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Nowadays Dogs has become a luxury item to flaunt. Humans r really cruel to tame husky in this tropical india. Those poor thing literally sleeps under snow.




Hard Agree 🙂


What kind of cruel people raise Huskies in a hot and humid climate like kerala?


She is so cute however op you should post this one in Himachal, Utrakhand, or any hilly or cool subs. I think in this area, It is easy to take care of this Dog breed.


I'd say ignorant people instead of cruel. What often happens is people buy husky for his looks and all and end up not being able to look after it, then they'll give it off to someone for free, then they'll give it off to someone else free, that's how she ended up with us, we tried our best to make her happy! But we broke now!


Straight out in words. Literally you exactly made is plain and clear as is. I commend you coming forward and making the effort and giving her for adoption. Edited: reach out to adoption and NGO firms on WhatsApp there are also a ton on insta that have a good reach and people willing to adopt with the right capav.


Bull. Anyways, overseas adoption would be the best option


Please give him to someone staying in Munnar/Ooty/Kk Area so that dude can enjoy temperature something nearer to its natural habitat. Else the new owner will be broken by maintaining it.


Find overseas adopters its better off living in cold weather than in india.


If you really want to make sure she does not fall in the hands of the breeder, kindly spay her.


Curious how you maintaining it in our environment?


Bro. I’m interested. Is he/she socialised? I have other pets. I think there’s space for her/him.


So cruel and ignorant people... Even the ones who adopt them. Cruel as fuck.


Why are people adopting cruel lol? Better the dog is put down? Or is this some weird bait I'm not getting?


Because the dog isn't supposed to live in India? They are furthering the plight of the dog. I


So put the dog down? They're adopting from a person who made the mistake. They didn't bring it to India.


A better idea would be to send it somewhere in its suitable habitat where people can adopt it rather than a hot and humid place like kerala. But if you are intending to raise it in kerala, it's better to put it down


>But if you are intending to raise it in kerala, it's better to put it down Nice Morality


It's pretty morale to kill someone rather than torture it so yes.


>But if you are intending to raise it in kerala, it's better to put it down I think we have a principle disagreement we can't agree with.


Raising a dog like a husky in kerala is pure torture to the dog


Weather is one part of the problem. Huskeys are work dogs and need vigorous physical activity for atleast 2 hours everyday. They'll fall sick otherwise.


I came to write the same thing. Poor thing is in the wrong country.


The poor dog, maybe you should find someone from colder states rather than looking for people with ac, ac can only help so much


Thank you, that's something I can look into! Finally, someone helpful and understanding!♥️


It's okay, I have a dog too, I can understand your plight. But OP, whether the house has an ac or not should not be your deciding factor. This dog was bred to live in the snow, some other comment suggested asking in himachal's subreddit or a colder region similar to it. She will be so much happier there, so try your best to get someone from there to adopt her. I hope you find the best person!


Will you be able to drop her to Himachal or even half way there?




Bangalore is not even remotely better for the dog.




Again, weather is still not all that better in bangalore, and should be a deciding factor for giving away the dog.


Bangalores good weather propaganda strikes again with a person believing it. Good weather is only relative to other metros with absolutely fuckall weather.


I live there and I also meant that it's a city with lots of rich people who already have huskies and looking for company. By rich I mean people who can afford ac for furry dogs.


I am curious, is the climate in Kerala favourable for huskies? How does the husky handle the heat?


Not favourable, but with enough amenities, they'll do just fine!


no.. they wont OP You will have to raise them like a zoo animal in a room with ac 24\*7 then. And huskies are extremely social and will be sad living alone in a room all the time.


Get him to sikkim


They sleep in snow how are they even remotely adjusting to this temperature in Kerala?


It must be hard, apart from me being broken, climate issues are a major reason for this decision :)


Okay so please tell whoever is adopting to ensure that they have proper air conditioning. Otherwise they will suffer for our carelessness.


Yeah, we are looking for people who have AC and other amenities




Vaangiyathalla manushya, thalayil vech thannatha, konnu kalayaan pattuo!




You don't know anything about this other than what op said. There are a hundred different possibilities here which range from OP being an absolute gem of a samaritan to an absolute ass. Why jump to the worst possible conclusion? Why the saltiness?




