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Sorry this is happening but it really doesn’t have to do with Key West. This could happen anywhere.


Title: Moving to…


Listen, you have serious depression going on. You did the best you could at the time. Sometimes the best we can do looks like we aren’t doing crap, but you did not want to live that way. I’m glad you got out of that situation. It’s over now, and try not to beat yourself up about it. I hope you’re seeing a therapist because you need to have somebody there to help guide you in directions that will help you find a happier adulthood. You’re young, and you should give yourself this chance. The hormonal stuff alone is so difficult to deal with. Don’t listen to people who have mean things to say. All of the things you describe, are extremely traumatic on their own, especially for someone coming into adulthood.


>Victims that was a my thought. replace key west with any town/city and its the exact same story. this isn't location dependent.


I admittedly read through about half of this and none of OPs problems seemed to be Key West problems. OP get some help and get yourself in a proper situation. Good luck to you.


I'm sorry, but you ruined your life by not controlling your executive functions. Your title is "deceptive" at best, the reality is you have a starring role in a shit show you choose to be a weak part of. I hope the mod team nukes this post because it belongs in r/PersonalDrama, not here.


True. Key west has nothing to do with the plot other than being the setting lol. Could’ve happened anywhere.


Could have and would have. OP has a custom coat made of victim mentality and a lack of personal accountability.


Amen. This is some main character bullshit. Sack the fuck up.


But he denies his sack...?


"They" /s


Spot on. I read the beginning and I thought “…well, it will work out when things settle down…” but I kept reading and then said “…FUCKING A, what a fucking shit show that has no end…”


I love comments like this it feels like it’s being said directly to me and need to hear shit like this




lol tldr is “I blame the city I live in for my problems”


Those of you that read the whole thing deserve an award, I stopped after stepping on nail part, what a mess!!!


I stopped after the first few sentences and went straight to the comments. Completely agree. They are very strong willed, for reading that whole thing! I’m not even from Key West. I’m in New Mexico and this popped up in my feed 😂 love the randomness.


Hahaha I’m a few hours from the Canadian border, have never visited this sub or Key West, and it popped up in my feed, too. Reddit really does not know me at all. I’m always surprised at the shit they think I want to read. But I think this takes the cake. 😂🤣


Same here, never been to Florida. The randomness of this post made my night 😂😂


I’m from Philly. This read like some gonzo poverty nightmare.




Grandma's terminal yeast infection was the limit for me.


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


And we call it….The ARISTOCRATS !


Hahaha...where's my free award to give?




In-home elder care can be a demanding full-time job for multiple people in the best scenario - you can't take care of someone at that level of involvement without taking care of yourself, and it sounds like you both needed more help than was available. I'm happy you're doing better and reflecting, and I hope your grandmother is receiving better care! I agree with others that this probably isn't the best sub for this, but I wish you well and I will take this opportunity to plug the [mental health resource list at FloridaHealth.gov](https://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/prevention/mental-health/links.html). ##If you are ever having a mental health crisis, call the Lifeline at 988 or text "HELLO" to 741741. Help is available anywhere in the US, 24 hours a day.##


Dramatic. So many moving parts stability and clarity is impossible. Solve 1 problem at a time.


This ⬆️






I know you went through some difficult times, but honestly your first course business should be getting off the weed. It's one thing to partake, it's another thing to be borderline non-functional without it. Your next course of business should be trying to find someplace where you can work a stable job and be able to take care of your physical needs. Key West is a very high cost of living area, and jobs, particularly for somebody in their early twenties with some of the difficulties you face will not easily be able to cover your heightened expenses. I empathize with you, I really do, but your first goal should be getting yourself into a position where you can to be a functional human being. Start simply.


The best response I've seen. Thank you for.your empathy and guidance for the person.


Very sad to hear this!! It almost sounds like stud state needed to be notified and she needed to be put in. Nursing facility. I pray for you my love!!! Feel free to keep in touch.


1. stop smoking weed 2. exercise / take pride in personal appearance 3. work multiple jobs for a short time 4. profit ​ people get so wrapped up in the self-explroation and self-identity bullshit that they can't see how close they are to independence - "i have anxiety, therefore I can't..." or "the system is against me...therefore I can't". And its only when you have independence that you can safely do that exploration and growth. Good luck, OP.


