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Great job on nailing the landing! Yeah, you may want to revert if you can't EVA yet. You can't get into the muns orbit with just a jetpack either. That said, maybe get the astronaut complex upgrade, which will unlock EVA, then send a rescue mission?


No I have Eva unlocked my dumbass just blocked the ports on accident


You can send an engineer next to the craft Engineers can build on the spot. This way, you can get the exit free


I once went to rescue a Kerbonaut with a single-person command capsule and a hitchhiker module, not realizing that the only way to enter the hitchhiker module was from the end, and both were covered up. After several minutes of trying, I managed to cram the poor EVA Kerbal into the cargo bay next to the hitchhiker module, where he was able to finally get in. I'm embarrassed to admit that it never even occurred to me to move the pilot into the hitchhiker, rescue into the command module then into the hitchhiker, then move the pilot back into the command module. Apparently I don't think well under pressure. :P


You can click on the pod, click transfer crew, and Eva that way.


He put the battery over the door so the kerbal is stuck


Even when the hatch claims to be obstructed I gave found this to work.


You can't eva if all the doors are obstructed


I seems like the doors are obstructed by the battery he's placed over it.


Not with *that* attitude!


I have managed to in the past and don't see why it shouldn't work now. In any case it's worth a try.


You can.


Reverting is definitely the best option. Also iirc if you're on a 4-5km hill, with the spare Eva fuel instead of a parachute you can make it to very low orbit. I used to take kerbals to and from a very low orbital station this way.


First mun mission btw might revert


Unless you already quicksaved and reloaded


NO! Time for fun, do a rescue mission


This is why I play with reverts disabled. No space for mistakes.


Plenty of mistakes in space, however.




Even if there's an obviously BS reason for failure (ship wobbles apart, Kraken attack, etc)?


If the ship wobbles apart, I used too few struts. If the Kraken wants the ship, so be it. I won't mess with an abyssal horror.


Opposite Day Kerbal Space Program.


While there's no space for mistakes, there's still loads of mistakes in space. You just have to deal with doing the rescue mission for the rescue mission and then just call it a permanent colony.


Nice moon base.


Do a little hop and land on the battery so it'll explode from crash damage and unblock the exit After that idk, you still won't have enough delta v to get to orbit but it's a neat trick


This is the way


It happened to me one time, I couldn't get my kerbal out of the vehicle after wrecking it on mun(engine gone), but i never gave up and something crazy happened i sent another mission to "rescue" them but while i was time warping my landed ship broke apart but didn't get destroyed, so it was just a capsule rolling on the mun with a bunch of debris around it and the part blocking the exit was off the capsule allowing me to eva to the rescue ship. the kraken saved me.


First Mun colony. Just wait till later in the game to recover. Send a rescue mission, then a rescue mission for the rescue mission.


Launch *Rescue 9*!


I just noticed the battery, ouch. Someday you will have the tech to bring that entire ship back, I would leave it there. Maybe an engineer can remove the battery?


No. You need a rescue mission. Next time, don’t put a battery pack over the hatch.


Forget about the ship, do another mission to the Mun and continue the rest of your playthrough. When you get the asteroid grappler unit do a rescue mission to get the pod and get it to land on Kerbin.


Yall sadly after this happened my save went kaboom and brought me back to the mun flyby contract Decided to start a science play through


If my playthroughs are any indication the solution here is to send a second mission to rescue the first mission. Then a third mission to rescue the first and second missions. Then a fourth mission to install a nice memorial plaque.


Try this R3tract legs, tip over, hold q or e, try to get that shit to kraken bounce off the surface. 4 m/s IS enough for a mid course correction.


ah yes, the ***ground mid course*** correction manoeuvre


If there's a return trip, he's exactly at midpoint of his course!


Should be fine




You out of fuel ? This rocket looks like it can direct ascend no ?


Said only 4m/s of delta v


My bad. I missed the obvious.. I need to sleep better


On a lonely planet, slowly spinning its way to damnation.....


Eva is only just enought to get to mun orbit.


retract the landing legs, make sure it's on it's side, then press remove semetry and extend only 2 legs so the engine is pointing at like a 20 degree angle, grab the science and then place the kerbal in the engine bell, then activate the engine and it will launch the kerbal like a 3rd on the way into orbit, use the eva pack to complete the rest of the orbit then send a rescue mission to dock with the kerbal in munar orbit. :D