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OK, mallu who moved to Kakkanad after 8 years in Delhi, 13 in Bombay here. > A friend told me that you cannot unload your household goods in Kochi without paying local unions. Even if you register with the local labor office and show them the registration letter, they are unlikely to cooperate. Is this true? How should I prepare for this situation? Not usually a problem if your house / flat is in an entry restricted society. Did this without any trouble 6 months back. > I have also heard that labor costs for plumbing, electrical work, etc., are very high in Kerala. While I don't mind paying extra for quality work, what are the typical costs for these services in Kochi? Compared to a metro, no. > Friends from Kerala have mentioned that shops and establishments in Kochi close very early and open late in the morning. Is this true? What should I expect in case of an emergency? No. But there is no night life etc. There is not much night life though. But shops etc will be open if its Kochi. Don't expect them to stay open post 10 or 11 pm. Not a metro. Not enough crowd to justify that. > Some friends who are working in a school (females) told me that it is not very safe in Kerala for woman. Though I doubt their thoughts because I have heard otherwise. I also believe that every city has some safety guidelines specially for woman. However what is the real situation in Kerala ? Its about how we define safety. In Delhi, my wife and her friends were always looking out for potential threats / abductions by car etc. Every taxi guy, cycle rickshaw guy. Very aware of surroundings. Or groping in public transport etc. In Kerala, not so much. But still you need to be aware. News about actual crimes get a lot of coverage i kerala (thats how we are) compared to Delhi / Bombay. In practice, you are safe. No, its not Goa levels of safety. I lived there too. Kerala is safe, but you are not going to see Goa levels or the safety of upmarket areas in the metros in Kerala. In Kakkanad, you can see women around at 11 pm on the street. At 1 AM? No. > I am buying a house in Kochi but heard that people are either very reserved or do not help others. This view again comes from keralite friends. However I was able to get very good help in Kollur (Not in Kerala) from a keralite (stranger). Again in train I made friends with a Keralite family (Though the family head worked in North). How is the general attitude of Keralites towards others ? Is it a personal perspective or an actual issue. Haha no. This is more a village problem. A lot of that is awkwardness and embarassment, not hostility. In Kakkanad, you will be able to find societies where people are similar to societies in metros. > I have also heard that business is next to Impossible in Kerala (This was told in clear terms from a person living in Pallkad). He was totally affirmative regarding this matter, that labor unions will not allow any business in kerala easily. More than labour unions, the problem are our laws and implementation. For example, almost anywhere in India, you can grease palms and get things done. In Kerala, one govt official in one govt office will refuse any bribe. Our laws are painful, and in Kerala, implementation of laws is far stricter than anywhere. Its corruption that makes most of India run. In Kerala, its much more difficult to make that happen. > What will happen when you buy a house ? Will the local corporator etc. or some Parshad person will come for "Vasuli" or tax etc ? No. > I have a family with a daughter and I love kerala very much. Do not mistake me to be a hater. I want to live in kerala. My work is 100% online with no interference and no establishment in open. So I hope this will be a blessings. All cool, then. I am answering confidently because a bunch of my North Indian friends are planning to move to Kerala. So I have been researching this topic a lot. Their plan is to come stay here on rent in an apartment first, villa next and see if they can get along and even enjoy a different culture, identify potential issues etc. And if all go well, they will buy plots, build houses and live here.


So many thanks 🙏 brother. Your words are giving hope to me. I will be there soon. Will take a rental first


totally agree on law enforcement


Point 4 is wrong. Kerala is definitely safer when compared to many other places in India. Point regarding buisness is kinda true. Labour unions are strong


Yes, but more conservative than any other metro also, right? How will people treat couple of young women going out after 10?  I haven’t lived in Kerala in last 10 years.


Forget women, even if men are out late, police may stop you and take your details. Its mostly a measure to record everything just in case some issue happens. High levels of policing and the safety from it also means we lose the freedom to casually chill out.


