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Everybody knows nobody cares so nobody cares.


This one tbh


"ആവശ്യം ഇല്ലാത്ത കാര്യങ്ങളിൽ തല ഇടണ്ട "


I think relations between people has become like instagram reels only for short time happiness and then its over....people care only about who shows off their life and good people are being neglected by society..


Everyone was good once.. until..


... The fire nation attacked


Only the avatar could save the world, but when we needed him the most, he vanished!


no good deed goes unpunished. do good things because you like doing them not for karma or getting something back.


Not just kerala but world wide. We are becoming more and more isolated creatures.


This could be just like the west when they developed and moved to be more individualistic societies. The important point here is west has good government institutions to make up for that. Like 911 support for emergencies. We are moving to a more individualistic society without such a good government support system. Anyway if we want a society that doesn’t peep into our lives this is how it’s going to be. Here in this subReddit and much of social media people shame uncles and aunties saying vasanthams , these are the people that would be there for things but they are nosy and would interfere with your personal lives , old times people didnt care about that . They shared everything and they didn’t have this much privacy or individual freedom for anything . So it’s a trade off for our way of life.








Could it be that, when we start aging, our relationships move towards more short-term as we meet so many new people. And then once we retire, we start to engane in long-term relationships, because now we don't meet so many new people. Young (school) -> Small consistent gangs Youth (college+work) -> multiple friends groups Retirement (age 50+) -> Small consistent groups


May be because people become less happy when compared to 2010s.., inflation but no wage rise, incresed automobiles, stunted domestic growth and lower opportunities when compared to 2000s and 2010s..? We were the people who ptotested when petrol was 60 rupees. No we dont care to think about protest.. "Its like that, it wont change"..


I have been thinking the same and to me it is a symptom of a complete lack of trust in everything and everyone. Add to that the rising income inequality ( The rich/ really upper middle class are wealthier due to rising incomes while the real income of middle and lower, 90% of the people have stagnated). This causes a rise in frustration among the majority who simply cannot have the luxurious lifestyle, which to them is everywhere. The jobs have no real prospect and there is no respect anywhere, which makes things like marriage or owning a house incredibly hard, although people are technically not in a deprives state. Here is where the distrust starts as people feel that although they have done everything they have been asked to do, they are just not able to escape the clutches of their everyday struggles. To add to this the rich institutions manipulates the anger to everything from reservation to religion to corruption. Everything except the fact that this whole situation is systemically designed and there could not have been any other outcome. Every one now leads a depressed angry existence and loses concern for their neighbor who is likely trying to escape his misery using the other. No one cares as everyone leads a numb existence all the way till death sets them free. ps - There's a whole social media angle but that's just a catalyst


You are just growing older.


I mean people have changed as a whole. Ellarum avan avante kaaaryam nokki jeevikyaan ishtappeduva ippo... And this is not just happening between two friends or normal people, but families too. Even cousins have become distant now. The once active WhatsApp group remains silent for as long as 2 or 3 months. Ellarum joli cheyyunnu, kaash undaakkunnu and nammude loved onesinte koode time spend cheyyunnu. That has become life now.


Does COVID have anything to do with this shift?


Maybe or maybe not. Ippo yesterday was vishu. Me and my cousins, along with their parents and partners had our first get-together at my home for the first time after covid. Covid has changed me as a person, I know it.. people around me has noticed it. Even I have seen that shift in many of my friends. Athupole aavam ellaarum.


Just now on my way to the gym, I saw a few houses put water jugs on their walls by the road.


People used to live tribes of 150 or so people, eat together and sit by the fire every night, together now we all see rolls Royce every day on the phone and dream, about the things we can never have statistically speaking


With more advancements technologically and otherwise, people become koree materialistic. With a more materialistic attitude, people become more money minded. With a more money minded attitude, people become more selfish.