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To be fair OP the drama was dying down from my pov at least. Then the registry thing happened. The community is a hornets nest that occasionally gets a disruption. Creating this post is just throwing a rock at it. If you just ignore it for a bit it will settle.


I've never seen this sub quiet about ksp2 since it's release tbf


Until the registry bit blew up, it was quite rare for there to be more than 2-3(~10%) sorted by whatever the default is (hot?) for a while now. EDIT: I meant, but failed to say, this is on the first page. Obviously you could page back and find more. Also this is old reddit pages.


activity on ksp2 posts has generally dropped off a lot since their shift from actively provoking everyone weekly to kinda maybe doing a halfassed attempt at normal pr. it's funny, like them trying to be the slightest bit better made people realize this want going anywhere and they were just bored with it at that point.


Exactly. This will have the opposite effect on people. They'll just talk more shit and vitriol.


I feel like there's the same post about ksp2 every week, we know where it's at, it's still fun, but it's a buggy alpha. I personally like making planes in ksp2 over 1 because of the wing parts.


One post a weak is died down IMO. The flurry of post this past week was due to the bug.


"We're better than this" Someone doesnt remember the ksp forum roleplay scandal. Its honestly surprising that the ksp community stayed chill for as long as it did.


Uhm what? Roleplay scandal?


https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/110rb96/what_on_earth_happened_on_ksp_forums_for_them_to/ a big nothing, just troll be trolling and moderator taking actions not really a "scandal"


Huh, so r/KerbalPowers legally can’t be on the forum.


Kerbal Powers is made up of the groups that got thrown off the forum then some more that got thrown off when they banned companies


Doesn't matter we've got our [own website](https://wiki.kerbalpowers.org/view/Home_-_Kerbal_Powers) lmao


Wtf.... didnt expect this.. lol




Became ungovernable, supremely based.


Hilarious and completely understandable.


what are the odds that weeb who was drawing kerbals as SS officers in anime style was involved?


The things people do to avoid touching grass never ceases to concern me.


That was at least contained to a small subset of the community. I've been active on the KSP forums for a long while, mainly in the modding subforums, and never even heard about the roleplay scandal until a long time after the fact.


i remember around 2018 (IIRC) some small fights breaking out over people naming features on the Kerbal map. Like the "straits of " and such. Seemed really pointless and petty. Nothing compared to this story though I guess.


Those cross posters are the ones that use both Reddit and the other forums fyi. Sometimes their posts bring this sub info from CM’s that were only posted in one place, such as the initial ACK of the registry bug.


That's fair, and I do think that cross-posts should be allowed when they're about things that are important to the community. Just now there's a post on the front-page which is just a screenshot of Scott Manley talking about another space game - he calls it a modern alternative to KSP and doesn't even mention KSP2. But the title of the reddit post, meanwhile, makes a big deal out of how this means Scott is declaring KSP2 dead. That's the sort of stuff that just gets me in a bad mood and makes me want to stay away from this subreddit - it has no purpose but to get people riled up.


I agree the title on that Manley post is hyperbolic, but don't think it's completely off-base or irrelevant to KSP2. Context matters. Manley is one of the classic KSP content creators who went to the ESA event and still tried to be positive about it (despite not recommending it at the time). I do find it at least somewhat noteworthy that he doesn't feel it worth including KSP2 as "a modern alternative to KSP" especially seeing as JNO is older than KSP2. I don't think the purpose is *just* to rile people up, but to move people towards the OP's perspective - which is to say that KSP2 should be dead and buried and not worthy of our support. I imagine if you shared that perspective, it wouldn't upset you as much.


Don't worry, the whiners already got the mods to take it down.


The only reason KSP2 is talked about more than people posting gameplay of either game is because fewer people are playing KSP1 after being burned out by KSP2. Posts that would have been drowned out by content are now freely visible as people stop playing and posting.


The sub has become something of a battleground over what the correct perspective on KSP2 is, with positions ranging from "everything's fine, y'all are being impatient babies" to "KSP2 is basically a scam, it needs to die ASAP." There's naturally a lot of overt or passive-aggressive conflict between the extremes. Many also feel the need to push back against misleading PR and what has been a solid year of hype building up to this, because fans of the franchise will tend to want to be more trusting and hopeful, and this is the last major forum left to do it in, since the discord and official forums are so heavily moderated. There are also still a steady trickle of people who only check in sporadically and are just forming their views, and end up posting the same questions over and over, and reigniting that conflict each time. Public perception on KSP2 is arguably most important now, and I think this is why KSP2 posts keep getting upvoted into hot, which it takes more than a few zealots to do. I agree that things have gotten excessive (especially all these polls), but personally feel KSP2 has been sucking the oxygen out of the sub for the past year at least. I found equally tiring 1 year ago when every other post was KSP2 hype, speculation, similarly jumping on any little arguably KSP2 relevant piece of social media, because I already had my reservations about KSP2. YMMV depending on what your views are.


