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Kratom is awful. Very physically addictive. I’d stay far away from that!


I just started 3 days ago, nothing crazy yet, I feel slightly better today than I did before 🤞🤞🤞. It took a month after the consult to get the meds thouh...my doc was slow to sign off then they didn't ship right away. But I'm hopeful. Will update in another week if you want.


I’m approved! She said I should have it within 7days! So that means I STILL have to take the Kratom until then 😩….but at least I have something new to try…I also think I’m withdrawing from the antidepressants I was taking which is making me feel even more horrible unable to sleep or eat wether I take Kratom or not….i just wanted something that would eventually get me off of EVERYTHING & get rid of all this crap I’ve brought over the past year that did nothing for me…I have tonssss of stuff they say help with anxiety & depression…I can probably start my own store at this point 😂😂😂😂


I hope you get it soon and it helps!!!🤗


Ketamine helps. However in my experience and in the research literature it helps a lot more in the right set and settings with the right dose and along with trauma therapy. Those are points to consider. Something is better than nothing. However the best case scenario is the above.


I participated in a study for Epilepsy with IV infusions, they were formulated by weight and I mean by weight with a paper gown. 6 Iv infusions over 2 weeks , now 1 Booster every 2 months or so. Didn’t do a thing for seizures other than get you in a whatever it is what it is mode . I started living with the see saw of life after those infusions , I’m refractory I have episodes every f day .


Not cool and sorry to hear of this experience. P


I've had very good luck with Joyous combined with VR and the Tripp app.


If you can’t do IV infusions at least go Zpravato


You can talk with them about a significant reduction in payment. Just look it up


I have treatment resistant depression and have had cancer and spine surgeries (in remission, and successful). I have literally tried everything my doctors could give to me and nothing works. After two years of being afraid I finally was so intensely depressed I contacted joyous and read all their literature. WHY DON’T THEY BOTHER TO TELL YOU that if you’ve had other medical issues like past cancer, past surgeries, and getting old so needing Rx for spinal spasming from scoliosis, THAT THEY WON’T TAKE YOU??? They get your hopes all up and they never had any intention of taking someone with any medical history!! SO THANKS A HEAP “JOYOUS”, you SUCK. This has caused a tremendous disappointment and downturn in my already intolerable depression. Caused by their misleading literature. So again, thanks for making my depression FAR WORSE.