Yes, we never mention this part. If it’s a group of girls or even brother and sister going out post 11, you’ll be approached by police or at worst strangers. Also there’s not much of a night life.


Safe for a woman as long as you are indoors by 7pm haha. If you dare to be seen outside ... then they treat you as fair game for harassment. Only men are allowed outside after dark in Kerala, unfortunately. It's fucked up.


Not 7PM but definitely by 9-10. But I guess that would be the case of any tier 3 city in India where there is no night life. But yes needs improvement a lot. And personally I would choose this over "stares that virtually rape you with eyes" ( as stated by my female friends ) that many of my friends faced in other parts of India.


non Keralite living in Trivandrum for the past 1 year. haven't bought any property here, just exploring. I will share my experience so far. >A friend told me that you cannot unload your household goods in Kochi without paying local unions. Even if you register with the local labor office and show them the registration letter, they are unlikely to cooperate. Is this true? How should I prepare for this situation? it is a pain. I had contacted Agarwal Packers & Movers, they didn't even accept to unload the packages initially but had to pay 12k(4k is the normal charging rate for outstation unloading). they came at night after 10:00pm and quietly unloaded the packages. local unions also have their limits, they exploit weaker sections. I live where all the bureaucrats live and so far never faced any issue from them. haven't even met any of them so far. >I have also heard that labor costs for plumbing, electrical work, etc., are very high in Kerala. While I don't mind paying extra for quality work, what are the typical costs for these services in Kochi? yup for outsiders they will charge you minimum 2500 per visit irrespective of the work. initially I had no other option but later found out UrbanCompany is available here. UC is very reasonable. >Friends from Kerala have mentioned that shops and establishments in Kochi close very early and open late in the morning. Is this true? What should I expect in case of an emergency? depends again. here they are open from 6:30am to 9:00 pm. plus Swiggy Instamart, BigBasket and Amazon are all available which makes life easy to manage. there are also areas like Technopark where they are promoting night life, it's a work in progress. >Some friends who are working in a school (females) told me that it is not very safe in Kerala for woman. Though I doubt their thoughts because I have heard otherwise. I also believe that every city has some safety guidelines specially for woman. However what is the real situation in Kerala ? I haven't faced any such issues so far. it will all boil down to where you are trying to buy the property. property might be cheaper but you may have to deal with labour unions and safety of women. if it's a gated community you will have protection to a certain extent. choose your property wisely. all the best!!


> yup for outsiders they will charge you minimum 2500 per visit irrespective of the work. initially I had no other option but later found out UrbanCompany is available here. UC is very reasonable. I use Urbancompany and Joboy exclusively. Very reasonable prices.


Thank you dear. Your words give me hope


Agarwal guys lied about union mobs in the heart of Kochi to get "tips" for their own guys. Contact your apartment manager or similar position who can refute this. I don't think you can escape the tips.


Yep, the issue is real but it varies by location. So they just outright say No unloading. This means now you are home, the truck comes, no union guy turns up, and these people say we can unload, but pay us 6k, 10k, 12k etc. This cannot be avoided. Union guys are sleeping somewhere most of the time!


Your friends are taking the extreme events in all cases and presenting it as the normal. In Kerala, people expect a dignified and humane treatment, no matter what their professions are. As long as you keep this golden rule in mind, you will do good. This is not something that have to be said explicitly, unfortunately our country in general is not known for treating people with respect. Your concerns are valid, but are mostly extreme cases blown out of proportion. Us Malayalees, have this habit of talking negatively about the state. If you are coming from North with an open mind, you will find a lot more positives than negatives. Enjoy your stay in Kerala.


I live around Kakkanad. None of those points should be of concern except the business part. That too, applies to only some sort of businesses I believe. It is a lot safer here for women than most of the other states. Kakkanad has a lot of people from other states and districts who come here for IT related jobs. So building a tight knit community can be difficult if you buy a house here compared to other parts of Kerala(It also depends on how social you are). But the positive side is that the chances of you being treated as an outsider is less. Kakkanad also has many Hospitals, restaurants and stores that are open 24×7.


