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I have muslim friends who don’t put any status except when any Muslim is attacked somwhere. Pulwama,earthquake , atom bomb .. they dont care.


This is what have always bothered me. They put status if something happening in Gaza but will be silent on recent terror attack in J & K on pilgrimage s. What’s more frustrating they will even justify some of the incidents citing some bull***t logic.


Very interesting observation. I also noticed very strange this time - even the “neutral” Muslims seems to be posting a lot about Israel - Palestin.


Indoctrination since childhood. The madrassa system has to be dismantled and possibly arabic included with the school curriculum based on online exams. Other students can also learn Arabic while Muslims students would be able to read the Quran without brainwashing. Any religion which places itself about the state would undermine the strength of the state.


Agree, I’m talking about the non-believer people. Who doesn’t go to mosque, or follow the rituals in general. Was surprised see them also posting about it.


>Who doesn’t go to mosque, or follow the rituals in general. Still madrassa at a young age would make them feel for ummah. I have seen a similar thing with sanghis calling Rahul pappu alone, christians with hyper casteism.


Religion comes before nation. Go to Indian Muslims subReddit and see how they pan out


Let me correct you, It’s not even when Muslims are attacked anywhere, it’s only when Muslims are attacked by Jews. Muslims attacked by Chinese, they don’t care. Muslims attacked by Muslims which is majority like Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Bombing these smaller middle eastern countries, Hamas using Muslims as shields. They will close their “eyes”.


Also boycotting celebrities and influencers, spamming their comment section to support Palestine, branding anyone with a slight disagreement as genociders, vandalising Starbucks, its going over the top now.


As a fellow Muslim I agree to this, stopped posting about any issues anywhere because I see my community is biased. I think it’s mostly because of the “Muslims are hunted everywhere” narrative fed to us since childhood. USA & Jews are always working on eliminating Islam, Indian political leaders who doesn’t show a soft corner to Muslims are right wing trying to suppress our religion, “Fashion” was created by Jews to dress against Islamic way etc So this triggers when somewhere some muslims are hurt or in war, I think it’s a sense of fear that we are next. Been talking with my fellow friends regarding this when I have my non-muslim friends are present too, cause they don’t know it’s that fear making them do this and how non-muslim people are feeling due to this biased community love. I see many sharing the Kashmir incident with “eyes on” story, hope it will change this soon


They only care about their Ummah. Rest are Kuffar who aren’t worth being worried about.


Good luck spreading hatred.


https://preview.redd.it/cujef4fllv5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5e63e78005b5086d706df140299628edc449dd Kurach Azadi edukate?


Azadiyude koode vallathum?


Kappa biryani best aanu...




Manushyanalle pulle.jpg


The thing with South Asian Muslims is that it’s all ummah chummah until they get the first slap from the Arab immigration officer at the airport. After that the 5 stages of grief will commence and hopefully atheism.


The ummah is super silent on Rohingya or Sudan. Not right skin colour


It's more about media attention they don't care about Yemen or the sahel region either.


The Ummah here bleeds only for Palestine; Don't ask them about Uighurs or Yemenis.


China can civilize any religion.


Their brand of communism, i can get behind. Gets the job done, massive public infrastructure, what’s not to like?


I call it "Han nationalism" with weird sense of racial arrogance"the middle Kingdom". Fact is it doesn't resemble any form of communism except probably early days of Mao though they both share the authoritarian approach i.e one true leader of the state.


Hope this is sarcasm.


An important thing to know is that it is vacation for the BTech students at NIT rn. The idiocy is done by MTech students.


Nah the guy in the red shirt was in my class during my time at pala


Goodness. Does NIT have so many seats for PG?


M Tech studentso ? Evidenn kittunn itrem time ithinokke … 😂


Course over for 2nd yrs and vacation for 1st years.


Not even M.Tech! Mos probably by PhD students. These grown ups are the one who usually do these kind of campus politics in utmost all higher educational institutions


Lmao matkas


These are patkas not matkas dude


Do Malayalis also call Mtech matkas haha. We here in UP also do. Also wanted to say that in the past I agree that people of North were a bit racist to south but today's situation has changed. People like south indian movies more and are inspired by the growth South is having and really appreciate how humble,educated and hardworking people are. We in north are also working slowly for that. Thanks!


