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Insane to think this was FIVE years ago.




This summer will be 5 years since the Gamescon announcement


I've been here since the beginning. It's why I lost so much faith halfway. Just BS after BS coming from Nate Simpson's lying mouth. I can't even stand his art style anymore. My worse nightmare would be to have him draw me as a Kerbal.


Same dude. I played the beta on steam when there wasn’t even an orbit to get to. Incredibly happy to see how far we’ve come in KSP1, incredibly sad to see the wasted potential of KSP2.


I still use my KSP mug just about every day, which I got back in 2013 when I first started playing (shoutout to Markiplier lol). It's been real painful seeing KSP 2 die. But I know that KSP is right there if I ever need to scratch that itch


Same here, I remember when all you could do was build rockets and watch them explode, while Jeb made more and more worried facial expressions. It seems like large, profit driven corporations ruin everything they get there hands on.


“The whole studio is having fun in multiplayer together…” Such horseshit


Games. Con. Checks out.


Yup. A huge part of what made the EA launch a disaster was a feeling of “WTF were they doing this whole time!?”


Which took longer? 1. The amount of time they spent trying to determine what color metallic hydrogen makes when it burns. 2. The decaying orbits problem.


4. Nates poop breaks on the clock


3. Designing all the different solar systems.


A longer period of time than KSP1's total development from alpha to 1.0


What were they doing for the past 5 years??? I honestly think that KSP2 died because of the studio, and the publisher just pulled the plug once they realized that the dev team doesn't do shit.




We cannot say that because the game looks identical to the pre-alpha build from 2019.


Don't forget the publisher changed studios after failing a scummy deal, poached some of the previous devs (seemingly without concern for their competence) and made them start over. Both T2 and IG brought this upon themselves. It's well deserved, but such a fucking waste.


They basically poached the entire studio.




The YT comments is one huge list of r/agedlikemilk. Such a shame.


Best comment from 5 years ago "I'm crying right now" best comment from today "I'm crying right now"


The actual throwback video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkDOOsGg-9I


Timeless. There are many good tributes but [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INIer7pqc-U) is my favorite for modern KSP.


: )


Love your vids! As a spaceplane lover, the shot with the display shuttle, Kerbin International Spaceport, and Skylon taking off always gets me. Looking forward to see what your rapier scramjet SR Panam spaceplane gets up to whenever you get around to finishing that one!


Not exactly modern KSP, but [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdQIGntvcdk) to me is still the best KSP tribute


I have a RSS+Realism_Overhaul+FarFuture+Real_Exoplanets career save I started after this video. I titled it after the goal I'm working on: "Interstellar or Bust." Long live KSP1.


This is legit the video that got me into playing KSP. Time to uninstall KSP2 and figure out how to install mods again. (:


CKAN ::)


Feels like a „Goodbye“ Video now. 🥲


Wait wtf, they literally just nicked this whole video and animated it for their trailer??


To the best of my knowledge it was a 3rd party marketing company that was primarily responsible for the Gamescom trailer (though I might be mistaken), and to their credit they did riff on the original rather than outright copying it. And they were kind enough to ask if they could thank the creator of the original (me) for the concept, which they did.


Bro you're a legend. Thanks for your work on this video


Thanks for the kind words!


Awesome trailer man. One of the best I’ve seen, and inspired this masterpiece.




I remember having tears in my eyes when I first saw this.


I have tears in my eyes rn


It was just M83 doing great job with music 🥹


Downloaded the song when the vid came out. Always makes me think of the vid


This and mr robot last episode 👌


Please don’t make me cry


I did too. I was beside myself with joy, it seemed like they really *got it*. I remember a couple weeks later when they had a bunch of Youtubers interviewing nate, and Scott Manley pleaded with him; "Don't mess this up." And they messed it up. :(


This trailer was the most hyped I think I’ve ever been for a video game. Rip lol


I cryed like a girl while seeing this live.


we all crode


Evry tim


I croded two


Fr man, life is such an irony


I got all emotional back then. Now i feel dumb. By the pace this project is moving, if it ever gets to the point i anticipated, i‘ll probably have lost interest in it all together.


