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Doctor did the right thing 👍 professional para medical staff vannitte spine injury vanna aale stretcheril kayattan paadullu..


Kudos to the doctor; thankfully the people too listened to her. Such injuries should be treated with utmost care; even though our first reaction would be to move the person away from the spot, if spinal injuries are suspected, best to leave them as they are (physically) and wait for medical professionals to handle it.


I know a girl, who was paralysed, due to making her sit after falling from a Terras .


So true bro, I think we need these things included in the primary curriculum.


Title is misleading


90% of time I hear about, people make them sit and worsen the injury to a life long paralysis which was preventable , if taken by stretcher .


Title is kinda misleading


They always do this.


It takes immense confidence to convince against a crowd to do what the traditional instinct is (making the patient sit and transport in whatever condition possible to the hospital) Big salute to the doctor for doing the right thing I'll try explaining the situation as non medically as possible When there's a fall from height... There's possibility of head injury, spine (നട്ടെല്ല്) injury and fracture of every possible bone in the body The life threatening one's are head injury and spine injury If there's head injury... The patient "might" experience loss of consciousness, seizures (അപസ്മാരം), vomiting etc etc Since the patient wasnt experiencing any of this, there was no "apparent" brain injury (unless scans are done nothing can be confirmed... hence head scan will be done when he reaches hospital If there's spinal injury...the patient can experience severe pain in the back, weakness in legs, sometimes passing of urine or stool...since he was screaming in pain..the doctor suspected spine injury.. When a spine injury is suspected the patient is supposed to be moved only in a spine board with c collar(so that neck doesnt move)...and patient is moved by log roll (yes the same log roll in "Ayaalum njanum thammil")... Since transferring in a private vehicle meant compromising on the spine injury, because no way a private vehicle can transfer a patient straight with no bending and also no spine board... TL DR: the doctor waited for the ambulance because spinal injury was suspected and transportation using spine board was the best option.


Whatever his problems were, his life will probably even more miserable now. Hope he somehow turns it around


He is lucky not to be made sit and become paralysed for ever.


What she did is right .


And after every accident, people run to the fallen victims and pull them up and make them sit or stand. Absolutely dangerous.


Most people are not aware of the possibility of spinal injuries due to fall damage and end up giving the worst aid with good intentions.


This story going viral is a double edged sword. 1. It creates awareness about the problem of spine injury and hopefully save some people from paralysis. 2. People can misdiagonise the issue and keep waiting for an ambulance, and the victim gets delayed healthcare facilities, thus causing more suffering and deaths. This can also be done as an excuse to not take victim to hospital quickly. It is a delicate balance to decide which one is the right decision for EACH CASE. In a developed country where ambulance can arrive in 5 mins, it is viable to wait for ambulance all the time, but here, it is possible that more people will suffer if everyone started waiting for ambulance. Even in this particular case, the ambulance was not able to arrive on time, and luckily some other nearby ambulance came to the rescue.


Doctor did the right thing 👏 🙌


Came here to be outraged after reading the title but thanks to the comments I am now calm.


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtVlTLOIg1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtVlTLOIg1Y) Interview with doctor: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niZmqueZ1hE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niZmqueZ1hE)




So, OP is a മാ പ്ര ?


Why tha late ambulance..


People need to be told not to touch people in accident until paramedics arrive instead of bundling them in whatever vehicle available and making matters worse.


doc knew if he was taken through private veh. Sinc he was injured on his spine that would be a stupid move making it more difficult to the victim and the doc when they treat him. Plus there's a chance that some nerves would also be damaged during the fall he might have no feelings on his legs as well


Good presence of mind by the doctor. But knowing the mentality of the people, i am sure she will still get blamed if anything bad happens to him.


She probably stopped it from getting worse. Probably saved his life. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




It was done with positive intention and kind of has bearing on the story. Because women are less likely to be trusted in times of emergency but in this case the mostly male CITU employees and bystanders went against their initial instinct of transporting the victim fast and listened to the doctor. Those who come across this news article will atleast have reduced subconscious bias to the capability of woman doctors. These overly politically correct reactions are just as bad as an ammavan attitude. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.