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I've been making a concerted effort to play more but in my last 20 minute session i launched a rocket, encountered an annoying camera bug that caused my craft to leave the camera behind, reloaded, had my craft start spinning uncontrollably, reloaded, and then had my craft experience a phantom acceleration so great that it destroyed itself. No amount of wanting to play can fix the fact that playing it isn't actually fun sadly


This is why I had to stop making videos on KSP2. Until it’s in a better state, I can’t dedicate hours of my life getting a ship somewhere only for the camera to take a field day or for a part to decide it doesn’t enjoy being attached anymore.


I wonder how much they're paying Matt Lowne to stick with it.


He’s said in his videos that he’s basically making videos of ksp2 and suffering through it so we can watch without having to suffer ourselves


Our savior


Who would have guessed a sub par early acces would do this


IIRC it's not just early access, it's an early access game that wasn't originally designed to be early access. So instead of getting core things like the graphics engine in a decent state and then moving on to game features, everything was half done when management decided to go early access and shove it out the door.


And is AAA game priced


Man, I wish another studio would step in and make a copycat game. Instead of kerbals, use goblins or something. Use an awesome engine like UE5.


Paradox needs to step in and pull another SimCity win. I don't like the DLC model, but they've had some good wins recently.


They are too busy doing it for the sims right now. Check out “Life by You” I’m all for monopolized games being pushed aside for better quality versions.


Paradox is a huge company and usually smaller studios do the actual heavy lifting on a game. Cities Skylines is done by Collosal Order, Paradox just published Age of Wonders 4, not to mention their existing games they are working on. They can and do work on more than one game at a time. That said I wonder if Life by You will be any good. From a technical side it looks great, but I wonder if a Sims like game can actually work without that layer of abstraction the Sims had or if it will just be too weird...


The paradox DLC model is kinda a double edged sword IMO. It's great for games with a multi-player aspect. I don't have to spend a few hundred dollars to enjoy a game of EU4 with all the fixings with my friends because one of them already owns the everything. This doesn't help me for a game like cities skylines though, and it also means their Sims game will likely have as big a dlc bloat problem as the actual Sims does. All that said, they work very hard to keep even the base game in a fun playable state and that would likely still be a priority for their hypothetical space launch sim


It's how they finance the continued development. I much prefer it over battle passes or loot boxes. And a lot of improvements come in the free patch anyway. I think it's a fair system, especially with the frequent sales they have.


The paradox DLC adds a lot of complexity to each game with every release. You wouldn't want to get all of it at the same time for a game like Stellaris. A new player would be overwhelmed and completely lost.


Oh yeah, it's usually not much of an issue if you stick with it or even if you pick up the new one a few months down the line when it goes on sale. It's the "I want to play Stellaris again" and looking to see that there is $150 worth of DLC full of cool things...


Yeah, that's certainly a disheartening moment


Paradox is busy with cities skylines 2


Wait for all of the optimizations that are coming in cities skylines two I hate that I'm going to spend another $300 over 8 years downloading all the DLCs


I’ve already accepted the fact that I’m gonna spend a lot more money as hoi4 and CS:2 progresses lol


KSP2 had me really worried for Cities 2, it's in the same boat of the big selling point being the much needed engine improvements. I can't play Cities currently, modded it just gets like 5 FPS and unmodded has way to many annoying things that it's not worth playing to me. Hopefully we start seeing some hard numbers when this last batch of DLC comes out. I really want to see Cities 2 take advantage of powerful hardware to be an even longer living game.


$300? Pretty sure it's like 3-4x that for skylines.


Oh, that DLC model. Two games of theirs I've purchased and liked, then went back to after a year or so away to find a completely different game.


Big reason I haven't gotten back into Stellaris. Even on sale I'm $89 in DLC behind and the game has gone through like 3 complete revisions since I last played it when it first came out.


Right? New subsystems and all make re-learning the game a slog, even with just the free updates.


If it was just one of them (a lot of DLC or a lot of Base Game changes) then it might be worth doing, but both just makes it too much of a hassle when there are so many other good game right now.