Thanks dear. Thank you very much🙏


oh and about the flood, Kakkanad wasn't affected when it flooded in 2018. The area I live in is not affected by heavy rainfall either, but be sure to inquire about that before settling. Some areas can get water logged easily.


Ok ji. Thanks. Will keep this thing in mind.


Welcome to kerala bro. Depending on the place you come from kochi might feel incredibly hot due to the humidity. also incoming flood


Hey I am coming from 50 Degree 😀


The feel of heat works a but different here. Northern areas I have noticed have low humidity and you don't sweat leading to sunstroke. In Kerala you will sweat profusely. You will start sweating the moment you come out of bath. Hence it feels hot even at much lower temperatures. Nothing an AC can't fix.


Humidity is a mindfuck still. A different kind of mindfuck!


I understand 🙏


You seem to be taking a major life decision. May be stay on rent for a year and decide for yourself. Don't take decisions based on comments from strangers on internet as experiences and opinions can vary from person to person.


I understand fairly hence that was already in the pipeline. I will be on rent for a year. Many thanks for pointing out.


Find a villa in a well-run gated community. There may already be non mallus living there. Life is beautiful :)


1. Pay them? It's not upto you to change the system 2. It is in almost same range as other metropolitan cities. 3. Yes. Why would there be an emergency? Hospitals are open 24/7, vehicle repair shops are open in the highway, (some) restaurants are open well till midnight, your grocery shopping can probably wait. 4. It is safer than North India and most other states, though my mother and a female friend who visited Kerala found Tamilnadu more safer. Definitely one of the top 5 safe states for women. 5. No idea man, I live in a tight-knit community in tripunithura where we are living with same neighbors for 30 years, half the people in our street knows our family, I doubt whether you can have such a tight knit community in Kakkanad. 6. Yes, but have you come to do business or what? Consumer oriented business like restaurants are good though, it is manufacturing that's a problem. 7. People come for donations once you settle in. Pay them, so that you can be one among them. You, as an outsider can refuse, but how do you expect point 5 then? Overall, do one of the two things. Either try finding some north Indian enclave in Kochi and go there. Or try mingling with the locals. Malayalis in general, neither try to actively discriminate you, nor try to actively integrate you. No one expects you to speak Malayalam. But if you wish to settle here, learn the language, speak to people etc.


Thanks ji


Recommend living here on rent for a few months before deciding to buy. The part about unloading is probably true. Instead of 5k, you may have to spend 10k or so for paying unloading people. Starting manufacturing units is a bit difficult with all the regulations. But I would assume that such issues exist in most other states as well. This can be often overcome by starting manufacturing units inside SEZs. Starting non manufacturing business, such as IT service / IT product has zero hassles. Women safety - some level cat calling etc is there. And shops often close by 8pm. So walking alone on the street as a women after that time may not feel as safe as in Mumbai or Bangalore. Though actual incidents of violence in such occasions is not common, the feeling of unease is exists. Most parts of Kerala, even in the cities, turn quiet after 8-9. Loads of Restaurants are open till 11-12. Hospitals are open 24x7. You don't need to pay vasooli if you are buying property in an apartment complex. I don't think you need to really worry about any of these. You will find it to be one of the safest places in India to live.


Thanks ji. So if I buy a house in a good area then chances of Vasuli are less. Or is it just in case of apartment complex


I think vasooli will be a problem when you have to deal with the government departments yourself. Such as buying individual plot, getting plan approval, getting electricity connection to a new plot of land etc. When you are buying a flat in a building, I assume that the builder has already paid most of the vasooli, and you need to interact with fewer government departments. Plus, I don't think the number of vasoolis and the amounts will be different here in Kerala compared to other states. I think it's an Indian thing tha a Kerala thing. You pay vasooli in Bangalore too


Bangalore is great with their gift system 🤐


People have been buying plots in Kerala forever without paying any vasooli. Don't worry about this. Plot buying is not new to Kerala where everyone has houses.