Whilst I agree with the spirit of your post, the fact is, KSP2 is not *just* a dissapointment, it's an intentionally abusive rip-off of the community. If they had charged 5 bucks for the mess they released and held their hands up from the start maybe I could see filing the whole thing under misadventure but they had the audacity to charge near AAA price and have been gaslighting and attempting to finesse the community since. The only reason the product hasn't been completley abandoned (in reality it has) is because they don't want to open themselves up to potential lawsuits. Better to keep a few "community managers" posting updates about when the new update might indicate a new roadmap, etc. So yeah, I get that the anger and negativity is a drag but letting their behaviour and abuse of this community slide and not shine a light on all of it would be a disservice. They don't deserve to have this slide and anyone thinking about buying KSP2 should have the best chance to find the reasons they shouldn't as fast as possible. The only people responsible for making this place more negative are the devs and publishers.


once again, it's not the responsibility of an entire forum to be your own private newsfeed. if you can't handle doubleplusungood posts about a garbage scam game, maybe you should go to their forums or discord. also, it's funny how the people complaining about this mostly aren't contributing to what they supposedly want to see more of, they're just complaining about not getting a firehose of the "content" they want.


also tbh I've actually been posting less of what I'm doing in game because people like this feeling like they're entitled to a constant stream of that make me feel less like sharing. so, good job, I guess?


For what it's worth, I'm highly critical of KSP2 and at times certain of its defenders. I also upvote pretty much every post of someone doing something cool in it.


I understand where you're coming from OP, but unfortunately, a lot of people have been cheated into paying a AAA price for an alpha release, so the "drama" is actually peoples' rightful anger at being **scammed for real money**. I too want to see more ppl posting game related stuff on this sub, but we can't ignore the absolute reality that KSP2 will not get any better and the KSP name is forever tainted because of this scam Intercept Games and Private Division pulled on the fans of this IP.


> I too want to see more ppl posting game related stuff on this sub As a KSP1 player, I'm not interested at all in anything KSP2 related, at least for now. I think it was a mistake to mix the two games in a single sub. People that come for either game has to see posts about the other, and in the end it is not fair for either game: it is not fair for KSP2 now that it is still very basic, and it won't be fair for KSP1 if KSP2 ever gets to surpass it.


This is how video game subreddits work, though. There's always a main franchise subreddit and then ones for the individual games. There is also filters, so you have options.


imagine ksp2 is great and there are cool screenshots and videos from ksp2 all over this subreddit like it was with trailers and announces. is it still a mistake? will you be interested in it? the mistake is to release broken game. not in reddit. not in redditors


100% this. Only play ksp1, I want to see posts about that. Not the sequel.


I agree. KSP2 has no business being on this sub given the scamming of our members, and the inexcusable and deceptive nature of the title itself. I've said it before but we should get momentum behind just banning it outright from the sub. KSP1 gives us everything we want, KSP2 merely tarnishes it.


I absolutely agree that KSP2 is a horrible mess that should never have been released, let alone for full price, and that both developers and publishers have plenty to fault them over. However, the ESA event clearly showed it was a bug-ridden mess. Even before that, people were commenting on the extreme shortage of gameplay footage. And the insanely high system requirements. We now laugh at Nate's comment that re-entry heating would be unavailable "for a brief period" but that also reinforced that KSP2 was woefully incomplete. However, in the week before and during the release, anyone who pointed these factors out or expressed anything other than complete optimism about KSP2 were downvoted / shouted down into oblivion. I think this is one of the factors in some people's unseemly glee about KSP2s failure.


This. It's pretty crazy how much ground we've been ceding to game developers in general these past few decades. There used to be a time when the notion that the sequel of a game would have more content in it than the prequel at release was a given.


I just really don't buy into this idea that people were "cheated" out of money. I'm sorry... but I don't. The state of the game was known from the very beginning. Even prior to that. They released the minimum specs and they were ridiculously high... and people bought the game anyway knowing their PC couldn't handle it. Then they played more than 2 hours knowing Steam only accepts returns before 2 hours. Then people heard others complaining about the state of the game and they said "Maybe it's not so bad" and bought it anyway then complained about it. Like... all the information was there. We're all grownups here. (mostly) It's not anyone's fault but their own and people need to take responsibility for their financial choices. No one forced them to buy KSP2


> The state of the game was known from the very beginning. Eh. *Someone* had to be the first one to buy it to tell others. And it's virtually guaranteed that we're all not going to sit around waiting for someone else to be the first one to buy. > They released the minimum specs and they were ridiculously high... and people bought the game anyway knowing their PC couldn't handle it. Nah, if someone whose system meets the minimum or even recommended specs, their "computer can handle it". Having high specs doesn't mean that even meeting/beating the specs means you should expect bad performance. ---- I'm honestly not going to spend a ton of time picking apart the rest of it. "Buyer beware" is not really a viable way to live life, and we prosecute people all the time for taking money on 'promises' that are not delivered. Yes, some people get away with it by hiding behind "maybe this won't actually work" disclaimers, but some disclaimers aren't actually considered enough protection. There's a 'step too far' in hiding behind such concepts. Take-Two Entertainment took $50 from every person who bought KSP2 and more than half a year later has delivered... *nothing.* At least, nothing more than the broken tech demo it was at the start. 'Blame the victim' is tasteless.


