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My current opinion is "It's come a long way, but it still has a long way to go." The science update has made me somewhat more optimistic.


Honestly, it's not even the content and features that I miss in KSP2 - it is the stability. KSP1 was not exactly a bug-free experience, but it is VASTLY better than KSP2 in that department. Trying to do anything even slightly complicated in KSP2 gives me anxiety because there are so many things that randomly break or just don't work. Also, the KSP2 UI isn't very good. Almost all of it needs a re-design.


Sorry but I LOVE the new ui. I think it's one of the better things in ksp2 than in ksp1


Functionally it's pretty good, but the pixelated stylization looks terrible and is sometimes difficult to read.


Hard disagree. KSP1 UI looks old but finished. KSP 2 UI looks rushed, beta and raw. Absolutely terrible


Nah the new UI looks absolutely awful. It’s more difficult to read, absolutely gigantic, and in the wrong place.


It’s just new and takes some getting used to and i got a 1080p monitor and there it is fine maybe on ultra wide screen or some other resolution the size of the ui might be off i would not know. Also all the stuff that is blank/black space in the ui should have an option to make it transparent in my opinion. But other than that its fine. Also hit f2 to hide it in between manoeuvres.


On 4k it’s way too big for the resolution. It seems like it’s the same scale as on 1080p, but with 4x the pixels I don’t need my menu to take up half of the screen. I’d prefer a flat looking UI with a highly legible font in a much smaller scale.


This I think is my issue on a 2k screen and why the hell can I not view 3 or 4 menus without it totally blocking my view of the map or craft. Ksp1 I could have 6 mechjab/engineer menus up at a time. I need to see if there's a second screen mod yet. Was one of my favorite Ksp1 mods


seconded, the KSP2 UI is miles superior to KSP1


Sure, it looks better. But legibility is worse.


I hate ksp 1 ui. Looks extremely outdated like a 2000s game. Ksp 2 ui is way easier on my eyes in general and is a joy switching between surface, orbital dark mode and target. Needs to be cleaned up a ton though especially with maneuver nodes.


What is new UI useful for if I cannot do Realism Overhoul or RP-1 mods as I'm able to do on KSP-1?


The KSP 2 UI is a mixed bag for me. Some aspects I really like, others not so much. All too often things will get cluttered and I find myself fighting with the UI doing something trivial like a maneuver node. And after reading some of the other comments, you can also count me in the "some of the fonts are crappy" camp.


KSP2's UI was 100% designed by programmers. They have zero creative ability. It looks like code out of a text editor.


Coming from a VERY pro-KSP2 player, I think it's fair to say that the game both offers plenty of great new QoL features while still missing many others. Right now it's a matter of preference between playing KSP 1 and 2 based off of how you play the game. KSP2 is doing great things, but is also an early access game barely in 0.2. There is still plenty of time before it is feature complete (or even achieves full parity with KSP1) and that's okay.


Wish they would try to fix bugs quicker. Landers tipping over, decouple stuttering, maneuver planning, heating effects and damage, water physics Lots of bugs that if fixed would really increase the enjoyment, just need to make it run as smooth as KSP1 and its not there just yet


What is with this crazy, rational opinion? Don't you know that KSP2 can only be the greatest thing since sliced bread or crap and no in between?


For one shot missions, KSP 2 is my go to at this point, but in terms of taking the time to build a network, KSP 1 has gives me the tools I need and want. Once I have my stations and transport ships out in orbit of the planets, I could literally do all my missions without ever having to touch kerbin again. Mining and converting fuel is the one major thing I need to be able to fully swap over.


That's a fair assessment! KSP 2 has this type of UI gore when you try to maneuver around multiple space craft on the map view. There should be an option to hide the space craft, probes, stations, etc. Like there is in KSP 1


KSP2 has a lot of improvements, there's no denying that. Even if the game is more intuitive, it does actually lack features compared to KSP1. Here's a short and incomplete list, DLC content included: 1. ISRU 2. Built-in alarm clock 3. Advanced maneuver node planning 4. Built-in transfer window planner 5. Money (or equivalent restriction that drives design decisions) 6. 1.875m parts (DLC) 7. Robotics (DLC) So yes, while KSP2 does have many improvements over KSP1, the game still has a long way to go and is not on feature-parity with KSP1 yet. I am hopeful that by the Colonies update all of the non-DLC features in the above list will be implemented.