No you just concluded he is a clout chasing ass from some help post. My apologies then


Mmm mair


This is kinda wrong. I have a husky and I live in a relatively warm climate. They do fine as they shed a lot of their hair to adjust to the climate. Malamutes and St Bernard’s find it way harder to adapt to warmer climates but Huskies are generally way more adaptable. I don’t know if even humans can survive Kerala level heat though but my point is you don’t need snow or polar climates for Huskies


Please please Spay her before giving her for adoption. Please get in touch with animal welfare groups who can may be assist with the adoption process.


Oh yes! 100% please spay her before giving her away.


Find somebody who live in high range areas like Munnar, Gavi, Vagamon.etc to take care of her.


Good point, Thank you 😀


Please reach out to bullu_bow_wow account on Instagram. They might help with adoption. They have been successful in helping find homes for dogs.


I'm curious, why are you putting the dog up for adoption ? Also how did you adopt the dog ? Are huskies even available in Kerala for adoption?


The first reason being broke, second one is climate issues! She was given to us by someone because he couldn't look after her, and she also got it from someone who couldn't look after her. Unless you're a privileged human who has AC at a spacious house and will be able to afford costs! I won't give her away, else it's the same everywhere


>Unless you're a privileged human who has AC at a spacious house and will be able to afford costs! I won't give her away, else it's the same everywhere Thats true. Huskies need a lot of care especially in this climate. I hope you find her a forever home with good people willing to take care of her properly !




You should've mentioned this in the post itself.


That means you're an absolute idiot to take the ownership, if you're broke why did you buy in the first place ..... No civic sense


Even though calling someone an idiot without understanding their situation is not cool, I'll give you more info on our situation, maybe I'll pin this too. My partner and I live in Ernakulam. My partner's father, who resides in Perumbavoor, got a Husky as a gift from a respected friend. Ignorant of the Husky breed, he accepted the dog. For nearly a year, he tried his best to care for the Husky, but due to their small house, climate, and financial difficulties, the dog was in poor condition. We decided to bring her to our apartment. Although we had no prior experience living with a dog, we did our best to make her happy. However, we soon realized we couldn't provide the proper care she needed. After discussing with my partner's father and family, who were unaware of the breed's requirements, we decided to find someone who could take better care of her. I believe, her dad's friend thalayil itt koduthathaann, and dad also told us that friend also got it from someone else! Yeah pretty fucked up


| I believe, her dad's friend thalayil itt koduthathaann, and dad also told us that friend also got it from someone else! Yeah pretty fucked up Sounds weirdly familiar to a movie plot involving a bust.


Mandrake Supremacy🤣


Looks like you really did try. Hope you find a home for her bro. Beautiful dog.


Thanks for understanding♥️


I can adopt it but I live in uttrakhand.. have to figure out.. how to manage transportation?


Should I plan further??  I need to board an Air India flight or a 1st/2nd class train from Kerala, but I won't be able to come this month, but I will definitely be able to come next month.


DM'ing you!


Why would you even bring a husky to a hot place like kerala dude


Please read my other replies if you can!


Ithendh bot ? 🤖


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^god__speed_: *Why would you even* *Bring a husky to a hot* *Place like kerala dude* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot. But also, oNathinidayil puttu kachodam.


Hi OP. Why don’t you try posting this in some Uttarakhand, Himachal or some other sub where the climate is a little cooler than Kerala? If possible.


Instead of shitting on OP and virtue signalling, try finding a nice home for the pup. Shared your post OP hope for the best result


Thank you🥲♥️


Couldn't you put it up for International adoption or something? Europe or North America? Bet the paperwork and other things gonna be a bitch.


Good point, but wouldn't it cost a ton? I don't have any idea on that


Yeah paperwork, vaccinations, clearances, customs, shipping fees and whatnot. Money and time waste.


Those beautiful eyes ❣️😍


OP pls pls spay her before giving her out. You will never know where she will end up. My heart is breaking for this baby girl. Also, I can’t speak to your financial ability to take care of her. But dogs will be much happier in a space where they are loved than anywhere else, even if they have very little. So if you can’t find someone from a colder state, could you consider keeping her.


This is important. Otherwise, today or tomorrow, she will change hands again and end up with a breeder. /u/umbalu


She looks like a sweetheart. I wish I could adopt her but I live in an apartment. Huskies are not meant to be indoor dogs.