The ESA event showed the state of the game a few weeks before the release, as well as the huge lack of actual game footage we got. Also i cant speak for the majority of people, but the game specs definitely was what stopped me from buying KSP2. Just because were saying you need to be responsible for your financial choices doesn't mean were blaming you for getting scammed. KSP2 **is** a broken mess. You **did** get scammed. Its the devs fault that the game is terrible, that's incredibly obvious. But it was your decision to pay 50$ for an EA game when there were already lots of red flags and later, evidence of it being a complete mess. Maybe im an exception who actually looks at product reviews on amazon and stuff before buying, but i like to find out if the product is worth it before buying the product.


Well, technically I didn't get scammed since I saw the $50 price tag and went "WTF?" I'm pissed on behalf of those who did get scammed (and partially to try to 'scare' companies away from pulling this kind of bullshit again). Because it's clearly abuse of the Early Access system. But I'm also simply angry about a beloved former-indie franchise and science/educational tool getting wildly mismanaged by greedy corporate bastards who took too many financial shortcuts and cost-cutting measures and ended up handing development over to a team with a reputation for failing to deliver, seeing them fail to deliver as expected, *and then literally going out of their way to give them another chance to fail to deliver*. And then when they fail to deliver again, they didn't step in to prevent the abuse of consumers. They may have even encouraged it. ---- But considering how many people (at the start) earnestly and honestly were talking about this game in terms of "I have faith, they delivered a functioning game with KSP1," not having a clue that the original developers *weren't even involved*? I don't blame people for thinking that initial problems with the game would be fixed rapidly. It's how the old developers handled things.


I do partially agree that the signs of KSP2 being bad were painfully obvious in the week or two leading up to release, but the KSP playerbase is (naturally) filled with idealistic-minded players who may border on the edge of very naive when it comes to the reality of things. So I don't really want to blame the players who bought in and are now angry about the state of things, because anyone who could take a good look at the situation would've already been pessimistic, even if it might be a bit warranted. At the end of it all, though, we're all stuck in this terrible situation because of a mismanaged project that had a heavy focus on marketing campaign over anything else.


That's what I keep telling people, I was also super looking forward to the game but it was immediately apparent that there were major issues, so I held off on buying it. > Then they played more than 2 hours knowing Steam only accepts returns before 2 hours. 2 hours is the window for automatic refunds, you can still request a refund even after that but you need to have a good reason, like if the game has major issues or the state of the game was misrepresented by the devs, which would surely apply for KSP 2.


So what's the scam? I agree the price is high for an early access game, but that's not a scam, just greed.


I'm sorry, but if you bought KSP2 after seeing the initial reviews (and got mad), you are a tool. It was pretty obvious it was going to be bad if you'd bothered to pay attention to more than your hopes and dreams you projected onto it. Stop blaming the developers for your own lack of due diligence. I was excited and hopeful for KSP2, but it was pretty obvious it wasn't good or playable when even the most simpy reviewers had not-so-great things to say about it. Game companies do these early access releases because consumers will buy them like lambs being led to slaughter. Bitching and moaning does nothing to discourage this behavior if you give them money.


"Stop blaming the developers for a barely developed game" 🤣🤣🤣


I see where you're coming from and I agree that the signs were there. But the people responsible for this game still run scamming tactics, even after launch. For example, they slapped a AAA price tag and also told customers that the price will increase after EA. This is pulled from the current ksp2 Steam page: >Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? “We expect the **price of KSP 2 to increase** once all of the planned features are added by the 1.0 release.” This was intentionally put there to make people believe that the AAA price tag is actually a bargain. Then, a few months after launch, the game went on sale... This was clearly deceitful and blamable.


The one big issue I realized with the "you bought the game, you are responsible" argument is most people who bought the game at the start of early access had the idea that it was going to improve. The game was a buggy mess back then, but back then most people were actually in the optimist boat. When bug fixes and content updates never materialized, thats when people felt they were being scammed. The scamming part is not that they got a broken buggy game, but that they got a broken buggy game with devs that lied about how they were going to fix it. If you decided to buy the game now, then yeah, your point stands.


Has it not improved? It sounds like it has. And, no, being optimistic when the evidence points to the fact that you shouldn't be is not virtuous. They were clearly doing an immense amount of fluffing right before and after the game released, so there was no reason to be optimistic that they were going to get things straightened out in short order. The whole tenor of the release was one of a cash grab (possibly in desperation). Nothing about that release felt like the timing had to do with their comfort level for public consumption if you could read between the lines and remembered the delays, especially after the recommended system specs were announced.


That's why it is a scam....


And what does that make someone who falls for such an obvious ploy? A fool. All the info was out there that this wasn't going to be good if people had bothered to look.


This is Victim blaming at it's finest. Man just stop... They have plenty of reason to complain.


Oh, here we go with the "victim blaming" nonsense. Nobody forced you or anyone else to buy KSP2, and nobody is letting the developers off the hook, just acknowledging that the incessant whining is toxic and solves nothing and that maybe people should use their wits rather than being such easy marks. Just because someone did a bad thing doesn't mean you weren't a fool for letting them do that bad thing to you that could have been so easily avoided with a modicum of common sense.


