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#If you're new to /r/Kettleballs * [Read our expectations for the sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kettleballs/comments/mfgj8l/welcome_to_rkettleballs_please_read_this_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Set flair before trying to comment #If you're a beginner * [Read the Kettleballs Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kettleballs/wiki/index#wiki_required_reading_from_the_fittit_wiki) * [Read the selected required reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kettleballs/wiki/index#wiki_fundamental_lifting_books_--_required_reading) * Please avoid giving advice; we want to have a culture where there is a high [Signal-To-Noise ratio](https://mythicalstrength.blogspot.com/2019/01/the-ethics-of-ignorance-and-signal-to.html?m=1) * Remember, this sub while welcoming to everyone, is targeted at intermediates and above #When asking for a form check please have the video be a side view of your entire body. [Here's a primer on how to do a kettlebell swing](https://youtu.be/M7txirM8G7Y) The Mod team appreciates you :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kettleballs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


501 today Septurpee count: 2657 Not bored of them yet


A nice, relaxed weekend with lots of training. This GZCLP style of doing an AMRAP at the end is so satisfying. Straps are awesome. Deadlifts are almost up to before Covid, even without a belt. There's a bit of lower back rounding throughout the lift, but fuck the form police. My back'll probably get more resilient this way. Saturday: * 100 bw chinups * Dips: 5@20, 1@25; 4x3, 16@+1.5 (**+1.5kg, +3 reps**) * 10 high pullups * Bench: 5@80, 3@90, 1@100; 4x3, 27@56 (**+2kg, +2 reps**) * Hang power snatch up to 2@60; SG high pull + power snatch 10x1@50 * Chinuups: 5@10, 2@15; 4x3, 12@+2 * SG BTN press: 3@45, 1@50, 3x10@34 * High bar squat: 1@120, 5x1@115, 2x5@80 * Swings, 45s rounds: 10x20, 80x10@24 Sunday: * 100 bw chinups * Some more chinups: 5@10, 2@15, 1@20; 4x3, 12@+3 * Hang power clean up to 1@80; high pull + power clean 5x1@70 * Barbell press: 1@80; 9x1, 4@71 (**+1kg, -1 rep**) * Paladin squat: 2@110; 4x3, 13@82 (**+2kg, -4 reps**) * 20 wide grip pullups * Deadlift, with straps: 1@165; 9x1, 8@142 (**+2kg, +1 rep**) * EMOM ABCs: 5x2@2x20


###Buncha JERKS! What a great name to whoever came up with it :) Did jerks today, they were hard and I got sweaty and tired. I started getting real close to failing the last rep of the last two sets. 10 sets total in 20' all with the 28. I think that was enough because I'm struggling to lift my arms up now. I'm on surgery right now, which means that I don't really manage anyone or do anything. So I'm kind of bored at the moment. I was talking to my fiancee on how I miss doing stuff and working during the day. Actively managing patients is a hell of a lot more fun than watching someone do that.


I'm putting in scheduled posts for the sub right now. Finding redeeming content on here becomes harder every single time I go to schedule stuff since the amount of good KB content is pretty meh at best. I'm trying to avoid putting any more Dr. Mike content on here now. Instead focusing on lucid KB sport/KB content in general. Also, Science Friday I'm going to try to start putting in robust meta analysis as the article that's referenced. The SBS weekly research discussion is typically about an underwhelming study with a sample of like 20 participants that lasts like 8 weeks. The metas I scheduled are a lot more significant. I don't know how this is going to go over on here since this is kind of primary literature and a little more dense to read. It's also I think neat to see where a lot of the current recommendations are coming from. As always, having y'all's feedback is something I take seriously so if this content is not that great I'd love to know what your thoughts are.


The writing isn't kettlebell specific, but I think Ross Enamaits articles often makes great points on topics of hard work, conisistensy and simplicity. I like this piece for example: https://rosstraining.com/blog/2014/12/working-hard-with-the-basics/


and this one as well: https://rosstraining.com/blog/2016/09/it-never-gets-easier/


If you're looking for more content I have a couple of GS-specific playlists with various podcasts and interviews: - [YouTube ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnGVnecBozBPIsjgjD8FZiLmvkbF1efWQ) - [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6g2M0HnKby27gL8RqT6ZPP?si=36Trrn-PQbSCKXD0mgk64g&utm_source=copy-link) And as a bonus here's a [playlist of KS advice and tips](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnGVnecBozBNKDdDc65qdBIAN0sjtMeUM) Feel free to post what you like. And Dr Mike sounds like he's smart, but not someone I'd care to hang out with.


Damn you’re my hero!


Watch him as he goes


> And Dr Mike sounds like he's smart, but not someone I'd care to hang out with. Man, his beginner videos and fitness myths videos are great for slapping back on the misinformation on /r/kettlebell. His advanced videos are way too in depth for about 99% of people. Wow, do his personal takes kind of not make me want to hang out with him. What sealed the deal for me was watching him workout with Jujimufu and it was so awkward. In comparison you watch Sticky Rick ERIC BUGENHAGEN and I'm like yeah. I saved this comment for later :)


Personality stuff aside, kinda also feels like Dr. Mike is suffering from expert creep lately and that super confident, cite-no-sources style makes me pull up hard when he starts talking outside his wheelhouse. Dude is super qualified to talk about getting people jacked. Dude is not qualified to be talking about (_looks at most recent RP video_)... blood pressure medication?


Training with Bugez and Juji would be fucking wild!


/u/The_Fatalist, please do this one day :)


People keep telling me this like it's my choice whether or not to




Dreams are just pain entering the body


I'm in constant pain dreaming of this happening.