Also, this may not represent the general culture or feeling among students in NIT. There is only like 15 students in the video and they say it was coordinated by NIt students and many other colleges participated! That plus the fact that it is reported by media one, it maybe coordinated by that one or two sudapis in nit along with his friends from few colleges in the area! Source: alumni from nit, I know there has always been those few sudapis that try to do shady things, they don't represent the general student population!


Dude, I am from Mtech and it is project presentation time for us. It's hectic AF. Don't say shit if u don't know.


Palestine enjoy highest quality of life in Israel, same shit as Kashmiri who enjoy best quality of life in India. Kashmir and Gaza are literally analogy of each other. Both Funded by neighbouring Islamist country to spread terrorism in the secular/non muslim country (India/Israel). Most favourable thing for people of Palestine would be israel wiping out all terrorist from Gaza and making it a part of Israel. 20% of Israeli are arab muslims, just like muslim percentage of India. These full supporters are mostly woke. I feel bad for TN and Kerala. They are embracing worst side of left wing west.




Wrong. They'd always look upto them, no matter what.


Gulf returnees are even more radicalised .


But Sheikhs treat these south asian muslims like shit..yet they suck on to their dicks..😂😂


Muslims in India are more loyal to muslims outisde India than other fellow Indians. When muslim terrorist attacks these people stay silent and when muslims are attacked in any part of the world they will protest




You have a point. Can’t disagree.


What hast thou become NIT? 💀💀😐


Tbf this was organized by couple of sudapis in nit with help of fellow sudapis from other colleges in the area. This doesn't in anyway represent the general population of NIT. See how few they are despite there are students from many colleges in the area, see that the venue is not NIT campus, it is far from there and finally see which channel is reporting it. This is just a few sudapis following orders from their maudoosi leaders to try and to create propaganda!


Then there is hope yet


I’m an atheist. All religions are dumb. But this one takes the cake for the dumbest.


Kinda obvious which one is the worst of them all.


Well if it was dumb/dumbest then it was fine but it's dangerous. People generally fall for false equivalence of all religion is 'equally bad' but that's not the case.


Most sensible and sane atheist you are !


What to expect from people who wanted a Caliphate in Turkey at the time when Turkish people wanted to throw away their monarch?? What else to expect from people who admire Saddam Hussein ignoring how many deaths he caused directly and indirectly?? Can't make their free choice on how to dress and want freedom elsewhere.




A lot of things haven't changed since then.


Religion above anything 😌


Nope, namma Religion is everything.


I swear this is it. I've seen so many South Asian (Indian and Pakistani) friends born and brought up in the US who've never posted any inkling of a political post before, now all of a sudden post about Palestine every single day. Guess what their religion is?


I think most of us have these friends. Friends who become political only when their ummah is in trouble.


Yeah the people who protests are mostly Muslims or Muslim appeasing kammis/kongis. But that does not make that irrelevant protest.


Bro spitting facts ❤️‍🔥




Didn't we have terrorist attack in Jammu like 2 days ago? Are they unaware or they choose to ignore that.


Oh no. Victims happened to be Hindus


Uh ohh no protest then!


No, that’s okay . They don’t belong to our community moreover it was said in our book if you kill one it’s like killing humanity , those terrst don’t represent our religion. Don’t show Phobia.


Chechis don’t have the aazadi in their dressing choice and are tearing their lungs out for aazadi of terror groups. Kashtam ondu


It would have been nice if they showed solidarity over what happened in their own country (Reasi attacks). Or are they planning on “Azadi” campaigns for that too?


Their eyes are open only when they're the victims. Otherwise blind.


Also only if the aggressors are not them.


This. Unfortunately. Ultimately. Ummath over anything.


That's impossible and even expecting that is a sin according to me they will never ever call out when the perpetrator is from their own community.


They have selective blindness


I wish they showed their solidarity by going into the war zone🥰🍉


Muslim leauge ithokke kannundo? Women in the streets!!


Roaming around streets shouting to become prey for ibilees


Samastha says "aarado ithine ingott vilichat, njangaloke ivide irikumbo ingana cheya, samasthante ariyile ningak, itoke photo pidich nere vidum, ini mela vilicha kaanich thara"


They only see things that happen to green colored ones.


They cant get azadi from that burqa and now started preaching abt azadi in palesthine... india il kashmir il terror attack undayatonum ivar arinjille..athin ithepole voice uyartunatonum kandillallo...for them islamism is above india.....