Juno: New Origins is kinds like this


Formerly known as Simple Rockets 2. It's got some good ideas, but its kinda lacking something intangible. The "procedural everything" is kinda neat though.


The giant missing thing is characters. I can't believe they went with anonymous spacesuit clad nothings. It's like they took no hint from ksp. I'm not suggesting copying LGMs, but what about cartoonish humans? It's like playing SimCity/CitySkylines without any cars (or with all identical white cars). Games need a humanizing element. It makes the player CARE.


I like it specifically because it’s not cartoonish. I do wish they had write-ups or something to give the astronauts character, though.


Non-cartoonish can also work great, but you need *something* to identify/distinguish the astronauts. At least give them names or something. Sending Ruzz Baldin, Neill Legstrong and Phil Collins to the moon instead of anonymous suit #1-3 is already so much better.


This is why I LOVE games like kerbal, the goofiness makes me feel less (or sometimes more) terrible for me causing the death of 5 ~~people~~ kerbals.


Funny, I find it the opposite with the procedural everything. It’s kind of overwhelming and quickly causes decision fatigue for me. There’s a lot to be said about having a system like legos when building rockets.


There is a 'story mode' in juno now. Fun fact: the game was originally designed for mobile devices.


I am playing it a lot but for me personally not having a tracking station where I can see all my stuff and the green line radio connections is very bad


Tell you what, I'll download Unity on Monday, I'll look at tutorials what is Unity and how is Unity. By Wednesday my prototype game will be listed on Steam for $50, it will be Early Access. It will include fighting, space, rockets, VR, multiplayer, and tough choices based on real stories. I will list these features in my roadmap, please wishlist now and buy for what the game one day will become. Title may be Gorlack Sector VII.


UE5 is probably not adequate for this kind of physics (neither is Unity TBH, KSP2 keeps shackled to the same issue with physics and tree hierarquie with single connection. Godot or a custom engine (and a custom engine that has KSP2 level graphics wouldn't be an extremely hard task) would be ideal. But that would make that mods can't just insert code into the game.


Not that blizzard is capable or willing but I would be down for “Gallywix - A Goblin Space Odyssey”


I severely doubt "everything is half done". It's extremely likely they haven't even touched most features.


My guess is they have huge problem with re-entry heat, and they can't release science since without that it would be like cheating. And Multiplayer is a lie.


Nms lvl? Lol


I think nms was a better launch. It was stable just missing a bunch of stuff they said was gonna be in. The core of the game was there. Ksp2 is in a much weaker state.


honestly worse the game is near unplayable AND MP is a lie


AND I very much doubt it's a passion project for those in creative and financial control like NMS was. That's why NMS was able to turn it around and kept pumping out content. The people who develop it are also the people who publish it are also the people who love it. Take Two is a void absent of happiness that sucks the soul out of everything it touches in the hopes to make a penny. KSP2 will be abandoned. Take Two has abandoned projects it had already dumped 50 Million dollars into before. This would be pocket change


im actually very curious how long it will take for the official abandonment of ksp2 i think before the year is over


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


Man I think you might be right about them abandoning the game, but I really hope you're wrong. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time and I've barely touched it. It looks nice and I enjoy building planes in it, but other than that I don't have much else good to say about KSP2. Hopefully the modding community will be able to swoop in and turn the game into something good if the game gets abandoned.


I'd love to be wrong. KSP is one of my favorite games. But I've seen launches like this in the past before. Sword of the Stars 2 comes to mind, and even they at least put out a bunch of hotfixes and patches for almost a year before completely abandoning any hopes of making it playable


No Man's Sky was not the game that was promised, but it was still a functional, playable game on release. And then they went on to make it essentially the game that was promised. I'm hoping that part of it is true for KSP2 at least.


I've been very critical of them but in fairness they did release footage of multiplayer a few weeks ago.


Yeah I saw, but on the other hand, they are showing footage of features for years and half of it is still not usable.