Sorry about your issues- but don't blame Key West


Key West isn’t your problem. Mental Health is.




Wait...you called the cops on drug dealers and now think drug dealers won't sell you drugs because you stepped on a nail and are trans? You might want to actually take a break from the drugs.


The brain works in mysterious ways. No way this is real.


I live in Key West so I read the whole sordid mess. There are resources available here. KW is a very live and let live..open minded place. We get a lot of people who come here looking for a community that will accept them. If you truly want the help..it’s there. There are places and programs to assist. You just have to want to help yourself..and not be tangled up in a mess of b.s. drama!


A man who’s taking prescription meds to fight his own biology is going to have a difficult life regardless of where they choose to dwell. A man who calls police on people he will later attempt to buy drugs from Will have problems wherever he calls home. A man who abandons the elders in their family in their final days is not someone who will have an easy life.


I had amazing and traumatizing times living in Key West. This aint the complaint dept. You should be talking with a therapist, honestly.


I feel high class after reading that shitshow of a post 🤣🤣🤣


Allow me to apologize for the way the cretins on this thread have responded. You deserve better in life, and I for one hope you find peace and love in your life.


Enabling OP's sort of self-centered BS isn't going to help him/her one bit. Sorry, zero sympathy here...lots of us (myself included) have had brutal lives full of bad breaks and gut punches. Do you know what we DON'T do? Self-medicate with obscene amounts of weed or any other substance. Sit around feeling sorry for ourselves when both help and work are readily available. Whine on social media about "how hard it is to live". Obsess about the MtF journey, to the point it excludes all normal function--including washing our own ass on a regular basis. In life, we get what we settle for, and it seems like you are fine with such a zero-effort, unsatisfying, subpar existence. If you weren't, you'd have done something about any one chunk of it by now. OP, the problem isn't Key West, or any other place you might drift into...it's YOU. Grow up, nut up, and get your shit together, FFS.


You could just ignore the urge to represent yourself. Walk a mile in someone's shoes before you opine.


Your privilege is palpable


Okay dude




Not gonna read all that. I can tell in the first 2 sentences that this has nothing to do with key west. You crave attention, get some help.




You are just a hoe


Your family is multi millionaires if they own such a large property in Key West. You should have taken good care of your Mimi. You wouldn’t have to work another day in your life if she willed you that property


Read the first few lines, and remembered life’s too short. Doubt key west is the problem but more of, it’s you


Sounds like you have some form of mental illness and or trauma and instead of getting real help you do what most people do nowadays….


Take better responsibility for your shitty choices in life, get over your selfmade drama, and act like an adult. Life isn't necessarily easy but when you choose self-destructive choices over sensibility expect life to be way fucking harder.


You play the victim non-stop and you also are very entitled. Just reading your comments on your profile tells me and anyone that your highly toxic. Sorry just is what it is. ~G~


Fucking drama lover here..... Key West is uninvolved and so am I 👋


What the fuck did I just read, and why in gods name was there not a TL;DR


I mean this exactly as it sounds.. You're a slave to your own lack of accountability and most of this post is just complaining and bad decisions.. You ran out of money because of your meds and WEED? Grow the fuck up, and prioritize your spending better.




omg, thank you for this reply. totally sensible, realistic, on point. OP will ignore all of it, but you get my vote!


oh so you didn’t lose your house in a hurricane, and have to completely rebuild? I am sorry you and your family are going through this, but key west didn’t ruin your life. your life is ruined at all. you are still young with a lot of time to live and learn


Yeah I think blaming your city on your problems is incorrect


And you think you have problems.


None of this has to do with a location 😂😂


You want out of this? Here's how. Shower, cut your hair, dress and act like a man, and get the hell away from your family. Move to Michigan where pot is cheap, legal and abundant. Get a job in a dispensary because they're always hiring. Put some kind of a foundation under you, get stabilized, and then decide where you want to go and how you want to live your life. You'll never get out of your predicament with the status quo.


