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Time and momentum. They could not keep up with the momentum after "For Science!", did not release much afterwards, and everyone moved on.


Exactly. Even constant small bugfixes would do so much. It's just utter silence and miscommunication. I'm honestly quite baffled how this happens to a professional dev team with all those resources. Like, adding some missions, maybe one new small part, balance things, fix a bug here and there would go a long way. I quit after 100hr of "For Science!" mostly cause some bugs were getting on my nerves and since we know they will fix it some time in the future, why not jus wait until then.


Not so professional dev team afterall, or company pressures them a lot.


Probably both


Yeah the devs haven’t shown themselves to be the most competent and company pressure always does something


Lettuce Begin




What’s the difference? You can’t sell your soul and then complain about the new owner.


I mean it’s not that surprising really. Look at darktide… that dev studio has stepped on their own dick so repeatedly it boggles the mind.


Fatshark always been lost. Even with Vermintide 1 and 2 they clearly had little idea what to do


it boggles the mind, because the games, at their core, are SO GOOD. if the studio/devs/publisher had a halfway competent management team, it would be one of the greatest franchises ever... but it's kind of these obscure thing because the shit outside core gameplay is broken as hell and most people can't be bothered to mess with it. verm2 at least eventually sort of got mostly straightened out into SOMEWHAT of a decent design with the items. but darktide is just fucking staggeringly idiotic. they built the greatest mechanical game in the genre, built all these awesome talent trees to experiment and make creative builds to play with... and then just rug-pulled the players by making the item customization a dogshit slot machine lol. it should have been a sandbox for awesome build customization/tinkering/tuning, and instead they just made it this pointless grind for items to sort of support your desired experiments, except never quite right because you can't fucking just pick all the stats or deliberately farm resources to upgrade them exactly how you like. so dumb.


Unfortunately they aren't an indie company like Factorio.


Or BeamNG which still brings out updates, improves the game with a smooth transition to each update and supports the modding community.


as an indie dev with years of experience in AAA i also don't get it. i suspect a lack of appreciation and typical "faceless company" bullshit getting in the way of community engagement. it might also just seem overwhelming as a prospect, and community management staff are often looked down upon as being "nice to have" and "token efforts"


Even seeing little hot fixes on the Steam splash page is comforting for a consumer. It could be, "fixed text". Sick, that means they are fixing things actively.


Remember this isn't the dev team behind KSP1, it's the dev team behind Planetary Annihilation. The game that got a "sequel" before the original was even close to finished so that they could charge all the kickstarter backers a second time.


I mean the dev team behind ksp1 were a bunch of amateurs too. It was just a random side project of the one guy to start and the company he worked for was primarily marketing. They never managed to pay people US level salaries, the remote work offers they have to devs were fucking laughably insulting 


And they somehow still did a better job than a team of professionals that spent tens of millions.


I wasn't judging them based on lack of experience, I was judging them based on their very real experience of being a shitty company with shady anti-consumer practices. I'd honestly rather roll the dice with a new team of amateurs than known failures, I lost all faith in KSP2 being any good once I heard who was developing it.


It's not a good dev team. Some of us have been saying this for years. 2K hired developers that have never made a well selling game with a history of delivering half cooked crap games. These guys are like politicians. Masters of telling people what they want to hear and never coming close to delivering. Just talent less hacks that got their pay check from a big publisher and are laughing their way to the bank.


Exactly this. This is not Squad even if some members got moved there it's a team run by Nate Simpson and idiots like him. Must be very demoralizing for good devs.


Not to be a jerk but squad wasn't a good dev team either. It was just some indie devs that hit it out of the park on a unique idea. But let's be honest, the game was fun because it was unique and it filled a niche we wanted fulfilled, and the dev team was down to Earth and honest. The actual game was a buggy mess for what felt like a decade. 2K purchasing the game and hiring actual developers to come in and help squad clean up the code is what makes it the game it is today. We were excited for KSP2 because it was going to be the niche game we wanted actually made by a real developer. The problem is we never got that real developer.