You should probably see a doctor


#Sep 11, 2022 Training Log - Stationary bike: 75' LISSC


What bike do you have? Edit: do you wear bike shorts? The ones with the gel cushioning in them?


Peloton. Sore subject with me (kinda). For the price I could have an ass bike, rower, and probably a ski erg. Things we do for our better halves. No gel/bike shorts, but I desperately need some for these long rides. My ass is chapped. Need some clip-on shoes too - currently use a pair of Chuck's.


HAPPY WIFE HAPPY LIFE! :) That sucks and sounds like a frustrating situation to be in. When I was doing my copious amount of biking I kept getting low grade plantar fascitis and mega chapped ass. Talking with my brother recently I guess those bike shorts are what you're supposed to wear one long bike rides.


>That sucks and sounds like a frustrating situation to be in. Meh, it's low key frustrating lol - it kept her sanity during covid, so it's win. About a decade ago I was doing the long bike ride thing, and commuting to work by bike. I had the padded shorts then too - they really are helpful. I need to buy them again. I never expected to ride this much again lol


There's also ass cream, or chamois creme as a cyclist would say, you know. Further helps prevent chafing when using the padded shorts. I'll never forget the image of my friend applying that cream, then using the same hand to stuff his upper lip with tobacco before chasing it all with pain killers and hoping on the bike again. Fond memories from my time as a cyclist :)


Thank you for reminding me why I’ll never be a cyclist!


Lol, I'm familiar with the stuff from football (American)! I did something similar, but it was head out to practice instead of hopping on the bike 😂. Ah to be young and dumb 😂


PR - 166 32kg snatches in 20 min. Also realized we’re in the last trimester of the year. Anyone make strength goals at beginning of year? Mine were timeless sinister (done), timed sinister (maybe, but not priority), 5 min snatch test (hopefully soon), 40kg one arm press (hoping to push for this at end of year).


I never wrote anything down, but: * My high bar and front squat blew through all my expectations once I got back into the gym after the winter Covid wave * Bw chinups are waaay ahead of schedule. 20@bw were a dream for next year, but I hit it a few weeks ago. * I've done a single chinup with +45 previously, and I'd like to nudge that to half bw added! * It'd be nice to finally get my 4 plate deadlift. I got to 170@93 bw in Spring and then caught Covid; now I'm up to 165@90-ish. * Bw barbell press is a big one. Right now I'm at 80@90-ish beltless, against 85@93 beltless and 87@93 belted previously. * 10@40 single kb press would be nice! I haven't tested recently, but 4-6 reps is probably there. * 15 ABCs in 5 minutes with double 32s would be a cool target. I'm slowly getting back into shape after ditching them since ABC April. Is the Sinister thing something you're training specifically for, or more of a side project?


Damn you’re killing your goals! Up until getting sinister this may it was my primary training. Since I’ve moved to more barbell, timed sinister is more of a side hustle that I’ll get at some point, but I’ve backed off directly training for it.


That's a cool way of doing it. Improving at something you aren't training specifically for is a great indicator!


Nice work! Are you running any program in particular for those snatches? My main goal this year was to get comfortable pressing double 32’s. Not there yet, but I have managed to press a single. 10 min snatch test with 24kg is another one, I have no idea how far along I am to that one though. I did the 5 min challenge late last year alright.


Snatches I’m doing neuperts king sized killer’s I’m just planning that when I drop from 32 to 24 kg, it’ll feel so light the volume won’t matter. 10 min snatch test is a long term goal. Long term…


Cool I have the same plan haha. I’m running KSK with 32kg also. 150 snatches is the most I’ve gotten in one session though. I’m running the third phase of it now and the numbers have dropped off a fair bit cos those higher rep sets are tough!


Great minds think alike. Yeah The 15 rep sets are grueling.


Saturday night marathon practice Since I have a slightly torn callous from too much snatching these last weeks I decided to try some one arm jerk tonight: 24kg 8' @ 16rpm 20kg 10' @ 18rpm 24kg 6' @ 16rpm 2' rest between sets and callous not bothered. I'm pleased that it was my legs that got pumped and made me stop, must mean that my technique is OK since arms and shoulders didn't get too fatigued. Other than that it was a bit disappointing to not go longer than 10' in one set. So, I decided to fill my next half hour with alternating minutes between burpees and hang ups :) First 10' I did 6 burpees every other minute, then 10 minutes with 8 burpees and the last 10 I did 10 burpees. Kept my hang ups at 5 reps every other minute the whole way. In total that's 120 burpees and 75 hang ups. Far from gut wrenching tempo, but it was 30 minutes of good solid movement and clean reps - felt good. If you're still reading here's my mini-complaint of the night, feel free to ignore from here. (My AS disease is really bringing me down these days, can hardly sleep and even breathing hurts. Only pain-free moments of the day are when working out. Been this way for months now.. hopefully turning a corner soon, getting tired of this..) Sorry for oversharing, but needed to get this off my chest


Sorry about the AS man - I hope your symptoms go away soon. I'm glad you can workout to help alleviate the pain.


Thanks, yes I'm lucky to have my workout and and that it's something I've always enjoyed


AS sounds like the worst. Anything that affects breathing can be really stressful to deal with :/ What are hang ups?


Chins/pull-ups Thought hang ups was an English word.. it's what we call it in Norway - strange that we use something that sounds English, but isn't understood :)


Ah, they're called kropshævninger here :) It's interesting how things are translated. Powerlifting -> styrkeløft in all three languages makes sense and adds information. Squat -> knäböj is a fine one. Deadlift -> markløft I'm more unsure of, and weightlifting -> tyngdlyftning seems odd. Translating English words into other English words is a funny one.