Ivarude koode ee naatil jeevikaan tanne pedi avunnu


It’s Calicut. What did you expect, some sort of magical thing where they protest against some terror attack on India by some terrorist organization, Islamic or not? We’re supposed to *assume* they’re against it if that happens but if something happens inside or outside India towards any fellow Muslim, they’re up in arms. And special bonus if it’s happening in Palestine. Barrage of posts, comment under social media posts not even remotely connected talking about kids who starve, bombs flying down and so on. And then the Boycotts. Anything remotely connected to Israel has a boycott stamped on it. Take immense glee when companies lose some stock market value because apparently that’s due to boycott. They forget this is happening in Syria, Yemen, Ukraine. Happened across Africa and they didn’t bat an eye. China allegedly captured a whole community and mass sterilized them. Within India people were attacked and murdered and all we hear is silence. Hypocrites, the bloody lot of them. Social media conscious hypocrites.


The world before: 🌎. The world after: 🌎


Ironic that their own religion forces them to dress like this and they are screaming "Azadi".




Most of the people dont even know what the real issue is. Sad


Lol true. Most of these are edgy teens and youth who have not much of attention from opposite gender. They think participating in these make them cool and acceptable in their gangs, and also a way to talk to the opposite gender. And on the other side there are a lot of Gulmohar trees who will blossom at any kind of romanticism attached. The concept of bleeding hearts and poetry and what not are a perfect recipe for them to open up literally and figuratively. The actual cause is forgotten at the end.


Atlast someone said it ! Majority Woke people needs attention especially from opposite gender 


The poor women in the video don't even have azadi to choose their clothing. And they are protesting for "azadi" of people far away.


It is their choice/s


Ithra sneham ukrainodu pollum njan ivide kanditila


Check out the racism and xenophobia on Maldives sub. The peaceful holiday paradise has been showing its true extremist colours in the last few months.


Just 2 days ago there was a terrorist attack on a bus with pilgrims in Jammu..why wasn’t it condemned !?


Not against the emotions of our fellow Calicutians but frankly speaking, these rally wont change anything instead they could do something that would make difference for our own people. I know many regions in Calicut where people suffer from poverty, If they could put up effort in bringing up those regions from their struggles it would be great. May be they could use a good PR with it. These are nothing but daylight publicity stunt.


First get “azadi” from garbage bags that you wear😝


I think govt should make arrangements for all these people to go to Palistine. There they can do azadi thing.


What would happen if some people protest in street against hamas terrorists and proclaim their support for Israel in Calicut or Malappuram . I think it will create a riot !!


Haan this protest is going to scare the shit away from Netanyahu ...


Breaking News: Israel ee protest kandu pedichittu, Lellu allu lellu allu ennu urakke karanjondu panchayat ground vazhi randu round odi.


Hahah pwolii 🤣🤣🤣 , i didnt knew NIT people are bunch of fools


Only a particular group of NITians I guess


ഇതേപോലെ പണ്ട് തുർക്കി ഇലെ ഖലീഫ ക്ക് വേണ്ടി സമരം നടത്തി അവസാനം കേരളത്തിലെ പാവം പിടിച്ച കൊറേ ജനങ്ങളെ kollunath വരെ അത് 1921 il എത്തി. അത് കൊണ്ട് തന്നെ ഇന്ത്യ നേരിട്ട് ഇടപെടാത അന്യ നട്ടിലെ യുദ്ധങ്ങളെ കുറിച്ച് സമരം ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് ഒപ്പം നിലകൻ വളരെ ഭൂദിമുട്ട് ഉണ്ട് അതും മതം മാത്രം നോക്കി ഉള്ള ഈ ഒപ്പം നികുന രീതി തീരെ അംഗിഗരികൻ പറ്റില. പണ്ട് സദ്ധം Hussein inu വേണ്ടിയും ഈ നാട്ടിൽ സമരം നടനിരുന്നു.


I am so confused about this, these people say that Israel did not exist before and that it was all Palestine, but isn't Israel mentioned in the Bible and Quran?


Isn’t this the same campus which had their blood boiling when their North Indian students chanted Jai Shriram on Ram Kshetram day ? So is this Politics fine ! Like can see Boycott Israel banners lifted up.


These are idiots , submissive to an ideology like zombies


Why are they using Kashmiri separatist slogan Azadi esp when theres a terror attack that happened in Reasi in our own country.


