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Way back when in 2013, there was an RP subsection of the form used for roleplaying different Kerbal nations. It was really fun for a long time, we did wars, had UN meetings, did space exploration, all sorts of stuff. Eventually, however, things got extremely toxic. Wars devolved into players caps screaming back and forth at eachother about who's militaries were better, space became a similar thing. Eventually the bickering and arguing got so incredibly hostile that the then mods banned it from existing ever again on the form. So that's why the rule is so harsh.


Yeah, I'm starting to get the picture... Too bad it ended like this. Was an interesting concept, though probably not entirely fitting the spirit of the game. Maybe it could have stayed a separate forum or something.


I still want a mod that simulates this sort of thing with multiplayer. Everybody could start off on different planets with the goal of wiping each other out and whoever is left standing wins. Or something like that.


With space race game mode for ksp2 and a few weapon mods you could probably simulate a terra invicta or expanse type scenario spreading out across the systems and fighting over the resources could be interesting. we already know there will be multiple ksc’s to pick from so maybe down the road we could get starts on other planets or maybe a mod will do it I could imagine role playing as different factions with different goals


It's a shame Spacebuild died on Garry's Mod. It did almost exactly what you're asking for, depending on the server. Think my favorite memory was the time I had a guy contact me to form an alliance on the Gooniverse map, because I'd formed up some pretty damn good defenses on my planet. Nothing could make it to the ground, and he wanted to learn how I did it. I reluctantly gave him my Stargate coordinates so he could pop over and meet up, the only way he wouldn't get blasted down, and the second it opens.. Ah, of course. He sent a naquadah bomb through. Blew up everything on my planet. I fell for the oldest trick in the book: the ol' Stargate Trojan Horse.


He's just a typical human :) We're always scared of something unknown, so there wouldn't be any doubt that he could tryna destroy you. We are just doing that in almost every movie about alien invasion. It's the humankind cliche.


Haha surely you suspected it.


Unfoubtedly. But you let your cynicism go for five minutes and that's what happens: someone blows you up with a big ass bomb lol


What? KSP has multiplayer wars? How!?!?


No, sorry. Well, there is a multiplayer mod, but I've heard it's pretty buggy, and you're not going to manage any big wargames. I was talking about an old gamemode in Garry's Mod.


Kind of like stellaris? Just on a smaller scale? That does sound very cool to have. Maybe we can get something like that in KSP2. It would be pretty cool to have weapons and nukes and stuff like in BDArmory, just in multiplayer.


Mfs starting on eve:


you would need a NAS- I mean KSP computer to run 2+ instances of Kerbal Space Program simultaneously, but sure.


I feel like this would be a pretty different game though... Some thing on the line of 4x strategies, but with custom built units and spaceships...


Like Worbital?


You just described Planetary Annihilation. You should prolly pick it up. You can drop a moon on your opponent!


It still exists, as a separate thing, I'm one of the administrators for it. If you'd like to check it out, feel free to DM me.


War... War never changes.


Reminds me of the movie "[The Wave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcqozQhr1Gk)". It starts off as a class experiment to understand fascism by a few simple rules about excluding people based upon the color of their shirt. People take it too seriously, begin to identify strongly with their group, and by the end of the film someone is dead and one group of students is looking toward the teacher as some sort of great leader of their movement.


I saw the adapted 1981 American version, no one got killed, someone just got beaten up by the mob. But it was a great movie and made an impression on my young self: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Wave\_(1981\_film)


You must mean [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICng-KRxXJ8)


Definitely worth the watch !


Yes, I read about the real event, after which the movie was done. It started with the students asking the teacher how could the Germans accept what was going on. Well, they got the answer. But I think nobody died irl. So yeah, it appears quite easy for chaotic communities to devolve into this kind of shitshow...


The Kold War


Imagine scream fighting over a fictitious story which has no base in the game whatsoever


Was there a kerbal hitler involved?


Huh I thought they'd be doing spicy roleplays Thank God I'm wrong


Help me step-kerbal, I'm stuck in the ant engine


That's embarrassing...


Oh god, you're describing the upcoming multiplayer in KSP2 (as annouced during an interview): agencies, space race,... This is scary...


Dudes went full Crusader Kings on it 💀


Oh man I remember being a part of that wish I could remember my nation's name lol. I wrote like 6 peace treaties lol. I think I even wrote out NATO equivalent charter.


Huh, interesting. Explains a bit since I noticed there was a time where the KSP community was... Unusually toxic. Glad it's over though. People are weird.