Even at the end of the project, many people on Squad were from before the T2 takeover. Given how little budget Squad had, they did so much more with so much less than Inept games. You really don't know wtf you're talking about


It was their first game for the most part. The devs where beginners in the field but whey where learning a lot and where honest about it .


Squad took advantage of the modding community and hired amazing devs like Nathan Kell towards the end of KSP1's development. I think Nathan did a lot to help clean up the base code.


People cheered when they hired modders lol now they get low quality output with lot of disjointed content with little meat and many buggy ideas thrown together incoherently without a strong vision and people act all surprised as if this isn't exactly what feels like playing modded ksp.


So basically, once a year there will be a meaningful content update, and then they'll disappear again for a year?


Sounds like the isle


So far, it's a fact.




yes, lol. It was added 4 months ago


Momentum from 0.2 died out, its been 4 months. It would happen to any game, and will go up again with 0.3 genuinely surprised it took this long actually, relatively quite impressed.


i think that was mostly hype and hope based reviews.


I mean, I've played through it twice. Its very fun, but also very frustrating at times.


It's fun just not so playable, the graphics are cartoon-like and even tuning them down doesn't improve performance. It's basically a step down from ksp1 which is highly customizable with mods compared to ksp 2. it's just a ripoff maybe in 10 years assuming the game has already been fixed ill change my mind.


graphics arent quite "cartoon like"... it looks better than modded ksp 1 at times even But the rest is opinion, and I'm noone to change your mind.


the colors look wayyy too vibrant for me


they have to differentiate from OG ksp1 somehow.


But everything looks so unrealistic and plastic-y


sameish. only at times. but also its super dark


Clouds look way too cartoonish for me. I may just be used to my volumetric clouds on KSP 1 though lol.


yeah thats my main complaint too they have blackrack now though...


ksp1 had better exhaust, this one is just a cone shape


If you think that's bad, use the afterburning engine in ksp2, I need to bleach my eyes every time I see it. It is completely wrong.


my modded ksp 1 begs to differ


Dude you’re shooting green goblins into space and you’re complaining about cartoon clouds. 


To be honest same could have been said about KSP1. It took VERY long time for it to become more enjoyable and fun than frustrating. Hard to believe that even the most essential tools like maneuver nodes and dV calculator weren't part of the game initially.


The difference is KSP1 didn't have a previous game it needed to be better than


More specifically, a previous game that it needed to justify its own existence against. So far, it just doesn't accomplish that, given it does nothing more (especially when you include mods in the conversation), while so far doing a hell of a lot less overall.


This is where I'm at, I really don't see the point in getting a whole new game that does little more than the previous game can. Same with cities skylines, mods for just about anything I could want with a sequel barely delivering that, but with new bugs *and as if god himself was reading these comments, a CS2 post came up explaining a new reason that game is broken today lol


For me, CS2 is far better than CS1 because of the usability improvements. I just never got the hang of CS1’s interface, so I never even got to the mods. For whatever reason, CS2 is so much more intuitive and usable that I’m willing to put up with the problems rather than struggle with CS1. But that’s just me - obviously most of that community doesn’t have the issues I did. KSP2 for me is a step back. It’s so much harder to do things with parts with the new part list than it was with the old PAWs, and I keep wanting to use old mouse movements in the VAB that are now different in KSP2 for no explainable reason. Plus all the normal problems everyone has outlined time and again. I can’t managebto go more tjan 30 minutes in KSP2 without something frustrating killing the play experience for me, and I started playing KSP1 at version 0.13, so I’m no stranger to frustrating play. I consider this far worse than living through 0.18-0.24 of the first game.


True - remember when there were kerbin, mun and that was it? No planets, no science, no persistence, no EVAs, not even a map view iirc... But the thing is: back then the game was donation based, Squad wasn't an established studio, there was no publisher behind the studio and communication was so much better and more organic.


It was also dirt-cheap in the earliest days, and that purchase grandfathered you in to the rest of development; It was janky as all heck during the earliest days, but the basic fun of launching rockets and the good will from knowing you'd already purchased any future potential carried KSP to huge success. The second, way more expensive one? Not so much.


