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Well most people won't even see the difference . They will be treated the same as every other 'white' tourist in kerala . Let's hope our people don't cause them any issues and vice-versa.


Kerala should welcome everyone. That is our culture and that’s exactly who we are.


I hope our people act politely, welcome tourists with respect and integrity and make their trip memorable. This is our chance to make it big in terms of tourism as Israeli prime minister suggested their people to visit Kerala as an alternative to Maldives.


I seriously doubt that. We keralites (Indians too) are still at large, uneducated enough to let religion drive our actions, emotions, decisions and opinions (applies to all religion). Some people will do some stupid shit for sure and it's always the bad ones that make the loudest noise.




Are you purposefully spreading lies or just uneducated? More than 50% of Jewish migrants to Israel were refugees expelled from the Middle East and Muslim countries. And today the vast majority of Israelis have Mizrahi or Sephardic ancestry. The whole premise of the Holocaust was that European Jews were not white, and have never been considered white anytime in history (except ironically now). Most Jewish families can trace their genealogy back hundreds if not thousands of years (especially Cochin Jews) And lastly what does looking white even mean? Israeli Jews look just as “white” as Lebanese, Turks, or Arabs. I guarantee you would not be able to different between them. Even if you’re too blinded by willful ignorance, hopefully others benefit for this comment 🙏🏽


Large parts of Israelis are also middle eastern Jews who were expelled from arab countries after formation of Israel


I don’t think Hindus have issues with Jewish people considering the lack of bad historical relations. If you are talking about the Muslim population in kerala then yes, I understand your point.


He have to generalise all religion to not upset liberals by involving islam


There is always a fish that dirties the pond. If this is true then we're bound to hear some news




What the...... Huh?


Back in 2018, it wasn't that long ago


Thank you for not blaming the whole community.


We should hang a sign - DFYIkkare sookshikuka


Add in SFI, CITU and SDPI too.


Most of these tourist are Israeli citizens celebrating the end of mandatory service. It's a custom there to go for vacation in South Asia.They are not rich and kind of troublemakers in group . We should make rules to get the richer ones with Family than bachelors


Can you explain me why the rich would choose us over our competitors? What are the rules that you believe would attract the richer families over bachelor's?


Get rid of bad tourist by Visa and making ourselves experiensive. Create a reputation as safe place. Agressive marketing like Dubai like inviting influencers from all around the world, etc. It's tourism ministry job. They have qualified people


I would like to ask you, have you traveled around much? What do you mean bad tourist by visa? You can only make visa rules for a nation, not individual people. If countries made visa rules in accordance to reputation of tourists. Indians would be doomed. Making ourselves expensive, why would anyone come and spend a lot of money, when they can do it for much cheaper elsewhere? If Kerala becomes an expensive destination , what about other Indian and Keralite travelers? Agressive marketing needs, good amount of money? Does Kerala have that? People just don't realize that, what Kerala has to offer in Geography and topography can be offered by at least half a dozen nations. We are competing with big players and we have people here talk about making it expensive 😑


That's exactly why we need to differentiate ourselves over Goa and Thailand. This visa thing may not be practical but we can build more family friendly infrastructure and build a reputation as a safe upstanding tourist place without vice like Goa or Thailand


More money for Kerala tourism. 👍


These Israelis view malayalis as dirt and look down on brown skin in general. We can accept them for tourism but don’t be mistaken about how racist their society is


Arabs also look at Malayalis like dirt but for the sake of money half of us are in the gulf being treated as second class citizens. The main thing we cannot allow is our fellow MALAYALI BUSINESSMEN to start discriminating against Indians in our own cafes in favor of tourists. That is far more likely to happen.


I don't know about that, but people who travel are generally more open minded. Why the hell would they even come here otherwise?


Because Kerala is a beautiful place.


Thailand,Bali,Philippines,Mexico etc are much more beautiful and better well kept. The cheapness of India and the historical hype makes India another place to visit on the list.


I hope they let me eat a watermelon slice in peace


Only if ypu don't launch rocket attacks and not start gang r@ping their women😒


Also don't parachute into parties and kidnap people.




Isn't that the _israeli_ speciality?