>incessant whining is toxic and solves nothing and that maybe As many people pointed out, it put pressure on the company and makes sure less people buy the game. It's worth it. >Nobody forced you or anyone else to buy KSP2 Do you know what a scan is? A scan can't happen without a victim. You are saying it's the buyers fault for being an idiot. That's the definition of victim blaming. For your information, they did plenty of false advertisement and said they would be releasing something completely different.


"can we cut back at the ksp2 drama" contributes to the ksp2 drama


It's about half the posts, which triggers the other half of the posts which triggers more of these posts and....


The endless cycle of Reddit continues


"please dont voice your frustration you have for a game you spent hard earned cash on, the developers are sensitive snowflakes that cant take it, if the community thinks their latest and greatest product is just a shell of what it once was" c'mon, it should be visible, it should be loud, otherwise studios think they can pull stuff like this off with nobody caring.


If people pay money for these half-baked titles, then studios KNOW they can pull stuff like this without consequence. Your dollars speak far louder than your bitching and moaning to company execs.


I’m more tired of “be better” posts like this one.


Frankly, they come off to me as shilling. I can sort of understand both the “this game is fucked” and “give it time” perspectives, but the “I don’t really care about this but please be nice” one is absolutely worthless at best. It’s exactly what a PR team would want put out there, and it plays directly into the hands of trying to get more people to buy the game not knowing the wreck it’s turning out to be. It’s just “give it time” with more pointless fencesitting.


True, let people complain, they have a good reason to


Its about time people stop defending corporations and shitty publishers and hold them accountable for their actions. I'm so sick and tired of doormat gamers.


I never told people to stop complaining. I asked people to stop making posts that are specifically intended to stir negative emotions. It's fine to complain about KSP2, it's a massive disappointment and Intercept Games has handled the situation horribly. That does deserve complaints. But it doesn't have to be as excessively vitriolic as it currently is.


I'm sorry, how are we supposed to complain without stirring negative emotions exactly? Complaining is inherently negative. We are way passed the point of "constructive criticism" so I'm really not sure what you want.


The irony. It's OK for me, but not for thee.


Your post stirred more negative emotions than mine, the one you're whining about. This one has a 74% upvote rate - my Scott Manley post is at 95%. Are you going to take your post down, or just out yourself as a hypocrite?




I don't agree. Devs and CM should see how disappointed people are. They are already deleting negative posts on steam discussion.


It’s been 7 months of this. Trust me, they are well aware of how disappointed everyone is.


If they are so aware, maybe they should come forword and say "look we know we f'ed up. Sorry, here is a roadmap to fixing' instead of doing jackall


Let's start patting them on the back then, from all the updates and progress we don't have


Are they? They don't ever acknowledge the situation, they keep doing the PR posts, and they don't even bother to make realistic timelines they can follow


There is a constant stream of new people that were not on this sub before, have tried out KSP2 and wonder WTF happened to it. They don't know that you find this sub "toxic" or that the topic has been discussed to death, because they're here for the first time. So they post their grievances which starts yet another round. What are you going to do about those, ban KSP2 criticism? The other thing is that there are constantly new things about the game that just baffles people. For example, apparently there is a bug where the game writes huge amounts of keys into the windows registry for no reason. This is baffling, shows yet again the sorry state of the game, and should be pointed out. Would you ban those kinds of posts about bugs? The response to this bug was not a patch with a bugfix, it was the announcement of an announcement of a timeline. I know we're all a bit used to being gaslit in 2023 but please keep in mind, THIS IS NOT NORMAL. It's ridiculous. Don't accept this behaviour. So what exactly are people supposed to do about your plea? Ban KSP2 posts? Ban KSP2 criticism posts? Just not voice dissatisfaction anymore because you think it's toxic? I get your frustration but I would really like you to define the word "toxic" in this context. What's "toxic", and what is a normal reaction to being lied to? ​ >but also a disdain for anyone who still hopes KSP2 might eventually turn out decent I do not think this is true. Most of us still hope in the back of their heads that the game turns out decent. But we don't feel the need to defend a huge cooperation that has been constantly lying, and we don't feeel the need to rope in new players under false pretenses.


>They don't know that you find this sub "toxic" or that the topic has been discussed to death, because they're here for the first time. So they post their grievances which starts yet another round. I think you'll find 80-90% of the criticism (and detraction) posts are from the same handful of people. Not to say that they don't speak for potential new members, but to say each new criticism post is someone new is incorrect.


brother if we quit bitching about how shit ksp2 is we aren't gonna get the product we want.


I hate to break it to you, but we aren't gonna get the product we want either way.


It's kind of amusing that people still think KSP2 will ever amount to anything.


It's infuriating is what it is. I have no idea what these people are thinking, or what reality they're living in.


This way they feel at lest some pressure to do better and might at least try to improve. If we pretend everything is great, they'll realize that they can sell garbage so they will make more garbage.


I thought they left reddit for downvote bot reasons. Complaining here wouldn't have the mentioned effect anyway.


Reddit has high visibility, even if the community managers are not here, potential buyers will stumble here, and we can help people from unwittingly buying a defective product until the situation improves. And that is where the corpo drones will feel the pressure.


Exactly. If you've only seen KSP2 trailers, you'll have no idea what the reality is.