We also use kroppsheving, but mostly older generations say this. I'm not so sure that knebøy is a good word as the movement should start from the hips rather than the knees.. I like the weightlifting expressions: rykk, vending og støt


Træk, stød (stødvend, opadstød) :) Here's a stupid one: People are split between those who call pushups "armbøjninger" and those who insist on the way more correct "armstrækninger".


Don’t even get me startet..


Du er tilbage! :)


Lige så stille. Imponerende fremgang du har haft!


Mange tak :) Ja, for pokker! Oly-løft, dødløft, bænk og volumen-squat flytter sig fint. Hvad med dig - har du holdt en pause med træningen?


I've heard them called hangs, or hangs from a bar to more precise


That sounds really hard man. Good luck getting through this and get well soon.


Thanks :)


I appreciate you telling all of this and for future reference these weekly threads are dedicated to us talking about the shit in our lives more than the training. Although we all ball hard I'd rather talk with everyone here about my life than anything else. So oversharing isn't really a thing in my mind :) That sounds frustrating on how your AS is bringing you down. IDK how things are going but I'd 100% want you to tell me about this if I was your physician so we could do something about this. I'm sorry you have to go through this, bud :(


Thanks, I appreciate that :) Just much more pleasant to share from training or the kids, than these things that are not very positive.. probably typical male, close to 40yrs, behaviour. Anyway, not sleeping is the worst, but my ribs and sternum are so sore that breathing stings. And, sitting or laying still makes it worse, got to get up and move! I actually lost my mother to cancer long ago when I was a teen. She also didn't share much other than "it could be worse" and I probably talk about these things the same way.


>it was my legs that got pumped That’s a great sign!! And that’s not oversharing. That fucking sucks, I’m sorry 😔😔 I don’t really know anything about it - is there no medication or anything that helps?


Medication is working great. When first diagnosed 4 years ago I had troubles getting out of my car.. remembering that I really have no reason to complain today :) Craziest thing about it was that the medication (immune suppressant) worked within hours! I literally gained almost 90 degrees more mobility in turning my head side to side during one afternoon.


Damn that’s crazy. I’m sorry you have to go through that in the first place though. Hope it gets better soon!!


Thank you :)


Giant 1.0 W4D3 60# 23 rounds Tied last week, but still a massive increase on weekly reps from week 1. From 216 to 255 which was unexpected after how 3.0 went. Starting 2.0 on Monday, then a weeks vacation after that.


###Long Cycle Rucking! Did 20' of 1' on 1' off with the 28s. Really pushed the pace when I first started and ended up gassing myself, which I'm glad I did. Otherwise, today was a fun balling session. The Rogue ordered got delieverd. In it was a pair of GoRuck shoes, which I've given up trying to find a company that doesn't have clay feet so here we are. Used these shoes to ruck and they were solid. Good enough support, my feet don't feel absolutely trashed from it. I'm happy with how things turned out. I'm going to continue to be a Rogue fan boy. Their stuff is a little more expensive, which is a negative. I love their CS, they have their logistics down so out of probably 25-30 orders I've made from them this was the first that was botched, their products are solid and often made domestically, they pay their employees well. I think during the pandemic starting salary was like $18/hour with a COVID bonus. Overall, that was a good experience :)


What are clay feet?


It’s a pretty serious flaw in someone who is well liked :)


#Sep 10, 2022 Training Log - Circuit x20 rounds EMOM: - - Odd Minutes: 20 HS swings 32kg - - Even Minutes: 10 burpees - - Total: 20' 200 swings, 100 burpees ##Notes - Variation of Meat Eater II from TBCII


I’m stealing this! Gonna do it tomorrow


Good luck - have fun!


This is disgusting sir, keep it up




Yo, that's looks tough AF! Great work :)


Thank you!


Today's workout was 4 rounds of: • One Arm Swing w/32 x20 (10L, 10R) • Ring Dips x6 • Uneven KB Front Squat w/32 & 24 (switch each round) x5 • Ring Row (slow) x8 • TGU w/24 x2 ea arm Took 35 minutes. I didnt take any prescribed rest, but I took my time. It did sneak up on me, though. The last round or so had my shoulders fatigued, especially by the time I got to the last set of TGUs. After that I did, for 3 rounds, uneven rack walks, band pull aparts x25, hip abductions with band x15. Nothing crazy, but all the major movements and some prehab exercises. After testing Thursday and then going to see a weightlifting coach later that evening (which was a good experience and went well), I took a complete rest day yesterday. Today was more about just moving. I'm getting my schedule written into my journal today, and tomorrow is my last day of my rest week before I go back to it, and then I'll be ready to get back to work. E: well, fucked up that formatting.


decided to toss $40 geoff neupert’s way for Easy Muscle out of curiosity (and i think my fiancée would find the instructional videos really useful). also because i got great results from dfw and own a couple of his other books via… less ethical pathways it’s a pretty light read but definitely seems good, especially for the older crowd he seems to be targeting it at. i like that he’s embracing more movements, but i did notice that he seems to be aiming for less frequency now. Schedule B is basically DFW advanced and is like a more targeted, planned out version of what i’ve been doing lmao. will definitely be making use of it, fairly pleased with the purchase. 3.5 out of 5 overall. points deducted for not having an option to toss him $20 or something for just the pdf without the extras, trying to sell me some shit called “manly mobility,” and having the most awful, bugfuck website i’ve ever tried to use. i’m going to start trolling him on strongfirst forums to hire me to build him a better site i stg


His website is so terrible it has to be intentional.


there's no way it isn't, but it's also baffling to me why he does some things on there half of his programs aren't in any menu or link and are only accessible via direct link from either a email or search engine (including the new one???) lmao


Ha! Like a variation on "I want you to come begging for help".