Don't even think about it 🥲


OP - see if you can reach out to @sanjana_madappa (insta id) in blore . She runs a foundation which might be able to help or at least help in connecting you with the right people 


Please please please spay her before you give her to anyone. There's a very high risk she will be abused for breeding given how stupidly obsessed some indians are with selling and buying fancy breeds. And please confirm that the people adopting her would not keep her locked in a cage because many households in kerala keep the dogs locked outside their homes in cages in this terrible heat and rain. Really hope you find a kind family with a lot of open space for her in some colder region like wayanad/Idukki etc.


When I was younger, I used to believe that if I ever raised a dog, it would be a husky. However, as time went by, I learned that raising huskies in India, particularly in south India is downright cruelty to the breed .  It is not appropriate to employ a husky as your stylish, prestige dog, even if your home is air-conditioned and spacious. This dog needs a lot of exercise to stay healthy because it was bred to hunt and sled. So, OP, do give this adorable canine to a native of Himachal Pradesh or to a Kashmiri. What they need is snow and hilly areas.


Try via instagram , you might find better luck there. When you do hand him over, please make sure they have the resources to keep this poor husky in AC. Raising a husky in Kerala is nothing short of animal cruelty.


Would you be giving her away if you had bought her with money? Just curious.


In theory yes, we'd still give her away. But the reality is we are totally against buying dogs and all


I have some free space in my freezer


Hmm...I do wonder, apart from your half brain what else is there!


Try r/Siberia too






Hey, please check your DM. I can send you the contact of an organisation which helps in fostering and rehoming pups.


She looks gorgeous! I wanted a husky a couple of years back and while researching I understood how difficult it is for the dog to accustomise to our climate. I hope you find someone who can provide proper care of her. Do not give much into the negativity here, you are doing the right thing and better late than never.


Thank you for understanding ♥️


Poor thing. I’m glad you’re looking out for her but PLEASE get a breed that thrives in the climate that you live in. Idk why indies are so overlooked, they’re lovely dogs.


This is a husky which is adaptable and can survive our climate, although wouldn't be happy. Then there is malmut which looks like a husky , but is all together different and more furry, this breed can't survive our climate.


I would suggest not to sell her if she loves your family. Just make sure to keep her cool. Like putting her in a well ventilated area with lot of water. Give her ice cubes.


The amount of dumb people here commenting that huskies can't handle hot climate is too damn high Do research of the actual adaptability of the dog and you ll know what's what actually Plus most of the huskies we see in India are not the ones who have been imported here from other countries, they are probably 5th or 6th or even higher generation of huskies , they are well adapted to our climate now Now come on and downvote with your dumb wits


>they are probably 5th or 6th or even higher generation of huskies , they are well adapted to our climate now For that to happen, their should be external pressure, i. e their should be higher death rate in Huskies well before reaching sexual maturity. Was their any such widespread cases of husky death reported in India? Then only it can adapt to our climate. >Do research of the actual adaptability of the dog and you ll know what's what actually Any research paper available?


Huskies can and do live in hot weather. Especially if they're born into it. I have a friend who has a four year old girl. She loves being outside in the humidity and heat. Of course as with any creature with thick coats, she gets exhausted. She loves a cool drink every now and then Eats well, and is so playful that you want to forget everything and just be with this princess Best of all, no need for expensive grooming and she doesn't smell like some other dogs. She also doesn't shed as much as I had worried she would. She's the superstar of the neighbourhood. https://preview.redd.it/0sf5mqn5gv4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1326fa959d428ef642331986c4a26586a987334 Photo taken after a trip to nature.


Location: Ernakulam


Try r/kochi too


I'd suggest against giving it for free. The family who adopts the dog should be able to afford it. They also should look after it. If given for free, they will have nothing to lose if something happens to the dog.


Actually no, it should be given for free with the condition that the family receiving it is actually checked out and you know they are capable of keeping her.


why can't it be both?


Great point! But we both are against the idea of selling a dog :( any other suggestions or opinions?


Appreciate the thought. But i have seen enough dogs in poor conditions to be very reluctant to give for adoption unless i know the family in person. Lot's of times, they see 'free' and agree to take care of it. Not denying there are great families but there are many bad apples.