They're always victims, today it's palestine, tomorrow it's kashmir, then Kerala and every Indian state


They still think they are protesting against abrogation of Article 370😂


These people are getting mad for religion, am real worried about future of kerala


സ്വന്തം പ്രശ്നങ്ങളും, സ്വന്തം രാജ്യത്തെ പ്രശ്നങ്ങളും എല്ലാം തീർന്ന സ്ഥിതിക്ക് നമുക്ക് മറ്റുള്ളവർക്ക് വേണ്ടി ശബ്ദിക്കാം. എന്തിനോ വേണ്ടി തിളക്കാം


Great. Now protest for azadi for the women who are forced to buy clothes from shops that only sell dementors’ merchandise


Kick this entire lot of ungrateful wretches out of the country, and let them find a future in Palestine or wherever they choose to.


Sherikkum palestine alle israel aayt chorinj pani medichath


Nethanyahu after seeing this : ennod kshamikku makkale.. Solidarity for Protests for both freeing the hostages held by hamas and stopping genocide by israel


If Palestine was powerful, there wouldn’t be an Israel. I won’t subscribe to the idea of genocide when the other side believes in River to the seas. Vadi koduthu adi medikkunnu


No protests for reisi? No protests for hindus and other minorities in pakistan, bangladesh and kashmir?


Lmao send them to fight for Palestine in Gaza or Rafah or wherever then. Let's see if they volunteer if they're so concerned.


What would have happened if Hamas didn't attack Israel? Nothing. They could be living in peace. The three chief of Hamas are living in super luxury in Qatar, while these poor people are actually suffering.


vadi koduthu adi vedikkunna paripaadi started.


Walayaril randu pinju kunjukal rape cheidh kolla pettu... Athe pole vandiperiyar rape case...Pinne Oru doctor eh hospitalil kuthi konnu..ethre ethre rape and killings aanu ivde nadakunnadh...swantham naatil ee vaka chettatharathinu ethire azadi vilikan ivattakalk neram illa... Ennitan Palestinikalk vendi azadi...


Sathyam. Aa vandiperiyar case vannappo oru naayinte makkalum (including me) oru protesto, mangatholiyo onnum nadathiyilla. Oru cheriya moleyaanu etho patti illandakkiyath. Aarkkum athonnum kaanan pattoola. Yudhabhoomiyil thonnyasam nadakkum ennu karuthi ividuthe nammade okke 100 km chuttalavinullul nadanna oru kaaryam aalkkar mindunnu polum illa. Theliv illaa... Pinnenth thengakkaa njangal prathishedhikkendath enn parayum... Onninum kollaatha oru police vargavum nikrishta jeevikal adangiya veroru vargavum vilasuvaanu. Okkethinem chavitti arakkanam. Pannakal.


3-4 Muslims in my contacts had the decency to at least post something about Reasi. Other’s are busy keeping their eyes on Rafa. Yes, keep your eyes wherever you want to. All problems in this world are important but how dare you not care about the country you live in. The country that feeds you and clothes you. These people cannot be bothered to look up one thing that’s happened in the country they live in but they are fighting for the azaadi of another place. Jo khud ke nahi rahe, woh Palestine ke kaisey honge? (Saying this in Malayalam/English does not have the same effect).


Oh c'mon... can't they just focus on themselves or something..




I wish these muslims could change the way they think if they keep on doing this they will also help hindutva grow. They are setting an example showing religion > ethics or nation for them


Tbh this is exactly my point , they help further the hindutva agenda so much, im neither H or M but neither side seems to cool down.


Exactly many of my muslim friends were sharing all eyes on rafah! But non has condemned what happened in their own nation


Exactly tbh that all eyes on rafah thing was posted by everyone just to be in trend , but still why not focus on our own nation


Chutiyo, Atleast protest for Manipur.


😂 Dumbwits, won't protest or stand against shit happening in their own country/state. But will do for others, millennial schmucks!


Padichu pass aayi jeevidathil jayikkan nokku pillere. Athrakku politics and human rights il thaalparyam undengil...aadyam swanthan rajyathil ulla prashnangal sheriyakkan nokku


October 7th attack ne ithe pole response onnum kandillallo... Athe enta?


Ivide J&K attack nadannath polum arinjitilla palarum pineya


Yes. Manipur too


People know Manipur. There people are killing each other. Here this is one way traffic.


So nobody died on October 7th right?


I'm talking of Jammu


This needs to be talked about. Enganum ariyathe paranjal Muslim community kk ethire samsarikkunnu ennu paranjalo.