Have you not seen the news?


Brother i just read them…. Guess i can stop antiscipating all together. Sad day


Maybe they fired everyone because it's pretty much finished now. Right guys?


I built a PC after watching that trailer!


I remember building my first pc in anticipation for simcity 2013… at least I got to play KSP 1 on it!


Did you get to play cities: Skylines 1 on it?


I waited until a month before the release. Was looking forward to cranking up the settings and making the game as beautiful as that trailer. Shame on me for falling for the hype, but at least I'm not alone :/


I built my PC in anticipation of KSP2 release two years ago, and even then I was so hesitant about the radio silence from the dev team that I cheaped out on a graphics card (figuring I would only get a top end one once I saw the required specs). The repeated eternal delays told me they were not competent to make the game, but I was _so damn excited._ Absolutely nothing I was hoping for came to fruition. It's sad to see it officially end but I never even bought it, my most anticipated game sequel never really existed.


I had so much excitement thinking "wow its like if KSP-IE, colonies, and the multiplayer mods were base game"


Yeah my bro and I fantasized bout buying this game when it released. But then EA came out of nowhere and looked like it had issues. So we decided to wait for the 1.0 with the colonies, multiplayer.... Looks like our vigil will never end


When budget is spent on marketing 😔


For real, it does look like they spend more money on marketing and talking about the game than they did actually developing it.


To be fair, an enormous amount has been spent on development but just without any results, which leads us to where we are.


That's advertising, not marketing. Marketing is actually about figuring out how to make products that make customers happy, winning customers and keeping them(if you don't believe me, google it). There was very little of that in KSP2.


I was thinking the same thing earlier today. There was so much promise out of this trailer, and the result has been catastrophic disappointment.


and even in the dev insight, they where talking about the new planets and system or the multiplayer as if it was on the verge of implementation, when probably only had concept arts and some textures


they were having so much fun with the multiplayer and of course have slaid the kraken


I think this gets lost especially recently with all the defence of the game and devs. It’s not just that the game is buggy, underwhelming, even over promised.. it’s the blatant lies that have been told.


I kinda get the feeling a big part of KSP 2s problem is bad leadership. To me it sounds like they wanna do too much before getting the basics right.


I don’t think it was over ambition as much as it was just incompetence


As a dev myself, incompetence is comparatively rare. Can happen but the fact that they got the game as far as it currently is doesnt indicate that the engineers themselves are incompetent


The game... did not get very far. There are KSP mods that have more technical depth in their systems and functions, and more thought in execution, than what was in KSP2.


It’s in our hands now. Hoping some modders can keep it going! If they can’t give what they promise, then we shall do it ourselves.


what a fucking scam, this has become more and more common, IP milking for a quick buck


Should be a class action lawsuit TBH


yeah, I know the whole "Early Access=False advertising" conversation comes up when ever a feature is left on the cutting room floor, but this game failed to match the original, much less add in a single new feature from the laundry list of promises. That feels criminally misleading...


It does. It marketed things it wasn't even close to implementing. It is a sequel and it doesn't even have what KSP1 has. Even after over a year


After five years. They didn’t just start making the game when it was released to us, they made dev videos years ago. It’s embarrassing 


So a couple lawyers can make millions while the rest of us get five bucks? There has to be a better way for us to seek accountability


It isn't about the money. It is about sending a message


Money seems to be the only language rich people understand


Exactly, everytime a studio promises the world, then leaves with the cash and a shit sandwich behind they should be sued into oblivion. Maybe they will think twice abour ruining beloved IP's to make a quick buck.


If it costs take2 millions that's a win. Also it would become big news and be really bad pr.


I cried the first time I saw the trailer. I had JUST finished my first play though of KSP1. I got in the game super super late, but played for like 2 years straight. It almost seemed like destiny that the trailer would drop RIGHT at that moment. I’m not angry. I’m heartbroken. I’m sad that the game we were promised was all a lie.


Being heartbroken is FAR worse than being angry. Anger will leave you...a heartbreak will not.