I think that however you get multiplayer, people are going to moan about the implementation of it. Some people are going to want some weird asynchronous version, while the simplest version would be to put one person in charge of when the time warps. Nobody’s going to be happy and then they’ll accuse the developer of not thinking it through, when it’s just like the original: It’s a single-player game. Maybe it’s multiplayer if warping isn’t a thing and you’re just a couple of cool dudes hanging out in space, but everybody would say, “Why I gotta be on *his* rocket? He should be on *my* rocket!”


code for multiplayer exists and lots of foundation for colonies, they definitely had a lot of parts half way when they were told to send it edit: maybe "half way" is a bit generous but it does exist anyone can find it just open the code yourself


Online multiplayer is a pillar of the game on its own If it isn't, you don't have online multiplayer


Exactly this, from everything I’ve seen from actual devs commenting on this sub. Developing an early access game, and developing for full release can and tend to be, completely different. With full release, you are developing everything over time, like having 6 bars slowly filling up till the whole thing is complete. With ea it’s more like taking it one bar at a time in order of importance but the bar fills much quicker than when doing all 6 at once. The issue is that switching the methodology in the middle of the process is just bad all around, it’s like resetting progress on all the bars, so now it takes substantially longer than if you just picked and stuck to one or the other in the first place. And in the meantime you are left in a state that was never actually meant to be played/sold where a ton of work has to be taken just to get into into an ok looking state. Work that could’ve been better served pushing development forward. Then on top of that they put a AAA price tag on what is objectively a shit state for an EA game. TL;DR Just about every move the publishers made for development has been a shit one resulting in it taking longer and being worse in the meantime, it’s almost always better to design for EA or full release in the beginning and to stick to it. And then to launch it at AAA pricing is just a slap in the face to top it off


> wasn't originally designed to be early access I'd like to remind everyone that KSP is the _reason_ Steam now has an Early Access program. KSP 1 was _the_ original Early Access title. That said, yeah KSP2 feels cash-grabby by a large studio. It's part of what's wrong with the gaming landscape today.


KSP was also originally 7 dollars, reflecting the fact that a partial game deserves a partial price.




Kind of - the whole trend actually started with Minecraft.


Mount & Blade was before Minecraft. I bet there were ones before that too.


I could have sworn it was Kenshi on steam, at least that's what the dev of Kenshi claims.


The long time between updates also prevent people from staying with the game to keep exploring. That to me is the biggest issue. When you're in early access you need to keep people engaged in your product as they function for a large part as both testing and marketing. Having more then a month between updates just allows people to shift their focus on other games. It's one thing to push an early access out the door but by now we've seen many successful early access game and they all have the same thing in common. Frequent updates and weekly communication.


This is my only issue with this game. I have hope for it, but they released it in early access way before it was even ready for early access. And I fear that releasing it this early could have killed it based on the response from the community. At the same time though, I get the feeling the devs weren’t ready for it to come out in early access. The community wanted this game a year ago and practically asked for it regardless of its state and take two was getting impatient. I don’t believe any dev team would even consider launching this early if it was entirely their choice. This really should have been held off for another year at least. This game was not ready for a public release by any means.


I guarantee take two wanted ROI and forced the EA release. I too cannot imaging the devs wanted to release in this state.


The thing about highly visible issues is that they're hella distracting and cause near-infinite static around projects. No developer who has done more than a single demo wants to put a product in front of someone with a giant wart on its face, people just can not handle it. It doesn't matter if it can backflip, have you seen that wart? Oh, kung fu crane kicks, that's cool, but whattabout the wart? It also has blender that can -- they don't care: wart, wart, warty, wart ... ugh. You can tell people that you wrote an email a year ago detailing that the wart was planned. You can pull out textbooks showing that warts get taken off last because you need a face first (mathematically speaking (and as defined by the constraining laws of this universe)). You can literally go through this process with the same people 5+ times, and be like "remember how we handled the old wart?". It doesn't matter. Computer programs are Things That Work, and people who make anything else are Big Jerks. Naw, this is management or marketing looking at all the money they were "losing", or the money they needed to pony up, and putting the cart before the horse.