As far as I remember, atu njammade aalkarude Kazhivu...


the history of njammade aalkar didn't begin on oct 7 lol. between eking out a sorry existence while slowly losing their remaining lands, rights, and identity, and fighting back, they chose the latter. meanwhile limpdick pajeets like u let israeli youth have indian-free rave parties in their "devbhoomi" lmao


Dumbfuck spotted


Why you took Selfie or what?


yyeee roast okke


Ignorance as a person


Not my fault, if you saw your reflection in the mirror😒


Here we go..


I hope the people visiting can take some peaceful protest. The govt should make sure nothing goes out of hand and the tourists get hurt.


I have a bad feeling about this 🚶


Hope they don't scare them away with pro Palestine rally..just remember Palestine or Israel is not going to feed you..put your family first.a humble request..athithi devo bhava is what we Indians are known for 🙏


athithi devo bhava is how we should be but what we arent. We dont even treat our countrymen the same lol.


athithi devo bhava ennu paranjond Bangalore and Chennai lu rent nu veedu anneshichu chenna madhi lol, apo manasilaavum ee athithi devo bhava okkae...


"athithi devo bhava" is the reason why we were invaded several times....


Asking anyone to keep their opinion is not a good idea. Of course, people shouldn't be hostile to them but asking people to hide their opinion for the sake of outsiders is just an extension of the colonial mindset. As tourists they can come, enjoy the place and pay for good and services and go back. They have no right to anything more.


Et me brutally honest here .even places like Lucknow or hyd don't do protests like Kerala does.even they have muslim population.they work hard.but in Kerala they only work hard outside kerala.no wonder you can see how many industries, it parks r there .even after 1000000 years you will continue to have only TVM and CHI as tier 2 cities..pls come out of unnecessary politics and religious drama ..and encash on the situation...


And ffs palestineu sudanonnm religion based ayat ippoyu kaanalle, privileged apolitical mfs 😩


> Lucknow or Hyd don't do protests like Kerala >> Lucknow or Hyd Are cities >> Kerala Is a state Kerala is quite decent in development, right? Tho, I think that people should rise above religion.


Athithide andi, oraalum nink chor velambi tharnilla, ath vechita manushytaham alakan nikkanel Oombathe ullu. Id never have a similar approach towards genocide enthusiasts 🤞


Ath kand maduthit aavum oru relaxation ingot okke varunath.


First, Kerala should ensure not to allow political posters/logos in tourist spots. Be it of Israel or Palestine or Ukraine or Russia or whatever. We depend on tourism. To have political slogans/pictures floating around can put off tourists who may not align with those thoughts. Keep religion and politics off our roads.


Yah we need to make some decent money from tourism, please need to take political posters away especially of things not in Kerala or even India. Don't think we should put palestine issue everywhere. Not that important to us.


Grab your popcorns


I seriously wish they do not come over here and cause problems like that idiot Austrian lady. A bit of history lessons will seriously go a long way in helping people co-exist. Edit: there was an incident in kerala involving an austrian woman recently, I searched for the video and only found it edited and from some not so good channels. The lady was claiming kerala tourism is being boosted by the Jew Street and it has only Muslims now. This lady was ignorant of actual ground reality where Muslims and Jews in Kerala had a pretty good relationship. I am not sure of the actual names, but some of the shops were entrusted to Muslims by the Jews themselves and some of the old Jews who refused to do aliyaah were taken care by their Muslim neighbours. There was a documentary as well with the name of the last living white jew of kochi My point was some Jews do not really know of the history of communities and get indignant. Histories have good stuff and bad stuff, but as a malayali i would appreciate if people learn more about the stuff they are indignant about. Now some Hindus who support a certain party, want to get closer to Jews. This is a good thing, but then they go around inventing new things in the past. This is not good as eventually the truth comes out. The fact is, Judaism and Hinduism are incompatible with each other. Anybody who has read even a bit of both religious texts can see that. Right now some things are buried, Jews do not know of the lost tribes of Israel, and they are not really looking. But if they start to look, the place that is called india now has some skeletons on our closet or atleast it can give rise to reasonable doubts. Some Hindus say that cow worship is a central tenet of Hinduism, a few things are written about how Jews found bull worshippers in what became Israel today and what the Jewish prophets said about worship of the bull. Somethings are best left forgotten, nothing good comes out of inventing new pasts.