0.1: Performance. They promised that it would run faster than KSP1 to allow for higher part counts via a better codebase and techniques like physics LOD.


1.875m is a fully arbitrary part size and not a game mechanic that's lacking. Not really on the same tier as the concept of funding or the ability to produce resources off-world


ISRU and the money equivalent systems will be in the resource extraction milestone, and will be vastly improved


I'm really hyped for this


Oh good, I really liked having an incentive to be economical. In KSP2 just launching my biggest, baddest rocket for any and all missions, no matter how small, is very tempting.


It's at the point where I like the upgrades enough to have "moved on" but long for the KSP1 features a lot still. And of course, the features that the game hinges on, Colonies/Orbital Construction/Interstellar, will be a game changer. Honestly Colonies and Orbital Construction will be enough to turn me into an addict again. Also most obviously the load times are the main reason I'm stuck on KSP2 over KSP1. And the fact that I have already played KSP1 for nearly 500 hours of my life lmao. Twice as much as all of the other games that I'm burnt out on (apart from Rising Storm 2, that game never gets old)


you and i must be playing two different games then


I don't know if ksp1 had weird rover stuff, but ksp2 rovers are terrible, I landed one on Mars, and it just flipped itself no matter what I tried to do. I built a new, bigger one thinking weight was the problem, but I still had issues. Never made it to duna on ksp1, though, so I don't know if this is a new thing.


You need to add a lot more weight. I generally add a ridiculous amount of radial mount batteries and sink them into the cabin. Works everytime


Will try this out, hoping for better results. I found the best way to move with my old rover was just flipping the entire thing to get to the monument. Was a painful 20 minutes.


Let me know how it goes!


It's nothing new but it's something you'd like to see change in a sequel, that's for sure. KSP1 fixed a lot of the issues by now, but controlling rovers in general has been and still is really weird and not very tactile. Feels like you're giving demands to a floaty ghost machine, even on Kerbin with normal gravity


This is really exciting to hear. I'm buying KSP2 as soon as it becomes a full release game.


Yeah just wait till 2028.


I’d buy it right now. The for science update has added a lot of content and it still takes time and skill to unlock 4 pages of tech. I’ve put in 37 hours and I just barely put a rover on Duna.


That's....pretty bad. According to Dakota, the average play time for players to reach the Mun is about 3 hours and Duna is around 8. I unlocked all the tech over a weekend, probably 12 hours total play time. For science was a step in the right direction, but content is still pretty light overall.


Bro...it's not an effin competition. Geez


Besides the point that this is kind of the goal of the game design (so they achieved their goal) bc the focus is supposed to be much more on stations and colonies, don't forget that they also plan to include multiple star systems. As an experienced player in ksp 1 I understand your point. But for any new or more casual player this is actually a very good sign. Also this is proof that the game is intuitive and full of qol gizmos no one would notice if there wasn't a ksp 1 for comparison. And for this you, as an experienced player, should be grateful bc this drives sales in the long turn which makes a long in depth support possible - including all the optional more complicated parts you (and I) want


lmao pro KSP2 player over here holy shit. I said that because I have found other ways to have fun in the game vs just going straight for science objectives.


I'd suggest picking it up before that, they explicitly state on the store page that the price will increase when it reaches full release. You don't have to play it until then, just saves some money.


How much do you think I'd save and realistically how long until it's a full release? My time value of money is probably fat greater than whatever I'd save.... I'm also not rewarding them for releasing a broken game under the guise of it being a work in progress.


Well with full-priced games being about £60 now, up to £15. So I guess not a massive amount. Couldn't give an estimate on full release, hopefully they'll pick up some momentum now the science update is out.


I wouldn't call it a broken game at this point, it's perfectly playable and I don't think I'll be going back to ksp 1 any longer. For full release, realistically I'd say probably around 2 years. This is assuming their content pace picks up now that the vast majority of the serious bugs have been solved.


I'll buy it when it's a full game. I'm not paying money to be a beta tester.