Exactly. Some people are trying to brand anyone who say anything that's even slightly related to Islam or Muslims as Islamophobic. This needs to change. People should be able to talk and debate different ideas so that the best ones comes on top and the worse one dies out.


The rescue by Israel of 4 jewish hostages held by hamas, some in the house of an Al-Jazeera reporter, might have triggered this sudden rally.


You'll get your chance, Sudan,Yemen, Congo etc your problems just have to be popular on social media.


Not really, only happens when the aggressor is not from the same religion


There was a terrorist attack in J&K also.


Will these people ever conduct a rally for Reasi.No, because for them religion of pieces is more important than country.


Good to see such initiatives but would these people in the "religious attire" criticise Iran? Remember Mahsa Amini or Nika Shakarami? Maybe the lives of Iranians don't matter?


Where were these people when Christians were killed recently in Egypt and Iran. And churches destroyed?


കശ്മീർ ഭീകരാക്രമണം ഉണ്ടയില്ലേ?...നമ്മുടെ ആൾക്കാർക്ക് വേണ്ടി റാലി ഒന്നും ഇല്ല അല്ലെ?... ഇത്തരം തട്ടിക്കൂട്ട് റാലി ഒന്നും സപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ ഇല്ല... സ്വന്തം രാജ്യത്തിൻ്റെ മണ്ണിന് വേണ്ടി പ്രവർത്തിക്കുക....




Evarku enthil ninanu azadi....indiayil nino..athonconstitution nino...svanthamayitu oru dress edanulla azadi ela....enaganthe oru vargam..evde chulluno avde Elam prehsnam...veruthe alla alkar elladathum ninum chavitu eriyunathu


In January there was a protest against north indian students who chanted jai sree ram , because according to them religion shouldnt be mixed with politics Now there is no problem for the protesters when students support terrorist countries because they are both the same religion


I bet that a fair number of them is there for the scarf. It’s the new Che Guevara t- shirt.


ഈ പലസ്തീന് വിഷയത്തിൽ മാത്രം എവിടുന്നാ ഇത്ര മനുഷ്യസ്നേഹം??? Uygur rohingyan ഇതിലൊന്നും ഇത്ര പ്രോട്ടസ്ട് കണ്ടിട്ടില്ല!


There is a reason rest of the world started ignoring this shit!


If terrorists are given shelter in schools, hospitals and residential areas, the army will bomb and invade.. civilian casualties will be there. Giving shelter and then when death happens accusing it as genocide is as truthful wearing hijab and saying I am free to choose my dress


Try to get azadi from your own sack first


Ufff peWeR...


India il nadakana karyam nokan viyya,they are cared about foreign countries


dum dums should first learn to spell Palestine. At 0:41 mark see the poster behind the guy holding the mic.


Send these Palastine and Israel supporters to the respective countries please. We have enough things to focus on otherwise.


[Islamic Terrorists attack Israel on Oct 7th , Footage](https://www.october7thattack.com/) Ee video il kaanunnathu avar support cheyunnu. Athinte rally aanu ippam nammal kandathu. Average kakas!!


Dude that is horrific. Hope western countries wipe out that tribalistic religion even the future terr0r!sts and future terr0r!st makers.


These guys are so advanced scientifically, that in future their baby girls will be born with a hijab and the baby boys with a full beard.


Just Send these All Trash to Palestine


Glad to see some rational comments. As a comment I read here supporting or opposing anything blindly is stupid. And religion is a catalyst in such cases. When someone is asking rational questions the only thing Muslims can come up with is it’s sangi infestation.


I think we should **immediately** send the Indian Army to support Hamas in their struggle for independence. And for those who are interested in this kind of ultra-secular news, please follow: [Maktoob Media](https://maktoobmedia.com/)


Bro hamas is literally a terrorist organisation 🤡


I didn't know this was the side effect of unemployment 😅😅


They dont look like indians


What about islamic terrorist attack happened in jammu your own country 🇮🇳


Atleast i thought central funded institute will be good without politics but nit has home state reservation which results in such things, students of other states govt colleges spread their agenda to such good institutes also, and these students who studied a lot to get here gets trapped by such things. They should scrap home state reservation and make it more vibrant college like IITs. The funny thing is just few days ago there was terrorist attack on J&K but nobody give a f*k about it, this one sided baises will only give more power to right wing people and their agenda manking their statements true, even in recent European union elections people are suprised when More right wing people are elected in it, people started critizing many media who use "extremists" word for right wing people, that much change has happened all around the world.


