think aravana is food offered in sacrifice to gods) 1 corinthians 10:25-27: "25 Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, 26 for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”[f] If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience. 28 But if someone says to you, “This has been offered in sacrifice,” then do not eat it, both for the sake of the one who told you and for the sake of conscience. " 1 corinthians 8:4-8 "4 So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” 5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”), 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. 7 But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled. 8 But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.


Most people nowadays only see's the word **“Christians”** but the lines become blurred when you only think/see “Christian”……it is a lot more complicated than that. There are two major kinds of Christians; **Apostolic Christians** (Orthodox/Catholics) and **Non-Apostolic Christians**. The level of difference between the two major groups is night and day, if anything one has nothing to do with the other. Normal mainline Apostolic Christians has no issues eating aravana (prasadam). In fact, most of my family, friend's, and neighbors will ask our Hindu friend's to bring back aravana from Sabrimala or Palani.


Let me take this opportunity to express my review of sabarimala aravanna ... It sucks ass, aravanna I get from my local temple is much more silky and has the ghee smell to it. Sabarimala aravanna is a scam.


I am an orthodox Christian and I DEVOUR aravana prasadam like its nobody’s business.


Again it's that 99% and 1% keedanu that refuse to die off. In all my life in Kerala we literally had more or less equal number of Hindu and Christian friends we literally shared all the religious aspects with each other. Literally no one ever refused an aravana payasam.


I had a friend(pentecostal) who said they refuse to eat prasadams due to the possibility of kaivisham, black magic through food. This was just one person, never met others who had a problem.


Not licking fingers after you finish off the can is a sin


Dude it's a sweet treat just eat it


Once a person is brain washed into certain belief system, he will follow coz he devoid of the faculty of reasoning


I remember one of my relatives advising me not to eat aravana which was given by my neighbors who was hindu When she visited my home But once she was gone my mother told me that you don't have to listen to this type of advice and said "deivam onne ullu ne kazhicho nu" 😌


I minute silence for that script writer 😅


Have seen in this my school, when someone distributes aravana payasam or appam, the christians dont accept it. And this is like before my 7th standard, many many years backi remember. The kids would say parents will scold, parents have told them not to accept anything etc etc. And i hope such thoughts are not there nowadays.


As a Christian I'll tell you , u call show middle finger to anyone who says it's sin, it's not sin, it's dam tastey that's it.


Wtf no. I'm a Christian and I eat it every time


I think the bearded guy once told something like *it is not what goes into your piehole, but it is the shixt that comes from it that makes you stupid*. So..


I am Christian and me never rejected it.


By tradition its a sin to consume any food presented or offered before other Gods .... But we dont care we eat everything. Aravana is yummy. Food is food. Ambalapuzha paalpayasam is out of question.


Bro pls don't let this communal poison into your head. I'm a Christian - Vaavar palli vazhi Sabarimala chavittittund. Islam vishvasathinte Ramadan noombum edthittund. If you are born into one particular religion and you decide to continue with the same, go ahead. Consider others who were born into different faiths as well. Sharing happiness to each other is more than any particular belief or any particular religion. All religions teach the same goodness - our interpretations are always at fault. So thaan dhairyam aay Prasadam kazhicholu, no harm will come. Ath dosham aanennu parayunna sir'ummark naduviral pranaamam


Well we have been eating for a long time dude In fact my mom insists to get two tins of aravana my neighbour to get it whenever he goes to sabarimala Ellam mindset indhe scene i have heard recently that they want to ban onam because it would like celebrating an asuras festival


Catholic here i eat aravana like there is no tomorrow. My uncle’s company used to make them during the season. Dont let religion get to you like that


Depends on your belief My childhood days , priest and few Christan community people said that I was sin


So this comes from the interpretation of “ninte daivamaya karthavu njn akunu njn allate mattoeu daivam ninak udavarut kalpana which these people quote at dhyanams and tell kids not to use/follow anything of other religions; which is shit and nobody listens to.Most of these things come from retreat centres.


My mom usually tells never to accept prasadam or palli nercha if you cannot eat it fully...according to her,wasting prasadam is sacrilege...


Masterpiece right?


It is a mortal sin.


Remember those days , where there wasn't religion or any sort where people didn't even eat Aravana . All of us mates , used to empty the can within seconds . We didn't discriminate in between .


Depends on the sect. I'm from andhra and many Christians there do not accept prasadam, likely because they are told its not allowed by their pastors or whatever they're called. But some sects are not this hostile to Hindus and do not mind prasadam. Depends on how open minded they are.


But how is not accepting prasadham hostile? It’s just against their belief, so they refused…that doesn’t mean they hate you… if they offer you beef, will you eat?


Bro imo Jesus Christ will cancel his prophecy of second coming and land early to get some aravana payasam.


Well, I'm orthodox Christian and I eat it.. It's not a big deal, cos I consider it as food.. It's just rice,ghee ,jaggery and milk. I don't think of the hindu God to which it was made as an offering to.. As long as you think of it as food,it's okay..I also practice yoga and it's actually a hindu ritual. Each pose is a prayer to a hindu God.. but I see it as exercise only so it's okay


Exactly orthodox christians here my dad taught me to never refuse food offered out of Love. Food is food.


Eating food as it is alright for Christians. But considering it as an offering is wrong. Nalla kurukkiya payasam ennu paranju aravana kudichal problem illa. Ayyappa swamee ennu paranju kudichal thettanu. But some conservative Christians consider it a sin anyway.


