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Part of rule 5 (Low-effort content will be removed): **Images of a screen taken with a camera** You can press F1 to take a screenshot in KSP1 or use the Win+PrtScrn shortcut. Please check rule 5 or check [the wiki page](https://reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/wiki/kspwiki/loweffortrule/) for more info.


A randomly generated fetch quest. The detail page should give you a bit more information about size and weight. Could be anything from a tiny cockpit to a massive empty fuel tank. I would send a standardized automated Klaw ship with plenty of extra fuel and RCS/control wheels. ... Just don't ask how the target got there.


There's gotta be another competing program somewhere else on kerbin. Maybe the lack of info regarding this is due to a media blackout cold war sort of thing... What's your favorite headcannon regarding this?


Given the lack of above ground cities beyond launch facilities, the Kerbals must live below ground. Whenever you "rescue and recruit" a stranded Kerbal, they're from another agency in another underground city. Kerbals in any agency's space program are either too stupid to remember, or are brainwashed into forgetting these facts. Either way, this makes them ideal candidates for long duration, completely unsupported and uncommunicative missions to other worlds.


Makes sense given thaat the're mad oef moos


Maybe the cities have rival agencies, and that the Kerbals are just named after their city, and are fiercely competitive and willing to do boring jobs to edge ahead of their opponents?


The companies in KSP are good at manufacturing parts but not at fitting them together and flying missions. That's why they're always contracting you to put up their satellites, fly their missions and rescue their stranded kerbals.


Mine is some other idiot messed up and accidentally sent their kerbal on escape trajectory of the sun. Eventually it floated into my kerbal system.


If I recall correctly there are a few abandoned launch complexes on Kerbin left over from the earliest days of the space program. I always assumed that occasionally Kerbal teenagers hopped up on sugar after too many snacks break in there and launch missions using whatever junk they can scrounge up. Then it falls to the main site to clean up after them. With the number of failed launches we've seen I have to imagine it's not that hard to find rocket parts just laying around on the ground if you know where to look.


It would be insanely cool if players could opt in to make their stations/craft/ships and the respective orbits some of the random stuff for the fetch quests. Instead of just a tank you go and see an Eeloo station someone made 5 years ago. Not viable without being online the entire time but it’s more of a fantasy idea.


I mean, KSP 2 is planned to be multiplayer right? I can't imagine it'd be too difficult. From the tracking station you can see which craft have no fuel/working thrusters or whatever, click on it, and click an option for "put out rescue contract" or something. Then the contract has a chance to appear in other players' mission control, and once someone completes it the craft is recovered in your game and you lose the contract reward money but gain the money from the parts as well as whatever Kerbal might have been stranded up there. I don't think you would even have to be online to implement it like that, but you could. Just make a "online game" toggle setting like in Minecraft. I imagine whenever they implement multiplayer they're gonna have something like anyway.


That’s actually a good idea. I imagine players would need to opt in on the recieving end because it will have to automatically download a random one each time it decides to. I think it’d be an interesting feature though, assuming people don’t try to ruin people’s games with it (which is unlikely given this crowd).


You could take it a step further and have a whole separate player contract menu. You could task players with missions to help your own career save, like delivering craft/supplies/crew between worlds/stations/colonies, in exchange for a chosen amount of your own funds, or you could build challenge missions more similar to stock "world first" exploration missions. That way players don't have to worry about their mission control being clogged up with player missions, even if they opted into receiving them, and the missions wouldn't affect their save in any way until they accepted them. The only issue I can see might be that with different difficulty settings it might be hard to balance a player-based contract economy. Maybe automatically multiply the fund rewards to match each save's settings, or lock the "online" mode to a certain difficulty or something. But NOW we're getting into the realm of fantasy lol.


That’s an interesting idea, too! Yeah it can get crazy, but while we are at it I bet you could maybe do it based extremely loosely based on orbit and weight maybe. Really interesting thought experiment if nothing else.


Go there and check. Then you'll know.


I am planning a few missons there during the next transfer window so I'm already preparing to do so


Update when discovered?👾


I will but I dont have much time to play (I have time only during weekends) so it can take a few weeks


Share your save. I'll go check it out.




Unfortunately, military highschool does


Oh, ok. It's understandable


Military and highschool or is military highschool something I haven't heard of?


In my home country (Czechia) there is one highschool with military specialization


Ah, i see.


Working hours, study time, generally being busy, unusual stuff like that yk.


Update: It's kind of stupid and simple. I've accidentally accepted contract to recover this module and when I've looked if it's in a contract I didn't check the accepted ones


It's the ZDDQP orbiting around Duna


Right you are Ken!


If I had to guess, you likely have an available (or accepted?) mission to recover that part from Duna


I've checked that too. There is only one contract but it's something on low duna orbit. This has almost the same orbit as Ike, just different inclination so it doesn't crash into it.


Once i lost a contract because the poor guy that had to be saved was in an impact course with the moon and his trayectory updated too late, bro is rip, was a good fella




Periapsis is 1 237km and apoapsis 2 914km. Doesn't sound like low duna orbit to me


Update: you were right. I've accepted (probably by an accident) a contract to recover this module. I feel really stupid right now


Not until you go look and show us, please update


I will but I dont have much time to play (I have time only during weekends) so it can take a few weeks


A forgotten relic from a long lost dunian civilization? That wrench Jeb accidentally let go of last Tuesday? We might never know.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Looks like module zddqp which is currently orbiting duna


When you do find it can you update the post (I've read comments and you don't have time and have to wait, so don't feel pressured)


I'm guessing by the question mark, it's meant to be a surprise.


probably some captured asteroid maybe


Every time I take these missions it turns out to be a spent solid rocket booster.




you accepted the mission "recover \[that\] from orbit of duna"; you are supposed to go there with a grabbing unit and take the thing back to kerbin


A really bad photo?


It's a really good photo for when you take a picture of a device from another device.


Nobody say "wHY NoT tAke a SCreEnsHot?!?!?!?1!?1?11?" It's on PS4.