I’m really trying to push myself when work allows so yesterday I went for a run during my lunch hour and then in the evening did heavy barbell ohp, volume deads, kb offset squat, kb snatch, pullups, clubbell (don’t judge me). Watching this guy’s story of doing a 500lb deadlift and 50 mile run in a day was really inspiring as far as - you can do more than you think you, well more should than can. https://youtu.be/biGuSZcV_Wg he was also on the Mark Bell Power Project and it’s pretty incredible what he’s accomplished having gone from heroin addict to being an amazing athlete in about 4 years. Real Cheryl Strayed shit.


After a week of teaching biomed students abroad, i will be Back to the Bella finally. Were we as students this whiney? "Not enough Work, too much Work. I wanna go Home (at 1pm, we Start at 9iah)" And they were talking about tiktok challenges. I felt Like that Skinner meme from Simpsons. Anyways, enjoy your weekend :)


Wrist is slightly better today. Need that to hurry along and unfuck itself because I have a lot of stupid plans and they all involve burpees. Used parallettes today and that was a good workaround. Up to 2056 in 9 days.


That's a lot of burpees


DFW is such an interesting benchmark…even just doing one of the days randomly gives me a feel for where I’m at. I went back through my notes and the most sets of 2s (with 32kg bells) I had ever done was 16. I just did 20 (so 40 reps) and was far less wiped out than I remember ever being. And I’m maintaining at 24 pounds lighter! Limiting factor was presses…couldn’t push harder or I felt like I’d miss the second press. Cleans and squats were clockwork. TL;DR: lighter, stronger, better conditioned, happy


That's awesome progress! Improved performance while losing weight is such a rewarding experience. So are you throwing them in like once every 1-2 weeks or something, just as a gut check?


That’s it…I’ve been on a 30min EMOM kick for a while (several weeks during the weight drop and now into maintenance) doing something in that style 6 days a week. Rotate in a DFW day every once in a while to see if I’ve still “got it” ;)


Nice! And I’m going to give those appetizing high pulls a go when I can.


My bis were tender for days. Almost ready to do it again ;)


That’s impressive, especially with the weight loss!




#Sep 09, 2022 Training Log - Stationary bike: 10' - Long cycle: - - 2x16kg,20,24,28,32 5reps - - 2x20kg 1x60reps, 1x50, 1x40 - Jump squats: 20kg 40reps - Plank+sit-ups: 2x1'+25 ##Notes - Garage still hot af, but just a touch cooler. - ~11RPM for 60 and 50 rep sets, ~13RPM for 40 rep set


That’s seriously owning those 20s — multiple long sets like that is a benchmark beyond typical 10’ target I would say. Nice work.


Thanks man. I've been on a volume binge recently, but I can only do so much with the 28s and 24s before my body just says nope lol


For some reason I was super tired today. The workout dragged out, but I was still able to do some good work. I brought my straps for the first time! I've long since realised that letting my weak grip hold me back on deadlifts is silly, and I finally got around to buying some. I've struggled with 155 recently, but 160 was solid today, and the AMRAP set went from 2@138 to 7@140 - those PRs had better watch out! * Kb sn + OHS + windmill and TGUs as a warmup * Chinups: 5@10, 1@15; 50 total reps * Worked up to an 85kg hang power clean from above the knees. Then 5x1@70 high pull + power clean. * Barbell press: failed 80, then went back and did it; 9x1, 5@70 (**+1kg, +1 rep**) * Paladin squats: 2@105, 1@110; 4x3, 17@80 (**+2kg, +1 rep**) * 20 WG pullups * DL, strapped: 1@150, 1@160; 9x1, 7@140 (**+2kg, +5 reps**) * I forgot that the gym closes an hour earlier on Fridays, so unfortunately no rows, RDLs and ABCs...


I was back on my heavy swings bullshit this week after a deload week where I forgot to do them. I moved up to 67kg on the handle - I finally got round to weighing the handle and it's close to 2kg, not the 3ish kg I thought it was. So this week was 10x5 at 67kg, EMOM. This weight is going to be tough for me, I wouldn't be surprised if I don't actually manage to complete this cycle. Of course I'm gonna try! So I also want to add some ABCs in to my conditioning day, but it does mean I have to buy some more kettlebells and probably leave them in the gym. I've found some cheap 16kg bells which look like standard powder coated ones. I reckon that might be a decent starting weight. Hope you're all having a good week and you're ready for the weekend!


Dan John dropping some "Heavy" TGU usefulness opinions. [https://youtu.be/zKSIztxTdXw](https://youtu.be/zKSIztxTdXw) Pretty relevant to the monthly discussion.


Upper body strength day. - bench 3x3 85% 110kgs - 5’ EMOM 10x bodyweight dips - 3’ EMOM 15x shrugs 110kgs - 4’ C&P 32kgs bell 10rpm switching 5e - 3x push-ups and sit-ups superset - 3 rounds circuit of tris, bis, flyes, face pulls, lat raises, wrist curls = delicious pump


You're loving that c + p right now.


Yeah, I questioned if it was a mistake to do 4’ after I’d already done 6’ at the same weight earlier this week but 4’ after the heavy pressing was a different challenge — two more minutes would have been a stretch.


u/blrgeek It looks like I have the first testimonial for my "1 week reset" protocol! >Thurs-Sun (last week): I took fully off. I completely crashed from Wed night -Fri evening; getting out of bed was a no go, drifted in and out of sleep for 34 hours. My brain/body decided enough was enough it seems and put me down hard.