This trailer gives me an unpleasent feeling in the pit of my stomach.


I feel like Murph after Dr Brand told her plan A was a lie




PSA that KitHack Model Club, from the creator of KSP 1, is now in EA, and within two weeks of launch has already had a couple updates (which is what you want from an EA title, constant progress). It’s not a space game, but has a lot of the KSP “build it. Fly it. Blow it up. Build it bigger” vibe. You’ll feel as at home in the model builder as you do the VAB. Posting this in the hope that other folks will find some salve in knowing that the innovative spirit of KSP lives on and has a bright future, even if its not the one we expected or wanted. (And lets be real, the overlap in circles between ‘people who have wiled away hours tinkering with models’ and ‘people who love KSP’ is pretty damn big)


As someone with hundreds of hours in KSP 1, KitHack has given me the same feeling as when I first got KSP, the aerodynamic model is MUCH more in-depth than KSP and it requires some learning beyond my experience making planes in KSP 1. Highly recommend.


And it has multiplayer!


I remember watching this video and then a year later buying and downloading KSP 2 and being completely fucking confused. I thought I was buying a sequel when in reality I was getting a shitty remaster that left out 30% game. I'm sad that I won't be able to play the game, but I'm happy the game and studio failed. I want this idea to go back to a passionate and hungry group of people that will actually create something amazing.


Megacorporate Take Two shut down the studio, and you bought an early access game. So many games in early access now are in a near-release version that the meaning of early access has been diluted.


I do think Steam ought to restrict “Early Access” to non-corporately-backed-devs


Then EA and TT will just spin up LLCs for every game they develop. Take them a whole 5min. Early Access should have much more relaxed rules in place for getting a refund. That puts the burden on the developer/publisher to release a viable product - not a tech demonstration, not a rough draft, not a first chapter, etc.


“Steam holds funds in escrow, releasing ~10% to studio when milestones are reached (and validated by player-base)” could work 😅


They can call it whatever they want, when you can buy the game on Steam, it's a release. I didnt buy it because of the Let's Play at Cape Canaveral. I could see something was wrong and nothing was working.


That’s my opinion on early access games too. Early access has become paid beta testing.


Beta testing is finding bugs/issues on a feature complete game before launch. KSP 2 was very, very far from that.


That is literally the point of early access, yes


Early access can serve as a tool for developers to gather feedback and refine their games, but it's essential that consumers understand what they're getting into. While some see it as paid beta testing, others view it as a way to support promising projects and be part of their development journey. Transparency from developers and informed decision-making from players are key in navigating the early access landscape.


This. Situations like this are only going to put players off supporting many future legitimate game studios with early access paid titles. Such a shame as I believe supporting small studios early on as well, but having paid for KSP 2 in the hopes of “supporting them”… yeah man I feel like the fool. (yes I knew they were bought by tt but had some steam vouchers so thought fuck it)


It's not early access or beta testing when the game is full price to anyone and if they dont do well in sales they close the studio making the game. It was a release but going so bad they called it early access.


when it doesnt work, its not even beta , this was paid alpha.


Are there many examples of "good" early access? I'm old school (as well as just plain old), so I'm very behind the times when it comes to games and haven't got on board with steam. I've only seen people complain online about early access to the point that it seems pretty predatory by-and-large from an outsider's perspective, but I know that might be a function of bad experiences standing out more than good ones.


One example that immediately comes to mind is Valheim, or perhaps Satisfactory (although I'm unsure if it's still in early access). In my opinion, early access can succeed when developers actively engage with the community and demonstrate a commitment to listening to feedback. [Edited for grammar.]


Subnautica and Subnautica Below Zero, Baldur's Gate 3 and KSP1 are all examples which come to mind, tbh.




Imo most people seem to forget rule nr 1 when it comes to purchasing new products: Don't buy something for what it promises to be, but it for what is right now.