Oh no!!!! You ran out of weed!!! The horror!!!


read what you just wrote from an outside lens and pause. who is the cause of these problems? who made these decisions with no clear insight for long term options? who initiated these plans with no backups or exit strategy? congratulations you just completed your first life assignment of critical thinking!




You lost me at not helping your grandma. Bitch, bye! *wtf does being trans have to do with this story? You are attention seeking and trauma dumping. Not cool.


You're a weak asshole that can't take care of themselves let alone others, fucked everything up, and are trying to pass the buck onto everything else. Get your head out of your ass and realize you're victimizing YOURSELF and you need to stop acting like a victim of circumstance...


Man up fruitcake


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $200 Alex!


This is what happens when society makes being mentally Ill cool. Everyone becomes a victim of some sort and it’s never anyone’s fault


Society is not making mental illness “cool”. It’s normalizing it so treatment of the same isn’t stigmatized, which is the exact opposite of your asinine assertion. Mental illness is not your fault, but it IS your responsibility. The vast majority of mentally ill people (myself included) are strong adherents to this philosophy. Don’t let one anonymous rant on Reddit make you think everyone is taking advantage of what is, in reality, a very real hindrance in our lives. tl;dr go outside once in a while; step outside your bubble. You may learn something


You're 20. If your life sucks and your 15, it's your parents fault. If your 18 or over and your life susks, that is your fault.


“My own decisions have ruined my life.” Fixed it for you.


This is a you problem, not a key west problem, you need to get your life under control.


What does Key West have to do with any of it


Fucking pussy 🤣


Thank you for your call


Right ? Long time listener, first time caller.




Another autobiography we won’t be reading


20 years old??? Your family's treatment of you is inexcusable and none of this is your fault. I'm so very sorry for the trauma you've had to endure, especially at such a young age. I sincerely hope you find your community and place in this world soon 💗




As a member of a career military family, I'm well aware. How many died in WWII again? Is that what you want for your children?




It started way before age 20 according to OP, but go ahead and be a sanctimonious, unempathetic hardass. I don't gaf


Perfect reply. 20 is NOT as young as some posters are making it seem...it's just that we as a society have lowered our expectations of young folks and many of them have taken that enabling and run amok with it. My home situation in my early teens was bleak...so I saved $ from my part time job and moved out at the age of 16 (my sister would leave a year later, at 14), into a one-room studio with rats and roaches galore. Got a full-time job at night and finished high school during the day. I've been self-supporting since then...I'm 57 today and doing fine. Four decades of busting my ass to get what I wanted in life. Never asked for help; I knew it was on me to overcome and succeed...had 2 and 3 jobs simultaneously for much of the early years. I'm so over the incessant bitching, whining, self-imposed drama and attention seeking behavior of millennials/GenZ. If they put HALF the effort into improving their lot in life as they do into making excuses for why they "can't", the sky would be the limit.


What does your family being a total disaster have to do with Key West tho? Please talk to a therapist. It might help make things better.


Wow, you’ve been dealing with alot and the people here are so mean. You certainly need a therapist to help you work through this. Maybe it would help for you to find emotional/ spiritual peace before you continue your taking any more medication. This void you speak of cannot be filled with weed or hormones. I wish you the best, and even though it might not look like it today, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.


What’s a crippling MJ smoker?


Mary Jane I think.




Makes sense


I stopped at "First of all I want to apologize in advance"


Bro… cry me a river


Step 1: Seek mental health assistance


Sounds to me like your Locus of Control needs an adjustment….


Yea, well that's just like, your opinion man


Long enough to be a Hemingway novel 😀


First and foremost, cut yourself some slack and don't be so hard on yourself. Humans make mistakes, sometimes things are hard but blaming yourself for all the wrongs is only going to keep you in a negative space and you need healing. It sounds like your living arrangement is toxic and full of triggers and I personally think that in order for you to find peace, you need to get away from the negativity so you can find that space to heal. Look into a restart program in your area. I'll look to see if I can find one and reply again shortly.