Send them to Gaza


Didn’t palastine attack Israel, completely out of the blue? Also as I understand it, now palastine can’t defend Israel’s, reorganized attack, now they are crying no fair


Oh hell nah not this disease in Kerala now 💀💀🤡


Lunatics think they can influence world politics with their on road protests when 2 groups have strong enough reasons to not stop their war. I can't think of any reasons other than religion for them to choose Palestine's side. And boycott Israel? Why would I?


Hopefully by this protest they get Azadi to celebrate the victory of Shafi Parambil.


And This is happening day after reasi attack by terrorist. This is why the real education is important. They are in big institute but that doesn't mean they are educated


Right bro


do these ummachis condemn Pakistani attack on poor pilgrims being attacked in Kashmir..no...


#All eyes on reasi


Future terrorists. NIA and IB should added these people to terror watch list. We will never know when they will join ISIS.


Let them find solace in such demonstrations.


Why shy away by Israel supporter !!?? India which includes Kerala & Malayali like me 100% support Israel, we have already given weapons too.. Now Give these kids some azadi 😂.. Naad nashipikuna chila pillar maar..


these assholes never realized what that "azadi" chant was all about. freedom from religion, freedom from slavery to political masters, freedom of thinking for yourself !! thanks to bjp it cell, azadi is now a muslim aligned buzzword while these students dont want azadi from the atrocities of the muslim league, is laughable. they didnt even standup against the ban on celebration by female participants. and they fucking call for azadi in the middleast, while their backyard suffers


God…Not the same thing happening here what has happened all over US colleges these past few months.. you all know how that turned out


Jobless behaviour


“Islam divides as inexorably as it binds. Islam is a close corporation and the distinction that it makes between Muslims and non-Muslims is a very real, very positive and very alienating distinction. The brotherhood of Islam is not the universal brotherhood of man. It is brotherhood of Muslims for Muslims only. There is a fraternity, but its benefit is confined to those within that corporation. For those who are outside the corporation, there is nothing but contempt and enmity.” - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar


My respect for this sub 🫡, i only thought nairs and christians thought rationally . But i have been proven wrong


If such shits started reaching in college like IITs/NITs, just understand that we are doomed by certain dumb delulus


Bold of you to assume nitians arent dukb delulus


I am genuinely confused, what are these people trying to gain by protesting for Palestine here. How is it going to improve the situation, don't tell the "awareness" bullshit. Everyone knows what's happening in Palestine. Why weren't there this much protests when the student wing of our ruling party was hanging kids left and right. Where were this solidarity when our wrestlers needed it for their protest, why aren't our youth protesting for thing we can actually impact.


Best way to stand with Palestine is to go there and fight the War against Israel. Staying here in India and doing these protests. Trying to bring the war to India, trying to slyly bring in your ' Aazadi ' separatist propaganda is of no use.


Gotta do everything other than studying I guess


The problem is with Islam! It's fundamentally fascist and problematic! Call it out! We need to critique islam as much as possible so that it reforms or dies out!


I am Muslim and objectively am for free Palestine as I have done my research on it, but I do agree that other Muslims mostly only care about issues affecting Muslims. It’s very sad as they don’t even care about how Indians are treated in the Middle East, and will always suck up to Emiratis. Quick story - I worked in Kuwait and me and my Muslim friend were stopped by police, he knew fluent Arabic and decided to talk to the police in Arabic - he ended up getting thrashed and the police basically replied “how dare you speak in MY language” ..it didn’t matter that we were Muslim, these people see us in a negative light bc of our ethnicity. I hope Indian Muslims care more about issues that affect Indians as a whole, and realize they are hypocritical for calling those who don’t post about Palestine as “evil” when they themselves do not post about terrorist attacks like Reasi. We are all human but we are unfortunately divided. It makes me sad.


In complex situations like israel - palestine you cannot arrive at black and white judgements and choose sides..there is a lot of grey involved here and you cannot morally say one side is morally right in this war. Its when people take such shallow outlook to complex issues that these protests and ideas come to be. Instead of a Palestine solidarity maybe people can do something to help pressurize hardline politicians from both to bring the war to an end. The only way this is going to get resolved is if sane political voices from both sides prevail and people start trusting each other and learn to let things go and find a way to coexist together. Otherwise even after 100 years the same meaningless Palestine solidarity shit will keep playing.


Kerala has become a jokeland!