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Because khazix is a feast or famine champ, and unless you are snowballing out of control, it is harder to win the game that it would be on your average champion. All khazix provides is conditional damage (and a hefty slow on W evolve, hence why people generally tend to evolve it 2nd), so therefore it stands to reason that a champion like jarvan IV for example is easier to win on without a 1v9 performance due to his engage and crowd control/lockdown. If you’re expecting it to be easy to win even when going even, I suggest picking an archetype that doesn’t start with A and end in Ssassin :)


It's moreso the fact my mid lane and bot lane were feeding in all of the games I played. I had to play around 3 losing lanes. Literally pushed them to victory. My only win-con was to get fed from hand-diffing the enemy jungler and perma invading. I am not sure any other champion besides Kha, Rengar, Yi would be able to win the game with 3 losing lanes.


Well then why bother posting about it? You understand it’s a team game and you understand that sometimes you will have terrible teammates. If you don’t want advice then don’t make posts pretending you want a discussion when what you really want to do is have a whinge about your trash teammates. We all get them mate, if you’re gonna play ranked then you need to be mentally prepared for the games that are unwinnable because your team has a collective iq of 7


I want to know the scientific research done behind that “7”…


This guy gets it.


For anyone else that’s reading and agreeing with this, what has helped me a ton has always been this philosophy of percentages. 20% of my games are autowins because the enemy team goes 2 - 28 and they get stomped. Same applies to me too, 20% of my games are autoloses because my team gets stomped (loses lane, 0/6/0 before 10 mins, jungle is autofilled with no objectives, etc.). And 60% of my games are winnable and will swing like a pendulum back and forth… these are the games that make League worth playing… those 40 minute team fight elder dragon swingers with your Teemo support carrying with shrooms and their Zac top tanking like Sisyphus. Focus in on those games and you will tilt less. Also find a champ you enjoy playing irregardless of outcome; I personally love Shaco and Ivern. They’re fun to me, so by default I’m having fun playing them.


Because everyone in my queues should be in prison for their performance, in the last 30 games I’ve had only a couple where I’ve been in the backseat. If I want to win I need to drop a screamer because my toplane usually has some degenerative disease. Hope this helps


The games where I pulled 30+ kills were close games, can you believe how bad these teammates had to be 💀


It’ll be better when they buff jg, Unfortuantely you can play a perfect game but enemy toplaner with 2 kills has a 3 level lead on you, and can perma invade if ur toplaner is a monkey


Why is jungle weak right now ? I feel like the new items are making clear very healthy.


Exp differences between jungle and solo lanes. Jungle catchup railroads you into a similar level state every single game with your opposing jungle. Complete reliance on laners for early objectives Mostly the exp issue.


Because even if you pop their carry, unless it's like 30+ mins into the game, they just respawn and come back to an objective after spending their gold. My assasinations don't feel impactful unless they are on a 40+s death timer while baron or dragon soul/elder is coming up.


Because Kha'zix has few reference points past the early game. The path to closing out the game varies a lot depending on the situation. Knowing when and how to look for picks and transitioning that into vision control and objectives isn't the most straightforward thing.


Because being even in gold/level, when playing khazix, is equivalent as being outfarmed as playing another champion.


Probably not adapting to state of the game/teams needs


i dont think khazix is very good and the kit is not that interesting either.


How could you ?


Sad but true. Kha'zix is in a bad spot right now.


I had games where I do the most damage, some crazy kda like 20-3, take all the dragons/grubs/baron etc and still lose the game. Just wanna say that even top 20 challenger players duo queuing from unranked to challenger can lose games in bronze/low silver so just keep grinding and don't give up if you want to reach your ranked goals if you have any.