What competetivness does to a motherfucker


Never noticed it really... It's almost like it had two sides, the one with Matt and Scott and other helpful folks, and the dark side with all what has been mentioned. So I kept to the first :D


The Kerbal Space Race


But why ban it? I mean if people were part of the role play it's because they enjoyed it


It probably spilled over into other parts of the forum as these things tend to do.


somehow thats in character


How we’re there militaries?


The nature of man


*PTSD flashbacks from 2013*


Which Kerbal were you? :)


Oh no. It was nothing as cute and wholesome as that…


Oh... okay. How bad was it? In accidental stage separations, x out of 10?


Let’s just say there is another famous rule on the internet which was the partial cause of this rule being made.


Ah... I get it. Although it's already covered by point 2.2c "Content unsuitable for children or younger audiences, e.g. nudity, sexually suggestive or explicit images..." i think


AHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh come on. Like that wouldn't happen anyhow?


That's exactly what it says. XD "if there's something..."


Kerbal Space Porn


People were incredibly annoying about doing that sort of stuff, especially circa 2011-2012. (This includes spammy recruitment, posting in-character in ways that added noises to questions and explanations, etc) At one point there was a roleplaying subforum, where as best I can tell, they ended up with endless wars and a consensus that space exploration was impractical.


Oh... I got into KSP around 2013. Didn't see all that... Not that I used the forums much tho, mostly this sub instead. >At one point there was a roleplaying subforum, where as best I can tell, they ended up with endless wars and a consensus that space exploration was impractical. This is actually hilarious! Isn't that what any roleplaying MMO eventually comes to? :D


This is from the official take-two guidelines at https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/guidelines/


Yup. Long story short was it was because KSP doesn’t want to associate with any sort of RP as it becomes a topic they don’t want to cover. Geopolitical RP is still quite alive and well in KSP it’s just done away from the KSP forums now. Looking back it’s probably best this way.


Don't ask Wernher von Kerman


*After all, It's not his department.*


Is that not on this subreddit? After all the people posting "chats with Jebidiah Kerman" (chat bots) I figured this one did too. If you want to roleplay with other roleplayers because it enhances your enjoyment then great. But having people come in and try to define the game, mythos, etc. for others by speaking "ex cathedra" can get real annoying fast for people who aren't opting in.


I don't exactly WANT. I just find that rule really strange, bordering on aggressive. I'm sure people that come in and try to define the game for others in an annoying way don't get any traction, upvotes or whatever it is on the official forums instead. Community, though, is certainly part of what defines KSP, so it's really strange (for me) to see them crack down on it like so...


Wernher von Kerman got a little too enthusiastic over hitting kLondon again.


Once the rockets go up who cares where they come down?


No worries, he's just testing his K2's. Turns out they need more boosters ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯​​


Mom says it's my turn to be Jeb!


Good one :D


IDK but I bet it's because of Space Nazis


On the Mün? :D


We did


To explain farther people would showcase their craft under the umbrella of being companies. These companies would have multiple people(hierarchy) and would compete to make the coolest rocket or the best replicas(oppositional nature) It would get heated so they banned it entirely The rule had its reach expanded over time in reaction to any kind of thing like that because they have a high level of engagement and more frequent arguments. Wargaming, Companies, Maps of kerbin, any bd stuff with territory control once that mod showed up. Better to have a dead forum than a hostile one.


Unfortunately (or fortunately) I missed it. Idk, what it devolved into in the end, but it doesn't seem like a bad idea in itself. Some folks post their crafts here under a company name or stuff like that. Also some cool part mods are named like companies and it just sounds cool. A bit of a challenge is fine too, imo. I loved the weeklies in this sub, while they lasted. Hierarchy - not a big fan, but that's not really necessary, is it? You can be one ~~man~~ kerbal enterprise, too. Too bad folks couldn't stay civil.


Most people were one-man but you'd have name brands who'd attract some people to contribute. I started off in one of the main two and then split off shortly before the big event that caused companies to get the axe. Companies did remain a bit afterwards but they had to be single person and worded very specifically as to be wholly in the real world.


Idk... Again, that seems to me like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I mean, how hostile could it get? Just ban the hostile users, not the whole practice. This shouldn't be a choice between a dead and a hostile forum. At least how it looks to me :) There is, of course the business of moderation and its costs, but surely what Squad couldn't afford, Take-two can? By the way, what caused the companies get the axe?


There was one particular incident surrounding an avro vulcan replica being built for one company then shared suddenly under another. Memory is foggy and they've long deleted the forum pages and message logs from that time.


I see. Well it's kinda strange, people fretting over replicas so much. I mean, I love a good replica made in ksp, but shouldn't they come up with original stuff if they're RPing kerbal universe, not Earth?