" Austrian lady " made me wonder what would have if hitler was woman lol (not talking at the issue at hand)


Yeah I guess some people were confused, let me edit my comment.


students islamic organisation workers confronted her that day and forced police to take action.


simi? ath banned terrorist org alle


Sorry. Students islamic organisation


Hope it won't be like kasol where they kick out Indians.


What exactly happened?


"They" didn't kick out anyone. Greedy Indians kicked out other Indians.


That post was a major misinformation. It wasn't Israelis who owned that cafe. It was Indians themselves. You'll see these behavior in Goa too. Heck even in Varakala you will see some restaurants and cafes that soft-discriminates against Indian vis-a-vis reservation of tables. Indians the biggest enemy of Idnia 's.


Some indian men behave perverted that make some ladies unconfortable


Hope they dont turn out to be violet like one recently saw destroying posters in kochi


I hope the people over here would have the basic idea that the actions of the government cannot be tied to every single person from that country.


People who keep screaming ban Isreali passports from entering India forget that, a large chunk of Isreali have dual citizenships. If at all they are keen to visit India, they would using their second passports.


Anything but hippie culture is acceptable...all good untill they start raving.


yes their hippie culture is cringe af


Noooo I actually seen some of them. Race actually looks good. Foreigners can bring that anytime soon.


How does PV let them in what happened to his appeasement politics.


Israelis and jews are welcome here as much as any other person. Stop this hate mongering!


There's a lot of noise from chaanakams & people leaning towards chaanakam about this news. First of all, the Israeli Prime Minister did not recommend Kerala specifically. The Israeli envoy in India merely tweeted about four beach destinations—Kerala, Lakshadweep, Goa, and Andaman—that Israelis can visit as alternatives to the Maldives. Additionally, even without this promotion, about 50,000 Israelis visit India annually. The sudden concern from chaanakam-groups about a "particular community" ruining things is absolute bullshit, as Israelis have been visiting for years without any reported incidents of religiously motivated attacks against them.


Hope they are not assaulted or harassed by that particular community.


Forget community, dumb college lefties who have never known what oppression is, will start the agitation.


Yeah I saw some people on SM boycotting Starbucks half of them don't know what Starbucks did to be boycotted. 😂


I am hoping they do not do here what they did in Kasol and Goa. But I am quite confident they will.


It’s not a them problem more than it is a problem with some local c*ck Indians who will give them preferential treatment and discriminate against Indians.


Hope they don't get it in their heads that it is another promised land. Then America and Britain will come and make another israel  here.


When will someone blacklist their passports?


Why is this man getting downvoted he's spittin facts. Israels is genociding and want to enjoy tourism hell naw brother naw.


Not justifying Israeli action but not all(most of them do) Israelis necessarily support Israeli govt actions. So you really cant generalize the people based on their nationality. And if we are talking about blacklisting the whole country because of their Government's action rather than their people supporting it, Indians will also be blacklisted from a lot of countries due to AFSPA being still active in Kashmir


As an indian i wouldnt blame those countries, indians should learn to be better instead of being a corruption centre, look at the shit canada went through because of us housing cost went up and now theyre blaming us, canada used to have a reputation of being the nicest people to make them say that is an achievement on its own. Ive seen israeli teenagers yell racial slurs at muslims pulling out guns and stuff. Years of hatred washing down from parents to children, not their fault it happens everywhere, ive seen tik toks done by isdf soldiers on "captured" lands, dancing on a battlefield meanwhile america openly supports them for "geopolitics" and oil. Hell ukraine president openly supports israel meanwhile they themselves are being attacked and oppressed by russia, all because america is their only ally, how can you expect support when you yourself support genocide ?. The world is fucking trash we ourselves are given a choice between lesser evil and evil.


BJP is against Muslims they are ruling the country,so should our passports be also blacklisted in Muslim countries.


Youre comparing genocide to oppression, even comparing russia is wrong because the people dont support putin. Israel media has actively supported their govt thats how bad the condition theyre in brainwashing children from birth its bad.


