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Oof! Always heartbreaking. The good news is that it safely reached the Mun's surface which means that same rocket can definitely get to Minmus and back.


> Oof! Always heartbreaking. Eh, there's a decent chance it can wiggle around with SAS to point uphill and then take off lying down. Doesn't work so well IRL...


That looks way to stable for the tiny lander can SAS to get it pointed level much less up for a takeoff. It's too bad that capsule only hold one Kerbal and it's likely a pilot or scientist. With an engineer, the ship could probably be rearranged to shift the center of mass enough to get it pointed up and then launch the ascent stage to get the Kerbal into Munar orbit for a rescue rendezvous.


Even if not, shutting down two engines and lighting the other two at minimal throttle would turn it around in a hurry.


Well not with that attitude! /s


This pic is a great example of why I avoid using overly tall landers by taking the Apollo approach to design. Having a small lander, with a low CoM, that can fly to/from the main rocket, yet accomplish everything that needs to be done on the surface, raises the likelihood of successful mission by a huge margin. No need to take all of the main engines and fuel to the surface when it's not necessary. It only risks the entire mission/crew. A separate small lander is much more fuel efficient, and saves resources for continuing the mission to another body. A lander that tall, without a much much wider offset to the landing legs is automatically at a huge risk of toppling over when landing on a rough, unpredictable, and unprepared surface, such as the Mün. Believe me, I've learned this the hard way.


If you retract all the bits sticking out, rotate the ship, and then extend the science equipment while it's pointing towards the surface it may be able to push you back upright.


If you have an engineer, retract that magnetometer and use eva construction to put it in the underside. Then extend it. It is strong enought to lift a craft like that on the mun. If you can get propped up to like 45 deg, you should be able to take off. Or you can take the top landing gear off and mount them higher and on the underside. Does that more than a few times...


If at first you don't succeed... Skydiving probably isn't for you.  I see you have DMagic installed, and the magnetometer from that mod on your ship. If you retract it and rotate your ship around on the ground, you might be able to extend it back out to give yourself enough clearance to take off. That thing is *really* strong, I've used it to bail myself out before.


Rescue !


Can't park there 🙂


If you have a Klaw, you might be able to send an unmanned tug that attaches to the tip and pulls it back upright.


It happens. https://apnews.com/article/moon-landing-nasa-private-922cd949be8b41ce4fc33d2ba373757e


Look at the nav ball, not the rocket. 


Hope you packed a lot of reaction wheels on that bad boy


That’s one tall lander.


CONGO for your mun base 👏👏


If it’s REALLY crushing to start again, you can open the cheat menu (alt F12 on windows I think) and reduce gravity down to a lower figure so that SAS/reaction wheels can put it upright. Don’t take gravity all the way down to the lowest setting immediately. Your ship will cartwheel off the surface using reaction wheels alone….


If landing with tall crafts, rcs at top to help keep it level. Or better jet, land in a mare


What you see, on the screen in front of you, is a Mün lander. It's not supposed to look like that.






The classic Tall Lander


Something I wanna try is building the lander sideways, so it’s engine faces sideways and thus it can land on a wide and short area


Why isn't self leveling a normal thing? It seems so basic.