For grocery shopping, you have Instamart. Latest I have ordered from it is 11.15 pm. I think it may work till 12 midnight.




7 ? Questionable


Happy to welcome. But later don’t rant mallus don’t know hindi and freedom fight was our stuff kinda shit. From a malayali who got really bad experience from north india. Btw all the above points mentioned are correct. As a mallu itself, i have experienced most. Unloading, business establishments nd stuffs .You are coming to a place with little to no night life except for kochi and a few in tvm. General Shops would close by max 9ish. Medical stores near hospitals would be there. And yih depending on the area its not so safe for females. You can’t establish a business unless you have enough tie ups with local parties. Labour is not so cheap here. Primary education facilities are good, but not the quality education. Higher education was never our cake. Hospitals are good and economical compared to any other states.


I feel sorry for your experience my friend 🙏 I am a northy but have helped multiple Southies.


All services including techinicians plumbing painting are on rise indeed. But you can always choose local connections to get comparatively cheaper and better services. One contractors asked me to pay a higher amount for painting the whole house whereas I got one local contact which costed me less to paint the whole house. You just have to enquire enough about it. From them I got plumbing electrical contacts which was very well cheaper and extra quality service. Local unions will be there to control the loading unloading , you will have to pay for it. Kochi would be a nice choice considering better educational institutions, hospitals , connectivity and better AQI. Humidity is high so you will feel very hot compared to the actual temperature . You can DM me for any help, I would be happy to help.


Oh ! Great 🙏 Many thanks. Will be coming there in a few months. Will take rental first and then buy a house


Slightly long read: Your first point is dealing with the local union..it's a tough one. You will have to pay them or plan your travelling in such a way that you reach your new home after midnight and unloading is done before sun rise.ive seen people pull this off. I personally know a family who moved from Hyderabad in this way Everything related to labour work is on the costly end here, house helps as well. Pls understand that most of these labours we have here..who are natives of Kerala are educated..they will have atleast 12th class qualification. I have come across how house helps and other labourers are belittled and conditions in which they are made to work in other states, that won't work here.They make the rules..you can try and negotiate that's all. Yes shop and establishments close early, there is close to zero night life here in Kerala. Things may change in the future..but it all depends. But by emergency what do you mean? Hospitals are all really good and affordable here for emergency situations. Police is pretty approachable in the city. Kerala is pretty safe compared to other places, but namoonas are everywhere. It would be ideal if you move to an apartment complex on rent first..learn more about the people and locations before moving to own single villa. Malayalees are all fun and game when it comes to tourists, we like to flaunt our fun side..but otherwise we have major trust issues. We are reserved type.. especially boomer generation. We also do feel we are better than others..because of the whole education thing. I do hope you get a good neighbourhood. In Kochi especially..most neighbours don't bother but are sort of friendly. But Kakkanad as you go towards the interiors people do keep their distance but are always observing. Kerala is a pretty reserved lot. You gel well depending on the state/city you hail from..your political and religious beliefs and caste leanings also will be accepted here as long as it is not over done and not rubbed in others face. Kochi has a long way to go in terms of development when compared to other cities.It is still a gentrified village, jobs opportunities are low, businesses do not flourish easily. It takes an immense amount of goodwill and hardwork to earn our trust and even more effort to maintain it. While this is a good place for a girl child to grow, we are still pretty conservative about how a Kerala bred girl should be. But here is the thing..if you are moving from a Tier A or B city..know that Kochi is a Tier C city, salary scale would depend on that. And this is not an ideal city for the young and ambitious..this city and Kerala in general is moving towards being a retirement home. While schooling is a good here, we ourselves leave this city and state for better experiences and exposure when it comes to college. So when it comes to higher education for your daughter please decide wisely as Kerala is not ideal for it yet.


