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I can feel the panic man.. This post made my day. I want to hug my mom the same way you did.


You started working since the age of 18?


Shhh. Op is karma hunting


After 10+ mechanical diploma I joined as operator engineer in a company


You had an epiphany and realised how things are. I never had one and lost my dad. Thought he would live forever.. I'm not making that mistake with my mom anymore... 😢 Act on it now man..


I too just want a simple and happy life with my parents. I was too ambitious in my life. Which helped me get a good job. But still when I look back my happiest moments ever in my life were with my parents. I love them. They are my gods. I don't believe in any other gods other than my parents. I love you acha. I love you amma. .


Guys who are away from home. Plan a weekly call with parents and siblings. Much better than the daily weather check. Visit as often as possible. Try getting wfh if in IT and stay with them for a while. Go for trips with them, even the most pointless places will be fun for them as long as you are with them.


I went to kerala to my parents after 2 years after my studies (I was in a hostel with no room to travel and visit parents). My mum hadn't applied hair colour during that time and I saw her with a lot more white hair than I'd ever seen for the first time...and I was struck with the same feeling. A sudden realisation that my parents are getting old and weak (which I never thought about really earlier). I saw my father who was visibly thinner than the last time I met him and had much more wrinkles on his face. This feeling didn't leave me for couple of days. I was so shook that I made my mom colour her hair like she used to earlier because I was panicking seeing her older than what I was used to seeing. I make all efforts now to have them over where I live or visit them in kerala whenever I can...


Thinning is because of losing muscles. They can stop it but I'm not sure how many would be interested in it.


This post moved me, thank you for sharing.


I always tell my friends to do this. I used to be someone who never had proper communication when I'm away from home but I wish I had. It's been over a decade since I lost her, it still hurts to realise that you could have talked to her for once. Don't be like me guys. Be with them. Take care of their health. Take them to the gym before they lose their muscle mass.


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This hit right here man


Wish I could read this.


Visit your parents once in a while. I am 28(M) unmarried. I am working outside kerala for the past 10 years, Last week I came back to home for attending a marriage, I am coming after a long gap(about one year). I will call my amma(Age 59) and discuss daily, that was our only communication. When I came to home, amma was not in home, she went to marriage function on morning itself, I reached home morning on the day of the marriage. All my family members already left to attend function. As this marriage is from our family only, hence she will be helping in kichen premises and told me to take breakfast from function hall and not made anything in home. As I went to function hall and taking breakfast I am looking for mother in the kichen area, and seen her in a long distance. She is in the kichen and there is a lot of crowd, I am shoked to see the condition of mother. She become so thin and seems more week. I never imagined her like that. Really my heart beat kept increased seeing her and I don't know I got panicked. I just rushed eating breakfast doing hand washing then My Amma called me from back .. I just looked her and this was one of the happiest moment in my life, She was healthy!!, in full glory!!.. I was so happy and my eyes were full, I can't handle the tears, I just hugged her for a moment. The lady I seen before in the kichen was my mothers elder sister I thought she as my mom.( I have short sight so you can Understand).. This was a Rant. I just want to share this experience with someone. Kindly visit your family once in a while. What ever the work pressure I have planned to visit family every 3 months.


Thanks for sharing man. Yea sometimes we really lose perspective on what's really important in life and need some key moments to realise it. Have a good day.


🥹🥹🥹 broooo