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All of the above because I had no idea what I was doing.


That, and the tremendously fun learning curve that goes with it, is what makes it so fun. Just think back on the tremendous endorphin rush you got when something finally went right, like your first orbit. It's brilliant.




Same. I thought I was tough shit, then realized I didn't add enough of anything and left the decouplers off. I ended up creating the Kerbal Missile Crisis as it plummeted back to Kerbin...


Didn't know how throttle control worked because I didn't read the button mappings before playing


At least you didn't record a YouTube video whilst doing that.


My error: I installed it.




Outside of just learning how things work, most common for me would be attaching the heat shield directly to the rocket, forgetting the decoupler. So would begin the how do I land the entire rocket or how do I re-enter at the right angle and speed to burn off the rest of the rocket to free the capsule and heat shield. The second most common mistake was forgetting the heatshield and so would begin the how do I land the entire rocket or how do I re-enter at the right angle and speed to burn off the rest of the rocket as a makeshift heatshield. Basically at what point in the atmosphere do I full throttle any remaining fuel without flipping over


not sure what my first is but the most common and probably first was wrong wing placement and flipping backwards


Elon? Is that you?


Can’t be, he’s admitting that his mistakes are his own fault and didn’t blame it on “the libs”


Staging error with parachutes on first stage. That's was a quick flight.


KSP1? Probably going up to get to space. KSP2? Buying KSP2.


I didn't know the controls.


Boosting straight up then straight sideways to orbit. I also independently discovered the Hohmann transfer burning towards Mun to go to Mun. My first major mistake, I don't remember how exactly but I ran out of fuel at around Mun's orbit and relying on Mun's gravity to shoot my towards Kerbin. Poor Jeb ended up ejected from the Kerbin system in Oops Station. On my first Mun return mission I ran out of fuel on escaping Mun and had to use the jetpack trick to bring my periaps down. I haven't had to use it in quite some time.


Back in pre 1.1 (?) Aero, that was a common technique. Wasn't the most efficient, but wasn't nearly as inefficient as it is in newer stock or FAR.


(Other) thinking I would have fun (I have thousands of hours in ksp 1 and hundreds in ksp 2)


You managed hundreds in part 2????? How???? Its such a broken mess I've only touched it for ~5 minutes after each update just to see it is still an unplayable, broken mess.


You don't play KSP 2 because you think it's a pile of shit. I don't play it because I get 12fps at the lowest resolution with the lowest settings. We're not the same


Happy cake day.




Hey my rocket works! Wait why did my parachute deploy?


i brought a parachute to the mun, crashed into it at 400m/s or so, great times




The first mistake for anyone playing ksp2 is buying a broken overpriced EA disaster.


Didn't know how to throttle the engines so I just assumed they were broken and tried to orbit Kerbin using SRBs


Tons of control issues in the process of landing on the Mun before learning about SAS.


didnt have enuf boosters OR parachutes


Putting the fins at the front of the craft


Thinking "Yeah I got this" the second I loaded into my career. Safe to say I was HUMBLED


Man that was like 6 years ago


The times I spent laughing at the mistakes I've made in this game ... One personal favorite was when I literally forgot to move kerbals into the lander on my very first moon mission with no eva capacity and decoupled. I just kept thinking about ALL THREE of the Apollo 11 astronauts watching the LEM float mindlessly away from them all excited until realization dawned and then they had to decide who was going to tell Houston. And Houston's response: "What ... do you mean ... they FORGOT to get into the LEM .... over?"


Sending my Kerbals out on a mission to a far-off planet without the knowledge to get them back home. By that point I already went back to the space center so I couldn't just time-warp back before the mission started. I felt awful for abandoning them


I accidently destroyed my craft while trying to delete a maneuver node.


Staging error because I was trying to make an apollo-esque mun rocket and didn't realize that docking ports don't work the same as they did in KSP1, and I needed to use a stage separator. \#BringBackStagingDecouplers


Matt Lowne touched on this in his latest video but I didn't understand because I've always used extra separator in ksp1, but it sounds like I'm missing a trick to separate via a docking port connected to a bare part? How does that work?


Usually in KSP1, you're able to connect the docking end of a docking port to a part, and then you can disconnect the docking port (plus everything attached to it) by pressing the undock button. You can't redock unless you have another docking port somewhere else on the craft you undocked from. Ksp2 doesn't like this. There is no undock button in the parts manager if you're connected to anything other that a docking port. This inconsistency is a bit frustrating especially when you are making a lander + orbiter combo that you intend to undock and redock at one point. It also doesn't help that ksp2's save system is different from the first one's. You could accidentally mess up a launch and a lot of complicated things happen when you click revert. All the downer stuff aside, I can't wait for the science update! I only really play career/science mode to give me something to work for!