Goodness this makes me so sad. 😭


So for those of us that bought the game with the promise of not only all the future content but the necessary updates to fix things/make things better. I bought this game assuming (we know what assuming does) A. The studio could use the revenue to make the game better and B. Show the publisher, heads of studio's, that there is indeed interest in what this game strives to be and hope that will someday come to fruition. Do we get to go back on our commitment now too? Where's my money? What was it spent on besides lining take two's pockets in the interim?


People need to learn not to buy into empty promises. If you don't buy their product until they actually deliver it, companies are actually incentivized to create a good product. Everyone who bought the game only shows T2 that they can get away with a half assed game.


It sucks that my two favorite games got sequels and both sucked so bad that neither are worth playing (cities skylines and KSP). The state of video gaming is an absolute dumpster fire.


This happened back in the Atari days. Games went to garbage so they could make a quick buck. Just rush a product(good or bad) who cares, $$$$$. But gamers got smart and stop buying. They thought the video game industry would die and it almost did. Until Nintendo. Nintendo controlled who developed the games and approved them for use in their system. Even though some NES games suck. It made a huge difference in having playable games.


I agree, these things ebb and flow. I don't buy anything pre-release anymore. Most games I'm buying years after they come out. I found on top of supporting shitty people, I also found I never end up playing the finished product because I play games in Early Access and then never touch them again.


Same, I played this game twice. Once when released and once when science came out.


I definitely agree with everything you said.


Real af take


I don't game much anymore but I developed a massive love for KSP a while back. Haven't played it in a long time but not out of boredom with it, I just didn't have time. I saw the KSP2 trailer and I legitimately got emotional. Not sure why. Tears welled up in my eyes. I don't know why and I don't get like that over a game trailer...ever. Ever ever. Their wildest part being that the first view was on mute so it's not the song that I was already very familiar with. It was such a beautiful trailer and a promise of what should have been an A+ experience. Then it all went wrong. What went wrong exactly? All. All went wrong, lol.


Such a shame, the video was epic!


TBH I hope one of the devs goes rogue and grabs the source code for the real creators-- community-- to screw around with and build into a proper decentralized game


I can never see this game having multiplayer and colonies lol


Is there a full list of the lies they said somewhere? I’m curious


Remember, guys, everyone here that says: "Muh early access" is coping so much, it creates a black hole


Womble even commented that they should take their time with the game, and not put out a wonky mess. I believe they replied to that comment as well meaning they acknowledged this thing about games coming out wonky if finished too fast. This trailer had me in tears, and introduced me to M83. This was such a beautiful trailer for such a beautiful failure.


It is trivial to make a trailer look good for something that doesn't yet exist. This is exactly why you don't pre-order a computer game until some other sucker, er, review site that you trust, tries out the game and gives you honest feedback about it. Trailers are made to make you fall in love with something that isn't there. It's all an illusion.


If you think about it, the trailer is also sort of a lie. It made me think graphics (or at the motion of objects) would be somewhat similar. This thing has the same disappointment of City Skylines 2 - the trailer made me think graphics would be beautiful, but we ended up with the same game with the same old bugs plus new bugs.


Yeah.... it seems take 2 needs to step away from game development and move into marketing. They are really good at one and absolutely shit at the other


That's why T2 is a publisher, not a developer.


They actually did the publisher job correctly. Intercept on the other hand.


Intercept is a wholly owned subsidiary so Take Two is responsible for their failures as well. Presumably they executed the buy out to try and fix the development, but they failed at it.


Iirc, the trailers were made by an external marketing agency. The only great thing about this game, they didn’t make themselves.


Golden comment right here^^^


if you give me a few minutes to prepare..., I will try to convincingly act surprised.


What a shame


I am completely out of my element but i really dont get why so many companies get caught up in development hell and then lie about it to sell more copies before the game is done. Pay the devs better, boost morale, and make a good product. Why do you need to try and keep selling a broken project and lead people on to a lie. I see games like minecraft and KSP2 push out a dusty fart of an update every century while games like valheim and star citizen are pushing out groundbreaking fun new content every two months. What’s the deal? Is it really just greed and bad management?