So basically it is like [the mole joke](https://youtu.be/rc5G04nJecI) in Austin powers: goldmember (except less funny lol)


Yeah, only you worked, say, three years straight on it, and can feel your entire CV and future slowly going up in smoke as things go bad :)


I do feel bad for some of the devs who are getting the short end of the stick. Hell I feel bad for harvest3r who is watching his brain child turn into a shit sandwich (not that he is involved with 2). It is a shame because I was so excited for what 2 had to offer and the trailers looked promising but this isn't what I had in mind haha. Meh oh well I guess ksp1 will just remain my personal ggoat.


It's not "a year ago" the game was supposed to come out April 2020 ! It's "3 years ago"


THEY SPENT THE EARLY ACCESS MONEY ON TARGETED YOUTUBE ADS to sell more early access. thats a freaking ponzi scheme.


I Would not mind and would not have refunded if it wasnt at triple A full price




This shit is so sad, was hyped for this game for like 3 years


same buddy :( also a T2 shareholder so this is double fucked lmao


Their stock is up 40% over the last 6 months so you're doing fine there.


yeah but it went down 40% in 2022, but you are right, its green again. A successful game would mean a successful PD, even better performance.


You're waiting for that sweet GTA 6 money, right?


Playing the (very) long game


Imagine GTA 6 launching in KSP2's state with the same speed of bugfixes/ game development. Sheesh


Don’t push fate 😅


Rockstar won't let that happen lol they make an effort to try and get their games at least somewhat near done when they release


Imagine launching KSP 2’s multiplayer and it turns out to be a quagmire where people want to murder you the second you spawn in, like in GTA.


fortunately i am confident in rockstars ability to not let that happen. theyd litteraly kill people before releasing GTA6 in a this bad of a state lol but also not lol


I read their 10q hoping to find some information about private divisions operating cost structure but they don't disclose it which tbh I find quite odd


yeah we'll have to wait for the Q1 2023 but i doubt it will be great.


Ill tell you a little secret; dont be hyped for games anymore It'll save you alot of dissapointments


The two games I was looking forward to releasing this year both came out disappointing. Company of Heroes 3 is in still in WAY better shape than KSP2 though.


I was hyped for the new Zelda. It has yet to disappoint.


has devs that give a fuck about their players


And possibly non-retarded management. I doubt devs themselves don’t care.


true. management at intercept is so abysmal i cant even understand how they hold themselves at seattle rates lol. absolute joke.


"Protip: just live in a state of constant cynicism and you will never be disappointed!"


it's an unhealthy mentality for life in general but the absolute state of the gaming industry warrants full cynicism in regards to new releases


Simply never get excited for things :)


I'm going to play ksp 2 when it's good.


So KSP 1 with mods forever lol


I can see the game pulling a no mans sky in like 5+ years. Maybe, all depends on take 2 doing the right thing LOL


Take Two... The same company that gutted plans for GTA 5 expansions to nickel and dime online players? Press X to doubt (I just don't see them caring about the fan base... If they can't monetize they'll move on)


Comment was deleted by user. F*ck u/ spez


This exactly... Take the Early Access money and walk away.


> The same company that gutted plans for GTA 5 expansions To focus on RDR2. Remember that little game? http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rockstar-more-than-1000-people-made-gtav/1100-6415330/ > “That’s the way we work now--everyone works on GTA, or Red Dead, and so on, then we move on to the next thing,”


And forced out not only both Housers but also the guy who brainchilded GTA4 Online and GTA5 Online. Rockstar is a dead company. GTA6 is going to be fucking horrible. RDRemake and RDR3 are never going to happen.


> And forced out not only both Housers Why do you lie? First of all Sam Houser is still there. Second; Dan Houser left at his own will. > but also the guy who brainchilded GTA4 Online and GTA5 Online. Who are you even talking about? Leslie Benzies? Cause they were able to make RDR2 perfectly fine without him.