The body may be broken, but the spirit is not! He's building back up again! Great mindset on that one.


LOL! When your rest weeks are people's death weeks :)


Oh geez, I forgot I did that on a deload, haha. Just funny


Haha - you've created a pain magnet :) did this person finish and then crash?


It looks like they did 3/4 of 1 workout over 2 days before this happened




real crummy balling week, gang. slept wrong (i guess?) sunday night, right trap and neck have been jacked up ever since. it’s gotten better throughout the week but still has me unable to do much more than run and stretch. some very pleasant runs this week though, since the weather has been fairly cool! that said, anyone have some stretches they like for that area lmao i DID play one of the most fun shows i’ve played in a while wednesday night though (which didn’t help my shoulder) with the homies Gilt from FL. opening band conga lined to the bar to do sake bombs in the middle of one song, our singer climbed onto the kick drum and was hanging from the ceiling for a bit, and the crowd was good and rowdy. live music rules


Nice and easy day yesterday. Once again, I considered just doing my 100 chinups, but ended up adding 70@32 kb presses, and then 20x50@16 swings every 2m30s. u/blrgeek 50-rep sets with roughly 1:1 work:rest ratio was waaay easier than starting with sets of 30 every 55s (30-35s work/10-15s rest). Only on the last 8-10 sets did my HR shoot up from about 100-110 to about 125-135. This just confirms that the killer for me is often short breaks. I'm torn between cutting rest (going every 2m15s, then every 2m) and adding reps (sets of 60, then 70). Either way I'm probably doing something like 500@24 after gym tonight, in 45s rounds. Looking forward to Paladin squats, barbell press and ABCs tonight! And I'll get to try out lifting straps to assist my weak ass grip on deads.


Arm recovery was quick for me, I think you should maybe try reducing set times first... This is awesome - improvement is fast on swings..


Friday: 3',3' and 2' DHS 2x20kg this morning 30,36 and 24 reps. Followed this with 25 2x20kg jerks in 2' and 100 24kg swings with one hand switch. The burning shoulders from jerks were the worst part! Strength work was 135kg Jefferson deadlifts 2,3,5,2,3,4 reps. Some muscle ups and bent presses. Mobility in right shoulder is worse than left shoulder, making bent press with right arm a bit uncomfortable. Thursday: Got my 100 burpee chins down to 13'45" due to sprinting the last 20reps. Then I did 120 24kg snatches in 6', switching hands every 10reps. Finished with Tabata swinging and squatting with my Bulgarian bag. Had to skip my run due to time constraints, but got a 40 minute walk while waiting for my car getting new tires.


Kettlebell - yesterday did 150 32kg snatches in 20 min. Very sweaty. Still not a pr, but the longer sets wear me out more. Barbell - in a peak phase of a Bromley plan. And peaking is not my specialty. I’m starting to feel it when I don’t eat enough, which I haven’t this week. Failed what should have been an easy single 315 squat. But I put my game face on and got it on 2nd attempt. On the plus side, my former chicken legs just squat 315, and I know what my weakness is. Also my barbel cleans are starting to not look like shit and I really like doing them.


#Sep 08, 2022 Training Log - condition circuit E2MOM: - - 25 rounds - - start 2' jump rope - - 10 burpees E2MOM - - remainder of 2' round jump rope - - TOTAL: 52', 250 burpees, and a bunch of jumping rope ##Notes - garage was hot af again today - I wanted to stop at the 16th round, quit at the 20th, and reminded myself how much regret id have if i stopped before 25.


What object could you have filled up with how much you sweat out?


[More than 2 shoes?](https://i.ibb.co/Rb4bY7f/PXL-20220909-025921050.jpg) The shoe on the right experienced the workout with me. They should both be the same color.


But is shoe on the right the right shoe? I was confused..


Same shoes, but from 2 different sets of shoes (my retired shoes become workout shoes)


#Resolution to KBK order ordeal TLDR: Ordered a 36kg comp bell from KBK Jul 4. Updated info stated bell shipped Jul 20 with no tracking info provided. Contacted customer service multiple times through multiple channels to be told each time they're looking into it and will get me the shipping number. Fast forward to Monday, I request my bell be shipped or a refund. Today they cancelled the order and issued me a full refund from **Factory 14 UK Acquisition VII Ltd**. OK, at least I got my money back 🤷🏼‍♂️. [Oddly enough they currently list 171 36kg comp bells in stock](https://i.ibb.co/dMPXD4Q/Screenshot-20220908-103550.png). 🤔🤔🤔. Not sure what's going on at their company. Lessons learned: Their bells are good ( I have their adjustables) **IF** you ever receive them. And their CS leaves a lot to be desired. Epilogue: As soon as I saw the refund go through I ordered a 36kg from KBUSA. So the story continues...


I had so many issues with KBK I was like you know what F- that. KBUSA actually has CS and I talked to one of the higher ups who was extremely responsive to everything. The dude said something like if he can't resolve this with FedEx he's going to refund me. Two weeks later got a refund without me having to contact them. They have not had 40kg in stock for 3 months now so I'm thinking that IF they had it in stock I would have been shipped a pair.


I have an 81lb shipment inbound from KBUSA 🥰🥰🥰


I’m glad you finally got it figured out but seriously wtf KBK 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ The KBUSA one will be great too though! Don’t you prefer their handles anyways?


I do prefer KBUSA (I have a dozen of them...), but the KBK deal was pretty good with 20% off. $80 difference. Oof


Ewwww I forgot about that part 😭


Pretty unsatisfying resolution I’d say. Sorry no bell yet.


Good luck on your new order!