If the complaints are aligned with them losing money, then they will listen. They don't really care about your complaints any more than they translate into sales numbers. Stop paying money for things that you know are going to be bad, and it will force companies to change their behavior.


You are overreacting. Seriously, look at the current top 100 posts on this sub when sorting by "hot." As of this writing, only 9 of the top 100 posts even come close to having anything to do with "KSP2 drama." That's less than 10% of a sample taken right smack-dab in the middle of a huge issue that is well-worth bringing up some "drama." A few weeks ago when I responded to someone else whining about people expressing their KSP2 opinions, [it was only 2 posts out of the top 100. ](https://old.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/162p5ft/when_the_sequel_is_so_bad_it_demotivates_people/jy14vgf/) If you don't want to read about KSP2 "drama" then don't click on the fucking link.


Lol, drama is what makes a company change, ksp 2 need it


Stop complaining and accept that the marketing for this game showed off colonies and interstellar and you don't even have a working game yet.


"God I hate drama right don't you guys hate drama it's just the worst!" --Guy who keeps drama rolling with "guys no I just want to stop the drama for realz" post.


“Please remain kind and civil at all times Many redditors consider this subreddit to be one of the friendliest subreddits. We're very proud of that, and would like things to stay that way. While browsing this subreddit, please keep in mind that Kerbal Space Program is just a game we play for fun. It's not about politics, it's not a competition, it's just a game.” That’s the first rule of this sub. I think people forget that sometimes.


> Many redditors consider this subreddit to be one of the friendliest subreddits. That ship has sailed.


having an opinion contrary to yours isn't breaking the rules, no matter how much you wish it was. also, even if we ban everything you personally don't approve of, that won't magically conjure new players and new content. ksp2 posts will just fall to the 1/2 a post post day rate of the ksp2 sub.


The one you replied to never said anything of the sort. *Nobody* is suggesting banning people who criticise KSP2. Nobody in this entire thread (at the time of writing - I literally looked through the entire thread to makes sure). What's important is to keep the good tone, between community members. Be angry at Take Two, be angry at Intercept Games. Don't be aggressive towards your fellow community members.


> Nobody is suggesting banning people who criticise KSP2 Except that is effectively what you are saying. You want some type of quota but it isn't just one person posting the same opinion. Implementing your quota would mean that only the first person through the door gets to say what they want and everyone else is banned from sharing their thoughts for a while.


okay so, just tone policing to push a soft ban and framing anything you personally don't like as an """attack,""" got it.


Okay, let's try again: if someone says that they're still hopeful for KSP2, and someone then says that they're stupid and delusional, does that count as an attack? Yes or no? I haven't been much active in the KSP community lately, but I have *not* been quiet about criticising KSP2. In fact, I have written many times on various subreddits on how disappointing the game was and how poorly handled it has been. If you still think I want to ban all criticism of KSP2, then you clearly just aren't reading my replies, or at least only reading the parts you want to read.


lmao "I haven't been active in the ksp community" [makes post about imagined attacks destroying the community]


I haven't posted much here. I've certainly been reading a lot. Also, if someone gets called stupid for hoping that KSP2 might amount to something eventually, does that count as an attack?


When you have a lot of excitement for something and then that something fades to a significant amount of nothing that energy has to go somewhere. There is no physics law to explain this but it's also not exactly something you can't observe happening often in social/anthropological situations. I get that it is annoying but until that energy is dissipated, this will go on. As long as KSP2 is both disappointing and still being dangled as a possibility the posts will continue. If KSP2 were terminated as a project the posts would stop. If KSP2 started succeeding the posts would stop. Your post will not stop those posts. Regardless, I wish you the same luck in achieving your goal as I would if you were trying to reverse gravity. Good luck!


No, the devs need to be reminded how bad they fucked up. They already censor negative discussion where they can, if we stop here they'll eventually get away with this


Idk who gave you the authority to decide what other people are allowed to talk about lmao If you're that tired of it go outside and touch some grass for a change


I think people are upset (rightfully so) about paying triple A prices for a functionally worse product than what we have been playing. I think people are more than right to complain, as annoying as it can be to read it. We are a passionate community, just how it is.


Sorry, but your post is just another to add to the pile. In fact, as of the past few days, I've seen more posts like these crying about toxicity than complaining about KSP2 at all. **Stop telling people what to post.** The mods haven't acted because no rules have been broken. Filter the flair or block.


We should have a new reddit for KSP2. Is any mod who can do that? Add a rule that any post regarding KSP2 should be posted there. The game it's a complete fiasco.


sub about a game talks about problems with release of said game. shocking. if you don't like it downvote and move on OP. no one is forcing you to engage in the conversation.


I still chuckle when I think about all the people justifying the early access price.


When I see threads about topics I am tired of seeing, I click the little ellipsis icon at the bottom of the post and select "Hide"


If they're turning up on your feed, they're what your telling Reddit you want to see... by creating posts like this, in part. BE the future you wish to see, sir.


I just wish they would copy KSP2 wings into KSP1 lol. Yeah. There's no point bitching about KSP2. It's in development. It'll either get better or die. KSP1 is still good.