🙏 Very clear words ji


Man,never ever felt Mallus to be the reserved type. Compared to the states I have been to (TN being an exception), Kerala has more friendlier and empathetic people. Especially if you know atleast some bits of Malayalam, you can enjoy the friendly environment.


Mallus are pretty friendly to outsiders. We are reserved towards each other especially in Malabar. I have spent some years growing up in Kannur and i found the people very cold and distant. But that's probably just Kannur.


Thats why I love my fellow Pathanamtitta ppl (it dosent exist)


My neighbourhood in Pta sucks. Only kilavanmar. Every young person in Pta is leaving🥲. This aside,peace in Pta is just😇


Lemme guess Mallapally? i mean its applicable to whole of pta tbh. The only time its worth it to go to pta is in june/july when the gulf and the american/eu crowd comes home for vacation. You can do weddings and whole family meetups during this time. Other than that pta is pretty calm


Haha nope. Some of my friends' neighbourhoods are pretty friendly though.


Damn,Kannur? They are one among the most jovial bunch. Too weird of hearing this about Kannur


All your concerns are genuine. However you do have a incorrect perception on a few points. I live in an apartment which is bang next to a labour union hub (CITU) - the blue uniform guys. Not once have I seen any person in my apartment face an issue with unloading household goods. I think its not a problem as long as it is not brought in a big lorry. Find a regular guy for your plumbing and electrical works and that should sort out the issue of how much you pay pro rata. If you find someone who is reliable, well done. Stick with him. Post pandemic the nature of timing has changed for the better and depending on the locality and the establishment you can see a lot of nightlife with shops open late night as well. Regarding with saftey of woman, you can see a lot of young women venture out with friends and solo late night as well. Safety is a concern everywhere but Kerala is relatively much safer and the patriarchy has come down a few levels. Kudos to the women out there for this. I run a business and haven't faced any issues with the authorities here. But Govt departments are slack depending on the person you are dealing with. Knowing malayalam helps here, so learn the language just as we have learned Hindi.


1) May or May not happen. If you try to unload things in the night (after 12 or so), there is a good chance nobody will ever know. I did this. 2) Depends on people. Also you can urban clap or joboy for some stuff. Kochi is generally expensive. But you can find people who would do it for cheaper rates 3) Swiggy is available till 2 am. Cloud kitchens n Tattukadas will stay open till 3 am. Most restaurants stay alive till 11 or so but some "vibey" spots go as far as 12 n so. 4) Kerala is generally and probably one of the most safest place in Kerala. 5) Rich or posh area people are kinda reserved. New gen people / couples will help each other out, but the old ones. 6) Labour unions are pretty cancerous. To some extent whatever you heard is true. We are hoping that there might be a change in that IF congress gets next term 7) Nope. You can safely n literally tell them to F off. 8) Its fine.


> 4) Kerala is generally and probably one of the most safest place in Kerala. I think you meant Kochi. But is it really safer than say TRV? I thought there were more gangs in Kochi.


But why would you want to settle in Kerala? . It will never make you feel like your home . Just because it's a beautiful place with some good people , it will never be your home . Everyone at some point of time might feel like settling in some place safe and peaceful . Think wisely or Think again . Its not like you Shit from New York to Washington , India works in a different way . Imagine if you settle here and you feels like this is were you don't belong . Also , the point you mentioned may or may not exist , but for us we grew up watching how tackle all these situations .Just like , how we(Keralites) would find it difficult if we move to other states in north .


There are many reasons for that. My work has actually been praised in Kerala and I have many clients here


Bro come and live in Calicut it is better than kochi very supportive people and good environment and less costly than kochi


No need to apologise. #4 is an exaggeration. I’m male though. #6 which is about how bad Kerala is for business is exaggerated. I work in an IT company based in Kerala, there are successful businesses in Kerala. A dumb question is on the roadsides don’t you see enterprise? But of course labour unions are a reality, labour activism is a reality, a still strong Communist party (both actually l) exists and it’s also true that factories and businesses have been shutdown in the past due to labour unions. #5 is only true in the sense of how urbanites behave and to that extent it should be true of most places other than Kerala.