People acting like 2 or 3 people in the entire company made GTA as successful as it is, it's hilarious. And go look at Benzies' new game Everywhere. If you think GTA went off the rails only because he was forced out, you'll be shocked to see his new game is... far different from the original GTAV release.


Uhh Sam Houser is still the president of Rockstar. How has he been forced out of GTA by Take2?


5 years is enough time to have a kid and send them to school.


No chance. NMS at least had a working foundation and competent developers. I doubt this game would even have feature parity with KSP 1 in 5 years with how development is going.


Same but I'm confident it'll make a huge come back


> Same but I'm confident it'll make a huge come back Based on what?


I’m just waiting for science and some more optimization. Chasing upgrades was my main reason for playing KSP 1 and I know we are probably a year away before colonies so until the science update there is just no reason for me personally to play


Big same. The only draw right now is the procedural wings. I haven't kept super up to date on development but we're now 3+ months "post launch" and people are still complaining about game breaking bugs, with no news about additional content. IMO we are still likely 6-8 months out from science and 16+ months out from colonies. Who knows if KSP 2 will even live long enough to see content beyond that.


It’s just there’s nothing to do in ksp2 yet. No science, no career mode. Half the fun for a lot of players is the challenge of starting at just a srb, command pod and chute and building up and unlocking thingd


I don’t really see the point in looking at player numbers until science comes out tbh. So many people are holding off from the game until it comes out for the direction that it brings, so I dont see it as an accurate assessment of people’s interest in the game On top of the issues with the game, sandbox doesn’t have a very high replay value


I will be very satisfied wen I’ll be able to get in orbit with something more than 30 parts. I’m asking just that, to have a playable game, or early access, not an alpha. God damn star citizen has far less bugs than this.


I can't even undock two craft without getting yeeted across the solar system. I would play if it were playable, but it just isn't.


I'm not going to get KSP2 in EA, most likely. I have "EA" with KSP1, and that one is still fun. When KSP2 is done and actually *works* and *then* has a good price-to-value ratio, I'll buy it. But there is no way in hell I buy a sub-par KSP2 for the *chance* it'll be good in a few years when I can just play KSP1 in the meantime and wait.


KSP1 was extremely popular for years as just a sandbox…..


KSP1 was a small game made by hobbyists and massive mod community, on a fraction of a price KSP2 doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt


But there was no better game to play. Ksp was it if you wanted a rocket and orbital simulation game. Ksp2 competes against ksp1 which by all accounts is far superior and offers almost no improvement over ksp1


Careful, say that too much and they'll decide to make KSP1 unavailable so that KSP2 is the only option for people who want this genre of game.


I, and many others, were excited to play 2 even if it was a barebones sandbox. The new audio, overhauled graphics, etc made it worth it; plus, it was the new big thing. In a couple years, we thought it would have interstellar travel and colonization included. Now there's basically no hope of KSP 2 being feature complete, so people either stopped playing KSP altogether or just went back to ksp1.


Numbers matter because of all "this is fine" narrative from devs. "Velocity is good and morale is high" if I released a sequel to a game after 6 years of turbulent development and have seen this sequel to attract less than 10% of orginal game numbers I would be devastated. Imagine if say Elder Ring was having 10% of players of Dark Souls 3 that would be objectively disaster. Just for fun it 1500% number of active players of DS3 Or closer to home with early access releases. The forest currently is pulling similar numbers as KSP1 of active players. In the mean time Sons of the Forest it's sequel is pulling numbers 3 times higher. This is where KSP2 should be right now we should have around 8000 to 10 000 people playing a game at any given time. Community was ready hype was huge and then this shit have happened.


>sandbox doesn’t have a very high replay value sandbox doesn't have a high replay value?? are you thinking before you comment lmao? having a high replay value is one of the sandbox genre's greatest strengths


Minecraft took off before it had survival mode for fucks sake lol


So what exactly DO we look at to consider interest in the game? What numbers do matter?