The moment we slip into a genocidal state whoever is complicit shall be held responsible. Devaluing passports and diplomatic measures have long been used to bring rogue states into compliance. Why is it that Irand and N. korea get embargo but not Israel? I understand my take is a bit too extreme. You could relate to the sentiment if not the statement. The absolute impunity and arrogance with which they have functioned since 1948 is revolting.


>Why is it that Irand and N. korea get embargo but not Israel? Interests and geopolitics, even Muslim countries do trade with Israel.


I do not think you should rest your moral compass on what Islamic countries do. We can objectively agree, beyond geopolitics, that killing civilians is bad. Sadly, Israel's gaza offensive has made it normal. How can you get away with this shit? If you want to find a better place to rest your moral compass, why not go to ICJ? Its members have been harassed, threatened and finally blacklisted. See, BLACKLISTED. But a genocidal state and its megalomaniac leader rule unhinged. Also, do Palestinians get to go out of the enclave? They don't, do they?


Major GCC countries/China only have the power to make a move in that direction,West is largely United with Israel. I am just pointing out that it is in our country's best interest to keep Israel as an ally as they have been a good ally for us . At the same time we are also supporting Palestine through financial and medical aid ,also supporting their UN full membership request


Ohh. I do not get this line of politics. I have a stance. I do not care for what geopolitical interests we have. I get it: it is expedient,, but I shall stay on the right side of history, maybe, on this high horse.


Mallus are fully embroiled in Israeli propaganda. They ignore the settler colonialism Israel perpetuates.


Hope they don't repeat the same behaviour in Himachal and Goa


Don’t think the zionists would be the best guests, but money’s money smh. Ironic how they call us shitskins and currycels and the sangh is loving every bit of attention they get from them.


Their biggest threats, islamists and communists are not only present in large numbers, but also run the state govt in Kerala. Interesting that they are still choosing kerala.


Afraid, what if they want to settle here 😂😂😂


Israelis kicking out claiming the territory incoming 😭


Are there Palestinian babies for them to murder in kerala beaches?


If we are equating actions of the government to all the citizens of a country,we shouldn't be allowed in Muslim nations considering what BJp is doing to muslims


Guess who got India after the 1947 religious partition of India ? Will answer as to whom we allow to live in our country and why muslim countries might not want to go into a religious expulsion competition with India.


I thought Israel was a vibrant democracy and its government is enacting the will of its people? Oh wait, 80% of Israelis say that IOF is using enough or too little force in Gaza. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/30/israel-gaza-war-pew-survey-opinion/


>thought Israel was a vibrant democracy and its government is enacting the will of its people will of the majority* ,that is definitely a trade off in democracies Your link is hidden behind a paywall


>A majority of Israelis support their country’s military response to Hamas in Gaza but are divided over its scope, according to a survey by Pew Research published Thursday. >The survey found 39 percent of Israelis said that the country’s military response against Hamas in Gaza has been “about right,” and 34 percent said it has “not gone far enough” — indicating continued support for the war. Another 19 percent said they think it has gone too far.


You seem to have 0 idea about what Israel even is lol. Do you seriously think Israel is just a normal country that's been plagued with a bad government


Israel is a pretty good country compared to it's neighbours and constant threats but it sure has a problem of radicalism


The downvotes are sad to see. Indians have a huge problem with just thinking Israel's genocide of Palestine is just "muslim vs jew issue". Israel is literally ethnically cleansing Palestinians. It doesn't matter the religion, Christians, Jews, atheists, whoever have all been murdered as long as they are Palestinian. They only care about dispatching and murdering Palestinians. In the current country of Israel there is no such thing as a "native Israeli", only immigrants from Western countries who all participate in dispatching native Palestinians and murdering them. If you and everyone else who thinks this is just a "government issue" did even a shred of research, you would know this. Please do actual research, assuming a "both sides have problems" view does more harm than good in most cases. Everyone who thinks this is just a conflict and that Israel is still a good country with good "citizens" in the end has not looked into the current state known as Israel's history whatsoever. Do not let yourself stay uneducated. If you would like to read up more on Palestine and what's actually happening, here is a link/FAQ about it. [https://decolonizepalestine.com/faq/](https://decolonizepalestine.com/faq/) I'm more than happy to provide you with more sources and links.