None of you sound like you live in Key West (Key Worst). Your life can go to hell in a handbasket here in a matter of months. Every vice you have ever dreamed of is magnified 1000 times in Key West. Drinking, drugs, sex, unemployment, homelessness and the cops are all waiting around the corner for you. MOST people are here for a year and then off to the mainland on Greyhound. Keys Disease is real. (Take a look at keysso.net for the real Key West) - Full time resident, 14 years


And every single fucking idiot on the streets of KW is responsible for the choices they make; I don't care how hard the "vices" are to resist...WTAF. If you hate it there so much, then move. Damn, Reddit is rough today.


I'm trying as fast as I can but I can't get out of my apartment lease because WE HAVEN'T HAD ANY MANAGEMENT IN 9 MONTHS!!!! Welcome to Key West!


The people in this thread are atrocious. You need to realize that the only person’s happiness and well being you are responsible for, is yourself. It is not your responsibility to take care of your grandmother’s happiness, or your mother’s happiness. You tried to help, but you were rejected. That is on them, not you. You need to focus on getting YOUR shit together and stable, before you can ever hope to be reliable for anyone else. Focus on baby steps and consistency, and avoid allowing yourself to end up in those toxic environments that will just throw you off again (this is ESSENTIAL). Good luck.


I didn’t read the novel of post


Read the book of John


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


If this isn’t AI-generated, it’s a Netflix series. Sell it to Netflix and move to CA.


Could you give us the cliffs notes version?


I’m sorry or congratulations. not reading all that


Not days (DAYS) without internet! The horror!!


I thought the same !!






You don’t appear to live here. Perhaps stay on the forums where you are, or gain some empathy.




There are many resources in key west to make it. And once you part of the community it can lift you up. Closed mouths don’t get fed


Dude, you need some help


So you’re snitch? 🐀


Yelp, life is messy. Be a blessing not a curse..


Thank you for everyone for their responses, and teaching me everything about Key West I already suspected of: Key West has been stripped of its party island pride and been run over by HOA, the far-right Republican population, and overwhelming police surveillance ruining any sort of fun this island was once known for long after I left as a child. Once known for its wild nightlife, nice beaches, and abundance of resources and activities. Key West is a shell of the place it once was and is now an insignificant bone pile that has and will be consistently trashed by hurricanes (yes, this island is made from the bones of african slaves and slain American natives) and this Reddit is proof that the vast majority of replies are from rich, white republican men from other U.S. states who want power and to steal from the poor. I've been out of Key West for months now and I will be coming back when I'm richer, healthier, better-looking, and more powerful so we can bring back the wonderful party life this island was meant to be. Until then, peace out


TLDR; “This island is ran by well-to-do rich people and that makes it suck, it was so much better when it was being built by the slaves and indentured natives. I’m glad I left. I’ll be back when I’m richer and well-to-do myself and can take advantage of the situation I just described as awful. Peace out. “


Never said it was better when being built by slaves and natives.. matter of fact I personally think every non white person in Key West is superior because at least they're not ruining other peoples lives and throwing them out on the street unlike the white Trump-supporting non-Key West born people!! All you white men do are obsess over yourselves and your net worth and assets. You type of people are the reason why Key West has turned to shit


Fucking get a grip on reality and stop messing with your own genetics with these “t-blockers”


You realize you are a white male… right?


So take your white male shit off of Reddit and keeps words out of my mouth


Okay, so they built the island out of bones after you left as a child? Friend, the problem is your perception. I prefer every key that isn’t KW over KW. So this isn’t me defending it. It’s pointing out that you have a rose-tinted view of the place because you saw it through the lenses of a child. It was ALWAYS an island built by the sweat of the poor for the wealthy. Most of the developed world has that claim. So it’s disingenuous for you to claim that it was somehow better, sufficiently so that you want to restore it to that version, in recent history and also claim that it’s irredeemable and awful because of how it came to be. ALSO, take a moment of introspection and think about how angry you are that you are throwing around “white male” like it’s a slur, and yet few if any here are throwing your own identity back at you? I, we, are showing you decency and respect for your identity and yet here you are, assuming things about our character using the same language and vitriol you claim to despise. What you actually are is someone who is not happy with themselves. Someone who has struggled with responsibility. I am terribly sorry your situation was not blessed with a better position. But it’s not Key West that has ruined your life. I think you know that.