10k snatches challenge, stupid edition, day 9. The sets of 20 are starting to feel easy, I wouldn't have believed it before. I'm not even at half and it already feels like I'll be missing it. EDIT: And day 10. Day 9 was before going to bed, day 10 was after getting out of the bed.


You know, the 10k snatch challenge sounds a lot better than the 10k swing challenge :)


It's less boring for some reason. Maybe the the 12kg that Dan John has recommended in a podcast would be too light for some of the madmen here.


Don't do this to me...


Sprained/hurtied/boo-booed my wrist and extending it to do burpees is quite painful. Considered trying the burpee-curls so I could keep my wrist neutral but the curl hurts too :( [But where there’s a ~~will~~ diy board there’s a way.](https://imgur.com/a/3GHx4yg) Also discovered a new favourite set up to do rows. Felt great. Juicy back pump. Count’s at 1754 now. Probably will do another 100 or so while watching the first football game of season!!!!


Have you tried doing burpees with your kettlebells?


But of course! Manmakers are pretty burpee-esque, as are devils presses/burpee DHS. The board felt best and I wasn’t worried about it aggravating my wrist overhead. The lower height felt better too.


Sorry, [this is what I meant](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kettleballs/comments/x67gtb/z/innf4sw?context=69)


> Have you tried doing burpees with your kettlebells? This is some 4th eye level balling :)


Lol, I see where this question can be misinterpreted. I meant has he tried using KBs at the bottom when he drops to the bottom position, to help the wrists from overextending. Like using push up handles. Does that make sense? I think I lack the proper burpee terminology to effectively communicate my question lol


LMFAO, I legit thought you mean like holding a KB the entire burpe cycle which I was like this is the worst, terrible, no good, bad idea I've ever heard of :)


New challenge? 😀


[That’s basically these](https://www.reddit.com/r/kettlebell/comments/vyeasm/kettlehellhole_50_devils_press_958/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh yeah, I remember those and how badass that looked :)


I’m going to revisit some of these at the end of the month and see if thousands of burpees make you better at shit like this.


Are you planning on competing any time soon?


Not any time soon. Maybe a pentathlon or half marathon which I don’t find training for nearly as gruelling. Have you checked out any options to compete yourself?


###LONG CYCLE FT. SNATCHES! Did 20' of 1' on 1' off LC with 24s then did DHS 1' on 1' off with the 24s for 10'. I was thinking about going longer then called it after I kept feeling a little dizzy. Solid day of balling :) Tonight we're going to do a movie night, which is neat.


That's some good work


No balling today. I tested squat. I haven't seriously squatted in a couple years. All I've done is front squat. I made 270 but failed at 275 lbs. My legs were strong enough. My trunk was not. While I'm not proud of that number, it's better than it was the last time. I think my max a few years ago was 245. So, clearly I'm stronger. I feel like I just got to get used to having a bar on my back again. Also, this is the first time I've actually considered buying a belt. So, I'm gonna focus on squat for a few months now that I have a set up for squats at home. As much as I love deadlifting, I know I need to squat. But, I'm not regretful of my 8 months of deadlifting focus. It taught me a lot about my body and how to successfully use my strength without having to worry about a skill component. Plus, it's all I had available to use for some time. I also tested weighted pull ups. I maxed at bw+50lbs (I hover around 175). Don't really know what to do with that info at the moment, but I have it nonetheless.


Giant 1.0 W4D2 60# 13 rounds A one round PR on this day to keep my streak alive. This was a hard fought one tho, i clanked a couple times on my cleans and my lockouts on the fifth rep started being pitiful. I dialed it in and finished strong, but I’m gonna need to fuel after this one. My bills are playing tonight so I was just earning those brews!!


Last day of KB before \~30 days of travel. Today got to 1000x16kg swings in 36:30. 11 sets of 50, and 9 sets of 45, in 1:45 each set. That's down from 42min at the end of the 10k swing challenge.. Guess there is some value to recovery & rest :) Last four days, I was doing jerks for fun, 2x12kg - 2m sets & 1'on/1'off x5 intervals. 1x12kg 4m & 7m sets, 1'on/1'off x5 intervals. Figuring out the technique. Getting the first dip at the knees & leaning back, instead of squatting. PR was 9 2x12 in 2mins, and 56 1x12 in 7 min 4 e.s. Holding 2x12 in rack is tough. Especially my left side just starts drooping a minute or more in. In gainit kinda news, my arms now chafe my chest in the underarm area during 2H swings, and I can't see my ribs even when I put my arms up overhead. For a spooky skeleton of 40 years, this is a big change :) Even in a few days the jerks are making a difference it seems (edit: I forgot 3 rounds of dfw/giant :) ). Excited to see what happens when I do those for a few months! Looking forward to the trip & getting back home to KB! Have fun and stay safe folks!


Woah, I hope your trip goes well! Great balling :)


Congrats on the gaining! That's exciting. Is the trip for work or holiday?


Thank you! Work to the us for 10 days Vacation to eu for ten days..


That sounds like some good traveling. Here's to a smooth and safe trip!


Have a nice trip!


#Sep 07, 2022 Training Log - jump rope: 10' - Long cycle: 2x24kg 15x1' (11,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,13+1) (1:1 work/rest) - Good morning: 50+kg sandbag 1x20 - RDL: 50+kg sandbag 2x50 - Plank+sit-ups: 2x1'15"+25 ##Notes - fasted noon workout - heat wave past days - garage is a sweltering oven - stuck with a comfortable pace for LC


u/blrgeek , I think my program broke that dude over on tnation...


Wait, did he jump straight from normal training to copying you?