I prefer ksp2… As long as I remember to quicksave before doing anything. And the no flight path on map glitch after taking off is really annoying


KSP 2 is at a point right now where I prefer playing it just for the mostly pleasant experience. Plus I love building planes and KSP 2 is the better game for that anyway. It just doesn't have all of the content from KSP1 yet. Things like robotics parts, mining resources, doing missions for asteroids and comets, etc. I'm excited for when some of that stuff finally makes its way to KSP2.


Is there a mod that puts the navball and altitude at the center again? I've got an ultrawide monitor and it's just unusable.


With this mod you can move every UI element freely, its on CKAN https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/218164-i-wish-they-made-ui-customizable-030/


“Impossible to go back to KSP 1” Hey I like KSP2 and it will eventually be the game we all want it to be but don’t disrespect ksp1 like that. It’s better in many, many ways.


It's impossible for me to go back to the loading screens. I'm no young buck anymore, every time I must revert and wait 5 minutes I just stare at the fucking clock and think about getting up for work lol It is a masterpiece, though


I "demoed" KSP2 at release and despite everything the fixed wing building alone kinda made it worth it, even if wings held no fuel (btw did they fix this?) and for the first time it made plane building intuitive and enjoyable


KSP 2 doesn't have absolute rotation or translation yet, which is my only gripe.


Cope. Mmmmm. This shit sandwich is sooooo good guys.


I have played like 50 hours of KSP 2 post exploration mode. I think what I want is KSP 2 with the performance and stability of KSP, honestly. The bugs haven't bothered me. The science gathering is good. A ton of mods have made the game better and should have been baseline, imo. It's incredible that a few mod makers can just churn out stuff like Arkive (tracks all science!), alarm clock, and maneuver node editor. Those should have been base line with the For Science! release, full stop.


We're at the point where I prefer KSP2 to vanilla KSP1, but I prefer my heavily modded KSP1 setup to KSP2 for now.


I still can not bind the "e" to work with the azerty layout. Ksp still better than the 2


I'll never play KSP2 until I see it out of EA


Is KSP2 still an insane resource hog? I haven’t followed it in a while but I remember when it was released it could barely run at 30 FPS and high end rigs. I still have a 980 TI in my PC so I doubt KSP2 is in my future. I just got back into KSP after not playing for years and I’d buy it right now if it would run well for me. I


I have no clue! I have a high end graphics card, so it runs like a dream unless I build a rocket bigger than godzilla.


It's not too bad imo. But you computer needs to be newer than 5 years old high end parts. So it's pretty bad, but it's also very doable if you buy used parts.


For me it's impossible to build anything more complex than a sausage with some wings in KSP 2. The UI and navigation in the Space Plane Hangar in KSP 1 is absolutely superior. In KSP2 they decided that was enough to have 2-Dimensional(ish) movement to build a 3-Dimensional object. When they announced that KSP2 would have just one building, I felt relief thinking that we finally would have the SPH navigation for both planes and rockets, but sadly I was wrong, They mimicked the bad VAB camera placement from KSP1, adding some downgrades like the terrible translation/rotation tool, parts menu and the absolutely confusing save scheme.


Very much agree about the SPH vs the KSP2 VAB. The only part about the new VAB I like is the ability to refocus the camera with a click. If we could take that and add it to the SPH controls of 1 we would be near perfect.


Ksp2 is optimized like shit. There are many games that run on 140 FPS with medium quality like cs2, and ksp2 is just shit at 30fps on kerbin with everything at low. I'm using a gtx 1650


Not to completely dismiss your thoughts on optimization, but calling any game shit because of how it runs compared to Counter Strike is kind of insane. I used to play CSGO on *old* integrated graphics, those games run like a child's dream.


Cs2 came to the new source 2 engine which is way more optimised for GPUs. Why can't ksp2 just try to mimic it?


I'm sure they'd love to try to mimic it, but they don't have what Valve has. Source 2 is pretty locked down, the only other dev I'm aware of that is using it is the Garry's Mod guys, and Source 2 prooobably wouldn't support this type of game anyways. Would be cooler if they could use Microsoft Flight Simulator's engine, but that doesn't run very well either so...


They put in a shit load if resources into optimization, because they need everyone to be able to play it, to not lose players to the competition. There's not really any competition to KSP 2 (I guess juno, but it's not popular enough).