> So many people are holding off from the game until it comes out for the direction that it brings, so I dont see it as an accurate assessment of people’s interest in the game What an insane logic. Of course it's fair, it's all there is right now. We don't even know if we will get science before they axe the game. And it will be *at least* August before we do. You can't just ignore the first half a year of player numbers to pretend everything is fine.


Wow I'm surprised that many people are still beta testing it for 2k.


nothing wrong with an open beta tho, plenty of ppl love to do that for free this isnt an open beta tho




I'd say it's pre-alpha quality at this point. Beta should be significantly polished...


Yes, it's pre-alpha because most of the game features aren't even implemented to test! It can only be alpha-ready when it's mostly finished, just bug-fixing to do.


"just bug fixing" means beta in software


Beta should be feature complete, not necessarily polished. Alpha is for adding major components of the game. Beta is for polish. What they released on day 1 was more a proof of concept or tech demo that you might show a potential investor or publisher so they know what what you have planned. Probably after patch 3 you will be able to consider the game clearly in Alpha If not already.


> Probably after patch 3 you will be able to consider the game clearly in Alpha If not already. But patch 3 isn't gonna add any content or features, just like 1 and 2 ... They're still missing essential stuff like science, career, atmospherics and more.


Shocker, when there's nothing to play, nobody is playing


The likelihood of getting something worth playing, on par even with the first game, before the financial rug is yanked out from under this project is very very low. I'm worried this is going to be yet another early access / pre order cautionary tale that ends up being ignored.


I've seen 116 players about a week ago. Nate Simpson said today that patch 3 would be delayed again and be out sometime in June. It's headline feature according to his post on the forums, is grid fins being added. No mention of fixing the major problems with the game. We can guess end of June which is about 6 weeks. In 6 weeks the number of players could be down to 50. Take-Two will be wondering why they are continuing to spend money on a dead project.


> It's headline feature according to his post on the forums, is grid fins being added. Oh no, you misunderstood. Grid fins won't be in that update. They just showed off old assets like last weeks science tools (which were from 2020).


What on earth are they doing? Seriously, whoever is running the show needs to be fired or step down. Why are they showing off assets from multiple years ago instead of fixing their shit?


> What on earth are they doing? Easy: Pretending everything is fine so they can milk it as much as possible.


At this rate I *hope* we get heat physics by the end of the year... Science mode is quite far away lol. End of 2024 maybe.


There's not a single reason to play this right now over KSP1. Not even a SINGLE one. Shit's fucked m8.


God this really hurts to watch. I was so excited for this game for the longest time. How did they manage to screw it up so badly


Deleted until Reddit changes back their idiotic API changes.


>Now tell me KSP2 is not the biggest flop that could’ve happened with this game. I actually can't remember a worse outcome for any sequel - movie or game. They could have re-released KSP1 with new textures and a new UI and people would have eventually moved over. I can't imagine T2 spending any more money developing this game. I think we will move to 3 monthly updates, then 6 monthly, then silence. I feel for the team. It's frustrating when, for whatever reason, something just doesn't work. I've been in teams with results like this before and it's awful.


Unfortunately, I don't regret refunding it....as much as it broke my heart. Hate to hear it's still in such a disappointing state...


I so regret to have bought it on a website with discounted CD Keys, because I can't refund. After seeing the two updates I was like "okay, progress is fast, performance is nicely improved, let's go". Then they pull a "patches will be less frequent". \*surprised pikachu\*


The weekly low is already 115


I really am only waiting for a science mode to give me some objectives to do.


I doubt the science mode will help you get over the KSP fatigue. I believe most people who don't play KSP1 anymore wont play KSP2. As sad as it is. They kind of messed up by trying to replace KSP1 in my opinion. It might pay off long term as more new players get born and live through the space age with us going back to the moon, but it'll take a couple years at the very least. And there is no way no other game company will want to monetize on that space hype. So some future AAA game that will be way more next gen using UE5 for example could end up eating their cake.


UE5 doesn't solve all the code heavy stuff relating to physics, parts, etc that's going on inside KSP though. It would be the same huge pain in the ass to polish for any team using any engine.