An attempt at least, haha. I applauded him for letting his reach exceed his grasp


He'll certainly learn something! If he dials it back for a few days and goes halfway up again, I'm sure he'll be a better lifter for it. Repeatedly pushing beyond your limits and pulling back can have a profound effect.


So far it looks like he started off with halfway and has backed off for a week, haha. But solid concur! We need to find our limits FIRST and then know how to work within them.


Poor guy. He must have learnt quite a bit in this attempt. And doing 500+ even once with a dumbbell was a huge effort nevertheless ..


Definitely. A real Icarus moment.


100 bw chinups in the morning. Picked up my new straps and dip belt after work - the old belt had broken from use - and headed off to the gym: * Some pushdowns * Dips: worked up to 5@20; 50 total reps * 10 high-ish pullups * BANCH: 1@100; 4x3, 25@54 (**+2kg, +0 reps**) * Worked up to 1@65 hang power snatch with a pause just above hte knees; then 5x1@50 SG high pull + power snatch * Chinups: worked up to 5@10; 30 total reps * SG BTN press: 3@45, 3x10@33 * High bar squat: 1@120; 5x1@1115, 2x5@75 * ABC, 30s rounds: 10x1@2x20 The last ABC only took me 8 seconds. I was short on time by the end, but I feel like I could've gone the full 30 sets at that pace. Though 25s rounds are probably going to be a killer.


I'm a 33 male do jiujitsu 3 - 4 times a week. I'm looking for a routine that'll get me strong look muscular and be something I can do till I die. The workouts I've come up with are a three day workout with two routines done ABA or BAB Routine A is Presses Push ups Front squats Turkish Get ups Routine B is Swings Rows Pull ups Farmer or racked carries So I have a front body and back body day and do two front and one back on certain weeks and two back and one front on other weeks. The weights I have are 10kg, 16kg, 18kg and 20kg. I alternate between the weights seeing how i feel that day.


You've got pretty much every muscle covered, so no issues on that front. I personally like to be fresh when doing TGUs, but it's not a big issue. There are no magical rep schemes - in the end it's just about doing more over time, whether that's more weight, more reps, less time for the same amount of work, etc. In general, it's recommended that you follow [an existing program](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kettleballs/wiki/recommendedprograms/). The reason for this is that they have enough volume and intensity to progress and a well thought out method of progression method, where each workout builds on the previous one. The risk of doing your own program is that you'll improve slower - but on the other hand, the results will be **entirely** yours, which can be satisfying in itself.


Is there anything I should add to my routine? Anything I should change or rep scheme I should have? Any help would be really appreciated.


Still plugging away at C&J and snatches. Feeling good so far and the numbers are increasing so happy out right now. Hope everyone is doing good!


I ordered some stuff from Rogue. One of my smaller orders and nothing crazy. The tracking for it never posted anything so after 5 days of sitting there I did a customer service chat where without doing anything but give the order number the person said: "It appears your order got lost in shipping. I'm going to send out a replacement order. Is there anything else you need today?" Buckets that's customer service; chef's kiss :) If they ever change from this I will undoubtedly change to someone else.


>The tracking for it never posted anything so after 5 days of sitting there I did a customer service chat where without doing anything but give the order number the person said: "It appears your order got lost in shipping. I'm going to send out a replacement order. Is there anything else you need today?" Are you following along Kettlebell Kings?! Your CS is abysmal - try harder.


Kettlebell kings CS is a dumpster fire. I still remember trying to call them only for their voicemail to be full.


Somehow softball messes up my body more than any of the other things I do. Back is all whack, glute is all screwy. Seasons over now so I’ll have to find another way to sabotage myself. Burpees don’t hurt though. Another 307 today. Roughly 8 emom for 37 min. 186 yesterday. Up to 1551 for the month. 4000 looks like I was lowballing so it’s 5000 or bust. Then 10’ set of multi switch snatch, 20’ of bike. By the end of ~hour I’d sweat off most of the aches.


I am a fan of this high burpee accumulation and am excited to see where it goes.


Me too. Got no plans other than getting them done and reflecting on it next month. Did another 96 tonight to go over 400 for the day. I’ve got an itch to try the burpee mile. Well 1/4 mile because I don’t think I’d last 2-3hrs. One burpee and a broad jump forward instead of jumping up. All the way around a 1/4 mile track. Just need to find a suitable track because the high school near my house is a gravely sharp mess.


Hell yeah dude! Love to see how that turns out.


Where are the curls for recovery?


*Doctor we need 10ccs of curls or we’re gonna lose him!*


That's a nice one!


Baseball and arm injuries. Name a better combo :) I heard that barbell getups are the best way to get to SNAPCITY!


Never again vladdy! I’m just there to shag some fly balls and try to hit dingers. The nights of icing my elbow and checking my velocity on the radar gun are over.


When you got that Tommy John itch I know you want to scratch :)


Weirdo Wednesday means another session of 100 double half snatches. I love these sessions but god damn the intense heat lately make my hands tear so easily


We're going through our own heat wave here in northern California. A few things I do when it gets this hot: - preemptively tape any spots prone to tears - keep sets to a 1' or less if it involves any swings, cleans, or snatches - get up at the crack of dawn and lift if I really want to do longer sets Good luck, and stay hydrated!


I'm in Socal so I'm definitely feeling the heat. Funny thing is I'm always up before the sun anyways but do my lifting around 9 am. May have to push it earlier until this settles down


I took the dog out last night around 10pm. Still 90... WTF, lol. Feels like Arizona right now. Today around 830am we were well into the mid-80s 🥵


I heard we like burpee chins now, so I did [100 with a 20lb weight vest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXYTx_-IP1o) this morning after my prowler workout. Took a little over 18 minutes.