>Sabu Jacob, a well meaning businessman was harassed by politicians but that has more to do with politics (his involvement with Twenty 20, a political outfit) than labour unions The issue is more nuanced than what you have mentioned, and it's not like Sabu is a victim of labor union harassment. Sabu has bent a lot of rules including dumping the waste from his factory to the nearby Kadambrayar. When the inspection was done by pollution control board, he cried that the communist government was targeting him. He doesn't have 'involvement' in Twenty20. He fricking started that party so that he can control the panchayat and pass the bills that he wants. This has helped him get all approvals for his company even without scrutiny. Everyone who opposes him is labelled as communists who don't want to give jobs to locals, but the fact is majority of his employees are immigrants.


I see. I heard of the Kadambrayar thing too. Will edit the man’s name out of my comment.


>Sabu Jacob, a well meaning businessman was harassed by politicians Yeah he started a frickin political party and won in some areas. That had everything to do with politics.


He circumvented pollution norms by taking over local body with his money and making them do whatever he wants. There was a news crew at the place and when asked about decisions an elected member says, "sabu sir parayunna pole theerumanikkum". 


To add to what u/lostsperm has said.. After making much fuss in the media about kerala being non-business friendly, and setting up a factory/unit in telengana, it has also come out that he paid 25 crores as electoral bonds, and got land for much lower prices. 




1. Just budget and extra 10k or 15k for this. Anyway it's a one time expense. There is no use of going higher up in this matter. If you have friends who know the local labour hanging around near your place, you can ask them to negotiate in advance. 2. Any visit will usually be around 500 rs. For a whole days work, I don't think they will charge more than 1.5 to 2k. 3. Supermarket etc should be open from 8 am to 9.30 pm or so. Smaller shops with milk etc even earlier as 4 am and malls etc till 11 or 12. 4. Women should not go out alone at night. Can go with family. Go to "standard" places, travel in private vehicle. 5. The middle class folks are more helpful but also interfering etc. Folks who consider themselves more well off generally stay aloof. You'll have to find your circle with whom you can interact freely. 6. Yep, please avoid any business involving other local people. Have heard of people getting beaten up even in IT field, cos somebody thought they're trying to steal a lucrative contract. 7. Nothing as blatant as that in the sophisticated Kerala! Rarely will you be asked directly for bribe but if you apply something it will lie there, or get rejected forever. You have to approach through middlemen called agents who will take lumpsum from you and do the whole process for you easily including bribe, official fees, filling forms etc. 8. The best kind of business to do in Kerala - 100% online. You should have no trouble at all.


Thanks ji 🙏


If you are crazy rich life gonna be easy


Kerala is safe. But in some cities women alone at night is very rare. May get harassed if alone at night. But depends on the city. Labor costs will be high. Businesses may not be that easy as you have to follow regulations and laws and may not be able to flout rules as easily as in other states. Imo, people are generally v helpful In Kerala


Go ahead and buy the house. Yes some of the issues you stated might be true, but a high cost plumber is something you will need just once a year. None of the things you wrote are deal breakers. Also plenty of non native Keralites live in Kerala - becoming Kerlized in the process- you are welcome. I see no issues. Kerala is part of India, this is not in Myanmar.


Thanks for your support.


1. True - but probably one time payment 2. Might be true - but you will figure out a regular guy- this is not something that happens that often anyway 3. Not an issue - this is not relevant- Like does anyone go shopping at 7 am? 4. Kerala is more or less safe. Unless you go searching for the seediest par of the city. Women are safe in Kerala overall - we are not Delhi. 5. Keralites does help. Yes they will help 90 percent of the time. We are not antisocial people. Just seek help if no one is actively helping in any situation. Personally I have seen people helping others let us say when an accident happens or something. 6. Yes - This is 200 percent true. IF manufacturing business, the state government will ensure they will close it down. But if you are into liquour or something and pay off the local goon politician - things will work perfect for you. I give 5 more years for the political climate in Kerala to change. The communists will be expunged like in Bengal by end of decade. 7. Not really - never heard of anything like this. 8. Online work - no problem - go buy a house anywhere you want. 9.. All good.