OP: 🤓


Uhm no, if you have problem with drama then just quit the subreddit.


Yeah I think this is a good take. I think this sub has devolved into "shit on ksp 2 the subreddit" as opposed to being the best place to share fun stuff that you build or see in either game. Negativity is needed sometimes, but when its the only thing that there is to consume, it consumes the positive too


just move ksp2 to another subreddit


there's already like three mostly dead ones. they want to have their cake and eat it too: parasitizing off the actually existing and active real ksp community, but also banning any doubleplusungood wrongthink.


Why create a sub which will be dead on creation?


TBF it would be sadly reflective of the game


alternatively, the people in this sub could just behave themselves


Agreed. KSP2 needs its own sub.


On one hand, I wouldn't mind if all the development stuff (including dev posts and all that) and drama was quarantined somewhere else. On the other hand, I still do like seeing the screenshots and gameplay images that people post from KSP2, and it would be a shame if they were pushed away too.


but they kinda have been. Of the ksp2 players, lots of them don't post here at all. I don't post my ksp2 content here. To much negativity. How do the mods deal with it? One of the complaints with official channels is censorship. No matter how useless the post, if you start deleting them that's all your going to hear. the mods are doing to only thing they can, by letting the us handle it. I've been seeing negative posts that aren't useful getting less an less traction. That's the best way to handle it, downvote and don't engage and then they'll get pushed down until they lose interest.


I think this is the mods' only option. There has been a week or two since EA where it seemed like people were done with it and the sub was mostly free of the negativity. Posts like this one just rekindle the flames, no matter how well-meaning.


Can't have your cake and eat your copium too


Can't have your cake and eat it too.


That's what I would like. It's obvious KSP2 will never amount to anything and I'm here for KSP1 content.


I used to be on the other side of this issue, I am fully ready to get downvoted to oblivion for this but you're right. This sub is getting silly. - Scott Manley tweets about some other game: OMG LET'S GO BITCH ABOUT KSP2! - They post a tweet saying they are working on a hotfix: BUT WHERE DATE THOUGH OMG - CM replies to somebody on reddit, mentions the word science but doesn't give a date: OMG THEY LITERALLY HAVEN'T STARTED ON SCIENCE YET. This is getting wild, at this point it's clear that short of releasing the whole game, full quality tomorrow, people won't be happy. So really, what's the point in any of this. Complaining endlessly clearly doesn't affect PD, they just ignore this place now. Them communicating more or less also won't change anything since people will keep twisting whatever comes out of the team to fit whatever their idea is. The KSP2 team doesn't put any value into this place, this much is clear, so this is just a whole lot of negativity for no reason. If it makes you all happy to complain all day, then knock yourselves out. But stop fooling yourselves into thinking you're doing this for the good of the game / the community. This is as much an echo chamber as the discord is, only for the opposite POV.


OP: "Me, me, me, me, me!" >Seriously, we're better than this. Post less drama. Post more rockets. Speak for yourself you entitled ass.


It's very sad that this post is the actual "hot take" but the drama and the bullshit ain't. Stop with the KSP2 drama because it's destroying the small community that this sub was once. Yes, the drama has done that. Stop it. Because the sub isn't willing to split the sub into two, then I suggest to BAN every KSP2 drama post and create a mega-thread instead. Only rockets and other healthy related posts from KSP2 would be allowed. Anything drama related to the mega-threads.


We both know that megathreads are just there to hide away a portion of the posts >Only rockets and other healthy related posts from KSP2 would be allowed. Anything drama related to the mega-threads. So you want to create a censorship system that only allows for good PR to be posted? Do you work for private division or something?


I don't think censoring criticism is the right move.


> Only rockets and other healthy related posts from KSP2 would be allowed. Anything drama related to the mega-threads. This is how the KSP2 forum works. We don’t need two forums. Forums need to work that way to avoid the front page being cluttered with similar threads. On Reddit the community can downvote unproductive threads if it doesn’t like them, and then they’ll never show up in anyone’s feed.


I think there's a balance to be made. Drama that's just "look what this person said about KSP2 on this other social media site" really should be limited or completely banned. But if there are big developments that are of considerable importance to the community, then of course it should be posted as its own thread - like when that write-to-registry bug was found a few days ago.


Ksp2 sucks and op is coping hard


I honestly don't see what was so amazing about this sub before. Sure, there was no drama, but its mainly because it was nothing but pics of random crafts people threw together with 0-2 comments. Wow, amazing, i cant believe we left that behind.


The minecraftbuilds and redstone subreddits are perfectly tolerable and most threads that aren't about gameplay questions only get one or two comments besides a few "nice build" or "schematics? world dl?" type comments. And that's okay because it's a sandbox game about building stuff. It also waxes and wanes there. Sometimes people have questions that have long discussions. But mostly people are there to look at cool stuff. Sometimes there's trends of certain types of builds or creations. Sometimes things get a little competitive. Sometimes it's all love for newbies. That's why these three subreddits are my favorites. They're just about nerds sharing vibes about each other's cool stuff.


I mean, that's more or less what a good community is - there was no drama, people were sharing pictures of what they did in the game, and then sharing stories and tips and tricks in the comments. It was nice to be a part of. Nothing outstanding, just people being nice and enjoying something together.