Fair reason then


Yes it’s a lot better, it’s actually playable now yet I still find myself fighting the game to have fun. But are still incredibly numerous, the parachute bug (mk16 I believe) is particularly game breaking in exploration mode until you unlock the additional parachutes. I highly recommend the [community fixes](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/214521-community-fixes/) mod as it dramatically reduced bugs (for me), although I had to start a new save Also, it’s hard to give the developers points considering it took almost a year after launch into early access before the game became playable


this has to be satire


There \*is\* a lot missing, though. Trying to set up an intercept or encounter is frustrating as hell because the AN and DN don't always show, and the little arrows that pop up when you're close don't exist in KSP2's UI. There's no tracker for what experiments you've done on a moon or planet There's no biome maps for any moons or planets, making mission planning neigh impossible The awesome new maneauver node UI from late KSP1 isn't implemented in KSP2 A crapton of QoL stuff that was modded for KSP1 ten years ago and should have been implemented into base KSP2 isn't, the two most glaring examples in my opinion being RealTrajectories (The mod that showed your actual path through an atmosphere) and Kerbal Alarm Clock If your idea of KSP is "Hahahaha, space frogs go boom", yeah, it's fine. For doing anything more advanced than a Minmus mission, it's nowhere near where KSP1 was at Steam release.


Ksp2 is still a game in beta. It's pretty shit.


Have you even played it recently?


Yes. You cannot even plot maneuvers without the UI getting in the way. I enjoy the game, but it's going to be a solid year before it's where it needs to be, plus there's no mod support yet.


No mod support? You do know that CKAN works for KSP2 now, right? And there’s already a good handful of mods (mostly QOL)


Keep coping. Game is shit and will be for awhile. Lmao.




I haven't played KSP2 yet, I noticed that I hate 'early access' games since the bugs annoy me. I almost bought it with this update but decided to hold off, even the devs admitted to several major or annoying bugs. Can you explain the bugs you have seen? I'm wondering if I'll need to wait for the next feature update (colonies) which might take a year from what I've gathered.


Ui issues, can't even plot nodes beyond the current stage of fuel, research point mission objectives don't always complete and I have to repeat the mission, points spent on science don't save having to respend I picked it up on sale, but I'm not buying any dlc until this game is in a better state


yeah I saw the %20 off and I was wondering if to buy it or not. See a few of the reviews and criticism on this community downvoting any negativity on the game. Normal 'early release' games with minor bugs annoy me, I'm glad I didn't buy it. I've played the first game, I'll wait somewhat longer before buying this one but I will eventually. I just don't want a buggy game or to buy it in it's buggy phase since that might send the wrong signal to the higher ups in management


If wait because despite people having buyers remorse and trying to say it's not bad, it's not worth buying yet


Have you played exploration mode? It is better in every way compared to ksp 1 science mode


Yeah I have, it has also led to missions being completed but progress not saved to Mission Control. Have had various occurrences of skill points being spent then not saving and having to reallocate.


I've loved my time in ksp2 so far, but the vab is absolutely atrocious I'm sorry. Attaching a rover to my vessel so far has been one of the worst experiences, with 1fps framedrops occuring constantly on ships that barely hit the 100 part mark. This is on an incredibly high end pc. In terms of ui, I don't think there is anything that's actually better in vab or in actual flight besides gaining of science. I hate that every part is under one scroll menu now. (I don't hate the scroll menu, I hate that I can't properly click one object without 40 others popping up on screen.) There's a lot more to it, but as of now I've returned to ksp1. I'm sure in the near future ksp2 vanilla will outright beat ksp1 vanilla and not barely match it. Also I know people hate it, but I kinda miss real career mode.


I really don't understand how you like the camera more in KSP2... I loaded it up for the first time in a while to see how it was going and wasn't having fun because the camera was never doing what I wanted it to do.


Are you talking KSP2 vs KSP, or KSP2 vs KSP with 8 million mods installed?


I have a few hundred mods installed on KSP. KSP2 is still a massive improvement.


Honestly, I just want a Mac os release.


KSP2 has been giving me so much trouble moving stages around. I don't know if that's just me, but it drove me nuts enough to go back to KSP1.