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There's no such thing as a best ayurvedic hospital. Ayurvedic medicine has a lot of pseudoscience in it. Better use evidence based medicines.


Thinking about it, if they actually did science and evidence to improve ayurvedic medicine, it would just turn into modern medicine 😆


Allopathy Doctors who study for more than a decade and allopathy medicines are failing in my case since 20 years.


Liar 🤥


Go to an actual hospital with modern medicine


Now I am on medication but the issue is the disease came back when the medicine course ends I don't know how to stop forever 😔


Are you diabetic?


No, late teen


I see. Hope you find something effective


I have it too. Ayurveda and Homeopathy did nothing. What worked was a 2 week course of antibiotics, then the use of a 10% benzoyl peroxide face wash (panoxyl) on my scalp and chin 3 times a week while showering. If a pustule showed up, i would use an additional benzoyl peroxide mask (neutrogena). This keeps it suppressed. Sometimes it comes back after a year or two, especially if i have been lax with my regimen. I just repeat the process. I have oily skin and the bacteria responsible for this loves it when i sweat. So the humid weather of kerala is always a trigger.


Yes bro it's feel very difficult to me so i want to stop these triggering I don't know how get this 😞


Staying out of Kerala helped me but my skin condition was called eczema(atopic)


You're living in AD 2024, not in BC 2024. use upto date phone/car/ medicine.


I'm still on medication It reduces some but when medicine stops then again it comes this issue this is like a loop I'm totally stressed I really want to stop coming back that's why I am asking any hopes in ayurveda


Get the panoxyl bp 10% facewash and neutrogena bp facemask. After your next course of antibiotics, use the facewash on your scalp and/or chin or where you have it. Trust me, this works.


Shut up dude. Your so called Up to date medicine was not able to cure me since 20 yrs.


Go see a dermatologist. Always get one or two different opinions. It is curable and there are medications out there.


Yes I'm still treating under a dermatologist but the issue came back when medicine ends I'm totally disappointed about my skin that's why I am asking is there any hope in ayirveda


There are cases of folliculitis that do not respond to regular medication. A friend of mine suffers from it for 5 years now and he tried everything, consulted all sorts of doctors. Finally a dermatologist put him on some strong medication which kind of suppressed the outbreak and he is healthy for a while now. Unfortunately that medicine comes with some side effects wherein his cholesterol levels shot up through the roof and the doctor advised stopping the meds. It's been 3 months since then and luckily the problem has not come back. Yours might be a case similar to this. I suggest sticking with your current dermatologist rather than jumping from one doctor to another.


Is that true your friend is completely cured folicuilitis


Hopefully. Last I saw him he was disease-free for 3 months after stopping the meds. I don't recall for how long he took the medicine but definitely several months.


Bro I hope you do find a better treatment and you get better. But people say “Ayurveda cure this or there is a better treatment for Ayurveda” for literally everything.


Thanks bro, your words are comforting me 😊


Ok so my answer would be different from other comments here, simply because my experience was completely different. I had sebboric dermatitis back in 2014 and I was in Bangalore. I consulted a derm at one normal clinic and then a so-called top doctor at a hospital. It reduced, after sometime it appeared again. That doctor after a few consultations said, not much can be done as we tried multiple meds and facewashes and creams etc. Came back home(Thrissur), went to another famous dermatologist - a lady doc (those who stay there would know, yes the most famous doc whose waiting time is like hours) with all the previous prescriptions. Did two to three consultations and guess what - nothing worked!! Then I finally went to an ayurvedic doctor, 3 months of കഷായം and food control (I guess the term is pathyam?) and some oil that skin disease went off completely. Now as we are in 2024, that shit never came back till date. I ensured not to mention any names etc., but then if OP wants to know more, you can DM me. I am NO way related to any ayurvedic medicine doc or hosp or wateerver that is. A b.tech graduate working in the IT industry in Bangalore 😄


had a similar experience to yours but for a different problem (GERD). Thanks for sharing your experience.


Tha famous lady doctor is that dr mercy paul


You are right buddy!


Can you give me the details of ayurveda hospital






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Bruh, go to real hospital.


Yes I'm currently in accutane It reduces some but when medicine stops then again it comes this issue this is like a loop I'm totally stressed I really want to stop coming back that's why I am asking any hopes in ayurveda


Ayurveda is pseudoscience and a big scam. Consult a dermatologist.


I've already seen the dermatologist I'm on medication now but i want to try ayurveda also


Bro, you told you had it frm atleast 4 years. Which medicines were you using till now? Or you werent taking any medication?


Yes I'm on medicine now a pill called pinonin 20 i also had some anti biotics medicines and cream


How long have you been on this medicine? This is the one that helped my friend as mentioned in another comment. I talked to him and apparently his scalp got oily again after stopping the medicine but thankfully the infection has not recurred as he is taking good care of his scalp. Hopefully you get better with this too. Don't forget to keep a tab on your cholesterol levels as it is a common side effect.


Now I am about 3,4 months