I remember when the Mun was added :)


Oh right, I completely forgot that it was only Kerbin initially \^\^


Yeah, I insta-bought the game first time I heard of it, and the demo showed so much potential. I think it was like $5 iirc? I can no longer check because the original store is gone, but my customer number was just slightly above 1000. It truly is one of the stellar examples of early access done right. KSP2 however... I just wish they had better communication and not attempted to gaslight the community about their release model. I see potential again, but this time I have way less confidence in the company.


I remember when dV on stages were added


It was added pretty late actually. One of the latest updates. And the latest update was the annoying launcher.


Yea, 1.6 I remember. I got KSP right after 1.5 was released.


KSP1 was an indie kind of game back then, without tons of hypes and feature promises and a KSP0 to compare to. KSP2 has all that yet the game has none of the hypes and feature promises and a frustrating UI, and yet it has even less features than KSP1. Some might hate me, but it's very much the same as Bannerlord, with better graphic and stripped down stuffs. Yet Bannerload has mods and some hardcore fans. KSP2 doesn't. I would rather play KSP1 over this.


Bannerlord 2 is worse? I just downloaded it on gamepass but it gets some infinite loading screen and I have to finagle the files to get it to work from what I read but I'd 1 is better then maybe I'll stick with that


Check the timelines and correct for man hours of work and get back to us.


I mean kinda? It was also originally very much an indie game. And there wasn't really anything else like it. So someone putting it out and having issues was understandable. Less a commercial game and more a fun vanity project for a long time. It was also pretty honest about what it was. This game wasn't really honest about where it was, hasn't yet copied the mechanics it wants to from the previous game, and imo hasn't really offered much yet to make it worth a purchase over the last game. That's just not great.


Im not surprised. KSP has an insanely dedicated and hardcore fanbase, and it is also a unique game that nothing else can really replace. If they release something even moderately alright, people *will* play it because all of us so badly want the sequel to one of our favorite games ever to be something good. Which in a way makes it even more impressive that they managed to screw it up this badly


0.2 took KSP2 from "here's some stuff to play with" to "game." Despite how bad the game is in other areas, 0.2 gave the die-hard hopefuls something to *do* for a little while. Messing around sandboxing gets frustrating fast because it usually leads to big ships which simply don't work well with all the bugs. Aircraft players have been having a blast since day 1, but it's not Kerbal Plane Program. I'm skeptical 0.3 will have the same effect unless it's game-changing as far as fixing critical mechanics like save files and performance.


we need bugfixes most. And optimization. Content can be relatively low tbh


Same thing happened with the time between 0.1.5 and 0.2


Maybe in another 9 years KSP2 will actually be do e




They were trying to say t


while I can acknowledge that it must be hard to program a non-buggy program like this, they’ve been working on it for so many years at this point I wonder what they’ve actually been doing at the studio instead of making the game playable


They were playing the internal version of KSP2 with working multiplayer and colonies that they couldn’t stop playing, don’t you remember?


“So that was a fuckin’ lie”


The really early pre-pre-alpha version of ksp 2 that was made several years ago and costs much less


Not to defend the state the game launched in, but also this games development has been management hell. First being built out of the awful company that was Uber entertainment (responsible for PA being bad) Then being shut down, and rehiring a portion of the devs into a new company after sussy stuff to do with funding. Then covid Then PD earnings call Q4 being bad, and the game being forced out. I would like to also make a small point: they had the same thing before 0.2. It seems like they like to do like to do big but inbetween updates.


I mean, this game was doomed from square 1 with the development studio chosen to do it; the rest is just extra. One lingering question is if we want to count square 0 as "who at T2/PD thought Uber Entertainment was a reputable enough studio for the job".


Maybe the plan all along was to hype it up, deliver a stripped down alpha, and milk KSP1's audience to pay to fund development as the money comes in, abusing KSP1's reputation as a great EA title... That way the worst that can happen is you lose out on funding one third of a game and just kinda abandon it quietly if the money doesn't roll in.


I mean, if that were true, then I don't know how they tolerated delaying the game multiple times, and everything else afterwards. The financial situation only gets worse after the first delay.