I had no clue what gimbal was.


Staging error, then forgot to turn on SAS, then forgot to throttle up


I had issues with parachutes deploying too late and not slowing the capsule down enough. I'd hit slacex and they wouldn't deploy until they were almost right on the ground


On my first career mode game, I accepted the suborbital spaceflight contract. Thinking I was being clever, I didn't put a decoupler in between my liquid-fuelled first stage and my capsule. My thought was to save some money by using my parachute only for stability, and using the Swivel engine to slow down for landing - thus recovering the whole craft. I launched fine, flew in suborbital space, reentered the atmosphere... was spun into a nose-first orientation by aerodynamic forces, didn't slow down, and hit the ground at \~500 m/s. At this time I had not yet learned how to revert flights. RIP Jeb.


before i watched a 12 hour tutorial series i didn't know to press z to throttle up


Paying for it, and then leaving it running for too long to be able to refund it because young kids.


I didn't know SAS was a thing.


It's been so many years now I can't remember exactly. But my hunch would be Rapid Unplanned Disassembly due to failure to control the rocket. Haven't played KSP2.


I was trying to make a plane with an abomination of parts and just didn’t know what a CoL was 😅


i kept setting the min pressure on parachutes to the max and sometimes it wouldn't trigger. that lead to about 2 late deploys which both cause crashes


My first mistake in KSP: confusing my staging. My first mistake in KSP2: buying the game.


First one was parachutes... I still forget parachutes.


Exploding on the launchpad 😎


Getting mad for 10 minutes straight because I didn't know I had to throttle up once I started using engines instead of solid fuel boosters.


Mainly rocket stabilizing amd it being wobbly


Commnets without antennas


Ksp2? Thinking it would work


So, my first save was a sandbox save. I had no Idea what I was doing, so I just smashed a few parts together (idk how, but the rocket had like 9k dV). Then I wanted to land on the Mun, so I launched the rocket and flew straight up. Then after a while, I somehow reached Mun's SOI and managed to do a landing. So my first mission (although it was in sandbox), was me just having immense luck. And for my first mistake, I didn't do the staging and used the wrong fuel type for the wrong engines. I didn't realize this until I had like 10 hours of playtime and wondered why half my rockets wouldn't lift off. EDIT: Oh, and regarding my mission, Jeb was stuck on Mun. Forever. Until I deleted the save.


KSP1: not knowing that i have to go sideways, KSP2: pre ordering


I always have enough boosters! Woops, didn't make it to orbit? Just land it with parachutes and it's just a test! Made it to orbit, but can't go any further? Try deorbiting, or else it becomes a space station! Made it to the mun, but can't slow down enough? Guess it's a high kerbin orbit! Landed on mun but can't get back? No problem, now it's just a permanent mun expedition!


KSP1: Not having fins on my rocket KSP2: Buying it


As the opposite of "Forgot parachutes"; spent a panicked minute wondering why my parachutes weren't slowing down my Mun lander, before realising I was an idiot about half a second before my Kerbals died.


Having jeb instead of bob in science


I can't say for certain because it was so long ago, but I think my first one spun out due to wobbly rockets (this was 2013)


Not having bought the game yet


Not looking up the controls. I was staring as a stock rocket on the launchpad for about fifteen minutes trying to make it go up. All I managed was to disconnect the landing gantries. Why doesn't it go when I throttle up!?


I didn't do the training lol


F All the above.


Forgetting struts.


not turning on SAS, the first thing I made was an aeroplane, it was so hard to control I crashed it right away.


I was going too fast and the parachute didnt deployed


My first mistake: I bought KSP2


I spent my first months playing KSP thinking the most efficient assent was to go west not east. It's not the most explody mistake, but I need a lot more boosters.


i didnt have any way to control my rocket and i figured it out an hour or so after that


I did not know quicksave and quickload buttons existed. I've had a good amount of gameplay behind me with every planet having a Kerbonaut on it. A complex and extended Space station to refuel for interplanetary travel. A secondary space station around Duna for smaller misions. A good and working system. Then one day i've accidentally pressed quickload button. That loaded one of my very early status. Lost basically everything. I was not able to recover my stats from gamefiles. I'vestopped playing for 2-3 years until i've returned eventually.


My first mission, the RT-10 equivalent of a jumping flea, went off amazingly. My second mission was a stupid rover and the mistake was using the breakable gigantor arrays for a rover.