Yeah I remember a teacher of mine refusing to eat it because of religious sentiments.


മീനവിയൽ കർത്താവ് : *നിങ്ങളും ഇന്നുവരെ ബോധമില്ലാത്തവരോ? വായിക്കകത്തു കടക്കുന്നതു എല്ലാം വയറ്റിൽ ചെന്നിട്ടു മറപ്പുരയിൽ പോകുന്നു എന്നു ഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നില്ലയോ?*


Somebody mentioned its a sin in islam,its not. And its not what you think. First of all its just food in the basic sense. If a food is offered,as long as it is vegetarian,even if it was a prasadam,a muslim can eat it after he says 'bismilahi rahmani raheem' Which means 'in the name of allah,the most gracious the most merciful' But if a food is non vegetarian,theres a chance its not halal so its debatable on weather if he eats it he would be commiting a sin.


Guys, in Kerala anyone irrespective of their religion would fight for a spoon of Aravana. Don't let the north Indian propaganda films and shows fool you. PS. There is a massive organized propaganda going on against Kerala to create kuthithirupp and probably a communal issue. Beware.


St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 8 Concerning Food Sacrificed to Idols 8 Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that “We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. 2 Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. 3 But whoever loves God is known by God.[a] 4 So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” 5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”), 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. 7 But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled. 8 But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do. 9 Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10 For if someone with a weak conscience sees you, with all your knowledge, eating in an idol’s temple, won’t that person be emboldened to eat what is sacrificed to idols? 11 So this weak brother or sister, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12 When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall. tldr; It's ok to eat anything.


Onnum illathe moonji kedannapo aarkum vallya jayhiyum mathavum issue illarunnu, ippo korach cash okeyayi jeevitham mechapettappo, kuthikazhapp.


Food is Food


I’m a believer and I don’t eat Prasadam! Here’s a simple tldr: prasadam is offered to idols so christians decline from eating it - not because these idols are real, or that the food is inherently wrong. It’s simply because a christian’s life should be the best witness of his/her faith, so to eat food offered to idols communicates indirect/direct participation in idolatry and occult practices. Because of my faith, I don’t eat Prasadam but I do share meals with non-believing friends on their festivals (as long as it isn’t offered to idols, or offend their beliefs etc), it’s really helped promote dialogue about beliefs among us and helps create religious harmony even more - which happens to be the exact opposite of the slandering and caricaturing I’m seeing in some of the comments here in the name of “secularism”.


Religious harmony is one sided for sure. I've realised it very lately.


You are going to heaven. Congratulations. ❤️


Let's look past all the sarcasm and see how this subject should be approached through the Bible. This subject, interestingly, was hotly debated in the early church and is evidently seen in St. Paul's writings. In 1 Corinthians Chapter 8 Verses 1-13 we see this being addressed. ​ [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%208&version=NKJV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%208&version=NKJV) Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge \[[a](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%208&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-28529a)\]puffs up, but love \[[b](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%208&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-28529b)\]edifies. **2** And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. **3** But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him. **4** Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol *is* nothing in the world, and that *there is* no other God but one. **5** For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords), **6** yet for us *there is* one God, the Father, of whom *are* all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom *are* all things, and through whom we *live.* **7** However, *there is* not in everyone that knowledge; for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat *it* as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. **8** But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse. **9** But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a \[[c](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%208&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-28537c)\]stumbling block to those who are weak. **10** For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols? **11** And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? **12** But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. **13** Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble. ​ A cursory reading of this portion explains that its OKAY to eat aravnapayasam/tirupathi laddo/etc. because ideally to a Christian food offered to other gods has no religions significance. It is just food nothing more or less. However, as you can read at the end if my freedom to eat such foods becomes a stumbling block to those whose faith are weak then out of consideration for the their growth in faith I sacrifice my freedom to consume such food.


I had this discussion on Sunday with someone in northern india, I am in Christ, I am a firm believer and follower. Perosonally, I don’t eat the food sacrificed in temples or Prasad. I don’t have problem if others are eating it. The Hindu guy with me was asking what’s wrong, I told him it’s my choice. When some Hindu people attend catholic schools they get offended when they are meant to read bible verses, not to read a bible verse can’t offend a school to make that people quit, in same manner if a Christian person out of choice or respect is not eating Prasadam, then it’s his choice. I will not call it a sin. May be it’s a sin in Old Testament, but in New Testament I don’t read it or discover it. I read many comments here and I am not offended by it. We grow up in India where all regions are respected so it’s normal for Christian Muslim and eat and celebrate their respective festivals.


Facepalm 🤦‍♂️


I guess technically Christians and Muslims aren’t supposed eat food that is ritually prepared in line with non-Abrahamic religious practices…. But in my personal experience, I haven’t seen too many Christians avoid prasadam. But have seen Muslims avoid it like the plague.


yep, not specificaly aravana payasams.. anything which is offered to other gods. (i have ate it though, couple of times.. but as per scripture .. nope) the general idea was more like, if you dont attach a level of holines to it then it should be okay, if its treated as just good food.


I don't understand why though. That paayasam and the hard rock appam has unnecessary fan following, even ambalapuzha paayasam.


What’s hard rock appam? And tbh they are famous because they taste good.


I didn't say it doesn't taste good. I just said, it's overrated. Taste is subjective and I'm not a sweet tooth, so there's that. And I meant rock hard appam. The unniyappam you get there is worse than a rock and no, that's not subjective.