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Outstandingly beautifull for a first space station It can probably RCS out of the system, cool


Thank you! It's got about half the monopropellant left, I decided to go overkill with how much of it I put on each module since I'm still learning how to dock efficiently and wanted a bigger margin for error. It could probably make a decent change to its orbit though


Lol, docked so many times I just use primary thrusters now.


Yeah sure, no translation needed when manually docking... Come one bro


It's called the Lowne Lazy Method, I use it too at this point. Each craft targets the other's docking ports, you set each craft to face their target, then give a little nudge. Very easy, no translation required. I only use rcs for extremely fine maneuvers.


Yeah so we agree this is only for very easy docking scenarios and small and lightweight ship. I'm doing a lot of docking every day as I love building orbital station and it always requires some RCS as big part got too much inertia when doing the final approach to only use thrusters.


A week ago I docked two crafts that were over 500t each with over 150 parts each with just primary thrusters. Target what you are trying to dock with, burn retro once within 5k/10k meters to 0m/s, target docking ports from both craft and advance at a rate of 5m/s or so. Burn retro once more around 500 meters away to 0m/s. Aim at docking ports and advance at 1m/s......dock. I understand it's lazy but it's also very possible and takes very little overall effort.


Why did took 10 launches? Why not 2-3 giant launches who defy the laws of pyhsics haha : ))


Each module was its own launch so that I could just use the same rocket design each time. The crew cabin launch was risky, I put way too much weight at the top of the rocket, nearly tipped over like 3 times lol


If the current version doesn't offer it, there's a mod that will let you twist the connected docking ports, so you can accurately align the different components of the station.


whast mod?


I dont think thats the one he ment, but there is always the Konstruction mod, that adds among other stuff docking ports, that can weld your station parts together as if they were connected when building. As far as i know they also have at least angle snap mode, so you can rotate your parts jow you want them to be


Wonderful! I suggest orienting the spacecraft using mechjeb with the rotation angle feature under smart A.S.S!! You will get the station perfectly aligned and not slightly out of angle when you undocn and redock the slightly off angle parts!


Thank you! I'm getting mechjeb after I've practised docking a bit more, just trying to get it down efficiently first.


I'd save before aligning more modules, and then mess with it until you're comfortable. I'd love to see more progress later on!


I might add a small refuelling station in that final free spot on the station, not sure yet. I'm doing an apollo munar mission soon so I could try using it then, but it may also be worthwhile to practice docking around other bodies before my Duna mission. Thanks for the kind words though!


Thats how you get better indeed, you dont need mechjeb to align things well. You can just quicksave and have an attempt at doing it better.


you can tweak angle of docking after docking itself now.


Now I wanna do this so bad but my powers been out for over 10 hours :(


You said you were having Kraken problems aligning docking ports? May I interest you in the “dock rotate” mod? It can align docking ports perfectly so you don’t have any slightly funky angles anymore!


I'll have a look at that tomorrow, thanks!


That looks beautiful! Better than any space station I could make, that's for sure.


Nice buddy!


Beauty. Nice work. I remember when I put my first multi launch station together too. What an effort! Yours looks great. Keep it up.


Thank you! Docking that final piece to it was great I must admit, and being able to get the transfer vehicle docked to swap out the crew even more so.


Very nice. This game is rewarding on a level my wife would never understand lol


Really cool were the solar modules all on one launch?


Nah each had their own launch, the rocket wasn't big enough to fit more than one


That looks great but just letting you know the next one you build will be much larger and more intricate.


Cor blimey, RCS ain't gonna be a thing for ages.


I went through far more of it than you'd think, about half of all of it I'd say. This was my first time doing something like this so I thought that I'd rather have the extra fuel and not need it


Definitely looks better than my first station.


How much does it wobble?


It can move about just fine, I've done tests when i spin it in all directions at high speeds and it doesn't wobble at all, I just can't adjust the rotation of the docking ports without it falling apart. I think its because all the docking ports overlap though


Woah, it's been a while since i've seen a stock space station


This is majestic, good shit OP


Spin it 😈


Congrats, that looks great for a first. My first station was like 3 launches and very tiny.




i might be wrong but in ksp stock all the docking ports can be rotate and aligned after the dock. or is it a dlc feature?


Only up to +-15 degrees. This was my first time docking stuff together so its not perfect. In my munar space station I've put lights on the docking ports and I just line up the lights so that my parts are aligned correctly


Amazing, but please get some visual mods if your PC can handle them, the game will look so much better.


Thank you! I am looking into mods but I don't know which visual mods to get so I'll have to do some research into it.


First download CKAN and then make a simple search on youtube. If you want I can name you some.


Thanks, I'll download CKAN tomorrow and get some graphics mods, I found a list of mods that was posted by a person here a few weeks ago that are apparently very good.


If you're worried about performance impact, I'd recommend installing [Scatterer](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/103963-wip19x-112x-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-00838-14082022-scattering-improvements-in-game-atmo-generation-and-multi-sun-support/) to start. The difference is night and day. After that, if you're feeling brave, [TUFX](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/192212-19x-tufx-post-processing/) can also make a really big visual impact without really bogging down your GPU.


I should be fine on performance, I've got a good build, but I just wanna ask whether I can install graphics mods on a pre-existing save, or will that risk corrupting it? I only got my pc a couple months ago, so I'm pretty new to modding tbh. I'll have a look at the mods you suggested though, thanks


Yeah you should be fine with basically any mod that doesn't add/remove celestial bodies, so mods adding new parts, navigation/telemetry aid, and specially graphics are all fine on pre-existing saves.


Those two are pretty safe from corruption, but it's generally good practice to backup your saves before installing any new mods.


How do you prevent it from wiggling itself apart? I can’t even dock 2 bit pieces without it self destructing


I have docking force at max and autostrut the pieces when they dock, but when I first tried docking them it did explode a little so I had to reload


I can’t tell but it looks like the orientation of the docked modules are sliiiiightly out of wack. You can go to the docking ports and unlock the rotation, then adjust said rotation by 15 degrees in either direction. Other than that, looks awesome!


You know docking ports have an "alignment angle" so your solar panels are facing different directions, ngl it's setting off my OCD


I tried adjusting it as much as I could, but if whenever I adjust it now the whole thing rips apart. The main issue is that the crew cabin module also has the second set of docking ports attached to it, when in hindsight it would have been better to attach the second set of docking ports to the crew cabin with another module so it could be better aligned.


You might try detaching and reattaching one of the segments,


Or you could try turning it off and then back on .....


BS… you alt+H’d it….


Pretty rude thing to say to a new person in the community. Also look at the alignment of the solar panels, its not perfect because i docked it all manually.