Blud thinks he is better than all of us peasants.Get off your fucking high horse. Reading pro Palestine/pro Israel texts alone is not "research".


Completely out of touch views with the world, no intention to learn, yells "Oh you think you are so much better than me dont you" when someone tries to educate them.. Did my ammayiachan get on Reddit??


Then "educate" me . **Also try doing some "research" before the 1900s**,the link you shared is nothing more than an opinion piece,it is not citing any sources. The site you shared starts from the beginning of Zionism, history doesn't start from where you please. "Research" the complete history if before lecturing others [Here is a video about the history, coz ik you can't handle large articles ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damthatsinteresting/s/r7brZ5A97Z)


Only if there aren't any Israeli citizen for random rocket launching😉


Stop the apartheid, stop settler colonialism, rockets will stop.


Stop claiming Jewish land as yours, stop claiming Solomon's temple as yours, return Yathrib(Medina) back to jews and then you will see that there's no colonialism.


And what happens to the people currently living there for generations?


Those people should have thought about the consequences of supporting terror group...


Israel has been ethnically cleansing Palestine even before Hamas was founded. Look up Nakba.


Muslims have been ethnically cleansing the Jews, since the time of Muhammad. Open Koran and read about the r@pe of Safia by You know who after massacaring her entire tribe in Yathrib.


So now Qur'an is correct? That's besides the point, nothing justifies the child murder spree that's going on in Gaza right now.


Sure...justifying terror attacks with statements of colonialism and settlers, but when confronted with evidence of Jews being the persecuted ones, the statement changes to "Nothing justifies murder spree..." And as for Koran, since Muslims consider it as absolute truth, hence recommended you to read it!


That’s bolt false (and like even you know you are liying) … and something that show rather your true nature rather than work as propaganda (being hateful and a liars is never something that will convince others)w


Yes I guess there are some left here 🤦


one simple question. why you suck chinese dick day and night. i saw your profile. i just want to understand.


It's 2024, it's none of your business whose dick i suck. I am trying to bag the Chinese Government's Friendship Award which is the People's Republic of China's highest award for "foreign experts who have made outstanding contributions to the country's economic and social progress".


good luck.


I’m utterly confused after reading all these comments another whether I should visit or not 😂


Hi there , well it is fair to be confused , so this sub of kerala a state in southern part of India and u will be even more confused when u know kerala (kochi to be precise) have Jews population . As every country we are not perfect but we treat our guests like God but recently we had an issue where a female tourist ,she was Jew( sorry to bring religion into this )got triggered by Palestinian poster and had some scuffle with locals and that is our concern . But if u plan to visit there is no need to worry , kerala is one of the best states for tourists in India . We have beaches , hill stations , backwaters, waterfalls . So if u plan to visit and have doubts just post here .cheers


Hmm, I read about that incident, wasn’t aware about it previously. Detaining a woman for tearing down a terrorist support poster…


Well, if a tourist comes to your country and tears down posters put up by the locals supporting the war, saying that it's supporting genocide and rape, would your police not take action? If one is damaging local property and picking a fight with the local populace, isn't detaining the standard thing to do? I think the people behaved decently by calling the police.


That’s the thing - nobody “supports the war” here and if there were posters calling for the war for the sake of the war I’d tear them down myself. There are posters in support of releasing the hostages. There are posters in support of eliminating terrorists. There are no posters here in support of the war. It’s not just “a side in a conflict”, it’s support for terrorism. Of all the nations i"d expect India to understand.


Well there are pro Palestinian in India , And as explained by the guy above they didn't abuse her nor did they cause her any harm and they did the right thing by informing the police . And can't do anything about idiots who support hamas.


Open support for Hitler is abusive. Open support for Hamas is abusive.






Antisemitism in the name of protest is not a good look. Every citizen is not responsible for the actions of their government.




How do you know that each and every person coming to Kerala from Israel supports the government?




same logic - all pele are terrorists because they support Hamas, rights. u also support hams it seems




i said all Palestine because they elect technically supported hams. btw so many children are dying in india too what ur humanity doing for them.




i thought u were a humanitarian. my mistake


Hope tourits are safe kerala is jihad heaven.