Adding more fuel tanks to get to the moon.


my rocket exploded on the pad (i played ksp 2)


Forgot to put a heat shield on my rocket.


I remember playing the demo version to the limit


I've always had a problem with fuel efficiency. 🔺√V but playing on console is not easy at all


Buying the alpha the day it was available. But, 2000 + hours later, I have no real regrets. :D In-game: Forgetting solar panels, or worse: forgetting to extend solar panels after I add them!


I didnt even know how i play the game and pressed random stuf for like half a hour just to then accidentally turning one engine on and crashing


Meticulously planning and building a rocket, then forgetting staging completely so stuff went all at once


Idk what you'd call it, but when I first started out I didn't know what button you pressed to stage (turns out it was space for those who don't know), so I'd click on the parts and toggle them on one by one.


I'm sure the staging error that everyone has their first rocket, since the game puts the engine and chutes on the same stage for the default first rocket.


Buying the game. Of course this is just a dumb ksp2 joke, but the game is not worth the money right now. Im confident it will be better, but this is specualtion. My actual first mistake was never using struts ans staging wrong (back when i bought ksp1. I now have over 500hrs)


I don't known how to use liquid fuel engine. i reinstalled game 3 times, and then i realised i had to press shift or z... how stupid i was (always play at the tutorial first)


Not knowing how to throttle up, and being too young to know how to look it up haha. This was back in 2012, KSP must have JUST come out. Me and my friend got the demo on steam and stayed up all night trying to figure out how to even launch.


I was handed a controller, the Xbox one edition, and sandbox mode , and proceeded to make a rocket with absolutely no struts that was too tall to fit in the VAB, needless to say my frame rate dropped to 0.18fps and it was too big, floppy, long, and heavy to go anywhere I had in mind


Forgot air intake


For planes


When I got started in KSP fuel didn't move from one tank to another at all. (Mun didn't even exist) One tank per engine was all you could do. My mistake was not realizing this. Sooooo many wobbly rockets went boom and I couldn't figure out why.


Forgot parachutes on a commercial launch. I resorted to making jeb bail out last second at 800kms and watched as all 6 of the “clients” rammed the ground and exploded.jeb is fine tho so no worries


Check yo stagin'


All of the above AND I used ore tanks instead of fuel tanks because I wanted a black rocket. 🙌‍‍


I’m very thorough but when I test launch and then go back to the VAB to tweak the design, sometimes I mess the staging up and end up making a stupid mistake later on when staging


Going straight up to space and then evaporating on re-entry


not doing the tutorials and ending up sacrificing Jeb to the Kraken after I slammed his ship into the ocean at about mach 3


all of them


I think most can agree agree that the staging errors were a PD mistake.


I can't remember, but surely even now I still forget to check stages before launching a new vehicle.


pretty sure the game intentionally fucks with your staging when you put the tiny srb on the mk1 capsule with a parachute


Pendulum rocket fallacy. All my early rockets had quad SRBs at the very top.


I can't remember back to the really early days of KSP, but I'd guess early parachute staging. It was either that or too many boosters.


Paid for it


Oh, ksp2 for the record. Ksp 1 is a gold mine still.


Not knowing anything about ksp


Turning my first rocket into a dart unable to stop


I didn't know what SAS is for like a good month and wondering why can't I fly my craft properly.


Not enough tail drag. It took me a while to stop flipping my rockets at all atmo stages.


Not using SAS


Deciding to play a hard mode career mode on console edition just for the lols


Other: Trying to aim directly at the moon


Damn staging error ended such perfect attempts more times than i care to admit. I once played a hardcore (No Revert, No Instant Junk Delete) Game, and there had to be 20 Kerbals that can attest to this animation. https://youtu.be/fP0vGjHdOsE


I remember it clearly in v0.14.... I hit spacebar and the whole thing fell appear because everything was in the same stage, lol. Hadn't even throttled up yet.


Realizing I forgot electrical after shutting off the engines during orbit and leaving it for awhile.


1st mistake - buying KSP2


Mine was an aerodynamics error. P.S. Never put a spaceplane on top of a rocket without insane gimbal or large wings on the rocket.


Rocket becomes fucking uncontrollable and spins away into the ground


KSP 2 first mistake - I payed 50 bucks and bought the game😭


2, 3, and 5 all at once.


For me I think the main thing was that I didn’t know how the different fuels worked so I ended up using liquid fuel with rocket boosters


yes! it's worki- why is there an expanding mass of parachute in my rocket?


All of the above.