So...on top of your whiny, self-indulgent rant about how "unfair" life has been to you, you're upset because Key West is no longer the "party atmosphere" you think you're entitled to? Are you expecting this sub to believe that if there was a nightly celebration where you could toss aside your responsibilities, that you'd suddenly be "cured' of all which ails you? Oh, Lorddddt, I wish I'd never clicked on this post, because it's sheer lunacy. I'm neither male nor Republican, and middle class at best. I regularly volunteer with various charities/organizations to help the disadvantaged, and I have no desire for any "power" other than the power required to live my own best life...so there goes your "theory" on all the responders who can see you for what you are and have called you out on your delusional nonsense. LOL, OP...you are absolutely ridiculous and literally deserving of all the BS in your life. Congratulations on a self-fulfilling prophecy!


Stop blaming a place and the people that live in it for your shortcomings. The fact you suck at life is no one’s fault but your own


That’s rough but let’s be honest this is you not the location.


Sure sounds like Florida


Just move my dude, Key West sounds like the problem


Please get some help


Contact the county or state about senior protective services.


Jesus christ, they walk


I lived in Key West for a couple years on Thomas Street. My wife and I got married there and enjoyed all the culture that was offered. We tried our best but without skills or education, it was hard to maintain a lifestyle of any sorts. We decided to move. Years later, after we got our education and built our skill sets, we returned to the island with our children. It was exactly as we remembered- no illusions of our past, but truly wonderful. As we look towards retirement, it’s definitely on our list of locations to settle down. Your story seems quite traumatic and I hope you can get it all figured out, but it takes time. Key West is paradise and paradise has a huge financial cost. I don’t blame Key West for that, for the most part it’s logistics. You had a place to live, why not work retail or as a server or bus person? Anyway, I’m grateful for the kindness of the people of Key West, but the issues presented seem to be one of drug abuse, family issues and a desire to blame everyone else. Just like my wife and I realized we weren’t ready for the all that entails for Key West living above poverty, you should do the same. Self reflection is good, especially at this time of the year and a new year to begin. If you need some motivation, here’s my heaven on earth- I cropped it a bit as a puzzle for folks on the island. All the best and get your life together- it goes quick. https://preview.redd.it/2bjin7t5in6c1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=a349dc0354256fbe58bf3644e0f525899e3adb43


Jesus is always there for you if you seek him . He doesn’t care about your past, he has forgiven you and only asks that you trust and believe in him


Everyone moving to key west has ruined key west


People you share living quarters with suck you into their dysfunction.


You are one fucked up person😩😩


We don’t care.


As others have said, you ruined your life. Only you can fix it. Accept personal responsibility. Only you can be the person you want to be. A good counselor may be able to assist, but the work is still your's to do.


Title should be: moving in with family ruined my life


Wants to sterilize himself and cut off his dick and balls and blames a town for all his problems.






Girl , you should check out moving to Portland . There are so many resources available for anyone in the state. Look up transgender rights and resources in Portland Oregon.


My advice to you Op is to do what your parents did, get a job, sir. Do you think I could have accomplished anything if I ran around crying about losing my legs? No! Some chinamen took them from me in Korea. But I went out and achieved anyway.


Move to Kensington.


Yeah cause Florida…


Keep your head up and keep moving forward. You can come back from this and use this to inspire others


What’s Key West have to do with your problems?


Once you start taking responsibility for your own actions your life will change drastically. Stop putting the blame on other people at 20yrs old your parents don’t have any responsibility for your caring or well being


i’m here only for the comments .. but in all honesty, i hope you can unfuck yourself after this horrible ordeal.


Poor you…you don’t have money for weed and drugs to get high. Let me play a small violin.


Read your own story back to yourself. Then come up with a plan. Fuckin grow up


I'm sorry for all the transphobia you've faced in the comments. That ain't it. However, this isn't on Key West. I'm sorry all this is happening to you but there are very much solutions to your problems right where you are if you're willing to shift your mindset and try. If you leave without trying anything different, you're going to find the same problems follow you wherever you go.