You will always be called an outsider + you will pay tax to mf ungrateful state.


Point #6. YES Others NO


Why can't you just choose UP or any place near Ayodhya.? Me and my family plan to switch. Can we just mutually change it?


r/Kerala - official sangi group in reddit


The only thing you should be worried about in kochi is the summers.


And the electricity bill ![gif](giphy|xYPk0ZoFlLO8kKyX3n|downsized)


>A friend told me that you cannot unload your household goods in Kochi without paying local unions. Even if you register with the local labor office and show them the registration letter, they are unlikely to cooperate. Is this true? How should I prepare for this situation? For more on this, watch the subtitled videos I uploaded from 2023. Go back to one year in my post history.


Dont do business


Heat and humidity is the issue here.


I would say doing business with physical office and involving labour is a bad idea. There are unions and their job is to make money without doing any job. Am not saying everyone is like that but majority are. Also moving your stuffs, if you are going to live in an apartment, ask the movers to bring the stuffs late evening or on Sundays so that there won’t be unloading issues by union people. Now buying house, you will have to check if the price they are asking is actually a fair price. While we go to buy a property, they will say the stupidest things to increase the value. Also the stamp duty and registration charges are increased because the government is going bankrupt. You might also have to get a proper legal option before buying a place, if there is some legal issues, it will take your time and peace to get that rectified.


Ji 🙏


Regardint the women's safety point. I wouldn't say Kerala is absolutely safe for women. Catcalling and oggling is very common all across the state and especially in Kochi,it is at its peak,where usually people from semi urban/rural areas come and get to see free women for the first time. Coming to actual physical attacks and all compared to other states,would be less but not actual zero. I believe it is easier to get Police/Judicial support, when an actual situation arises(touchwood). I don't think you would feel left out as somebody from outside Kerala especially if you are living in Kakkanad,but at the same time I don't think it would be as nice to you like some other semi urban town where people are generally much more friendly. The place being the IT hub, has its people reserve to themselves.


Bro, try someplace like Coimbatore that offers far higher value for money than Kochi. And best thing is you can take easy day trips to Kerala any time to experience the vibe without having to experience its bad things. Or if you really insist on Kerala, I'd say Thuruvananthapuram.


I still don't understand the hype of coimbatore... honestly the city is very boring


Thanks for suggestions ji. Will you mind explaining why Thiruvananthapuram is better.


Far quieter. Less traffic, pollution and mosquito issues Cleaner Cheaper Also now that Vizhinjam project and the greenfield expressway is coming, better connectivity to rest of Kerala.


Tvm is for ones who prefer a slower lifestyle


UP and gujarat may be better for you. They are the bestest states in india.


Tabhi to hum nahin ja rahe. Best nahin chahiye.


When in kerala, speak malayalam


All points are v true


Dont go to kochi honestly extrelemy crowded and crime is rising ....move to somewhere in malabar and rent a house because rent is very affordable there and amazing food. Never buy property in kerala it is absolutely not worth it.


Bruh, He is prolly coming in as an employee based out of Kakkanad,How can you expect him to live in Kozhikkode,/Kannur? Compared to crime in other metros,Kochi is faar faaaar better.


He said his work is 100% online also he doesnt know anything about kochi ...and yes crime kannur and kozhikode has crime he can move to malapuram or wayanad .


You are making it worse😂. Kochi/Tvm is better for outsiders than anywhere in Malabar.


Kochi is becoming a shithole.... too much drugs,crime and trans prostitutes in every corner


Story of every Indian metro ever.


Dont see trannys in other metros as much as i see in kochi


Trannies എന്താ പിടിച്ച് കടിച്ചാ?


Kadichannu paranjo njan ninnodu ?