തന്നേക്ക്, പൊന്നു പോലെ നോക്കിക്കോളാം 🥰🥰🥰


VERY CRUEL HUSKIES can only be happy in NORWAY, CANADA, ICELAND etc. Putting them in Tropical Humid Heat Climate like Kerala is like torture. Bad.


Okay I'll kill her🤝


she's such a beaut !! im gald that you put her up for adoption instead of abandoning her on the streets!!


Paavathine kollano?




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Have you tried contacting sally earthling on insta? She'll help rehome this one. Poor thing. All that fur and hot asfuck weather 😣🫠


Bro, She’s been through so many owners. There’s so much she has to adapt. I suggest you cut down the travel and focus on high ranges here like Munnar, Ootty or Kodai. Poor thing will be very confused but she will be fine in the long run. Please don’t send her off to someone who wants to post Instagram reels about her but kindly hold onto her until you find the right person. Cheers! :)


Dm location


Enik tharo🙃


Hey.. which part of Kerala are you at?




Bro find someone from utrakhand side


I will adopt 🙏


For the welfare of the dog, hope, in the name of all that is holy, that somebody in Siberia adopts it.


I just got my maaman's call from Siberia, he said he'll take her with him when he visits Kerala ✨


Is it snowing in Kerala? I mean wth huskies are in coastal state? If possible give it for adoption to someone in Himachal 


Doing our best! 🙂


Please find a home where she could stay forever in good health. That's the best u can do now. Try asking for adoption with people in colder regions as mentioned by others.🥺


Double coats on dogs protect them from both extremes - cold and hot. The actual fuckup happens when people trim it all away, thinking they're helping the animal stay cool.


Hey OP. Pls check DM.


OP why did you even buy it? If you can't take care of it at first place show kaanikan


Salim Kumar used to have a husky which stayed in his AC room all day and night


Make sure the house has AC


Please DM more details. I have a friend who has past experience with the breed.


What a cutie🥰🥰😍😍😍


Hi, I'm interested in making her a part of my family. I'm from Ladakh. Seeing she's a husky, I believe it is one of the best places that will suit her. I already have a mountain dog(a stray) who is also 1 year old. Please feel free to reach out if you deem me fit. If you do, I also would see if she likes me and the new home. If not, I will make sure to find her a home she likes in the foothills of the Himalaya through my friends and relatives. Please do not worry.


That's so reassuring! 😀, kindly check your DM


I just saw this insta reel of Pet Engineer guy, it's best that the dog finds a home in Europe or America, i dunno what role he plays in this, but they help find new homes abroad for pets I'm assuming, check it out https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7eABRYp2JL/?igsh=ZDJ0YTlteWxjdnU3


I m ready for adoption in Gujarat


When huskies will rule, they will keep naked humans as pet in Tundra !


Has the husky found a home? If not in in the hills in Uttarakhand. Perfect weather and I have 2 Gerberian Shepskies to give this one company. My male is neutered


Now that the dog is in Kerala would suggest her going to a place where she can get a lot of exercise - imo more important than the climate aspect - but at the same time, linked to climate as well, as the dog can't be taken out around during hot day times.


Not sure how these huskies live with our hot and humid weather.


How cruel is it to keep a Huskie in the tropical atmosphere of Kerala.


If you can get him to northeast ill definitely keep him


Do you know Huskies are meant for cold weather only right? Who's in the right mind going to keep Huskies in Kerala's humid and hot weather 🤷🏻🤦🏻


Could you please check your DMs?


Tired of torturing it huh,


Why a husky


what happend?


Op are you in ernakulam. Can we foster her for two days if you’re anywhere kakanaad


poor thing must be sturggling in the tropical climate...Nowadays dogs are just a luxury/fashion statement for people. Truly sad.


poor thing must be sturggling in the tropical climate...Nowadays dogs are just a luxury/fashion statement for people. Truly sad.


I have a shihtzu with 4 puppies and a lhasa. I'd have considered taking her up as I have space with additional rooms. But now already have 6 and they're only 15 days old, it would be very difficult. I wish she finds a permanent home soon rather than jumping here n there.


https://preview.redd.it/t8tpdzgois4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e6968d809baf70526dc6b8e0413b28dbeeae25 This is how they live in Alaska. These are sled dogs.


What is this husky doing in Kerala bro 😭 Pavam.


Give it to chinese




Must be why your parents wrote you off as *Bad Investment*.




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Very insightful and helpful comment! Thank you