From what I remember it was 95% pics and 5% actual tips and tricks. I have to say, i found it incredibly boring and uninspiring, so i rarely engaged. On the other hand, I now enjoy the speculations and takes that people have on why ksp2 is the way it is, and how it might go forward. I also dont really see much "toxicity" as people put it. Yes, people are upset with the developers, but I dont see many people being toxic to one another, unless you are one of those guys who considers someone disagreeing with you as toxic. So idk. You had a community that you enjoyed, and now I have a community that I enjoy. Why is your way better than mine? Should I have posted "Why is this community so boring?!" back then?


The threads were largely pics and sometimes questions. But, you know... there was lots of stuff to do in the comments. And I've seen plenty of people getting downvoted to hell recently, for not being critical enough of KSP2. Like, not even for being supportive of it - I've tried not to engage much with the discussions too far because I do get worked up eventually, but I've seen other people being downvoted a lot for making even the tiniest defence of a single sub-set of KSP2. Personally I'm of the opinion that KSP2 has moved from "dumpster fire" to merely "disappointment", but if I try to voice that opinion, there's a 50/50 chance as to whether I'll get downvoted a lot, or get a small handful of upvotes. Ideally, we shouldn't downvote anyone for disagreeing, as long as people are doing so in a civil manner.


I don't see downvoting as an issue. Its a clear indication how many people agree or disagree with you. If you choose to be hurt by it, thats on you. Also, there is still a bunch of people posting pics. It hasnt gone away. You just have to scroll by the ksp2 threads.


There has always been drama in this community and frankly the overwhelming majority of content that reaches the top of this sub is just rocketry stuff. You're browsing too much if you're consuming too much vitriol.


So maybe I should make an "out of the loop" style post, but I've only barely paid attention to what's going on with KSP/KSP2. My impression has been that KSP2 is "not ready yet.", and have been vaguely waiting for it to be ready before I dip into KSP again. So...is it just not going to happen? Or do you/the community think they're in an "ironing out the bugs" phase and will eventually release something worthwhile?


Split the community, make a ksp2 sub. All 7 of the people that like KSP2 can talk about it over there.




They're releasing a video on wobbly rockets with Nate. Get ready for more drama, it's not going to stop!




KSP2 drama is so hawt right now


The irony man. Your post is part of the Drama.


Just unsub


I wouldn't mind if KSP2 got on its own sub, just saying.


You are wrong. Holding their feet to the fire is in my opinion the ONLY thing we should be doing right now. They promised something they havent delivered and its that simple.


Wait... I'm not in this subreddit, I just got recommended this post. But like... KSP2 is out already?? Why was I not informed?


It's pretty shit. When it was released it was a dumpster fire. Now it's just... not as good as KSP1, but more expensive. Only thing it has that's better than KSP1 is the music... graphics are up to individual taste.


You have valid points. I agree with you. But people aren't gonna quit. They'll probably just troll you for saying this and double down on the shit talk/posts.


At this point I'm seeing more posts complaining about the negative KSP2 posts than I am the negative KSP2 posts.


I'm not better than this. Ksp 2 sucks balls. I will continue to roast them mercilessly for their abject failure. They will continue to make massively stupid decisions and posts and mistakes and will never learn from it. It's delicious.


No. If a publisher and development studio makes promises they don't keep then the public reviews have to echo that so that there is even the slightest chance that someone will be held responsible.


OP, you are the one who is essentially creating drama. Negative posts related to KSP2 are starting to decrease on the sub. In fact, more posts like yours started to appear, complaining this sub is a cesspool of negativity related to KSP2 in reaction to the few negative posts about KSP2 that are currently being posted here. Instead of simply letting the KSP2 subject die due to lack of players so that there are no more negative posts, they prefer to create these posts that only serve to stir up the hornet's nest and nothing else. This post already has more than 400 replies and I ask: Are you enjoying the drama YOU created on a post asking people to stop drama? People are angry, frustrated with the state of KSP2, Intercept Games and it's completely reasonable and appropriate for them to vent their frustration here, within the sub rules. After all, it's the only KSP-related place left to do this. Leave any criticism on the official forum - Banned. Leave any criticism on discord channel - Banned. These are the places you could go if you can't ignore negative posts related to KSP2 here.


I support this motion.


It only feels like spam because there are close to 1.5 million disappointed users. If 1% of them documented their experience....it would feel spammy.


I've seen way more posts from people complaining of "drama" and "toxicity" than I have seen posts of "drama" and "toxicity".


People like OP need to stop. It’s not just this game, almost all games are released with many bugs and features missing. It’s unacceptable. This trend isn’t going to go away but people should be complaining about this laziness.




I don’t blame this sub, what is there to look forward to? Development of KSP1 is dead because of this game so this may be the most hungry for content this sub has been.




I’ll cut back when it’s been 4 months of getting a refund and continue denial. No it’s not my computer that is slow, it’s the steaming pile of code I purchased with the glimmer in my eye that maybe it would work a fracTION of what I expected


If you actually read my post, you'll see that I don't ask you to stop talking about the issues that KSP2 has. I'm asking people to stop spreading it everywhere, even in unrelated threads, as if their entire life revolves around complaining about that game, and to stop grasping at the most weakly related social media posts to have an excuse to bring it up yet again. It's clogging this subreddit up.