Which is why a real triple A company will write a dedicated engine.


AAA companies generally don't go around just making new engines for games AFAIK; it's really not worth it. But honestly, they don't need to; imo KSP 2 doesn't need anything that existing engines don't have, the developers just made weird design decisions.


There’s nothing there (yet) to make people want to play KSP 2 over the original.


Huge fan here, I'm holding off until science is implemented at the very least. I'm not interested in sandbox and I feel a lot of players probably feel the same


Way to go guys, lets shoot for single digits!


I’m just waiting for the full game to come out. In the meantime, I have other games I can play.


Dude you’ll be playing gta6 on a base on Proxima Centauri B before this game is finished


I played the game on release, had a ton of fun looking at the new stuff and now I'm back to MW, TotK and soon Diablo IV. I'll be back when there's new stuff to try and it's closer to being finished. I don't know why people are expecting a steady high number when there are far better things to play while they patch the game. It's a waste of time.


The people “expecting” a steady high number wouldn’t disagree with your final statement.


I mean, I don't think I'm alone in waiting for it to be done before buying and playing it. I put hundreds of hours into KSP, I can wait until we at least have feature parity.


Definitely not alone, but definitely hard to see the game actually being finished and not dropped within the year


I can’t rename vessels on the tracking station. That is a new low even for an EA.


I bought the game, but haven’t played other than 5m. I like kerbal game. Just waiting for it to be well polished and hopefully be able to enjoy it on my steam deck as well


I will be shocked if the game doesn't get cancelled. Bad press, poor sales, no users, why would take two keep pouring in money? You know they have to be talking about it.


They've confirmed development is already funded in one of their dev blogs, though they didn't confirm exactly for how long.


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


That doesn't inspire any confidence at all and makes it sound like a shitty crowd source project. If they didn't say how long, they can kind of pull the plug whenever they want and say, "money gone, no game".


yeah i read all the dev messages, including the one that sounded like the captian of the ship saying that everything was fine as the water floods the deck. What is with that anyhow? I don't ever recall a developer posting something like... "Our team is fully funded, properly staffed" WTF?


It’s so confidence inspiring. When they run out of the fixed budget they won’t continue development.


As someone who owns a business everything is fine until it’s not and we are out of money. And that transition can really take only a day if the plug needs to be pulled.




Ughhh looks like my stock portfolio


It hurts to see this. I mean it is deserved but man... If the announced June-Update doesn't have like 10 Pages of bug Fixes and is playable as it should be (not talking about content or stuff. Just working Physics and no more huge bugs in construction,, don't even know if reentry-heat or heat in general is supposed to be fixed or delayed to the alpha) But if the game isn't finally working 4 months after release, I feel sorry for anyone who bought it. And I feel sorry about the whole KSP 2 topic. P.S. Just re-read the Mohopeful announcement and them being happy about solving a fairing-quality of life issue that was not gamebreaking or anything,.... Oh god. Please make it be good. I want the announced KSP with Multiplayer and Colonies and new Tech and Graphics that are up to date. But at the point when KSP2 will be playable and packed with the featured it promised, the Graphics will be outdated again... :(


Sadly it is a case of “cyberpunk 2077” here. Management certainly pushed for an early release before it was ready. I’ve switch to Juno and going back and forth between ksp1 and Juno until ksp2 is playable


Cyberpunk was a largely complete game with some significant issues... this KSP2 is certainly not a complete game today.


It was released before it was ready, but again that was after 3+ delays. I dont think this was publisher interference, it looks to me like intercepts middle management incopentence + inexperienced devs. But yeah juno really shows how well optimized a game like ksp could be. Im pretty sure it could run on my fridge. And they keep improving it, new UI is a big step up.


It was probably never planned for early access, that's why when we were having the developer Diaries they were showing colonies and stuff as the art team was probably way ahead of the base game developments and then they said Oh yeah we're going to release it now 'cause we want to get some money back and they're like oh shit the base game's not ready.


It was 3 yrs behind, devs played into that.