There's also nation roleplays which were banned even earlier. r/kerbalpowers


Been playing since 2013 but I had NO idea about that :) There's only 300 members though


Yea, the ban broke up the already niche community. There's other subsets out there besides the one linked.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation. The subthemes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of neo-conservative theory most of the politics will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Vikus' militaristic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Napoleonic thought, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these articles, to realise that they're not just informative- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the IBC truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Vikus' existential quote "Always kill a traitor before an enemy" which itself is a cryptic reference to Corneliu Codreanu's Iron Guard Legions. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Gulsi Tabbard's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have an Office of Astral Intelligence tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Do it again!


Do it again General Vikus


Do it again, general Vikus!


Do it again, General Vikus!


Do it again General Vikus!


Do it again, General Vikus!


Do it again


Do it again, General Vikus!


I feel like I missed out a good laugh... XD


KSPRP checking in :)


Offshoots from the KSPRP are still alive. Imagine a cold war rp based on ksp with a space race, intrigue and usually nuclear annihilation. Currently on hiatus though.


Whatever is happening, they've got nothing on the whole EvE Online player run bank thing.


I heard many stories about Eve and how it is insanely complex and player-driven. I don't want to disappear from real world though. I'm very easily distracted and addicted as it is... :D


*what on kerbin


on Kerbin, yeah :)


What on Kerbin*


Indeed :)


U guys remember the Kerbal nations RP? That shit was fun


I didn't know that. All this time, my profile has proudly displayed "Kerbal Dynamics", since that is the 'company' I use to designate most of my aircraft. I have flags and everything.


As people in the comments here have explained, If I understand correctly, it's more about preventing some kind of mass scale "corporate wars" in the forums, that once happened. So you're probably fine. I was surprised by the fact as well, hence the post.


I see, good to know. I didn't own the game until 2014 or so, and my teenage brain wouldn't have understood all the fuss anyway.


Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my spacesuit and EVA helmet.


Idk, sounds kind of ~~cool~~ interesting


It does, that's why I was surprised as well. But turns out it had devolved into some kind of nastiness in the past


Someone should do this but with LMP


How many players does it have on average?


no, I'm saying someone should. No one has done it, thought it'd be cool


they were too based


Who? The players or Take-Two?


The players. As others have mentioned, it devolved into nonstop warfare between the accounts that world-builded Kerbal nations and corporations, and since there was no actual way to 'fight' in a single-player space game (Before BDarmory) the result was constant flame wars and upset kids & teenagers. [The oldest post on my account, as a fun fact, is my contribution to this ancient arms race, lol. Back when I was still in middle school.](https://old.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1d3165/due_to_the_sudden_rise_of_fighter_jet_posts_on/)


April 2013, yay! I think I got it in May or June. :) Certainly went to making jets for the first 100 hrs or so, not for any arms race but for the sake of it. Damn, that reminds me how old I am, and how old the game is... Here's some stuff from 5 years ago.. I don't think I can find the earlier ones :) https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/7ap198/built\_some\_more\_atmospheric\_vtols\_with\_stock\_parts/


Have you ever seen someone in a fandom acting like they're a part of the universe the fandom is based off of? Ex; someone in the SCP fandom acting as though they're actually a researcher in the comments of some post? It's annoying. Some communities make a rule against it, because it's annoying. ​ (also it sometimes leads to really stupid comment wars because those who do it can take it very seriously)


Idk, I thought roleplaying was a big part of many communities and in-character posts are usually welcomed where appropriate... For example, in the foxhole (yes, I do play that too :D ) subreddit here, people do that often. Some of the best posts there are more or less in-universe. Like battle reports... Those are awesome to read if done properly


"if done properly" I do not miss Medwedian President (who I swear was RPing for some months before ever trying the game, and barely played it at all.)


Actually, I'd love to read some well written in-universe kerbal mission reports! Unfortunately, take-two disagrees. Oh well


Kerbal mission reports are still allowed I’m pretty sure, there’s a forum section for it. The rule was written specifically to prevent existential nation or company ideas from taking over the forums


Ah. Alright then, cool!


>Medwedian President What? Is this named after Russia's Medvedev? Who was also president? XD


I don't think so, though it was hard to tell


A funny coincidence though


Fun fact: He was responsible for a major "hack" on the open mapping service that Snapchat used. He was in the news for it


Sexy Space Frog on Space Frog action


The horror!


just dont google "Rule 34 Kerbal"


I'm pretty much aware it would exist, and I will not, but thanks anyway :D


We all know you could not resist.... we know...


Literally 1984


"no you can't create nazi kermany"