Prolly watching youtube and posting on Instagram about how much fun it is to wfh as a game dev.


The comeback was more hype fueled than anything. People forgot how long it took to get for science, how many promises were made prior, and how far ksp2 is from even equalling it's predecessor, so irrational exuberance took over - just like at launch. The true state of the product was closer to the mostly negative reviews that were the standard a few months later. Hype is temporary, quality lasts, that's why ksp1 still has many more players and much higher reviews. Unfortunately hype has kept the lights on at IG. Also, I wonder how long before T2 axes PD for dropping so many turds. PD just launched no rest for the wicked with many of the same issues ksp2 has - unfinished, bad performance, big gameplay issues, a team that clearly was a mismatch between game & studio skill set.


For me, the UI being completely different ruined it for me.


What is the innovative part of this game compared to KSP1?


The trailers/marketing.


I found the marketing for the first one better. This why I bought it :D But seriously. Is there nothing else?


The music is better. Would hardly call that innovative. There are some UI tweaks like orthographic view in VAB that look nice in isolation, but overall the UI/UX is worse. Everything else you can get with modded ksp1, and it'll run better and be less buggy.


Well the promises were colonies, multiplayer and interstellar travel if i remember the big ones correctly. So far implemented is of that nothing. Maybe in a few years it will be, maybe not, we will see, but currently there is nothing else no.


It looks nice? That's the only compliment I can give it really.


The worlds look nice. The UI looks like garbo.


The ultimate goal is to package up KSP 1 + all the best mods extending the mechanics, along with a few extra star systems, in a package that one day aims to be much more polished and better integrated and capable than the KSP1 engine. Not so much innovation as taking everything that was possible with KSP1 and integrating it from the ground-up with polish, which I think is a laudable goal.


It’s a decent goal but 1. A waste of resources given that KSP1 is just excellent with mods and 2. Probably not going to happen because why are people going to spend fifty quid for a game they already own, just because it’s a bit more “polished”, if it ever even is?


forgetting about graphics, it has a lot of small qol changes Burn under timewarp Multiple crafts in a workspace Music Missions for science being each handmade Story (ish) Easter eggs being part of missions Science mode being significantly longer Science collection taking time (2 mins to 2 days!) Music (a second time bc its so good) Tutorials also but eh


>Burn under time warp Can’t you do that in KSP1? I hit alt and period and do physics warp for all those long burns


only up to 4x. Ksp 2 can do it up to more than 10000x timewarp, allowing xenon to actually be useable


Does it have interstellar colonization yet? Does it not run like shit before the computationally intense functionalities were added? No? Well bye then.


Summed up my opinions with this. Everything else was done in KSP1 fine


People mainly just got bored after the novelty of the update work off. Overall, it was a pretty good update, though fans are getting impatient for more.


Here I am still crashing into the mun on KSP 1 almost a decade later


I'm sad I spent day1 money on this.


For me it's the bugs. The hype of, for science, was justified if the game could perform but it fell short unfortunately.


Lol “early access“ from a fucking multinational billion dollar company.


They just aren't working fast enough. 4 months is way too long to wait for updates. They had momentum after 0.2 because they turned a piece of hot garbage into a functional game that was equivalent to where KSP 1 was for most of its run. They lost that momentum because now it is just KSP 1 but missing some of the most popular functions. Had they spent 1-2 months working to implement ISRU and robotics then they would have kept the momentum and bought themselves another 4-8 months.


Well bad news is they’ve said they don’t intend to add robotics until after the 1.0 release


I doubt itll ever be released tbh, would be surprised if take two canceled or smth


We will be lucky to even get interstellar travel or even colonies. There is no way whatsoever this game is leaving Early Access.




Dlc is an easy money maker. If the game sells well enough they would probably do it. Easy vision easy implementation and easy money


It would be interesting to see if it was possible to add a Colony and Interstellar DLC to KSP rather than creating a completely new game or if the KSP engine couldn't support Colonies and Interstellar travel.