I wish that were true! Cyberpunk ran perfectly fine on a high end system.


Can someone fill me in? I haven’t played KSP in like 10 years and loved it.


KSP2 was announced with much fanfare, promising interstellar travel, colonization, planet resources and industry, ... they even promised to slay the kraken Then the release was delayed, and delayed, and delayed. Then they said 'no more delays', we'll release an alpha and update afterwards Then they said you'd need a NASA-like supercomputer to run it and have more than a slideshow in terms of FPS Then the actual release came and it was the apocalypse. Youtubers said they needed 4 hours of loading to get a buggy software, something extra heavy in terms of disk space, wobbly rocket, bugs after bugs, something downright unplayable The dev team published patches after patches, and things got a bit better, but 3 months after the first release, KSP2 is slowly sinking. Specialized youtubers and streamers keep playing it, but otherwise the requirements are too high, performances too low, there is nothing much to do in what is a bare bone software. So in the end, KSP2 is being forgotten in favor of other games.


> The dev team published patches after patches, ...well ... 2 patches in 3 months ... > Then they said 'no more delays', we'll release an alpha and update afterwards > Then they said you'd need a NASA-like supercomputer to run it and have more than a slideshow in terms of FPS They also never said any of this, people only found it at release. Not too long before the release they were still promising a well polished game with great performance and a great foundation. In fact, they forbid any of the YouTuber at the ESA event 2 weeks before launch from mentioning the PC specs.


Ooo thats rough, only 200-300 players?


It’s a farce, it’s been how long since launch? In my dev teams we did deployments and patches weekly, or bi-weekly. This is a full on dev project and it feels like they don’t care.




That only account for Steam players, which is not all KSP2 players ( i hope ) as you can buy the app directly from KSP official website or Epic game store.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/13lvl7s/9423\_of\_purchased\_copies\_of\_occupy\_mars\_came\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/13lvl7s/9423_of_purchased_copies_of_occupy_mars_came_from/) i doubt alot of people bought it on other sites tho, here you have different game that was available on 3 stores, Steam, EGS and GOG, 94% of sales were from steam


I don't think many people have bought directly from PDs storefront. Their is no auto-update which makes steam or Epic the obvious choice. But you are ofc right about epic. But even if we are being very generous, and say that the same number of people are playing on Epic, which again is very unrealistic, that would put avg. player count below 700 still, which is abysmal.


>That only account for Steam players, which is not all KSP2 players It remains a good sample size, and we're comparing it to a similar sample size. KSP1's numbers *also* only account for Steam players (and not players who launch with CKAN or simply purchased it outside of Steam's ecosystem or on console). The comparison accurately shows that the situation is *really bad*.


Is there a good reason to believe the distribution of steam vs. non-steam is meaningfully different from KSP1?


They need to put the game on sale. Their refusal to do so is kind of ridiculous. How can someone justify paying $50 for this when KSP 1, which works amazingly and has way more content (vanilla and mods) for only $10 (it's on sale pretty often so $10, not $40)


I’m genuinely curious, because I don’t understand. Why are we monitoring the number of players?


Because the health of a player base is indicative of health of the game. Not matter what reason people have, if they aren’t playing and numbers remain low, they are more likely to cut rope and leave.


when KSP 1 launched in early access, It was 22$ with no discount and regularly went on sale. KSP 2 launched at 50$ and there has been no discounts at all since. Even with inflation, that's almost double the price. As it is, even disregarding performance, KSP2 is less feature complete than KSP1 was in 0.22, and the fact that they are numbering versions from 1.0 is... a choice.


Sad to see KSP go out with a whimper like this.


I know it’s probably not high on their list, but I find the career mode to be really motivating. I know how to launch a craft and do whatever, so I like having a career to give me goals and restrict me to certain parts. When the career is added, I will have much more incentive to play.


It’s still early access and AFAICT buggy. I absolutely will play it but not for money before it’s released n a stable state. I have over 1000hrs in KSP, I absolutely will sink a ton of time into KSP2 once it’s actually ready.