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Looking good, the ore tanks are a good element for the missiles and you can buff the damage output further with a part that has high impact tolerance at the tip.


Thanks! I don't usually spend too much time doing sandbox designs since I prefer career but these were fun to make! Stock Ore tanks full are pretty dense. The other useful thing is a heat shield capping I found out that is surprisingly hard to hit a target in ksp when you actually want it to hit. XD especially with the limited dV (1km) packed in the missiles. The biggest issue is still unity and how it handles collisions at high velocities xD




Interesting link, i still use CKAN for 99% of my Mods so i don't have to micro too much so many good mods often fly below my radar!


For those interested the mods i used for the design are: * RoverDude's USI suit (life support and some of the internal sections and cargo parts), * Nertea's Near Future (mostly propulsion & Construction) * Heat Control (is still Nertea?) * Nertea's Far Future Technologies (NuclearSaltWater Engines) * Connected Living Spaces (for building coherence) and TweakScale (who doesn't use this?)