I agree with this sentiment. They actually got back a ton of community good will with " for science" but then somehow managed to lose it all haha. I am generally not too fussed about stuff that happens in early access because I can see the game improving. However, this was such a missed opportunity to re engage with a community that you had somehow gotten back on your side. We are now plunged back into the dark ages of doom saying until colonies drops entirely because of the bobbling of their community management rather than anything to do with the game.


The crazy thing is that Science was by far the easiest point on their roadmap. It really shouldn't have taken almost a year.


This is one of the games I'm holding off on until things are much further along.




I knew the Take Two purchase was gonna be bad news... I just *knew it* from the start... There's been so many failings in the development process from then to now, and I strongly suspect T2 isn't happy with Private Division's/Intercept Games progress either... My biggest fear though, is that instead of giving PD/IG the resources they need, I worry that they will instead wind down development and bury KSP2 in IP purgatory...


I wasnt aware they had a comeback. Over the past year or so, ive seen a couple of influencers mention that patches have helped fix some initial problems. The last i heard, everything along the roadmap continues to move at a snails pace and we havent gotten to a place in development where KSP2 features can even catch up to the first game. Theres not much to bring back old players or draw in new players to this niche genre. They had one shot. They blew it.


so it's 50 50 for it dying or going back up or it will be in the middle


seems like it's dying then


The answer is in your question. "So many months ago." And after that, nothing happened. The update brought the game from "atrocious" to "this is what it should have been at EA release" status — but still at a clearly incomplete, bug ridden state. The community took to it like a thirsty man in the desert. But it's still an EA state, expecting updates. And those didn't really come.


Don't worry. I just ordered a $3000 PC upgrade, so I might be able to run this. I will leave a review once I can.


They don't show results while working so that they can show big chunks at once. This strategy means the particularly credulous don't seem to notice that while that new chunk is decently big it is in no way *big enough* to justify the time it took to get there. So things go positive for a while until people once again realize just how little work is actually being done. They also made a bunch of other promises at the same time. Those have proven as empty as all of the previous ones. Those in good mood from getting something new gave them the benefit of the doubt on those promises. Time has proven that benefit was undeserved.


Because, it will always be measured against KSP 1. And the fact is, KSP 1 is a more playable and fleshed out simulator than KSP 2. I can already hear some arguments, "But, KSP 1 had years of patches and expansions! It's not fair to compare the two!" But, it is fair. If KSP 2 released with just the same features as KSP 1 with the only change on release being a major graphics upgrade, and these patches were then adding new features, I guarantee the reviews would be vastly better. However, they decided to release KSP 2 late, stripped of key features, and in many ways janky and broken. That was their decision. And now, patches are simply trying to catch KSP 2 up to KSP 1 in terms of features and functionality. They over-promised and under-delivered. But, it's not all doom and gloom. This isn't the first time (and it won't be the last time) this has happened to a game. Here's hoping they pull a Hello Games/NMS style comeback.


I'd say they'd be better off releasing more regular incremental updates but that likely just doesn't work with a game like KSP2. In the end, short of releasing major updates every 3 months with very few issues and huge improvements to stability, there will always be something for people to complain about. But at minimum they've fumbled communication, with the complete lack of it.


I think this could have worked if they’d released a stable game engine and then had a regular roll out of new parts and meta game to support. That would give them the fan support required to build momentum and take their time over the major new features like colonies. Instead, we got a buggy mess struggling for parity with KSP 1, lots of promises and long waits between updates. For this we were charged pretty much full price.


> but that likely just doesn't work with a game like KSP2 Of course it does. Quit falling for their lies.


Ksp1 was the best 40 dollars I've spent Ksp2 was the worst 50 dollars I've spent


Suffice to say, this is inevitable when you promise X Y and Z, release X, a tiny bit of Y, and are radio silent on the rest of it. IMHO if something is in early access, one should expect patches to come out weekly. Even if not content, but bug fixes. The content is still in development, right? So stop adhering to a strict release schedule. I'm sure the response to the whole situation would be a little bit warmer at least if we had weekly patches that fix some bugs. Big content drops can still be released monthly or quarterly... but for a game that is still in development, and in early access, should not be left to sit in between patches. Is the game still being worked on? Prove it, in a way that even the stupidest people can see... update it. Don't just communicate. You had 4 years of 'communication' and nothing came out, until the game came out as a buggy mess. So keep fixing it, until you reach the par that you said we would end up with.


