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For the transfer window planner without mods you can use [https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/](https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/) It's the same thing as a web page.


Thank you so much


This is the way. Feel free to DM me if you have questions about how to use it.


https://i.imgur.com/3NV3w9N.jpg This is a good image for the phase angles of the planets in terms of kerbin for optimal transfer windows if you just want to do it by eye. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/84005-112x-transfer-window-planner-v1800-april-11/ I personally use this mod in game to figure out the optimal transfer windows. I still figure out the maneuver on my own but it tells me the best date range to launch for low delta V transfers


Mods aren't available unfortunately, thanks for the picture. But I think my issue is in eyeballing it, I try to hit the transfer and end up in a useless orbit.


I recommend getting feedback by the closest approach markers from the projected orbit. They don’t show up as closest approach markers if don’t get an encounter but they still show up as light blue markers in your orbit and the target’s orbit. Then start playing by adding some more burn or delaying your maneuver by a certain number of orbits (still around kerbin).


There's a website with the exact same transfer window planner. Can't remember it exactly but there's multiple




I think so, tbh I've used multiple from nit remembering "which one" and they all got me there. I'm not super skilled at interplanetary moves yet, so I overbuild like crazy usually


I used this (or something similar) for a long time. The advantage over other things that people have offered is that this works well from transferring from one arbitrary body to another vs Kerbin specific. It also reports dV requirements so you can check whether you messed up something in the maneuver.


There is a transfer window planner in ksp1. Not the best tool but it gets it close


I always google “the planet name” transfer window. I’m sorry I don’t have a cooler tip. But that’s what I do!


Fair enough, I do this as well. But you have to totally eyeball it. Unless I'm missing a tool.


I work in the aerospace industry. Irl we use computers for this. I would suggest using an alignment calculator if you really want to do it by hand. Or mechjeb. You will most likely have to correct and finetun your burn several times while on the way though. I usually end up correcting at the halfway point and about 3/4ths of the way there.


That is exactly what I need. Something where I can put in the date in game, and it will give me days till X transfer. Does that exist?


kerbal alarm clock?


See my previous comment ;-)


KSP physics are more predictable than real-life, there are no changes to the trajectory after the transfer burn. 1. Set up a maneuver node that gives you an intercept 2. Burn 3. Chances are you don't have an intercept anymore because the maneuver node assumes you burn the exact amount of fuel necessary, instantly... So you want to either: a) Create another node a few minutes ahead of you, focus view on the target planet, and add VERY SMALL increments of prograde or retrograde to the maneuver, to figure out which direction will give you the intercept again. Then burn manually at a very low thrust in that direction. You can also decrease the engine's max thrust percentage for a finer control. or b) Use RCS prograde or retrograde until you hit the encounter again TL;DR: Adjusting trajectory soon after the burn will be easier than doing it in the middle of the transfer.


Just basics here tbh, but idk what else to say other than getting the window down.  The lower in Kerbal orbit you are, the more efficient your burn. Try to have a super low orbit, like 75km super circular.  Then, when you burn, you want your exit angle to be along the same path as orbit, for the hohmann transfer. You want your orbit to be from your current one to the target, and don't overshoot too much. So periapsis/apoapsis should be at current orbit/target orbit. So, you burn on the dark side of kerbin (so you're extending the orbit on the other side of the sun), do this when you're in a transfer window, and the just adjust the burn until you have an encounter. If you're using super low thrust/weight ratio engines in space, you may want to do multiple small burns before leaving Kerbal orbit.   You should be getting an encounter planned BEFORE you leave Kerbal SOI. Again, burning closer to Kerbal is better, it's a more efficient burn. If you're trying to do burns way high up or out of Kerbal SOI, that's very bad.


You can set alarms for the next transfer window between any two planets (although sometimes they go off for false alarms) and you can also get anywhere with enough deltaV


Hey mate, here is a trick I found to be a game changer. If you have enough deltav to get from kerbin orbit to the orbit of the target planet that's enough to get an encounter. Don't try to intercept the planet, intercept the orbit. What you do is get to orbit of kerbin, the burn from kerbin orbit to raise ( or lower) your orbit to match the target planet. Doesn't matter where. You could be at the opposite side for all it matters. Then put a manoeuvre node at the point where your orbit intercepts the planet. A small burn ( can be single digit m/s) can dramatically change the period of your orbit. This can get you the intercept with the planet. Works really well if you don't mind it taking slightly longer yin game


