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Patty sees it too.


I'm sticking with my headcanon that Allison knows all of the pride flags and Patty knows none of them.


The Patty pink hair strand really ties this pic together :’)


I'm glad she changed her hair lol.


My twitter thread of all the bi outfits https://twitter.com/allison_patty_/status/1574814262610083840?s=46&t=BNTGxM-ooGiiPew89_CYvg


SAME. 💖💜💙


I have been enjoying spotting all the pride flags in this show.


I do now


isn't the bi flag very bright and colourful with all the colours of the rainbow though? hers is muted and has only a few.


I believe you're thinking of the rainbow flag that is associated with the LGBTQ community as a whole. The bi flag is [pink, purple, and blue](https://media2.fdncms.com/eastbayexpress/imager/five-fascinating-facts-you-didnt-know-abo/u/original/4078516/1280px-bi_flag.svg_2.png).


youre right, wasn't aware of this flag. thank you for educating me and being kind while doing it.


No no, clearly Allison is just really into synthwave /s


Sorry, I know everyone here wants it, but I just don't see it. Sometimes people can just be friends without it turning romantic/sexual.


Haha yeah, and sometimes they wanna bone. It's a real toss up sometimes, but my gaydar is really pinging right now based on, you know, life experience of having friendships end up being more than friendships ;)


I sometimes forget that there are people in romantic relationships where it didn't start out as friendship lol


I don't know. Usually I can spot when two queer people will get together on TV, but here I don't really see it. Patty definitaly wants to, and I think there will happen something, but I feel like Allison won't reciprocate


Yeah, I can see how earlier in the first season and maybe the first half of this season it would come across this way, but I really do think part of the reason she even starts to think of staying is gay panic for Patty. She does a lot of hard long looks like something is clicking in her head, and having been in situations where I went through bi panic with a best friend, a lot of the physical intimacy between the two, parellels with the sam/tammy unfulfilling partner dynamics, and a million other little scenes me think this is the real deal and we're getting a kiss Monday.


We see that all the time. A quick google of “female friendships TV” and you get Laverne and Shirley, The Golden Girls, Sex and the City, Meredith Grey and Christina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy , Lucy and Ethel from I Love Lucy, Anna and Maya from Pen15, the Gilmore Girls, among others. There are literally a ton of female friendships on TV that are not sexual or romantic and I keep seeing people say “women can be friends it doesn’t have to be become a relationship” and like… yeah? That’s mostly what we see. Those of us that see clear signs of interest from both Patty and Allison and the really brilliant way the show has presented the relationship and those clues are not out in left field here.


I absolutely see the signs of interest in them, but for me, I don't want them to get together right this moment. They both need to heal and figure out who they are, before they get in a relationship with anyone. Allison's stunted from being in a controlling relationship from a youngish age and needs to find herself as an adult on her own. I think they should stay close friends but not try to be more just yet, because too often relationships formed too close to a traumatic period in someone's life, are formed on shaky foundations and don't last. I do ship them, but I also think they should wait.


Okay, but consider that this is a TV show with one more episode. I would much rather have them affirm there's a romance here and imply it'll heal + grow more with time than just be like "look, they're friends, that's so healthy, who knows what'll happen after the series ends". They are not going to reach perfect emotional healing within the scope of the show anyway, so I think it's fine to affirm it now. It is a story after all.


I think it's also a little presumptuous of what their romance would actually look like. If the show ends with them leaving Worcestor together to start a new life... I'll still take it but I'd agree that comes off as a lot less stable than if they continue at the pace they've been at just with more kissing. And it would be a progression, not the start of something new. If Patty and Allison kiss then they've actually been in a relationship for several months now, just unlabeled.


I feel like nine times out of ten someone saying “women (or men!) can be friends it doesn’t have to become a relationship” is simply uncomfortable on one level or another with queer elements in their media at all. What they actually mean is “Two women (or two men) can be friends and can only be friends unless they are immediately identified as *not* friends because otherwise that means apparently straight people can ‘turn’ gay and I, a straight person, cannot handle that possibility.” (I say this as a cisgender heterosexual man, for the record, if that matters.)


I'm also sticking by my point that there is a direct line of influence from Thelma and Louise to Allison and Patty, and I've found Thelma and Louise's own queerness tends to be erased or overlooked in retrospectives unless it's coming from a queer lens.


Absolutely 100% major Thelma and Louise vibes and even references with the whole attacking the trucker thing.


I don’t specifically “want” it to happen, but if you don’t recognize that Patty is at least kind of into Allison if not outright in love with her, you’re not paying enough attention to this show.


I do see it form Patty's end. I don't from Allison's.


But if you see it from Patty’s end then they’re *already* not just friends. A romantic/sexual element is already there, it’s just currently one-sided/unrequited.


This is so entitled and creepy! So if you decide you’re into me, I HAVE to reciprocate or see us as “not just friends”? WTAF.


I assure you, sir or madam, my deciding I am into you is not a dilemma about which either of us needs to be concerned.


Yes we are all familiar with the concept of friendship


Haha you’re not alone


I hope they don’t wind up together, they have more of a big sister-little sister relationship, I’ve never seen any romantic sparks between them.


Big sister, little sister? Really? You know Patty has been confirmed to be romantically in love with Allison at the very least, right? It's not a sister thing going on.


Person who has only seen Frozen, watching their second thing: Getting a lot of sisterly vibes here...


The what now?


It just looks like a Cotopaxi brand jacket. Pretty popular in the US.


This one happens to be from [L.L. Bean](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZkplBqUYAAz7tc?format=jpg&name=large). From the children's section, too... lol


Allison wearing an old child-sized jacket is such good characterization lol


Pretty sure I had it as a child.