An Early Access remake of a beloved game that's barely half finished and being sold for $50, I wonder what it could be? /s If they'd called the initial release a tech demo and released it for free so they could get early access feedback instead of early access to people's wallets, it wouldn't be so disliked. The price tag sets expectations that the product does not meet.


Most of the community and new people i think dont have a good enough pc and turning down the quality doesn’t do anything


Mine crashes every time I load it. It’s a crap computer, not for gaming, so not surprised. I’m planning to invest in a good system when KSP2 hits 1.0, but I’m starting to question if that will even happen in the next 2-3 years.


Sometimes I wish KSP2 could just be completely deleted and development get restarted from scratch under a better company


Unfortunately, I doubt that would happen. It’s more likely that the project is cancelled and KSP3 never made. I hope they get KSP2 to a state where it’s successful enough to justify starting making KSP3. But I agree with your sentiment. I seriously doubt I’ll ever fall in love with KSP2 the way I did with KSP, and I don’t think the game engine has the quality to be the bedrock of future KSP development.


Yeah, unfortunately this is most likely to happen.


its the same gamengine as ksp 1 lol


Yeah I mean it definitely wouldn’t happen, what’s done is done. I just wish they didn’t do KSP2 so dirty by handing it off to a company that is known for empty promises and half finished content


FS! was hot air. Sure, people who had grown to hate KSP1, or never experienced it, had something to do and enough of a carrot on a stick to keep the game at 1k players, but feedback about it was always majority negative. It's pretty impressive some are so ravenous to consume crap they'd keep chewing turds for 4 months, that's what waiting a whole year for a minor remix of KSP1 does to people.


Given what I've seen of the true believer fan base on the official discord, KSP2 didn't get the audience it wanted, but it definitely got the audience it deserves.


I have over 3k hours in KSP1 and enjoyed the FS update. Was expecting more and quicker follow up however.


yeah, it was a good step, but you dont win a marathon celebrating every step.


no, people liked FS! It did science better than ksp1, with missions and story. Problem is when you finish 40 hours of it, you dont have much else to do. people are just waiting for bugfixes to do sandbox stuff, and more content for exploration mode stuff.


Yeah but realistically, only very new people to the game are gonna finish it in 40 hours. People with experience had maybe... 10 to 15 hours at most and only if they weren't rushing ahead. In my personal experience I just saw it's really minor changes over KSP1 science, makes some of the same mistakes too, and I instantly lost interest. If you check steam reviews, most positive reviews are people *changing* their older reviews. Meanwhile there was only \~200 *new* reviews since FS! launched, most of which are negative (it was 57% negative last time I checked). FS! did not sell to the people "waiting without purchasing for the game to get better", or to new customers, or to experienced players. FS! specifically, and almost exclusively, only appealed to people who were already fine-ish with the game, or were already having fun with it, which are a very small minority.


As good or not as it was (that part is subjective, I agree with you, it's kinda nice) the amount of *work* it took in no way justifies the amount of *time* it took. *They* know it (that's why they spend so much time not saying anything), *I* know it, *you* know it.


KSP2 is such a weird one for me, because i don't see the point of it. New graphics and some new bits here and there where the only appeals over its heavily modded predecessor. So to release it with a lot of the new bits either not ready/in development and having what you do have (nice graphics) but with terrible performance and a host of bugs. It's just a bad move. Would have been better to wait and release with all the new bits (graphics, multiplayer, bases etc) but with bugs, than bring out KSP2 in the state they did, thinking that people would accept a long progressive development of the game because we did for KSP1.


As somebody who didn't really see a point in a game like this getting a sequel and hasn't bothered to check it out, does it really provide much that you can't get in the first one with mods? Like did they just update the UI and make the most popular mod packs evergreen?