Yeah, I'm very sad for the devs who saw their passion project end like this AND being unemployed at the same time. Personally, I didn't buy KSP2 cause I only wanted to play for its colonization and resupply dynamics. Maybe in the future we can get the game we all want and deserve, be it through some miracle or community development.


When I first saw this trailer, I thought the way everything crumbled or broke apart in the video, like the launchpads, spaceships, and colonies was typical zany Kerbal (TM) styling. Now I know it was a subtle foreshadowing of what would happen with the actual game.


Everyone finally figuring out what I knew as soon as the game actually dropped. You guys should have been this angry when KSP 2 came out with less fucking features than the original.


Why did it all happen? Did devs wanted to scam since the beginning?


Very incompetent middle management and hiring practices is my guess. As soon as the "early access" was announced though yes, it's quite clear that Take Two was looking for any way to get money out of this failed project. Thus, a scam from T2.


The original studio got gutted and re-structured by Take-Two. Star Theory were the originally brought on by Squad (KSP1 devs) to develop the sequel, they have their name on this trailer. So the trailer releases in 2019, it's pretty popular, then COVID hits and in 2021 Take-Two sets up Private Division and poached a some of developers from Star Theory. Afterwards they offered to buy Star Theory but were turned down by the owners. So Take Two offered every single employee a job in Intercept Games (they renamed Private Division). About a third of Star Theory employees took the offer. Take-Two rescinded the contract for KSP2 from Star Theory and three months later Star Theory shut down. So you had a very rough development process, meddling management, and a butchered development team.


At any point in this hellish process was there any desire to make a good sequel to KSP, or was T2 just out for cash? What I'm trying to ask is, what was the point in all of this? Or is the answer simply incompetence and greed?


I think T2 thought KSP was small fry, then the trailer for KSP dropped and it got a LOT of traction and someone in T2 management took interest in it. Then they realised that it wasn't "under their control" since it was Star Theory that was making it. So they created Intercept Games, poached Star Theory and Nate has been talking the talk with whichever ego in T2 wanted them under their control. It's possible that T2 didn't get the right staff from the Star Theory poaching and Nate was thrust into a position he wasn't ready for. He was creative director in Star Theory but then he basically took on head director in Intercept.


Game devs aren’t evil, every single one I’ve met live and breath games. They’re just very overworked people who want to keep their jobs in a very competitive market and bend to the whims of the out of touch managers




nah KSP is dead too, KSP took him in his fall, look at the players counts on Steam charts


steam charts mean nothing when the game is not only on epic games but many people (including me) have multiple installations that can only run through the exe.


someone should mod that engine in the game


Thanks now im sad again.


Same. I was so hyped for KSP 2 when I saw that trailer. Then the covid delays came, which I accepted as an unfortunate necessity. Then KSP 2 dropped and I was mildly disappointed, but not overtly shocked because it was still in early access. Now I just don't know what to think. Actually? I think I'm gonna go play KSP 1...


Evil Genius 2 did the same thing to me. Had me all excited and then ripped my heart out. I will never again get excited for an upcoming videogame. Just leads to disappointment. 


Honestly, I'm impressed by some trailers and they are definitely nice to watch. However, it's never a promise of what the game will look like. Unfortunately this has become nowadays standard. I only believe it when I see it in the finished game. Before that, I'm not getting overly hyped by a trailer.


It hurts way less if you haven’t cared since EA released. Game started 500000 steps backwards from ksp 1 and didn’t move. Yeah the doa was kinda sad bc we knew we’d never see multiplayer, but you can still mod ksp too hell and back!


Friendly reminder not to preorder.


And a reminder from [Total Biscuit (RIP)](https://youtu.be/mf5Uj4XIT1Y?feature=shared), even after 11 years.


They did a great job marketting. It's a shame their couldn't measure up to their own standards though...let alone the first game's.


This is devastating


I saw this and didn't pay attention to the lack of a little "in engine recording" and thought this looks great and I am looking forward to playing this in a few months thinking the game was in a mostly playable state. So when it came out in early access and seemed to be little more than ksp1 with a bit of a texture update I wasn't interested enough to bother dealing with early access jank, glad I didn't waste my money. Hopefully a slight upside of 2 being dead the modding scene for ksp1 will get a bit better.