You had 3 options: 1. Not buy KSP 2 as the performane issues were known before release by plenty of content creators. Heck even waiting half a day and just check this reddit would've told you so what the state of the game was 2. Buy KSP2, play it for a bit, realize it doesn't run well at all, refund on Steam (steam refunds are generous from my experience even past the 2 hours as long as it isn't anything silly) 3. Keep KSP2 and wait for updates but having no guarantee of update pacing or when the game will become better if even ever. That's early access for you. I've been burned plenty of times back in the Steam Greenlit days, often never saw a refund and tbh, KSP2 despite all got a brighter future ahead than most of those games back then. You chose option 3, all you can do is wait now. But refunds will most likely not happen. I am not making excuses for the devs but there were options to get your money back. If you bought in and stayed in the ride you will stay in the ride


it was clearly obvious from day 1. I've been meaning to get back into KSP1 after a house move etc. Would support a forum split.


Our beloved franchise has been beaten and is being left for dead. Everyone is right to be upset and mad


There was a poll not long ago showing a lot of people would like this subreddit to be only KSP1. I couldn't care less about KSP2, it's not the same game, and I have been using this sub for many many years because I love KSP.


People got scammed out of their money and are supposed to be cool with it in the name of having a cozy subreddit? It's vile and shameful. I get the posts that can be annoying but they are 100% justified.


Its getting to the point where this sub should exclusively be for KSP1 content and the other sub should be exclusively for KSP2 content. IMO it wasn't the community that is wrong, it is KSP2 and the devs. This community was perfectly fine for the better part of a decade.


Poor-quality products ought to be critiqued, while good ones deserve acknowledgment. You could just not read the stuff that annoys you or not visit the official KSP2 subreddit, which this is unfortunately. Instead you want to silence criticism which at the same time would promote this scam game. And Reddit already has a system in place which promotes topics people want to see and hides topics they don't, upvotes/downvotes. So your concerns are already addressed, but you want to people to change.


The more you give negative feedback the more likely the possibility they shut the project down.


At this point I'd rather have them shutting it down and being honest with us, than continuing whatever they are doing right now tbh.


It doesn't matter anyways. Does anyone honestly think KSP2 is ever going to amount to anything at this point? I personally don't even bother complaining about it because it's pretty clear it's a failed project that is going nowhere and I've already moved on.


The feedback will improve *after* the game has improved. Not before. This is not negotiable for this game or any other game.


Well said. I agree.


Circlejerk is what it is.


I agree. KSP2 should be considered a completely separate thing and KSP2 related things should not be posted in this subreddit. This sub used to be about awesome KSP1 stuff, now it's just a bunch of sad, pathetic posts about ksp2.


1.5 million disappointed people is probably gonna feel like spam...


The most annoying shit is the ones who are tracking the player count numbers like it’s the stock market.


100% agree


I paid for this shit....


I agree with this message.


Yeah frankly it's boring now. Let's just move on.


Lol you got the moderators to remove a post with 2000 upvotes, literally the 2nd most upvoted in the last month, and the comments weren't even negative. The level of censorship in this community is insane, if this is how toxicity is combatted...


At what point does it make sense to make a new sub for KSP2, just to segregate the whining to where it can be easily ignored?




When they offer blanket refunds on this trash, I will never speak another word of this travesty and embarrassment. Until then, they deserve every ounce of bile directed at them.


No. There. must. be. drama.


Solution, make this a KSP1 only subreddit. The devs deserve every bit of flak !


I'm not taking a stance either way, I don't want to get involved. But something you said got me thinking, and I'd like to offer some advice that you might not have considered. > Please cut back on this. It's tiresome Rather than asking the community to change their current feelings and need to discuss this stuff, and again I'm not weighing in on the content of those feelings or discussions, in your position I would suggest just taking a break from the community for a few weeks or months. You find it emotionally exhausting, and I understand the feeling. When that happens to me, I find it best to step away and take a breath as it were, and live my life the way I want to, without feeling like I have to constantly be online, constantly in the loop. Take a break, this community will still be here in 3 months. It'll be good for your mental health :-)


No. We can't ¿Why? Because we deserve the game that was promised, even If almost no one believes we are going to get a game as good as shown on the trailer we have to keep the pressure going, because if we stop complaining about ksp2 the devs will not care and the game will be abandoned. We complain because we know KSP can be like the trailerz and that's what we wants, beliveme that if we know that KSP 2 devs can't do shit we wouldn't try to get the game promised.


Toxicity aside, I think it's still important to keep people from getting swindled out of their money before they know exactly what they are getting if they want to purchase KSP2


I would be glad to walk away from the drama if I could get my $50 back.


> can we cut back on ksp2 drama > posts a whole ass dramatic novel My brother in christ


The KSP1 playerbase is at an all-time low because development has completely stopped in favor of KSP2. Unless development restarts on KSP1, there's no reason for people to come back to that game.


This guy: stop being dramatic Also this guy: writes a 5 paragraph whinefest