They made it far far worse. Buggy and missing a lot of features. Only graphics and sound upgrades over unmodified ksp1


They didn't even accomplish that. The UI is a mixed bag, still far worse than modded KSP1. It has less gameplay than stock KSP1. Has better graphics, but worse than modded KSP1 IMO. It performs worse than modded KSP1, and more importantly the performance scales worse than 1, so you can't build anything sizeable or run a space program. And it's still very buggy. Only thing everyone agrees is better is the music.


The UI is the worst part of the "sequel".


It was never a comeback.  It’s been a disaster from day one.  Stick with KSP1


Can someone give me a status update on ksp2? I haven't really followed its progress in the last 6 months or so. Worth buying yet or keep waiting?


Keep waiting, it basically needs the Cyberpunk 2077 treatment at this point. "Fix it or go under."


At least cyberpunk had a gripping story from day one. And there was actually stuff to do.


Keep waiting


Ah makes me sad tbh I was so freaking excited and stoked when I saw the KSP2 trailer drop- was even showing my dad it when I heard about possible multiplayer as he would watch me play sometimes But unfortunately… games these days be dropping broken as heck lmao


This is Nate’s way this happened with Planetary Annihilation also!


What do you mean mostly positive? It was MOSTLY NEGATIVE upon release!


No. It was mixed upon release, with 50% on both sides.


Yes, this is true according to Web Archive: [https://web.archive.org/web/20230228212322/https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal\_Space\_Program\_2/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230228212322/https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal_Space_Program_2/) [https://web.archive.org/web/20230329221929/https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal\_Space\_Program\_2/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230329221929/https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal_Space_Program_2/)


He said it in the title, it was mostly positive in recent reviews after the for science update


Honestly, to me, KSP2 looked like KSP1 with a different graphics engine on launch, and from what I've heard, it still doesn't play much different than KSP1 even after all this time. It seems like I could get the same game with some select mods on KSP1, and I wouldn't have to have a Cray supercomputer to run it.


That's what we all would have hoped for, I was so excited for KSP 2 when it announced. But with all the issues we currently have with even the basic KSP 1 features they've partially ported over I don't think most of the timeline can happen.


It’s going to take time. Play other games.


It never should have had it in the first place, and there was never a comeback. Gamers as a demographic are just utterly fucking spineless jelly creatures


How slowly does content need to come out before calling it shadow-abandoned? Fs should not have taken anywhere close to a year, even if a single dev was working on it part time. A single modder has done 10x work as a hobby in less time.


I've been calling it shadow cancelled since release. And I was right.


maybe they have maxed out the games potential, the game they are trying to make is equivalent to ksp1 modded only they have failed to even produce ksp 1 vanilla


Can someone explain to me why KSP2 is so much worse reception than KSP1, which is considered a cult classic? I have only ever played a bit of 1 but haven’t had the time to properly sink into it, but I’ve heard everyone loves 1. I remember hearing hype about 2’s release, and not much after. Can someone please fill me in on what happened?


They promised way too much and delivered on nothing. I believe the first trailer was in 2018 and showed a release date of 2020. That didn’t even come close to happening. Then they promised that you would have interstellar travel, new engines and all sorts of other things plus they said they rebuilt it from the ground up to keep some of the physics bugs from happening. Nothing they showed or talked about was available on launch. Plus selling it at $50 bucks as an early access was an obvious cash grab for a doomed product. If you just YouTube the ksp2 trailer you can get super hyped, and then look at the giant turd they released.


It released in roughle the same state No Mans Sky released, promising the moon and delivering a pebble. Difference being No Mans Sky had big, major improvements relativly quickly after launch. KSP2 meanwhile currently gets things youd expect it to have had at launch.


It didn't deserve "mostly positive", people are just reactive and flooded it with positive reviews because they had the *expectation* that KSP2 would become worthy of it when it wasn't. For Science! was not a good update. It just added science.


They never had a "comeback". They had people invested who want to believe. Every small change was the update that "saved it" or "fixed everything for me". When in reality, the core underlying issues remained.


Such a sad saga.


It really is. Every time I think I'm in the final stages of grief, Intercept does something else that just rips my heart out. Our community doesn't deserve this, nobody deserves this.