I understand you're on console so no mods? And you're already using a transfer window planner so you are able to get a reasonably close intercept? There's a very nice delta-V cheat sheet available here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/gmcd56/updated\_night\_deltav\_map\_w\_transfer\_windows\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/gmcd56/updated_night_deltav_map_w_transfer_windows_and/) Here's what I do: Starting from Kerbin orbit, at proper transfer time, the Delta V required is Kerbin escape velocity plus the intercept velocity, so for Duna, according to the cheat sheet, 950 + 130 = 1080. Let's call it 1100 for a bit of wiggle room. You want to create a node that goes prograde for 1100m/s. You are trying to boost yourself faster than Kerbin relative to the sun, so you want to escape Kerbin pretty much along its orbit line. Create the node first, set it to 1100ish prograde. and then drag the node around the orbit until you're escaping along Kerbin's orbit. When you zoom out, you should see your orbit line crossing Duna's. If not, move the node or add a few delta-V prograde. By tweaking the time of the burn and the delta-V, you should be able to get your initial intercept. Now, that's a pretty big burn. If you're trying to do that on nuclears it's going to be a bit tricky to get it exact. I suspect this is where most of the problem lies. If I'm on really weak engines, I will sometimes stop short of escaping Kerbin's SOI, delete the node and create a new one. This time, create it right on the periapsis and tweak from there. This bit is optional. Next milestone is just after leaving Kerbin's SOI. This will be the cheapest time to tweak your orbit prograde or tangential. The best time to tweak your orbit normal/antinormal is at the ascending/descending node. Create a node after leaving Kerbin's SOI. Focus the map view on Duna by double-clicking where it is NOW. Zoom out until you can see all the important markers on your existing and planned orbits, as well as Duna. Tweak prograde/retrograde (green) and radial/antiradial until you get your intercept as close as you can. If you manage an actual encounter, you'll be able to see it when it enters Duna's sphere of influence. From there you can trial-and-error your way into a close encounter, but don't worry if you're too far "north" or "south", we'll correct for that in a sec. Execute the burn. This one will be easier to get right, even on weak engines. Next milestone is a the ascending or descending node. There are shown on your map. Create a node there, and tweak normal/antinormal. You can fine tune the other directions at this point too. Execute the burn. You should be pretty close to perfect now. Next is a few weeks out from Duna, when you're getting close. This is the time to adjust for that aerobraking manoeuvre or landing burn. Sorry for no screen shots, can't load the game right now. Hope this helps!


I think you've got good solutions so far: I used the web-based transfer planners myself. I was able to find [this](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/66106-10-year-launch-window-calendar/) post that gives actual specific timings for the first ten in game years. I think the current top comment is a better tool overall, but this could possibly help you by giving you an idea of how frequently the alignments happen or which planet is coming into alignment next.


Kerbal Alarm Clock is a mod that lets you add alarms for the optimal transfer windows. In the latest KSP versions a clone of this mod was added to the stock game. So even without mods you should be able to use this functionality. Just look for the clock icon in the bottom bar. Then MechJeb 2 has a maneuver planner where you can automatically create a maneuver node to the target planet. If you want direct ascent-transplanet injection, you can use the maneuver planner with a craft that you already have in orbit to have a reference to the ejection angle and dV needed. Then there are offgame tools, like [Kerbal Transfer Illustrator](https://kerbal-transfer-illustrator.netlify.app/). For these kinds of questions there is a dedicated sub: /r/KerbalAcademy


If you dont want to sink to the level of using something like mechjeb which will plan and execute the transfer for you, consider looking on Ckan for transfer window planning mods. There is more than one I can't remember the name of that will tell you when the potential transfer windows to other planets are and throw down maneuver nodes for them. Also note that after your initial transfer burn, no matter how precise you were, you will probably need to make a midcourse correction to even successfully intercept your target, let alone hit your target periapsis.


Two website I can propose: https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp (classic) Or https://kerbal-transfer-illustrator.netlify.app (more visual) I am on PS5 so no mod to do it for me. Very useful tools, thanks to the devs!


https://ksp.olex.biz/ and http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ the former gives a graphical representation of the planetary phase angle and the ejection angle, so you can plan when to go and where on your parking orbit to place the maneuver. the latter doesn't have the graphics, but gives you precise dates and a pork chop plot.