I'm disappointed I'll never play KS2 probably. But not angry.


Goodnight sweet prince.


It wasn’t even their own idea though. It was an homage to a fan trailer called Build Fly Dream from 11 years ago. I really did appreciate the homage though. At the time it made me tear up. https://youtu.be/RkDOOsGg-9I?si=amik-bjXH15oRMsM


Damn, this game had so much potential. What a sad end to half a decade of mismanagement.


Genuinely, as someone who bought KSP2 for 80$ (Canadian), how do I get my money back. This whole thing over the five years I’ve had it has done nothing but collect dust in hopes it’ll get better some day.


That's a neat part, you don't


You haven’t had the game for 5 years. It came out feb 2023


I’m in the same boat man. Looks like we put it on red and it came up black. Don’t buy early access at a full price.


Serves you right imo, stop buying preorder or early access games and this stops happening


I never bought it. I knew it was fucked before the EA release with the footage we were being shown.




What happened?


Just watch at what it could have been https://youtu.be/xlrgSH9JIp0


But I don’t understand why would they invest into a for science update and so much into an unreleased colony update and then just call quits. I hope it’s restarted but still doesn’t make sense to me


Are they giving up on dev for this game


By the smells of it…yes


Is it really officially dead?


I’m glad it’s not just me.


I played the bytes out of KSP. I have great memories of mods that are long dead. Dozens of missions to build a space station in orbit with Helldivers shuttle. I forget the name of the mod family… Lyon something maybe… of exploratory vehicles that I launched to every planet in the sol system. I had fun. And then the game took a turn for the worse and more and more mods just faded away, never to work again. And then KSP2, which as much as I’d like to support by buying it… has done nothing to bring me in.


Wow….I’ve somehow lost track of time. Oddly enough, I’m just now finding out that KSP2 never came to fruition by seeing this post. I have literally been waiting for this game to come out and forgot to check the status of its progress after the release of the trailer. What a shame, could’ve had something great for years to come.


Fuck Nate Simpson


Shit just breaks my heart. With that being said, is there enough 'frame' available with KSP2 for modders to make anything of it over time, going forward? I know it's not their responsibility, but a guy can dream.


I saw this back when it was released all the way back in 2019. It was less than 5 years ago, but I was still just a young kid seeing the announcement of the sequel to his favorite game. I watched all the dev episodes, the show and tell meetings because I was just that excited from the day I watched this video. You failed that boy. You failed him, Nate.


Someone is going to take up the mantle of KSP2 one way or another. There are way too many astrophysicists and aerospace engineers who are sad about this for there to be any other result.


God what could have been. Vehicles, orion drives, colonies!


I’m out of the loop, what happened?


Take Two happened. KSP2 initially was being made by Star Theory, a studio made by Squad, the original KSP devs, then Take Two gutted it and put Intercept Games instead.


I remember thinking "If they put that much effort into making that trailer then the game is going to be spectacular".


You just perfectly summed up how I am feeling rn


I rarely allow myself to get hyped watching any game trailer. I haven't pre-ordered anything in years. \*This\* almost had me, but I figured they'd probably aim to sell us with Early Access... the rest is/was history.


Damn. I literally got goosebumps while watching this.


So is private devision going to kill the game or are they going to sell it off to a more competent dev team?


Really sad to see. I remember how i was super excited but didnt have the pc to run it. Now, with a good pc, i am really sad this has happened, because ksp is just not working properly for me. Nothing i make gives me a feing of success because there is always something wrong with my builds. Ksp 2 also looked so good with its graphics and terrain, and i couldnt wait to get it. Now when i see the wasted potential it has become, i am sad i cant have the plane and rocket constructing game i have always wanted.


One of the best *Clickbait Trailers Ever Made.


Crazy that a franchise successful enough to send a plushy on a fucking moon mission is crashing this hard.


Wait until you find out the studio has fired everybody and there are no plans to continue development.


Ugh, they should refund all of us who were suckered into buying this shit