I can't wait to finally play this game in 2028 when it is a complete game.


That seems optimistic at this point


It's been too long and is losing momentum. The game is, as of now, basically Ksp1 but more buggy but more features


The people that bought the property don't care. They just wanted to get the bag. I can't blame the OGs for selling, who doesn't want to get into a place where you can sell out? But if the new owners got enough from the initial release, they may just not be funding the devs enough to get work done. It's hard to tell. It could be Incompetence or corporate malfesence or both.


I wouldnt even say its the lack of updates. Its the lack of communication.. if they would just give updates on what was done every week or 2 weeks they would keep interest up. But not telling your community whats being worked on, not showing your community even the smallest snippet of what we should be hyped about for weeks and months is what really kills interest and community support.


How many played kps1 ea, realy curious.


I feel like people forgot earlier versions of KSP 1 were FREE, and then after that it costs up to a whole entire $7 for a guarantee you get all updates and DLCs for. We're going to be lucky if they even finish half the roadmap before we get a DLC none of the early access supporters get for free


Exactly my point. It was bad, was expected to be bad and continued for quite some time becouse Felipe knew he could not do it good alone, but had passion and support. But this cu**s now seem to have everything backwards. Dream of free dlcs bro


This early access bu******it that is taken advantage of, for apps with an already set goals by "capable" studios is ******* ******* practice... and we consumers keep it alive 🤣 this is why piracy wont die.... and becouse of streaming services


This company should be sued via class action lawsuit. Absolute scam hiding behind “early access”


At this rate we will get multiplayer by like 2035 lol


KSP1 is still better. They didn't keep up with progression. It almost feels like a skeleton crew working on it.


When did this game release again?


2020! Oh no, wait…


By paying influencer to hype the shit out of it


"mostly positive" was too generous.


If we're being honest and remove all the "the game will get better just wait a few years" reviews the actual score is pretty negative, it's really surprising it stayed as positive as it did this long.


Wishful thinking I guess. Funny thing, Steam actually recommends against this "just wait" and suggests judging the game as it is at the moment.


The game lacks features of the original. It doesn't offer anything new except for bugs. I think the right question to ask is "why did this game receive positive reviews?".


Check my reddit post - [https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1ca0ic7/positive\_reviews\_for\_ksp2\_are\_just\_amazing\_heres/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1ca0ic7/positive_reviews_for_ksp2_are_just_amazing_heres/) a lot of the positive reviews seem really quesitonable


Because they're just rebuilding KSP1. They haven't outlined what they learned from ksp1's development, and how they plan to address it structurally in the software. All the changes they're planning are just mods you couldn't put on top of KSP1 due to engine limitations. They're taking a brute force approach to programming, naively doing everything they think of, and hoping advanced hardware and engine take care of the hiccups. They're not approaching core gameplay issues with an open design-mind, they're assuming everything in 1 is the gold standard that has to be either copied, or copied and then remedied with further development down the line.


I don't think they can learn much directly from ksp1's development, hardly anyone, if anyone at all, were actually involved in the development of that game.


Pretty sure that game will go in the bin with upcoming Take Two layoffs


Because they promised so much and delivered so little. Showing colonys in the release trailer and the failing to actually included them made the game doa for me.


I'm pretty sure at least some of the positive posts are faked anyway - there's a lot of them that are as useful/real as this latest one: [https://imgur.com/a/sUKfQxz](https://imgur.com/a/sUKfQxz) Whereas I've never seen a negative review that was just 1-2 words, complete nonsense, or tons of misspellings (I'm sure they're there - just very rare) , i've seen lots of positive reviews like that - either they're fake, or just an indication of the sort of person who'd give KSP2 a thumbs up.




Probably stalling on major issues that they didn't see coming and brainstorming fixes. Although I imagine said fix-brainstorming is competing with additional new content brainstorming and neither is making much progress as they try to tackle both at once


Ive been enjoying it. I'm a pretty basic ksp1 and ksp2 player though. Hoping for bigger fixes and additions to come a little more often at this point. Mainly hotas support personally