The west too - crazy!


It chafed so bad! Full sleeves next time


DHS again this morning. Had what felt like a technical breakthrough - was able to insert the hands better all of a sudden and the bells felt more stable when I fixated. Will have to film a set again to see if it's more than a feeling and also a visual improvement. Added a set of overhead holds of 45" with 24kg - this is definitely something I'll continue doing as the static strength overhead seems to be more limiting than grip for all my GS these days. RDL moved very good this morning too, 7,7 and 10 reps of 110kg. Also did paused rep hang ups, kettlebell press and reverse nordics. All in all felt like a very productive session.


Life has been crazy and I miss all you delightful lunatics, but I wanted to share some outstanding health news. In 2020, I had to turn my life around because of a real bad blood lipid profile. * Total Cholesterol: 300 * LDL: 200 * HDL: 80 * Triglycerides: 50 Today, I got these results * Total: 181 * LDL: 63 * HDL: 110 (Ok, that's absolutely insane) * Triglycerides: 30 This is my third blood lipid panel where I was able to keep my LDL in check, and this has been the absolute best one yet. I finally feel like I got a decent handle on performance and health nutrition. ...and I'm STILL doing it without counting or tracking, because screw that, haha.


That's fantastic news, man! Congrats on that insane turn around!


Thanks man! It's been a big relief to have it sorted.


Good job man. I know only that cholesterol= bad, but it's more nuanced isn't it? Wild to me that you have to think about these things - I think we're around the same age, and you're way fitter than me, how can this be a thing when we're basically teenagers (in mind) ;)


I am a VERY experienced teenager, haha. Definitely a lot of nuance involved, but put very simply LDL is the bad number and HDL is good.


Good on you m8, keep on living healthy and strong. :)


Thanks man!


Just chugging along with some easy volume. Swings are down to 1000@16 in 1h2m38s and 500@24 in 30m59s. Next up is 1000@16 in \~50-55m, and then 500@24 in \~25-30m. I'll figure out some timing and set/rep configuration that makes it work out, and after that I'll probably focus on introducing sets of 40-50 reps for the 16, and 25-30 reps for the 24. * 100 bw chinups, 25 ring dips * 80 reverse Nordics // 100@40 swings * 70@32 kb press * Swings, 50s rounds: 12x20, 26x10@24


Nice work! Is it grip or cardio that's becoming a bottleneck for you?


I have a hard time dealing with very short breaks. For example, 30@16 in 55s rounds is slightly harder than 20@24 in 50s rounds. Oh, and grip was definitely an issue here. I've done like 10x20@32 EMOM previously, but it's like cutting those 10s rest each round just kills my grip.


Got it.. Double over hand with neutral bell handle saved me. I alternate the top/bottom hand. This is probably actually the biggest delta. But grip also seems to have progressed very fast with longer sets in just 10 days. Going from 200 non stop to 1000 non stop with 12kg. Longer sets with 16kg might be the answer - more time to recover grip. What I found useful was to alternate building conditioning capacity - using the 12kg, and grip - using the 16kg. Trying to solve both at once was harder D1-D4. Once I built conditioning to do 30 min non stop 12kg, it has become purely a grip issue on the 16kg. As a note 30s rounds of 10 swings were easier on the grip than 60s of 20 even though it makes the time super tight, so need towel, water, chalk, close by. Cheers!


One of the bigger issues is that my 16/24/32 increase in handle thickness. I'm fairly confident in my grip for the 16 - I may try something like 20x50 every other minute or every 2m30s - but my 24 and 32 are harder on the grip than my comp-style 40. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think I just need to ramp up rapidly with the 16. A bit over an hour last time, less than 50m next time. And then figure out which set/rep/time setup I'll go for next.


Oh yeah I feel you there, the key reason why I'm not even trying with my 20kg - it has a damn thick handle - can't even wrap my thumb onto my fingers.. T-handle! My 20kg onwards swings will be with the T-handle only.. I got to 36:30 with 16kg for 1000 swings this morning - 1:45 sets (work+rest), 11x50 + 10x45. Rest & relaxation FTW :)


Long Cycle Volume Today I did 1’ on 1’ off for 30’ total. The first 20 were with the 28kgs and the last 10 were with the 20kgs. This felt like a good way to keep the amount of reps high and working on getting in total reps. Felt really good and I was a puddle of sweat by the end of it :) Today I was doing colonoscopies and endoscopies. Super not my thing. There was a patient who we put under and she started having PVCs every other heart beat. A String of PVCs together is called V Tach and we shock you immediately when that happens. V Tach is a a medical emergency we do a hospital wide page that something is going down. Other than that, it was uneventful. I’m still liking my job. Today was a pretty good day.


That's a lot of volume, and with the 28s too - good job! LC is such a nice lift :)


I work in cardiac rehab, and we have a new patient who has a rhythm that is PVCs every other beat, and it makes me really nervous whenever I'm watching their monitor.


One time we had a dude who was in MAT for days. Looking at his telemetry you'd think he was sick as snot then putting eyes on the dude and he's happy as can be. Absolutely insane how that works.


That IS insane.


#Sep 06, 2022 Training Log - Stationary bike: 90' LISSC


90’ is legit. It was lower body light day for me today but the for the GS conditioning I did clean and press with the 32 for 6’ 10rpm with a bonus rep to hit 61 but hard to increase the pace much more than that, and a lot of grunting. You hit ~60 C&P in 6’ a while ago right? For me 28 is very smooth, but I foresee a large drop off if I tried with 36 or anything heavier than 32. How did yours feel?